under fire

Chapter 447 The Security Army Is Not Vegetarian

Chapter 447 The Security Army Is Not Vegetarian

Commander Li never expected to be defeated so quickly. Fortunately, the road was quite wide and turned around in time!

The guards under him drove countless fleeing people on the road to the field, stood on the side of the road, listened to the shouts of killing slowly getting closer, and hunted geese all day long, but today they were pecked by a goose in one eye, with a gloomy face: " Brigadier Tang, is this the soldiers you lead?"

Passing the reins to the deputy next to him, Brigadier Tang inadvertently sensed the coldness of Li Junchang's breath, and quickly emphasized: "We are in an ambush. I really didn't expect that Tuba Road would dare to attack us!"

"Balu, you were able to take down Huaxian County. The reconnaissance team you sent out is missing. You didn't pay attention to it. Seriously, you failed your duty!"

"Reporting sir, we are really careful. We sent someone to investigate this village, and found no abnormalities an hour ago. It is estimated that Balu occupied the village when our scouts came back to report!"

"The security regiment troops advancing on the east road were also attacked and harassed, but they attached great importance to it and sent a large number of scouts to fight every step of the way. So far, we have not given the Eighth Route any chance, but our security army has been beaten to pieces. Such a disastrous defeat, Brigadier Tang , you haven’t even fully gathered your troops yet, believe it or not, I’ll kill you?”

"Report to the military seat, I will arrange to counterattack the troops that have already gathered. The eighth route is short of guns and ammunition. If they didn't fight bayonets as soon as they came up, they would not be our opponents at all!"

"Okay, I'll be right behind you, and I'll see how you defeat the Eighth Route Army and get rid of the shame."

With a bang, the army commander got into the car with the devil's adviser, and confessed a few words to his staff.

The staff officer of the army stayed on, apparently serving as the brigade commander's supervisor, but the commander himself fled northward.

Of course, what the army commander said about the rear is just talking. Brigadier Tang knows the commander's temper. After all, the plain is so big, and the area to be defended by the army is too wide. Neihuang only has a brigade of more than 3000 troops. .

The sky was not completely dark, and it was even brighter than when we were running just now, because a moon the size of a millstone rose in the eastern sky.

The flashlights were shining everywhere, and Brigadier Tang looked at the chaotic formation of the gathered subordinates, feeling inexplicably irritable, and raised his eyes to look around.

Under his gloomy gaze, all departments gradually became quiet, and people were brought into the team by the containment team.

He straightened his military cap with his hand, walked to the reassembled troops, walked from left to right, and fixed his eyes on everyone in front of him: "Today's battle, although we encountered an ambush from the eight routes, is still very important to us. , is a disgrace!"

None of his men dared to answer.

"The army commander and the adviser of the imperial army are watching from behind. If we can't even fight three times, we will definitely have a hard time in the future. Therefore, from now on, we must immediately organize a counterattack. I still don't believe it, brother They can't even do Tubalu with only three bullets in their hands!"

The troops were still silent, except for the eight roads shouting and killing that were getting closer and closer to the south.

"The guard company is immediately changed to the supervisory team. If anyone escapes from your eyes, I will shoot the nearest supervisory team member. Don't blame me for being ungrateful! Everyone should know Tang's methods!" Holding the horsewhip in his hand, Scanning left and right, he issued an order that shocked all his subordinates.

The staff officer hurriedly came to the commander's side: "The first regiment counterattacked from the front, the second regiment counterattacked from the left, and the third regiment counterattacked from the right. The battalion commanders, company commanders, and platoon leaders should pay attention to the positions of each department. !"

Listening to the sound, the shouts of the eight roads approached about 300 meters away. Brigadier Tang got on his horse and slapped his whip: "This brigade commander will live and die with all the ministries, and rescue the brothers who will be hunted down by Tuba road. All ministries, immediately Expand your formation and attack south!"

Brigadier Tang watched the first regiment and the third regiment lead people away, and felt a little calm. Visually, the loss was not too great. Most of the people were there, so it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

Two to 3000 people, the impact of losing thousands of dollars is really not big!

I have to say that Brigadier Tang's words are not bad. The supervisory team has been divided into three teams to supervise the battle behind each regiment. The morale of his men seems to be not bad.

It's just that he underestimated the Eighth Route Army, and the tactical arrangements were even more outrageous. He always thought that the Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness was not strong, and maybe a single recoil could defeat the Tuba Road, which is good at guerrilla warfare.

