under fire

Chapter 344 Who is better informed

Chapter 344 Who is better informed

Before dawn, a few people entered the village, causing a barking of dogs. After a few reprimands from the owner in the night, the dogs whined, and the village gradually returned to calm.

Under the eaves of a dilapidated house, two figures, one big and one small, were leaning on the straw.

Xu Xiao watched the squad leader gnaw all the chicken he used to eat, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Little one, how much did you make?" Luo Fugui's eyes were bright.

"Five." Xu Xiao replied honestly with a smirk, "I handed over three."

"did you eat?"

"I ate it, but I didn't eat the chicken."

"You idiot." Luo Fugui pulled another one out of the bag next to Xu Xiao, still dripping with soup.

Pulled a chicken leg and handed it to Xu Xiao.

"Hey, this traitor is so insignificant that he doesn't need to roast it." Xiong felt a little regretful.

Most of the team did not come, but hid in the house of a fortress in another village five miles west of Hu Yi's current village.

The patrols of the devils in the security area are not very strict, and they mainly rely on traitors to wander around.

To the west of this blockade ditch, there is a large area of ​​the national army guerrilla defense area, and the devils are strange that they did not sweep it on a large scale.

But law and order is better!
The reason is simple, there are eight roads in the mountain, but they can't pass through the guerrilla defense zone of the national army. The devils discovered this very keenly.

And few people who can survive in troubled times are fools.

Bandits, local anti-Japanese armed forces, security regiments, guerrillas, traitors, and puppet troops all occupied territory in the guerrilla area west of the blockade ditch for a while. Most of them went to the devils to register.

In the troubled times, the devils did not come to sweep up the land, and the common people did not live better because of a big river winding through this land.

Most of the land is owned by armed rich people, most of the common people are tenant farmers, and there are various armed forces on the roads to collect taxes on the roads, and the common people suffer unspeakably.

Without land, they left their homes and became refugees. Some people joined various forces, and even became bandits. Some people begged, and those with connections went to the cities to work.

Such a chaotic situation has given all the Eighth Route Army who think about the common people a chance to grow rapidly!

inside the house.

"Why are you here?" Hu Yi, who was woken up by Tang Dagou, opened his eyes and looked at the familiar figure squatting beside him, feeling a little at a loss in the haze.

Su Qing's face was cold, and her beautiful eyebrows were raised: "The situation has changed, and your mission has been cancelled!"

Knowing that Su Qing will have such an attitude, Hu Yi enjoys it, is he concerned about me: "What do you mean?"

Some urgent voice: "There is news from the inside line. It is urgent. Your whereabouts in Xujiazhuang have been exposed."

"What? How is it possible?" Hu Yi was shocked.

"You don't need to know, the information is absolutely accurate."

"Then, what are you going to do?" Hu Yi asked subconsciously before he recovered.

"The mission continues, and another group of people will act." In the dark, Su Qing's tone was unquestionable, as if she was the commander of the army.

"I don't quite understand." Hu Yi was still a little confused.

"Last time when Li Yong was in ambush, a prisoner was released. This person happened to go to Xujiazhuang. He is a member of the Rangers. This prisoner recognized one or several of you."

"People from the Rangers? Logically speaking, they are also incompatible with the devils. Does it matter?" Hu Yi slowly regained his composure, frowning.

Su Qing thought for a while, and said bitterly: "You used to belong to the 67th Army. You should know how our relationship with the national army was before the devils invaded. Don't forget, just the year before last, the reactionaries created friction event."

"Then, why didn't the Rangers report to the devils and traitors? In the situation where the yard is full of devils and traitors, we have no chance to escape at all." Although Hu Yi felt lucky, cold sweat broke out on his head.

"unknown reason."

"Want to have a meeting?"

"No, didn't you decide to act tomorrow night? There is enough time tomorrow." Su Qing yawned unconsciously.

"Girl is in the back room, why don't you rest for a while?" Hu Yi cautiously suggested.

no respond.

Su Qing stood up, and silently groped into the back room.

Hu Yi was no longer sleepy, and he still lay down unwillingly: Has anyone seen him?

I began to recall the faces of the security forces under Li Yong who were let go that night.

After thinking for a long time, I have no clue.

