under fire

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The sky was still fiery red, and the ashes of the burnt grass were carried high into the air by the hot air and fluttered everywhere, and the footsteps of the security forces' parallel advancing team began to sound.

The third regiment attacked the right, corresponding to the left of the Eighth Route Army. The target was easy to distinguish, and the village in the south was taken as the frontal target.

Pushing all the way, there was nothing but the naked corpse of his brother on the ground. The hateful Tubalu was so poor that he even stripped off all the underwear on the corpse.

The head of the regiment ordered some of them to clean up the battlefield, dig a few big pits to bury the dead brothers on the spot, and ordered the others to slowly continue to advance in parallel.

The machine gun team kept advancing, the grenadier team was on standby, and the only six mortars in the regiment were constantly adjusting their shooting positions. After receiving the news from the observers, they put away their equipment and moved forward. Good new mortar positions were erected again.

After advancing all the way to the vicinity of the place where they were attacked in the afternoon, the dispatched soldiers were crawling on the ground, the fire ahead was blazing, and the ground was full of dead brothers' bodies. It was impossible to confirm whether the Eight Routes had all retreated!
Except for the footsteps of his own group and the crackling of burning grass, there was a dead silence all around.

The dead silence between the sounds made people feel even more distressed, and there was a crow quacking from somewhere.

The messenger sent a new order, and the third regiment leader immediately ordered to replenish the dry food first.

In fact, there was no need for him to order, the advance speed was so slow, the soldiers under him had already spontaneously sat on the ground, pulled the kettle, swallowed dry food and opened the can.

After a while, the brigade commander came behind the third regiment on horseback: "How is the situation?"

Nothing for now, we're going to take a break and move forward now!

Damn Balu, with such a big fire, it is obvious that they set up an ambush behind, trying to make us walk into the fire as targets, I will not be fooled by him!

What should I do?
Immediately send a company to go around, I don't believe that they can light all the grass in this broken place.

There was another sound of horseshoes, and the army staff officer shouted: "Surnamed Tang, what are you dawdling about? You have a brigade of brigades, and you still want to play tricks?"

That's right, I heard from the men who ran back that Balu basically charged with bayonets, which meant that they didn't have many bullets. Balu ambushed and caught me by surprise, and was repelled by Tubalu. How embarrassing is that?

Now that they are on the opposite side, how scared are you?

He didn't forget that those men who died must have dropped some rifles and bullets!

But the regiments under him didn't have time to rest at all, and the battle damage hadn't been reported yet, so let's start first based on experience.

Since the eight-way attack, most of the hand-to-hand combat should not have many casualties, right?

This time I went back and forth for about ten miles. I have been walking my legs since the afternoon. I am sleepy and tired. The village in the south is just one mile away. Team line, I'm afraid he's a bastard!

The staff still sees far!
Brigadier Tang's mood gradually improved, and he was full of energy: "Order, all ministries, attack and advance immediately!"

Bang. Shhh. A red flare blasts into the sky!

It looks pretty good in the night sky.

Two hundred meters away from the position of the Eighth Route Army, the mortars of each unit should be fired first. I can't kill you, but I can scare you to death.

For a while, the sound of tom tom went on and on.

The security forces have been trained by the devil's adviser's officer school, and their tactics are not much different from the devil's, so they will directly bombard them first.

The mortar was ejected, and something seemed to be flying in the sky.

Boom boom boom suddenly resounded through the night sky, and then I couldn't hear any other sounds, I could only see flash after flash, the light was much brighter than the fire on the ground, it was dazzlingly bright, and the sound made the scalp numb .

The people hiding in the trenches were so shaken that they grinned and covered their ears.

Dust and gunpowder smoke began to fill the air.

The whole wilderness was trembling, and the shock wave knocked the fire upside down, and then it burned even more vigorously.

The light of the shell explosion flashed in the sky again and again, and the shock wave rolled up the dust in the front and back of the entire position.

The commander looked at the front position worriedly.

The staff officer next to him comforted: "The order has been issued. With the soil work ability of Brigadier Zhu and the others, and the ground is full of sand, they should be able to dig all the anti-aircraft holes in half an hour!"

"If it wasn't for Company Commander Hu's action, we would probably have suffered hundreds of casualties in this shelling by the security forces!" The commander sighed.

"We are blessed to help each other. This time we have to beat up these security forces who recognize their thieves as their fathers! To be honest, if there is no independent regiment, we would have already run away. They want to bomb us? There is no way."

"Hey, did you get a reply to the report to the division?" The commander suddenly turned around and looked at the staff.

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Facing the commander's unclear question, the staff officer was at a loss.

"It's the transfer order to transfer Hu Yi to our division." The commander realized that he didn't make it clear.

"Rejected!" The staff officer remembered.

"How could this be? The division commander has always supported our sub-district. If they want someone from them, the division commander should not agree to it?"

"Do you know how to reply to the telegram?" The staff officer showed a strange expression: "The telegram was only received when you just left."

"What do you mean?" The commander frowned.

"No way. Don't even think about it!"

"Are you kidding me, the teacher is known as a Confucian general, how could he say such a thing? Besides, it was in the telegram." The commander felt that the staff was joking.

"Uh, here's the telegram, read it yourself!" The staff officer pulled out a copy of the telegram with a serial number from the table next to him.

Brigadier Tang was very satisfied. If the Eighth Route Army hadn't departed, this shelling would have completely shattered their confidence!
He didn't expect that the eight roads could stay on the opposite side, but he hoped that the eight roads would be on the opposite side.

Even the national army can't stand the tactics of the imperial army, let alone you idiots!
Without waiting for his order, the regiment commander under his command commanded the personnel to start the attack.

How far ahead, no one knows, anyway, that village is the destination!

The security forces lined up, pulled the machine guns to shoot, and attacked forward in the smoke, with the machine gun team right next to them.

The first brigade was not an ordinary security force. The team was neat and orderly advancing under the leadership of the company squad leader.

The security forces finally regained their confidence, tried their best to suppress the tension in their hearts, and moved forward bravely.
Subsequently, the first regiment and the second regiment opened up, advancing southward in parallel with the third regiment, and continuously expanding the width of the attack line to both sides.

The saline-alkali surface is heavy, hard, and flat, so you don’t have to worry about spraining your feet when you move forward. The grass is half the height of a person, and the attacking team has to avoid a pile of grass.

Since it is called Pengcao, of course it is east and west.

Walking in the firelight under the moonlight, someone shouted from time to time: "Pay attention to the formation, who the hell is in the wrong position, I will kick him to death."

The attacking team had already drenched their backs with sweat, and the palms holding the rifles were also full of sweat. They were breathing more and more heavily, and they stared nervously at the front.

Constantly bypassing Pengcao, constantly looking at the positions of the people around us, I have to say that the trained security forces, at least in terms of queues, are 800 years ahead of the Eighth Route Army.

Some people kept asking the Jade Emperor to bless them, and some asked their ancestors to protect their bodies. They muttered so annoyingly that the leader of the platoon leader wanted to kick all those mutterings back into his neck.

Suddenly, sporadic gunshots came from the front, and the forward soldiers were attacked!
The security forces did not lie on the ground like last time. Only a few cowards fell to the ground and were kicked by the squad leader next to them to stand up. Then, they bent even lower.

The combat power of the organized security forces was not weak, and the grass group that had been attacking until the front became sparse, maybe it was overturned by the shelling just now.

Most people think so, but, who knew that one shelling can make the weeds so clean and tidy?
There are quite a few corpses in the open space. When you look carefully, you find that they are all naked, and there is not even much smell of blood. They look very weird and murderous.

(End of this chapter)

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