Don't blame him, he didn't know that the Eighth Route Army came to reinforce the Second Company and the Nine Company, with rich experience and sometimes mistakes!

In addition to the new defeat, and at night, the best way to deal with it is not to counterattack immediately, but to defend on the spot!

Riding on a war horse, seeing his subordinates marching south with torches, he thought to himself: I have been fighting with the Eighth Route Army for several years, and the Eighth Route Army's tactics have always been to hit and run.

After several years of mopping up, I have also seen officers of the Eighth Route Army who surrendered. Therefore, I am familiar with the tactics of the Eighth Army. Isn’t it just: when the enemy advances, we retreat;
Conversely, now that the security forces are attacking, the Eighth Route Army will definitely retreat, so the next step that should be considered is how to pursue the Eighth Route Army!
Up to now, he still hasn't figured out what kind of medicine Tubalu took to dare to take the initiative to attack. Why don't you just guard Hua County and wait for me to attack?

He took the water bottle handed by the adjutant next to him, took a big sip, then pulled a chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth, holding the binoculars with one hand, watching the skirmish line grow in the field.

Because those of his men, while walking, ordered the piles of dry grass in the field.

For a moment, the flames soared into the sky, reflecting half of the sky red.

It's like burning a village!
Suddenly there was a feeling of pride in his heart, and he threw away the chicken bone: "Guard platoon, come forward with me immediately, and we will hold the group personally!"

The heavy and heavy firepower is naturally arranged by the regimental commander, battalion commander and company commander, and it is not his turn to worry about it.

He didn't realize that this organization's attack has no echelons!

In other words, do you have to have a ladder to fight against the Tuba Road?
The North China Public Security Army is not a mob, and even more than half of the officers at the same level have taken turns to study at the North China Army Military Academy, and returned to serve after graduation.

Not to mention the battalion leaders.

In the face of the broken soldiers who escaped from time to time, the officers at all levels did not punish them, but only asked the containment team to gather them together.

No one blamed them, they were still able to run back up to now, at least they were braver than those who ran away in the first place, and these defeated soldiers were even given preferential treatment. After briefly asking about the situation of the eight roads behind, and then asking about the number of the original troops, they gathered together The batch was led back to the original army.

Brigadier Tang didn't even bother to take out the map, and the saline-alkali land was just a big area, so it's useless to take it out and look at it.

You have to dismount and mount again, which is very troublesome. The troops in front are advancing, and it is more reassuring to watch in person.

I didn't get the key deployment information of the Eighth Route Army from the men who fled back. The subordinates said the same thing a thousand times: there are eight roads, machetes, bayonets, and shuttle marks everywhere.

As for the eight-way heavy firepower, there is no such thing at all!

Perhaps, the eighth-way machine gun fired those shuttles earlier, and the bullets should have been fired long ago.

The army commander in the rear, who ran for an unknown distance, sent someone over on horseback to deliver a message: We must repel the attack from the Eight Routes, and we cannot afford to lose face in front of the imperial army's advisers.

The brigade commander was interrupted by this, and began to think about what would happen if he lost. Since the imperial army swept up the headquarters of the Eighth Route in May, the activities of the Eighth Route have weakened.

The biggest move of the Eighth Route Army was to attack Hua County a few days ago. He received the news that the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army guarding Hua County happened to be absent, and it was almost an empty city. So, until now, he has not done anything. I understand how many people have come to the eight roads.

However, no matter how many ways you come here, will it be useful?

Apart from guerrilla warfare, ambushes, and sneak attacks, when did the Eighth Route Army ever fight regular warfare?

there has never been!

Well, clear thinking!

He still forgot how many guns and ammunition his subordinates lost on the battlefield when he was ambushed by the Eight Route Army this time.

The Eighth Route Army, the old rival of the Great Imperial Association Army, is most interested in capturing.

According to the report from the imperial army, among the eight-way guerrilla troops on the plain, only half of the troops in a company have guns, and most of them have old sleeves that are almost worn out, and some even use them from the mountains. Those single-action pistols made by Tubalu, made of a few pieces of broken iron, can only fire one bullet at a time, and they don't even have a front sight and a rear sight.

It's not as good as the blunderbuss of the folk hunting, who dared to strike at himself, and would never give up if he didn't drag ten or eight of him to death behind the horse!
Do you think our security forces in the Great North China are all vegetarians?

 Thanks to all the sisters and brothers who voted for recommendations, monthly votes, rewards, and support.
(End of this chapter)

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