under fire

Chapter 446

Chapter 446
The security regiment soldiers brought by Hu Yi and the part brought by the girl were all selected by Sun Youshang. They were all from the same village, and most of them knew each other.

Because the government of the Republic of China was corrupt and life was difficult, he became a bandit, but after the devils came, he was recruited by Commander Gou, the defeated army of the national army.

As for whether he had any previous convictions for murder, Hu Yi didn't ask. When he came out with political commissar Ding this time, they all left files. As for the authenticity of the files, the political commissar had taken away and arranged for personnel to verify.

After all, the security group is different from the bandits, they have channels to do business!He didn't do many things against the heavens and reason, and the target of the business was the Eighth Route Army, and his power was unchecked, so it was inevitable to run rampant in the countryside.

A small number of defeated soldiers of the national army were all stuffed into Tang Dagou's "squad", causing his squad to seriously exceed the standard, with the number reaching 32.

Almost all the veterans who entered the Ninth Company first became squad leaders. With Lao Qin around, their consciousness has improved a lot!
The Jiulian soldiers would rather be locked up than to be talked to by Lao Qin alone, so the discipline of the Jiulian has improved a lot without knowing it.

After several battles, the soldiers of the Ninth Company divided each other into factions. Ma Liang was the direct descendant, Luo Fugui was born to his mother, Tian Sanqi was an obedient buddy, Chen Chong was adopted, Li Xiang was a lonely monster, Tang Dagou was like A second-door son-in-law.

The tempering of the war has made Jiulian develop even faster. The key point is that it grows too fast like a weed, lacks ideological education, and accidents will happen sooner or later!

Therefore, when Jiulian dealt with the soldier under Dagou who went to the brothel to make trouble, the head of the regiment did not express his opinion, and the political commissar did not plan to punish him, but suggested that he should be given two travel expenses to let him go. There are too many people in Jiulian, and there is no time to think about it one by one. Education, Lao Qin was too busy alone, the key is that the Ninth Company is not a company at all, and has entered the enemy-occupied area to carry out armed struggle work.

The guy took two dollars and left without hesitation, but after the political commissar and the team leader left, he sneaked to the big dog and cried for a long time in the middle of the night, and promised that if there was a next time, he would cut off the pee thing!

I don't know what Hu Yi was thinking, but he actually kept the guy named Guo Ji.

Hu Yi knew very well what the national army's rout was. Everyone worked hard when they were fighting against the wind. Once they were defeated, they ran faster than anyone else. They were no different from the security forces on the opposite side!
Ideological work, there is a work team, Lao Zhou, with two newly "recruited" female students, and a divisional traffic officer who returned in exchange for two rifles
The other two female students?Erlian Gao Yidao took the route of regiment leader and was assigned one. It would definitely not work to be an instructor of Erlian, and it would definitely be no problem to be a culture teacher.

Gao Yidao, the instructor who has always been alone and very disgusted, suddenly changed his gender, and it was too late for Head Lu to be happy.

The political commissar of the division was worried about how to thank the independent regiment. Originally, he wanted to send a few students to the division headquarters, but he didn't expect the independent regiment to rob them directly. The head of the regiment Lu patted his chest and promised that he would go through the formalities in the division. This way, there is no need to send escorts , Returned the favor of the independent group and took advantage of it, and picked up two rifles for nothing.

All are happy.

Big Dog is very unaccustomed to hanging a buckle gun on his waist. In his opinion, the 50-meter range of that thing is just a decoration. However, Chief Hu has two with him. Ma Liang, Tian Sanqi, Chen Chong, and Li Xiang have them. If he doesn’t have one, Isn't it a downfall?What's more, even his partner Wang Xiaosan has it!

So if you are not used to it, you still have to have things. As for Luo Fugui, who likes to hold a machine gun, he is too lazy to talk to him.
The distance of 100 meters is not a problem at all for the gang of soldiers under him.

Chief Hu's machine gun is really good, but that thing is for suppression, and it is pure luck to hit the security forces' vital points.

So it's very strange that after the battle started, it wasn't Hu Yi's five machine gun teams who killed the most enemies, nor the charging second company and divisional cavalry company, nor even the 2000-odd brigade commander Zhu and the divisional charging troops!

It's the thirty or so under Tang Dagou's men!

These people who have surrendered to the devils in the national army and survived the cruel battlefield, who doesn't have two brushes?
Everyone knows the priority of targets on the battlefield. Those who have machine guns first and then become officials will be reimbursed for the security army machine gunners who have just set up their machine guns.

The rammers who yelled and fought back had blood spattered on their chests and twitched with blood bubbles in their mouths, wishing to see the almost completely black sky again.

The law and order soldiers mastered the basics of the battlefield well. When encountering an ambush, the officer died. The advanced commander was not stupid and could not fight back on the spot. He immediately ordered to retreat first, and then waited for an opportunity to set up a position to fight back!