"Squad leader, why don't you go to sleep in the upper floor, and I'll stand guard." Xiaojiang Xu chewed up all the chicken bones in his hand and swallowed them. He was still excited after seeing the big world in Xujiazhuang yesterday.

"Didn't you get something else?"

"No, it's all on the girl's side."

"What did you have for dinner?"

"It's nothing, stewed chicken, tofu, chicken, and roasted knuckles. I heard that tomorrow will be the main meal."

"His grandma's, why did I register with the police force? I'm so unlucky." Luo Fugui swallowed back the saliva that flowed out.

My intestines are full of regrets. If it wasn’t for Lao Zhou’s mention, there would be a portrait of himself pasted at the gate of the city, and if he went to the city to hang around in the future, he would be arrested as soon as he showed up. It seems that he has no chance to go to Xujiazhuang tomorrow. Dozens of traitors came here, but not hundreds tomorrow?

Luo Fugui, who was in high spirits, leaned against the wall and fell asleep, and Xu Xiao didn't speak anymore.

He knew that the platoon leader had only driven in the middle of the night and was very tired, so he pulled a marching blanket for Luo Fugui to put on, turned around and walked out of the village.

The sun rose high.

A small pigtail dangled twice, opened his eyes, blinked twice, was about to stretch and get up in the face of the morning sun coming in through the broken window, when the posture was just stretched out, his foot suddenly kicked a person, and he froze suddenly .

He jumped up all of a sudden, and saw Su Qing who was still asleep: "Hey, Miss Su Qing, when did you come?"

Su Qing was kicked by the girl, changed her posture, and did not respond.

The girl stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Su Qing's white face, but there was still no response.

Smiling, she covered Su Qing with the thin quilt she was wearing, put on a coat by herself, stuffed her little feet into cloth shoes, lifted a big burden on the table, opened the door and went out.

Ignoring the person who slept all over the floor, I ignored Luo Fugui who was snoring when I went to the door, and went straight to the kitchen next to me.

"Wang Xiaosan, what's for breakfast?" Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaosan was busy, and the officer Liu next to him was lighting a fire.

"Sister Liu, you're here too." He also greeted her.

"Come here at dawn." Officer Liu answered with a smile while stuffing the wheat straw into the stove.

"Mix some of this into the porridge." The girl handed the burden to Wang Xiaosan.

Wang Xiaosan saw the oil-soaked package in her little hand as soon as the girl entered the door.

His eyes lit up, and he opened the bag: "My dear, is this the New Year?"

"Hey, cook more, don't let it be sour at noon."

"OK, I'll cook a few more pots."

"How many people are here?" Xiao Hongying continued to ask.

"Our Ninth Company, plus Platoon Leader Wang and the others are all here."

"Oh. Are they in that village to the west?" Before the meeting last night, the girl knew about this arrangement, so she just confirmed it.

"According to the company commander's arrangement, they are all nesting there." Wang Xiaosan turned his head and smiled: "Should I send some to him?"

"It's up to you."

At this moment, Ma Liang and Pu Buhuan Tang Dagou, who got up early, were dressed as ordinary people and were on duty at the entrance of the village, holding a small meeting by the way.

"You said we could really dodge bullets?" Ma Liang looked disbelieving.

"Believe it or not!" Park Buhuan had already explained the principle of dodging bullets again.

"There seems to be some truth in what you said, it should be true." Dagou, who was born in a secret service company, is a staunch supporter of Park Buhuan.

"I have to go back to sleep for a while, you two talk slowly." Pu Buhuan stood up, turned and walked to the village.

Ma Liang smiled at the big dog: "I never asked you, what is the origin of this surname Pu?"

The big dog finally heard that Ma Liang's purpose was to learn how to do it, so he quickly raised his head, pretending to look at the sky and not talking.

Ma Liang and Sun Cui have an unusual relationship, so they want to get news without giving any benefits, and there is no door.

Seeing that the big dog didn't speak, Ma Liang said, "Why, you don't want to tell me, I'll ask someone else."

"Hey, don't worry, what the hell, I'm thinking about what to tell you." The big dog quickly pulled Ma Liang who stood up: "This is Pu."

(End of this chapter)

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