under fire

Chapter 450 Arrangement

Chapter 450 Arrangement
"I called you here to arrange the next battle mission." Hu Yi looked indifferently at Ma Liang, Tian Sanqi, Luo Fugui, Wang Liujin, Big Dog and Little Girl who were still wiping their foreheads. Sweaty Divisional Cavalry Company Commander.

A company commander and four platoon leaders with two dozen soy sauces couldn't help being stunned. The cavalry company commander was at the same level as Hu Yi, and this battle was coordinated with the Ninth Company's operations.

Li Xiang was separated from Luo Fugui's platoon to form the Ninth Company Fire Platoon. Because of his injuries, he was carried to the rear after the battle started. Otherwise, the security forces' attack would be too fierce, and it would be troublesome to retreat at that time.

Hu Yi's calm voice spread out: "Since our first battle goal has been basically achieved, the security forces have completed the assembly after the rout, and immediately counterattacked overnight, which shows that their commander is not calm now, then this matter can be done If it is bigger, we will hit them with another ambush!"

"Ambush again? They already know we're here, how can they ambush?" Tian Sanqi asked immediately, and the others were also confused, all staring at Hu Yi with big eyes.

"No one can see the situation on the ground at night, so get all the mines that Li Xiang prepared, and place the ambush point about 50 meters north of the trench, so as to give some color to the security forces who rushed over first." Hu Yi simply explained, Turning to look at Luo Fugui: "Mule, you take people to the front about 50 meters and plant mines horizontally!"

"Boss Hu, I've never done that mine before, can't it?" The guy was dumbfounded and immediately objected.

Hu Yi ignored him: "Remember, you don't need to dig a hole, just put the landmines in the grass. Except for the grass where the mines were placed, all the weeds from the grass to the trenches should be removed, and the strong All the way to the trenches, the militiamen will send the broken tiles from the village in a while, and pile them directly on the mines!"

"What you said is too complicated, I can't do this!" Luo Fugui directly refused.

"You have also seen the landmine, isn't it just a grenade in a crock filled with gunpowder? You just need to pull out the match rope of the grenade and tie it to the rope, and it will be fired in the trench. Don't say it's so simple. You don’t even know how to do it?” Ma Liang next to him really wanted to strangle this idiot, and looked at Hu Yi after speaking: “Company commander, why don’t I go?”

Hu Yi didn't answer him, and directly ordered to Ma Liang: "Your platoon is in charge of the machine gun team, find sacks of sand immediately, and build a dense machine gun position not less than two meters high on the edge of the trench! And put out the nearby fires, manpower It’s not enough for you to arrange someone to find the important person of the divisional militia.”

"Yes!" Ma Liang responded immediately. In the afternoon, in order to prevent the security forces from discovering the abnormality on the ground, he did not raise the height of the machine gun position alone.

"Tian Sanqi, take some people to send a few landmines to Erlian, and the rest will help Ma Liang dig the soil. As for whether you can persuade Gao Yidao to do the same, you can decide." Hu Yi didn't explain. Having said everything, he believed that Ma Liang could understand his thoughts.

Tian Sanqi was dumbfounded, is Company Commander Hu going to send him back?There was a bitterness in my heart.

"Then you come back and bring your people to cooperate with the cavalry company, and be responsible for blocking the security forces that may outflank from the west. Remember, don't love to fight!" Hu Yi's words came again.

"Yes!" Scared me to death, and thought he was going to send me away, Tian Sanqi heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat off his head.

"Big dog, you lead people to kill the vanguard of the security forces. If they charge, they should kill those who rush to the bushes with landmines first. After the security forces come up and the mules rip the mines, you And then shoot those wounded soldiers one by one, no matter whether they were killed or not, no matter whether they can move or not!"

"What the hell do you want me to kill? Mr. Hu, you underestimate me, don't you?" Tang Dagou almost jumped up.

"You have to remember to ensure that the mines are not found first, and at the same time show the enemy's weakness. Your platoon shoots in batches. In addition, you have to understand that on the battlefield, as long as they are not dead, they may cause us immeasurable losses. , Their dying blow will never attack ordinary soldiers, do you understand?" Hu Yi said seriously.