This retreat, all the backs were sold to Tang Dagou's gang of veterans who fought against the wind and were more powerful than anyone else.

Li Xiang's platoon of throwing soldiers from the Ninth Company had stopped shooting because the observers found that the second company in front was expanding its attack range and getting mixed up with the security forces, so there was no way to fight anymore!

Seeing that the security forces facing him did not fight back in a decent way, Hu Yi rushed out of the trench with two machine gun teams and advanced 50 meters. Unfortunately, he could only clean up the battlefield!

It was also because the Second Company got mixed up with the security forces.

A company of cavalry from the division has rushed "close" to the security forces in front from the side!

Riding on the horse, Brigadier Tang heard the shouts of eight roads to kill, but there were not many gunshots. Whoever retreats, I will shoot him down!"

It's a pity that the security forces who ran by the side shrunk their necks and continued. The direct descendants of the company under him were poorly trained. They were lying on the ground and raised their guns to look behind them. The brothers who were running away, until now, have not even seen the appearance of Balu!

I really want to stand up, the front, back, left, and right are all my own people, I will stand up to you, grandma!

On the right wing, there were constant gunshots, but after a burst of machine gun fire from the Eighth Route Army, the gunfire also stopped, and there were screams of killing.

The brigade commander's judgment was really accurate, and the eighth road really didn't have many bullets!
But what came from behind was the earth-shattering eight-way shouts of killing, and the screams of the brothers, almost no gunshots!
There must be more people in these eight groups than us!Because there are fewer eight-passers, they will definitely not attack.

However, when did cold weapons become the main theme of the battlefield?

The strange situation on the battlefield made it appear that the killing spirit on the battlefield was even stronger.

"Brigade Commander, the situation is not good now. The generals can't see the soldiers, the soldiers can't find the generals, and we can't organize a counterattack at all. Let's retreat a certain distance before establishing a defensive line?" The staff officer next to the brigade commander cautiously suggested.

Brigadier Tang is not an idiot. He never thought that the situation on the battlefield would be so bad. At this moment, the subordinates who ran back and forth saw that the morale of the army had been weakened. If they stayed any longer, they would only make more brothers become souls of the eight-way bayonet: " Damn, these idiots are usually lazy in training, I must teach them a lesson when I go back! Withdraw!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head and ran back along the road. The staff officer finally let out a long breath, and then ordered loudly: "Retreat immediately, retreat to the back village and gather!"

As soon as the security forces on the ground heard the order, they immediately got up, put their guns on their backs, turned around and ran away!

The staff officer made a mistake when he gave the order. He didn't even think about how to retreat step by step, and he didn't even arrange troops to fight back!
Since the imperial army arrived here, when did the imperial association army retreat?
Therefore, he simply forgot the arrangements that should be made when retreating.
The footsteps in the grass gradually became sparse, Gao Yidao, who was charging, was stunned. He was going to fight the bayonet to enjoy himself, but he only stabbed one, and the surrounding security forces knelt on the ground with their guns raised!
Suddenly he couldn't find the target to fight the bayonet, as if he was holding back his strength to feed, but his punch was empty. When charging, the momentum could not be weak, so he had to continue to charge with a dark face.

He knew that Jiulian's fire suppression had played a big role, so he couldn't control it so much at this time, so he made a gesture, and his men directly pulled away from the Jiulian's machine gun trajectory, taking over the Jiulian battlefield together.

The cavalry charge was not as fast as the two-legged ones. When they came from the side, the cavalry company commander was dumbfounded. The soldiers standing in front were all the soldiers of the second company charge, and the ones kneeling were the security forces. Can't find a target to kill!
The cavalry got up and couldn't stop, so they had no choice but to continue to charge forward!

The cavalry rushed over, the second company rushed over, and the remaining group of security forces were dumbfounded, wanting to run?There are also eight-way cavalry on the road next to it, and eight-way machine guns on the south side, and there are also local eight-way infantry who are accurate in shooting guns. If you stand up, you will be shot!

Although the sound of the machine gun stopped, even if he was lucky enough to escape the bullet and run back, wouldn't he be running with Ba Lu?
In that case, sooner or later, he would have to meet the charging Eighth Route. As for the retreat, would he still be able to stab the attacking Eighth Route in the back?But do you still have the guts?
As for the middle lane?Shouting to heaven over the highway!There is no one thousand or less than eight in the eight roads. Is it going to die?
I have heard that the Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially, and maybe they can get two yuan for the ocean fare!
As for the gun, it would be better to be whipped when you go back, than to wait until you are eighteen to become a hero.

What a fart!
 The Battle of Neihuang was one of the strangest battles in the history of the Eighth Route Army's anti-mopping up campaign!The fifth and sixth divisions mobilized the militia, the militia, the teaching team, and the district team, with only more than ten casualties, more than [-] people from the Li Ying Department of the security force were killed, and Tang Haiting, the puppet brigade commander, was killed.
(End of this chapter)

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