under fire

Chapter 452

Chapter 452
The gunshots in the darkness on the other side finally disappeared, and some bonfires that were not extinguished were still burning. Perhaps there was too much heat on the ground, which brought most of the smoke to the sky, and the ground was faintly visible.

Within the range of the burning light, there were still people howling, some people in clothes were struggling, and some were pretending to be dead.

"What the hell are you doing to eat? Why are people still barking?" the big dog scolded.

"Hey, didn't you say that you only attack the security forces near the mines?" one of the men retorted.

"Uh" Tang Dagou was at a loss for words, he seemed to have said this, and Chief Hu also seemed to say that the corpses would be removed after the mine exploded.

There was a chuckle from the side.

"What the hell are you laughing at? Several of your ropes for pulling landmines were blown off, hahaha." Big Dog couldn't help laughing himself.

"Your grandma, if you don't want to die, just keep your voice down, those guys are coming up." Luo Fugui kicked at his proud subordinate.

Someone was laughing in the darkness opposite, and a company commander Zhi suddenly felt a panic in his heart, what is this all about?This is a battlefield, you can laugh too?

Suddenly a whistle sounded from behind, and someone loudly repeated the order: "Charge!" "All charge."

Although the devils also have buglers, they are different from the Eighth Route Army. The trumpets are used for eating, sleeping, and getting up. There is no command to charge at all. I don't have the habit of blowing the horn to charge.

The security forces, who are usually used to listening to orders, subconsciously obeyed, and immediately spread out in front and rear rows and rushed out of the grass.

The first death commando rushed directly into the open field filled with light gunpowder smoke.

For a while, most of the regiment charged, with momentum like a rainbow, but there was no sound except for the sound of footsteps and panting.

The Eighth Route Army's charge will indulge in shouting, charging, and killing, to build momentum.

The Devil's Charge is also completely different from the Eighth Route!It is strictly forbidden to shout when attacking, because the devil's charge lies in "fighting for calmness", not "fighting for momentum"

During the charge, gestures and commands were used to communicate, and copper whistles were blown at night. The birds believed that making noise during the charge was purely to expose the target!

Hu Yi had dealt with devils for many years, and when he heard the whistle, he immediately understood that the security forces were ordering an attack.

Squinting his eyes, he carefully judged the location of the security forces through the oscillating light.

I used to be in the 67th Army, and the fighting style was not much different from that of the security forces. Even if the security forces were trained by the devils, their way of thinking would not change!
Therefore, Hu Yi felt that now should be a good time to strike: "Fire at the position where the vanguard of the public security army appears, extend 30 meters, five rounds, and shoot rapidly!"

The timing is very accurate!
Hidden in the trench, Li Xiang platooned the grenadiers, got up immediately after hearing the order, leaned his body against the trench, inserted the grenadier with the range screw adjusted earlier into the pile of soil, and the assistant shooter loaded the grenade, and directly pulled the firing belt.

The whole process is done in one go.

Tom tom tom. A puff of gunpowder smoke came out of the five grenadiers, and a few black guys rushed into the sky.

As for whether they could hit accurately, the soldiers didn't care, and there was no need to think about the dense formation of the security forces.

This time, the company commander personally commanded them again. These soldiers didn't even shake their hands, and they fought more accurately than when Li Xiang was there.

Everyone wanted to show off their skills in front of Company Commander Gao Leng.

As for whether the company commander is reliable, who cares about that?Filling another grenade into the muzzle is the real business.

The deafening explosion sounded in the attacking crowd, stunned the attacking team.

Those who were not bombed hesitated whether to get down on the ground instinctively, or continue to charge according to the training requirements. The shock wave came with a huge force, and the unlucky man next to him immediately screamed and howled in pain, one after another in the gunpowder smoke
Another round of wretched black shadows flew into the air.

The security forces rushed at a very fast speed. A certain security force who rushed to the front suddenly felt as if something was pulling under his feet. He was frightened half to death, and quickly jumped on the spot and lay down. In the dust, he could vaguely see a rope trembling all the way to the grass behind him.

As a veteran of the battlefield, this guy was stunned for a moment, thought quickly, and suddenly his face changed drastically. He immediately got up, jumped to the crowded place next to him, and fell down again!Hold your body off the ground with your hands.

"What the hell are you doing, are you tossing and playing, lying in front of me and doing fart, do you want to die?" The partner who was knocked down cursed angrily, and the sound of explosions kept ringing behind him, and this idiot jumped on me like a god from a long distance away What are you doing next to you?
They are all old fritters on the battlefield. They don't need to think at all. With years of life-saving experience, they immediately reacted and instinctively fell down. Then they felt something was wrong. This bastard must have discovered something!was about to ask
The grenade delay has expired.

A flash of light suddenly flashed, illuminating the entire night sky.

I felt something screaming in the air above my head.

Boom Then there was a loud noise, and immediately after, the body was lifted up by the shock wave that suddenly appeared, and then flew up like clouds and fog, and then hit the ground heavily.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of soil covered the sky with broken tiles, and fell from the sky like raindrops.

Bringing countless figures into the floating dust and gunpowder smoke, they can no longer be seen, only the screams diffuse from the gunpowder smoke mixed with sand and dust.

The bang bang sounded one after another on the entire front, forming a line from west to east.

The big dog leaning against the trench wretchedly, took off the grenade, pulled out the insurance, smashed it on the butt of the gun, and then threw it out of the trench without even looking at it.

Grenades rained down on the attacking team with some grenades in between. This time, the attacking team was completely knocked to the ground.

A commander hissed dutifully amidst the rumbling explosions: "Enemy attack!"

He was hit dizzily by an arm that fell suddenly from the sky, and after he fell to the ground, his face was covered with gravel, and a face appeared on the ground, his mouth and nose were filled with gunpowder smoke and dust, and he was blinded and could only focus on desperately Cough, spit out a mouthful of sand, and was about to curse:
Boom. Boom. Boom.
This round of explosions feels much farther away, the dust is churning wantonly in the open field again, round after round of shock waves hits, from the feeling, this time the strong wind seems to be weaker, people are like grass swaying in the strong wind , I can't see anything, I can't stand firmly at all, I can only feel the endless shock and impact.

The gunpowder smoke filled the air and the enemy could not be seen. There were not many people who rushed forward who were not dead or injured, but they were so dizzy by the bombing that they forgot that they could use the moon in the eastern sky to judge the general direction.

His soul was blown away, he couldn't care less about anything else, he threw his gun and hugged his head, the dog only had one thought in his mind: Get out of this Asura hell quickly!
No matter how he ignored them, he spread his legs and ran around in the open ground, causing the security forces who were not bombed behind to raise their guns, but they didn't know how to fight back!

I was stunned as soon as I came up, can I still charge?Opposite is the regular Eighth Master coming?

What is the soft thing falling from the sky?Very soft and slippery, I took a closer look with a certain flash: grass. What a big piece of bloody fat
Also with the flash of the explosion, Ma Liang roughly saw the enemy's position clearly, regardless of the afterimage of the flash of the explosion lingering in his eyes, he couldn't see where the enemy was in front, and had no time to think: "Fight!"

Da da da. The machine gunner pulled the trigger, pressed down the trigger of the Czech-style machine gun with a crooked handle, and several tongues of flame sprayed out of the muzzle.

(End of this chapter)

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