under fire

Chapter 346

Chapter 346

As the sun rose high, the casino in Xujiazhuang opened again.

Mahjong, Pai Gow, and dice rattled, and the noise and shouts shook the sky.

A man with a full face is sitting on the Pai Gow table as the banker, tapping the Pai Gow: "Stay, buy, raise, bid!"

A gray shirt is half open, scornful of everything, judging from the bets in front of him, it is not much, it should not be too long since the stage started.

There are four people at a table, and the betting gamblers clap the dominoes on the table, attracting a large number of spectators.

The monkey yawned and stayed there until midnight, without finding a chance to sneak into the backyard.

Not long after dawn, the mahjong next to him rang. After holding back for a long time, I couldn't sleep anymore. I rubbed my eyes, got up from the floor, found a place with water and washed my face.

I'm already familiar with the people around me, so I didn't make any moves last night, and I still won a lot of money.

Playing dice is the easiest. Players guess odd or even. The banker who plays Pai Gow should have only come today, and he knows it is not easy at first glance.

Monkeys are not afraid of masters, because masters are moral, but it is this kind of card skills that do not seem to be particularly good. If the player wins a little, he may not make any moves. Several of them are supporters, and they will have to walk around when they can't eat anymore, and they can do anything with black hands and sap.

There are a lot of colorful bills in the monkey's pocket, and mahjong can block the periphery, which is meaningless, and the initiative is in the hands of others.

Walking around to the table where the dice was played, the dealer was killing all directions, and there were more black-clothed traitors, yellow-clothed security forces, and law-and-order troops looking around than the gamblers, and they kept yelling to cheer for familiar people.

The monkey squeezed in with all his strength, and got close to the gaming table.

Looking at the crooked sizes, odd and even pairs carved on the table with a knife, the betting method is very simple and rough.

If the dealer shakes it into three sixes, it will be a leopard, killing all.

Players are not stupid, they can bet a small amount for the first time, double the bet if they lose, and quadruple the bet if they lose again, as long as they win once out of three hands, they will win.

But the dealer has the initiative.

The monkey pursed his lips and looked at the guy next to him. He had a little trick in his hand. No accident, he probably used a magnet in his hand, and he could flip dice from the bottom of the table. This is a common trick in Tianjin casinos.

Since the dealer is so big, the monkey distinguishes a few goods that are obviously underpinned.

It's not hard to get some money.

The banker must win money, but the banker cannot win all the time, lest people see the flaws, and generally transfers the money to an underpinning.

Then you only need to look at how much the gamblers bet on the table. If someone bets big, he bets small.

The monkey doesn’t bet much each time, only one or two cents. If the rich bet big, he bets small. It’s very simple, take a little money.

As the dice on the table rattled in the dice cup, the shouting and shouting behind them rose to the sky again.

open open open
Unsurprisingly, Monkey bet [-] cents and won again. The dealer threw over [-] cents, and the one who bet [-] yuan slammed his head on the table and scolded his mother.

After playing for a while, I found it boring, so I decided to meet the big man in black.

There were already five people sitting on the edge of the table, and the monkey pushed one away: "Let's make it."

Seeing a new gambler, the big man beamed and said, "We played right, four cards! One dime, one piece of the warehouse, double the cards, can you play?"

The monkey's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that there were people playing tricks in this place.

This game is very interesting, there is no dealer, and the players take turns dealing the cards.

Each person is dealt two hole cards first, and decides whether to take the third card according to the quality of the cards in their hands. If the hole cards are good, they will ask for a card. At this time, they will have to double their money, and if they want a fourth card, they will have to double their money. In the end, you can use the cards in your hands to fight for positions and bet against each other, that is, all the chips on the table of both parties.

The last four cards are divided into two groups, and everyone compares the size on the table
The comparison method is also simple. After combining two groups, they are divided into two groups. The big group is compared to the large group, and the small group is compared to the small group.

This is very fair, even if you get Supreme, if the combination of the other two cards is too small, you will not win any money, which is very exciting.

There is a saying that a big head saves life, and a big tail eats skin.

