under fire

Chapter 448 No casualties

Chapter 448 No casualties
The bonfires that were lit were crackling non-stop.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars in his hand, and looked at the little girl next to him who was with Luo Fugui. The little girl was carrying a satchel, and Luo Fugui was picking it up on the ground.

More than 200 puppet soldiers were shot down by the soldiers of Ma Liang's platoon, searched one by one, and then squatted in the grass in line. The security army team was even calm, and no one tried to resist.

The fire kept swaying and emitting heat. Dozens of soldiers stood around with their guns in their hands. A dozen soldiers were busy ejecting bullets from their rifles in the open space, and then stacked the empty guns.

The squad leaders were excitedly looking for boxed guns from the seized firearms. The piles of weapons made the recruits very excited. They always felt that the rifles in their hands were not accurate, and this time they had to pick some good guns.

He picked and picked from the pile of rifles, and when he saw the one that was in his hand, he backed his rifle and threw the bullets into the pile of guns.

Then I went back to take care of the captives and let my comrades come forward. Everything seemed to be in order.

(one more chapter)
Beside the fire, the guarded soldiers were surrounded by militiamen from the sub-districts who followed from behind the village.

Hu Yi held up his binoculars and looked to the north again, and finally noticed something strange, and immediately ordered the militia company commander who was obviously the leader behind: "Take them all away."

Days felt like years, and I felt that after waiting for a long time, I finally got the order, and the militiamen rushed forward.

The first thing I did when I came up was to pick off the clothes of the security forces.

You can search for things, but you girls will take off Lao Tzu's clothes as soon as you come up, and some security forces will grab the clothes and won't let them go!

It was only then that Hu Yi discovered that the militiamen in the front row were male soldiers, and among the militiamen with spears and guillotine knives in the back, a large part of them were female militiamen!

The security forces immediately got entangled with these female queens, and the scene made people laugh and cry.

"If you resist again, you'll be shot on the spot!" A voice suddenly came from the darkness.

The security forces trembled when they heard this, and stopped resisting.

"What the hell are you doing lying here?" A childish voice came.

The security guard who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed quickly opened his eyes. Those women were gone, and he quickly looked up and down his body. The underwear was still there, and he blushed and murmured, "I thought they wanted it."

There was a roar of laughter from the side.

"Get up quickly!" A small young man wearing heavy patches looked at him fiercely while pulling on the rope.

The security forces who had just got up looked around, and saw that there were brothers whose hands were tied with ropes, and they quickly stretched out their hands obediently and put them together.

Hu Yi has black hair, so many rifles are unnecessary, why are you picking up people's clothes?

The militia company commander finally came to Hu Yi's side: "What about these weapons?"

Another middle-aged militiaman quickly came forward with a shy smile and explained: "We know that what we seized must be turned over. We just want to help you move it."

Hu Yi was stunned. He looked at the militiamen who were picking up the clothes of the dead security forces on the ground, and turned to look at the militia company commander: "Which department do you belong to? How many people are there? Do you know how to use guns?"

The company commander was stunned, what do you mean?
"Those who know how to use guns, each will get a rifle and five bullets." Hu Yi said calmly.

There are more than 300 militiamen in my company, one for each?Anyone who knows how to use a gun can get a gun. At this moment, is there anyone who is so stupid as to say that he can't use a gun?
The division commander was patrolling the battlefield, nodding his head constantly, his head-on attack was brilliant, his heart was full of joy, and he was grinning from ear to ear.

Suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked the orderly who just ran back next to him: "How is the situation at Jiulian?"

The messenger was stunned for a moment, the commander didn't ask about the Independent Regiment, he only asked about the Ninth Company, and hurriedly saluted: "Uh, the fight went well, there were a lot of prisoners, and the militiamen have already gone up."

"A lot of prisoners? What do you mean?" The commander looked at the corpses of security forces everywhere on the ground, and couldn't help but be taken aback: "How many prisoners can this bayonet fight have?"

"It's a lot anyway, at least three or four hundred!"

The commander was stunned. With a division of nearly 2000 troops, with a frontal and right-wing charge, it is estimated that the number of enemies killed was only two or three hundred, and the Ninth Company captured three or four hundred?Nonsense?
The staff officer next to him was also stunned, and subconsciously asked: "The security forces only have two to three thousand people in total, and they captured three or four hundred? How is it possible?"

"I don't know, anyway, when I first came here, they had someone to count the numbers!" The orderly didn't understand either.

"Come on, let's go have a look."

Hu Yi was a little surprised. The commander ran to the Ninth Company instead of organizing people to defend against the enemy's counterattack. What does that mean?

"How about the casualties?" The commander first asked the ninth company about the casualties.

Hu Yi's old face was a little red, but he didn't salute: "Report to the commander, there are no casualties."

