under fire

Chapter 345 Buffer

Chapter 345 Buffer

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a man with a barely pulled out smiling face crooked at the door, Su Qing's cold eyes were full of anger, and the smiling face immediately returned to calm, speechless.

Su Qing narrowed her eyes slightly, then stared at Hu Yi fiercely, Hu Yi, who was leaning on the door frame, took a step back, staggered and almost fell, and asked in the smallest voice possible: "Are you awake?"

After finishing speaking, I turned back immediately, the people in the outhouse had long since disappeared, and my heart was fine.

Su Qing hugged the marching blanket and sat up: "What are you doing standing at the door?"

Hu Yi stood firm, yes!What am I doing at the door.

What she meant was not to stand at the door, so should I go in or get out?

He shouldn't let himself in, how could he let me in, so he turned around.

Su Qing was silent, she clearly hoped that he would come in, but she didn't mean it.

"I found someone who is shameless and shameless!" The girl moved her eyes away from the crack of the door, with a look of desolation on her small face.

"Who?" Luo Fugui just woke up from the sun.Yawning, blinking sleepy eyes.

"Who else do you think? The one who came out of the room!" The girl folded her arms.

Luo Fugui stared at Xiao Hongying, confused, blinked his ugly eyes, looked around, saw Hu Yi walking out of the gate, finally woke up, and immediately coughed violently like choking water.

He wanted to understand the cause and effect, but he really couldn't understand how two people who were terribly cold had the guts to be shameless.

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, Hu Yi subconsciously looked at his clothes, as if there was nothing wrong with him: "What are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything, let's see if your face is there!" The girl chuckled.

Hu Yi with black hair, stepped forward and grabbed the girl's arm and walked out of the courtyard.

When Su Qing came out, Luo Fugui watched very carefully.

Seeing her feet from head to toe, she could even see that her uncombed hair was a little messy, then quickly turned her head and continued to look sideways.

Su Qing glanced at Luo Fugui, didn't care about these details at all, and went to the kitchen on her own. There is no shortage of water in this area, so washing your face and hair can't let it go.

A security team carrying big bags and carrying baskets walked on the way out of the mountain facing the sun.

The strange thing is that Lao Gao, a security guard in the team, has a bulging chest, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell what's going on at a glance.

When we got outside the Paolougou suspension bridge, a tall and thin figure walked outside the suspension bridge and yelled loudly: "Captain Zhu, what are you doing hiding behind the mound of dirt? Hurry up and set up the suspension bridge."

"Oh, Commander Gou, what wind blows you out of the mountain, brother?" A body on high alert emerged from the mound.

After finishing speaking, he waved to the security team next to him, and the khaki figures next to him rushed out of the earthworks and placed the suspension bridge.

Captain Zhu stood on the opposite side of the suspension bridge: "Brother Shanzhen has eaten too much, this time I am going to Xujiazhuang when I leave the mountain?"

"Hey, my mouth is almost like a bird, I can't hide anything from you."

"It's still early, why don't you sit here for a while?" Captain Zhu looked at the security team facing him, his eyes shining brightly.

"Sit down, the sun will be more poisonous later."

While talking, he still led the people across the suspension bridge, and followed Captain Zhu into the gun tower.

As soon as I turned into the house from the gate of the gun tower, I was hit by a choking smell and I took two or three steps back.

Captain Gou looked into the room and saw a crock pot squatting on the table, two or three lying on the ground, and a pile of dishes on the table.

They were neatly arranged, with melon seeds and peanut enema, bacon, and fried chicken. I couldn't see anything else clearly, but there was a vaguely roasted chicken lying on the plate.

"Hey, Instructor Takahashi went to Xujiazhuang, otherwise we wouldn't have the same share as our brothers."

"These things must be sent away before that little devil Gaoqiao comes back in the dark. They are all specialties in the mountains. There are dozens of goods from the ocean, so don't get them dirty." Captain Gou looked at the mountain goods brought in from behind.