The monkey dropped a dime slowly, touched the two cards that were dealt, put them on the table, and threw another dime: "Raise."

The man opposite looked at him with a smile: "Brother, I saw that you won a lot there just now, I wish you a good start!"

"I said, how do you know I won over there?"

"Hey, I guessed it." The man smiled and said nothing.

The monkey laughed nonchalantly: "I entrust you with auspicious words"

Half an hour later, only the monkey and the big man were left on the table.

There is a lot of banknotes piled up in front of the monkey. This kind of gambling is also interesting. The winning money cannot be placed at the table unless you don’t want to play and leave.

The man had already lost everything in front of him, with a dark face, blinked his eyes, and looked at the monkey helplessly: "Brother, you have to forgive others and forgive others."

"Hey, if it wasn't for my itchy hands, I wouldn't bother to talk to you, okay, then stop here!" The monkey put the banknotes on the table and a gold bar in the middle and put them in his pocket, and went straight out of the outer courtyard, throwing a sign To guard the bicycle.

"I'm going to follow?" A Todier approached with a smile.

"No, he has to come back later!" The big man looked angry, he had lost one of his gold bars, angrily picked up the dominoes on the table and looked carefully, and finally found the signs.

The sides of the dominoes were scratched with fine marks, and the position of each domino was different. The man was shocked: This guy is out of a thousand!
Thinking about it carefully, I finally realized that the ring this kid was wearing must have a mechanism. He took advantage of the opportunity to mark all 32 cards, and then he asked stupidly to change the bottom of the card to one. Lao Cang, this time I met a master!

Unexpectedly, the boat capsized in the gutter.

Willing to gamble and admit defeat, as for daring to bet in front of Lao Tzu?Isn't that courting death?The man smiled grimly: "Brothers, come and go with me!"

After finishing speaking, the three guards who supported the man wandered out of the outer courtyard following the man who had received the dominoes.

Monkey rode a bicycle, looking at the four nursing homes behind who could not follow, feeling relieved.

Chief Hu left last night, and the task he gave was to lure a few nursing homes out, because the long-term workers arranged by Lao Zhou had limited news.

It seems that the task this time has been completed well.

Looking back again, the bicycle behind is pedaling fast.

The monkey had black hair, and he pedaled the bicycle vigorously. He is small in stature but not weak in strength.

Then there was a strange scene on the main road, a traitor was running ahead on a bicycle, and four big guards were chasing after him on bicycles.

The two sides did not speak.

until more than half an hour later.

The man panted heavily, seeing the speed of the black dog of the detective team in front slow down, and turned into the nearby village.

Daxi: "Hey, he can't run anymore, you two go outflank the village!"

Wait for the two brothers to run to both sides.

The man said to himself: "I see where are you going? If you want to stay in the village, I dare not do anything. Hey, if you run outside, I will cut off your hand if you don't want your life! Your small body Can riding a bicycle compare with Lao Tzu?"

Immediately after arriving at the entrance of the village, he braked suddenly, and the bicycle of the man in black in front was thrown on the side of the road.

The man put one foot on the ground, looked at the footprints on the ground towards the village, pulled out the rifle from the holster, and pressed down the nose.

With a bang, the bicycle was thrown aside.

Out of breath, the monkey ran into the village, and hurried to the corner where Pu Buhuan, who was squatting under the eaves and dressed as a farmer, said, "Lao Piao, here are four."

After speaking, he leaned on the wall and panted hard and rolled his eyes.

Park Buhuan was overjoyed, grabbed the bayonet next to him and got up, moved his body, and prepared to go up to the roof.

"Hey, you fucking catcher, what are you doing with a bayonet?" Tang Dagou protruded a half-bald head from the wall next to him.

Pu Buhuan stuffed the bayonet to the monkey, grabbed a thick wooden stick next to him and muttered casually: "Didn't there be four here, why don't you just keep one?"

"There are two outside the village, and Ma Liang has passed by." Tang Dagou retracted his head after speaking.

 The first snow in the cold river, we are very interesting,
(End of this chapter)

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