under fire

Chapter 449

Chapter 449

The dejected Luo Fugui leaned over, sat down on the ground, and finally interjected: "Hey, Boss Hu, let's retreat and just blow the horn. Why did the commander order the correspondents to notify them one by one? What a mistake! ?”

Hu Yi thought for a while: "You don't understand. Attacking and blowing the trumpet is to deter the enemy, and the other is to allow the troops to act at the same time to form momentum. As for the retreat, do you still have to blow the trumpet to tell the other party that we are going to withdraw, so hurry up Come to attack?"

"Didn't Mingjin withdraw his troops?" The bear seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Are you out of your mind? Chief Hu said it so clearly, you still ask?" The big dog next to him despised: "Why don't you dig the corpse?"

"Those militiamen of his grandma are more ruthless than I! They even stripped their underwear clean." Luo Fugui looked at Boss Hu resentfully. If he hadn't ordered the militiamen to do it, all these things would have to go through his hands first.

"What the hell, you got so much money, but you can't use it, there's something for it!" The big dog was very happy when he saw his immediate boss slumped.

"Hey, your grandma's father likes it, who cares about you?" Luo Fugui had nothing to do with this subordinate.

"Brother, you handed over the rifle to the militiamen, there may be problems with this matter!" Ma Liang came to Hu Yi's side and said in a low voice.

"Anyway, they are people from the division. Didn't their political commissar say to ask the militia to help clean the battlefield?" Hu Yi didn't care.

"Let's just turn in the guns. They need so much ammunition, right?"

Hu Yi saw that Wang Liujin was loading the bullets into the bag, and he didn't object aloud: "Normally, it's enough for the infantry to carry a hundred bullets. If there are too many bullets, it's impossible to use them on the general battlefield. And it carries too much weight, which seriously affects the activities on the battlefield!"

"Hey, two hundred rounds of ammunition will be enough!" Wang Liujin knew that Hu Yi was talking about him.

Hearing Hu Yi's black line: "There are only three or four hundred security forces who were killed and captured here, and only [-] bullets were seized, and one of them was handed over to the sub-district. You will take away half of it in one platoon?"

"Otherwise, we are still called a fart spy platoon?" Wang Liujin is not soft-hearted. Most of Jiulian's [-] rifles are used. Newcomers.

The ammunition of the special agent platoon has long been on par with that of the Jiulian, and the ammunition is [-] rounds. This time when I went out for reconnaissance, I guess I didn't fire a few shots. According to him, his platoon can't take away two or three thousand?

The gunfire from the north gradually intensified, causing everyone present to become nervous.

There was a rush of footsteps, and a team appeared from the north.

Tian Sanqi, who followed the second company to participate in the attack, appeared first with a rifle on his back, followed by a long line of security forces, causing someone to be ecstatic, and with a wild cry, a bear rushed towards the prisoner, followed by several dog legs .

The captives saw a giant bear rushing towards them, and they didn't know why, so they all squatted on the ground and hugged their heads in fright. Behind the bear was a little Balu holding a bayonet, and on the other side was a girl with a small whip. Interested in the rifle, he stretched out his small hand to grope for the positions of the bolts of the rifles.

The messy things were thrown into the satchel one by one, and there was a jingle, and one by one was searched without letting go. The satchel was full and replaced with another one to continue. The bear was so immersed in happiness that he didn't have time to look up.

Tian Sanqi, who was trotting ahead, came to Hu Yi and stood still: "Company commander, why did the division order us to retreat? What happened?"

Hu Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at the distance behind Tian Sanqi: another large group of people retreated.

The iron tower-like soldier in front of him looked like a tall sword.

Behind him was a long line of stretchers.

Hu Yi frowned when he saw it, and his heart moved a little: The man surnamed Gao wouldn't suffer so many casualties, right?
After the team came out from the grass and got closer, they found that except for the wounded on the two stretchers in front, the stretchers in the back were full of rifles, military uniforms, bullet bags, lunch boxes, backpacks, everything seemed to be in a mess.

Just not a single prisoner!
Dare to, Tian Sanqi, that idiot, went to guard the prisoners for Erlian.
The bear who was busy was stunned, raised his head and stared at Tian Sanqi: "Tian Sanqi, your grandma's, you gave all the good things to Erlian? You are a dog who eats inside and out!"

Tian Sanqi didn't answer, and kept his head down.

Hu Yi fiddled with the binoculars in his hand, and said to Tian Sanqi: "After a while, you hand over those captives to the militia in the rear division, and they will deal with them."

Tian Sanqi quickly replied: "Yes!"

He ran away in a hurry.