The commander was stunned again: "There are no casualties in your attack, uh, tell me, how did you do it?"

"We were in charge of suppressing firepower. The second company charged, and the cavalry outflanked. After the battle started, the enemies all dropped and ran away. There was basically no resistance. We fired a magazine, and the security forces all ran away, so."

"Hey, interesting, what about the second company and the cavalry company?"

"Rush to the front."

"Why didn't you go up?"

"If there is no accident, the security forces should counterattack, Jiulian has to hold its position now!"

"Wait, what do you mean, we can't defeat the security forces in one fell swoop?"

"I don't think it's possible. They were just attacked suddenly. Once they come to their senses, they will definitely be regrouped. The security forces are not badly trained."

"Who did you hear that from?" The commander frowned.

"Big Dog, bring that company commander here." Hu Yi turned to Tang Big Dog who was next to him and ordered.

After a while, a tall, shirtless security guard was brought over from behind,

The company commander of the public security army was escorted to Hu Yi's side, with a mournful face: "Sir, I have said everything I should say. Please, for the sake of fellow countrymen, please hold your hand high!"

The commander looked at Hu Yi, and Hu Yi calmly looked at the company commander of the Security Army and asked, "How many of you are here, and how is the training of the troops?"

The company commander of the security forces hesitated, didn't he ask just now, what does this mean?I still answered honestly: "Sir, the second brigade of the second army who came this time, in addition to the left-behind troops, came with more than half of the brigade and three regiments, plus some baggage personnel, a total of more than 3000 people. As for training, you have to know what?"

"The composition of your team?" Hu Yi asked calmly.

"Uh, Commander Li was the one who surrendered before the national army. The brigade commanders and battalion commanders are all close friends of the army commander. Most of the company ranks have studied at the North China Army Officer School, and they basically have elementary school education."

"Okay, take it down." After Hu Yi finished talking to the big dog, he turned to look at the commander: "We caught them by surprise, but their training is not bad, so I think they will definitely regroup and counterattack. We can't beat them with our strength!"

The commander turned to look at the staff officer: "What do you think?"

"Company Commander Hu's analysis is good. The possibility is very high. I think it's night again, and we should really shrink now!"

Immediately send an order for all to retreat.

The orderly who had been following him immediately let go and ran into the darkness.

"We're leaving now, Company Commander Hu. Your battlefield analysis ability is impressive. It's a pity that you don't come to our military division!"

"I think the independent group is also good."

"Where are the weapons you seized?" The division commander finally asked the key point.

"Uh, the militiamen have helped send it to the rear."

A group of figures disappeared in the gunpowder smoke, and soon went away.

"Hey, Boss Hu, let's retreat, just blow the horn. Why did the commander order to notify one by one, what a waste of time?" The dejected Luo Fugui leaned over and finally spoke.

Hu Yi thought for a while: "You don't understand. Attacking and blowing the trumpet is to deter the enemy, and the other is to allow the troops to act at the same time to form momentum. As for the retreat, do you still have to blow the trumpet to tell the other party that we are going to withdraw, so hurry up Come to attack?"

"Didn't Mingjin withdraw his troops?" The bear seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Are you fucking out of your mind? Chief Hu said it so clearly, you still ask." The big dog next to him despised: "Why don't you dig the corpse?"

"Those militiamen of his grandma are more ruthless than I! They even stripped their underwear clean." Luo Fugui looked at Boss Hu resentfully. If he hadn't ordered the militiamen to do it, all these things would have to go through my hands first.

"Why do you get so much money, but you can't use it, there's a fart for it!"

"Hey, your grandma's father likes it, who cares about you?" Luo Fugui had nothing to do with this subordinate.

"Brother, you handed over the rifle to the militiamen, there may be problems with this matter!" Ma Liang came to Hu Yi's side and said in a low voice.

"Anyway, they are people from the division. Didn't their political commissar say to ask the militia to help clean the battlefield?" Hu Yi didn't care.

"Let's just turn in the guns. They need so much ammunition, right?"

  1. There is no assembly number from the Eighth Route Army to the People's Liberation Army
  2. Puppet army: refers to the army of the puppet regime
  3. Imperial Association Army: The North China Security Army of the Pseudo-North China Political Affairs Committee

  The North China Security Army is also known as the Appeasement Army, commonly known as the Imperial Association Army, and is also known as the Second Devil
  4. There were four main puppet armies during the Anti-Japanese War:

  The Peaceful National Founding Army of Wang Jingwei's puppet government (dispatched from Central China)
  Puppet Manchurian Army (Kwantung Army) of Puppet Manchukuo
  The North China Security Army (North China Front Army) of the Pseudo-North China Political Affairs Committee

  The Puppet Mongolian Army of the Puppet Mongolian Xinjiang United Autonomous Government.

(End of this chapter)

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