"Brother, don't worry, everyone here is our own except for instructor Takahashi. Takahashi will definitely not come back tonight."

"Is the news you sent yesterday reliable?" Captain Gou asked.

"Of course it's reliable. Those Eight Roads go around all day long. Our brothers would have recognized them. If it weren't for your face, we would have sold them to the black dog for wine money. It's just a bit strange. They are all dressed up as black dogs, and there is a little girl in the middle, probably someone's girl."

"Could it be that Balu colluded with traitors?" Captain Gou's eyes lit up, and if he caught this, he would fire.

"Impossible, Balu is very stubborn. The traitor must be Balu in disguise. The Balu we know, surnamed Wu, did not enter Xujiazhuang. All the people who entered were strangers, a total of seven people."

"Are you sure it's Balu? What are they trying to do?"

"Who knows, I dare not say anything else, but it is definitely not to persuade the old man of the Xu family to resist the Japanese."


"The one surnamed Wu went to persuade the old man of the Xu family once, and he almost tied him up and sent him to the detective team. The security team of the detective team and the imperial army, are they looking for death?"


"Hey, Commander Gou, I didn't mention you."

"We've been doing business with the Xu family. You have to pay attention. You must not let the Eighth Road snatch this line, or we brothers will all have to drink the northwest wind!"

"How can it be? Sit down, I know you're coming, brother has specially prepared some food."

"It's early in the morning, what wine do you drink?" Commander Gou was a little displeased.

"It's rare for you to come out once. Knowing that Commander likes to drink a few sips, I specially asked someone to bring you two cans of Lao Baigan from the provincial capital! Let's just have a drink, and the rest will be sent to you later."

"That's all right, just one cup." Gou Lingling's eyes lit up, he stepped forward, stretched out his hand and tore off one of the roasted chicken's legs.

One of the subordinates who followed hurriedly stepped forward to pour the wine.

"Captain Zhu, have you found out where Balu is staying?"

"I'm not sure about this. The people we arranged met on the road. Later, we followed them and found that they went to a village south of Xujiazhuang. After they left at night, there was no one there."

"Think of a way to figure it out. Send me this wine to the mountain. Let's have a good drink when we get back."

"Hey, I said Commander Gou, let's make our own money. I think it's better not to provoke the Eighth Route Army, those are all lifeless things." Captain Zhu drank the wine in one gulp: "I heard that the Taijun ruled you all. Not satisfied with the Eight Routes activities, the imperial army has issued a new mission, saying that they will cut down all the trees outside the mountain, you know about this, right?"

"Chop it all up? Do you think it's possible? Do you want to live?"

"That's the imperial army's request, who would dare not listen?" Captain Zhu gloated.

"Damn it, I've got through with the dozen or so village owners in the mountains, and I won't cut it down. The little devil is capable, so he brings his own people to cut it down!"

"You can't say that. The imperial army gave you face and didn't sweep you up. Brother, don't push yourself!"

"Bullshit, the last time they entered the mountain, I didn't use the black gun to shoot them coldly. It's enough to give them face. Let me cut down the tree. There is no cover or stop. Do you think we are all fools?"

"It's not that I told you to build the gun tower, but you didn't. The imperial army is very dissatisfied with you, so you have to take it easy."

"It doesn't matter. There are eight roads in the south. They are busy. The eight roads in the mountains are still powerful. I heard that after their old den was surrounded by devils, they revived. Some time ago, they ordered to take revenge on the devils. There may be big moves, you kid also be careful."

"Where did you get the news?"

"You do business with us, don't say you don't know where those things go, you'd better keep it in your stomach."

"Aren't the others also connected with Eight Roads?"

"Fart, I don't care about other places, but if things come into the mountain from this land, they can only look for me, understand?" Commander Gou looked smug, and when he saw his subordinates moving all the mountain goods into the gun tower, he sneered. Sucking up all the wine in the glass: "Okay, it's getting late and I have to go, and I won't be in time for the Xu family's birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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