Several militiamen who had been waiting for orders, after a few whispers, one of them ran south quickly, and now he was going back to find the company commander to bring people over. Now, the Ninth Company got back dozens of clothes .
Gao Yidao straightened his waist, walked directly in front of Hu Yi, looked into Hu Yi's eyes and said nothing.

"If you fart, just let it go, what kind of god are you pretending to be?" Hu Yi sneered.

"Half for each person!" Gao Yidao didn't hesitate.

"You're probably going to be disappointed. All the things here have been handed over to the division." Hu Yi said flatly.

"Hu Zai Sui, when did you become so generous? I want you to be a good person here because I charged ahead?" Gao Yidao was furious.

"If you don't want to be reported by the division, you can leave all those guns and supplies." Hu Yi replied angrily.

"Do you think I will believe what you say?" When Gao Yidao said this, he obviously lacked confidence.

"Gao's surname is under the eaves, so he has to bow his head. Don't think about it. You forgot what the political commissar said when he left?" Ordinary seven or nine rifles.

Instead, he got two submachine guns, which he was holding in his hands at this time.

It was very rare that the soldiers of the Second Company didn't refuse the girl to rummage through their seized guns, and they knew what she was looking for.

As for the submachine gun, it's useless to use it, and charge?Do you have a bayonet?
The devils don't even have two rifles with binoculars. How could these puppet troops have them?

"Hey, you like to listen to the political commissar, that's your business, I only listen to the head of the regiment." Gao Yidao dismissed it, because there are special agents in line, so it's not easy to get angry.

Luo Fugui unknowingly approached the stretcher soldier of the Second Company, which was bulging and making noises, but aroused the anger of the crowd, cursing and shoving the bear to prevent the bear from approaching the stretcher.

The bear felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

"Have the security forces assembled?" Hu Yi frowned, and asked Gao Yidao in a cold voice.

"How do you know?" Gao Yidao was taken aback.

Seeing that Gao Yidao didn't answer directly, Hu Yi showed that his judgment was correct, and continued to ask, "Where are the people from the cavalry company?"

"It's just behind, and they are shooting at the security forces. They have received the order and they will probably be back in a while." Gao Yidao noticed that Hu Yi, whose face was reflected by the flames, had a strange expression.

"There are many law and order soldiers, and they are probably preparing to counterattack!"

"Hey, I'm really not afraid of death." Gao Yidao laughed suddenly, ignored Hu Yi, and turned around: "Give the seized to the divisional militia team, and all the ministries will immediately enter the trenches!"

At this time, Luo Fugui finally got his wish, and quickly turned over the things thrown by the Second Company soldiers on the ground, and cursed vaguely while turning over: "I don't have a piece of ocean, these guys are really poor, and the Second Company's soldiers are all shameless!"

Obviously, Erlian searched for all the important things.

The bear subconsciously grabbed a second company soldier and was about to search him.

"Blind your dog's eyes, Lao Tzu's soldier, you dare to make a decision?" The recruit was obviously frightened by Wang Dasan's thick Luo Fugui, and looked at the squad leader next to him as if asking for help. Throwing the rifle to the subordinate next to him, he rushed forward and got into a ball with Luo Fugui.

Everyone knew about the relationship between the Second Company and the Ninth Company, so no one stepped forward to help, and the recruit squad leader was soon crushed by Luo Fugui, and his belongings were immediately emptied.

Except for Dayang, all other things were thrown on the ground: "His grandma's, you even want a toothbrush from the security forces? I will be disgusted by you after dinner!"

Hearing this, Gao Yidao shuddered, almost fell down, and kicked the soldier next to him angrily: "Why are you dawdling, why don't you go faster?"

This time I lost face to grandma's house.

On Jiulian's side, some laughed so hard that their stomach hurt, and some vomited.

Only the militiamen who had been waiting by the side were confused and had no idea what these people were laughing at.

 5. The military uniforms of the North China Security Force refer to the design of the German uniforms and dresses. The color is "blue" (changed after four or three years). The officers' jackets are suits with small lapels and ties. Small lapels and ties first appeared in Chinese military uniforms.

  The cap badge is the same as the Puppet Manchurian Army cap badge, which is the five-ethnic republic "five-color five-pointed star" in order: red, yellow, blue, white and black.

  Originated from the resolution of the Senate of the Republic of China in 1912, designed by Zhao Fengchang. The red, yellow, blue, white and black horizontal bars are arranged from top to bottom to represent the republic of the Han, Man, Mongolia, Hui and Tibet.
  After the Northern Expedition, in 1928, the flag was changed in the northeast, and later changed to the blue sky, white sun and red flag designed by Lu Haodong.

(End of this chapter)

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