"Mr. Tehu, just look at it." How did the big dog feel that the 50-meter battle was so easy?It's a good job, and you don't need to charge, it's almost like killing a pig.

Hu Yi knew that Gao Yidao's Erlian would probably charge again after Jiulian's big move!What can be done, try to clear the way for their charge, and arrange for Wang Xiaosan to stare at Tian Sanqi, an idiot, Jiulian will never participate in the charge!

It's not timid or selfish, it's just that charging is not a strong point for Jiulian. Hu Yi, who was born as a machine gunner, believes that only firepower is king on the battlefield.

"Platoon Leader Wang, after the mine explodes, you cooperate with Ma Liang's machine gun team to resolutely beat back the security forces who dare to attack!" Hu Yi looked at Wang Liujin.

"Hey, don't worry, Company Commander Hu, don't worry about this matter, can we charge?" It's the first time with so many bullets, and it's still a positional warfare, isn't it fun to beat him?But I was a little puzzled in my heart: "I think this task... conflicts with Squad Leader Tang's task?"

"He knocked down, you hit the ones that can move!" Hu Yi ordered unhurriedly.

The little girl next to him was anxious: "Hey, fox, what about me?"

Hu Yi was stunned, he seemed to have forgotten her, this is not a good thing, he could not hesitate, his mind turned quickly, and immediately ordered: "You are responsible for testing your rifle and hitting moving targets! Remember, you have to fight in the dark. Is it possible to distinguish between the commanders of the public security forces?"

"That's about the same!" The little girl thought to herself, isn't she just going to be an official? Isn't it easy?
After Hu Yi finished speaking seriously, cold sweat broke out on his back. Fortunately, he found a task for her temporarily.

Originally, Luo Fugui deliberately asked Luo Fugui to find her a job to observe the sharpshooter under Brigadier Zhu. Unexpectedly, the two of them slipped to the front again. Now if she wants to let her go back, she must be furious. She can't help admiring her quick wit
Just after finishing speaking, he noticed that Luo Fugui on the opposite side looked at him and frowned. He was taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned around, looked behind him, and found that there were two more people squatting beside the grass behind him: the commander and the political commissar!

"Hey, go ahead, don't worry about me." The commander smiled.

"I'm done!" Hu Yi was embarrassed.

"You said that the mine, the division can support you ten, but I have listened for a long time, what are you going to do by yourself? You will not be a reserve team, right?" In the pit, the practice of countercharging after preparing to fire a few shots is completely different.

Of course, the firepower is different and the style of play is different, which is understandable.

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "If you can't even beat such an arrangement, then why do you need the reserve team? It's important to run away!"

"Run away?" The commander said with a black line, "I mean, what are you going to do?"

"Uh, Li Xiang was injured. I am going to personally command the grenadier soldiers to provide fire support." Hu Yi did not hesitate.

The political commissar next to him suddenly suggested: "However, I have an opinion. Your plan seems to have no anti-aircraft guns. You should know that although the security forces are not as good as the devils, there must still be a few small guns. This is a loophole."

The commander turned his head and looked at the political commissar with a chuckle: "Hey, you underestimate our friendly army too much. They dug it up early in the afternoon, and even set up a former enemy headquarters, which is more luxurious than Lao Tzu's headquarters! In the trenches of the second line of defense."

 March is over like this. Thanks to all the friends who supported Hengba Brothers. Next month, I plan to revise the previous chapters. After a year, I will read it again. The writing is really not good.

  After all, as a deserter fan, if you can insist on writing so many words upside down, you have to admire yourself first.

  It's worth thinking about it, at least after watching too many dramas, I realized that it was really not easy at that time.

  Xian Da said it was a tragedy, we should at least make the tragedy more heroic, at least not too many famous tragedies died.

  Thank you to the 150 brothers who have been following me, thank you for subscribing, thank you for your criticism and correction, thank you for voting, whenever you want to finish it hastily, you will turn to whoever voted for the recommendation, voted for the monthly ticket, and insisted on coding a few chapters, thank you Brothers and sisters who appreciate smoking.

(End of this chapter)

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