under fire

Chapter 453 Take a step back

Chapter 453

The sudden sound of machine guns shook the night sky and stimulated the tense nerves of the unlucky ones on the battlefield!

Veterans are afraid of machine guns!The bullets come from the darkness, from the still roiling smoke, from hell!

There is no specific target, the ballistic trajectory is scurrying on the ground, chiseling into the soil, and occasionally into the flesh. Within a certain range, from east to west, and then back, you can't see the tongue of the machine gun, but you can see the bullets roaring past, and a trail of dust is rolled up in the dust mist. A billow of gunpowder smoke billowed.

I can't judge where the bullet came from. I can only rely on my feeling. It should be like being at a high altitude, which is unreasonable and even more unreasonable!
The bullets raged arrogantly, and the ballistic trajectory was very low. People who were running silently were picked up by the bullets, and people kept falling down, and more screams sounded.

The invisible enemy is terrible!It's so dirty, it's so dirty that the upper and lower teeth are knocking loudly

The team started to panic, the hands holding the rifles were full of sweat, and they dug their heads into the soil, feeling unsafe!

Company Commander Zhi finally recovered from his panic, and without waiting for an order from the battalion commander behind him, he prostrated himself on the ground and shouted hoarsely: "Retreat immediately!"

"Retreat now" "Retreat now"

The orderly ran quickly among the fluffy grass with his waist down, and stray bullets kept coming: "Mortar, fire back immediately!"

The artillery observers were equally nervous, but they were carefully calculating the trajectory of the grenades on the eighth road!Machine gun ballistics.

After a while, someone finally said: "Number two, grenade, minus twenty from the ruler, carry ten to the left, five rounds, shoot quickly!"

"Number Three"

The artilleryman shakes the handwheel and adjusts the muzzle!
The machine gun team in front of the artillery was dumbfounded, unable to see the battlefield clearly, and the nearest figures were all their own people, shooting in the field?Don't you know how to get down on the ground and let me hit two shuttles, how can you suppress it!

After the wounded Luo Fugui pulled the landmine, he seemed to have nothing to do after pulling the rope away!Habitually stay away from Ma Liang's machine gun position.

Instinctively, he sped up in the trench with his waist down, and plunged into the command post, no longer worried about the stray bullets on the opposite side.

The girl inside is holding a telescope.

"Hey, the front is full of smoke, and I can't see anything. Are you holding a gun for fun?"

The little girl was furious: "The fox is a liar, he asked me to fight as an official here? Is it possible to fight? Auntie asked him."

Seeing that the little girl was about to run out, the mule immediately regretted it. He was really cheap, so he quickly slapped his mouth and stepped forward to stop her.

He has long understood that Boss Hu asked the girl to beat the security officer, he was just fooling the little girl!

The girl threw the grenade gun leaning on the side to Luo Fugui, and the bear subconsciously caught it, and in that moment, the girl ran away.

As soon as the little girl goes out, if Luo Fugui stays here again, if Boss Hu finds out, he will definitely be kicked to death!
Staring at the toad's eyes, he finally came back to his senses, quickly followed the little girl and ran out of the headquarters, and then gave himself another big mouth.

Ma Liang's machine gun position has been exposed, because he has the most fun playing here!
Tom tom tom. Amidst the gunpowder smoke, five mortar shells were fired one after another.

Before and after the several machine gun positions of the Ninth Company, the mortar shells fired by the security forces accurately landed within ten meters of the machine gun positions.

The huge shock wave directly overturned the machine gunner on the machine gun position!
The eight roads in the trenches are still throwing grenades!At this time, I was frightened half to death, and quickly shrank my head.

The sound of the explosion was sandwiched between the sound of the grenade explosion. No one noticed that only five of the six mortars of the security forces fired!

At some point, another mortar round is loaded into the muzzle, slides down, and the gunner realizes that there is a dud in the bore!
The sound of stopping the loader in the dark night was muffled, and by the time he tried to stop it, it was already too late.

The shell slid straight into the barrel and immediately hit the firing fuse of the previous shell.

Bombing the artillery position, there was a flash of light, and then there was a loud noise, and the mortar exploded!

The shock wave carried shrapnel from the blast chamber and raged in all directions, quickly causing the nearby ammunition boxes to explode. The shock wave lifted more ammunition boxes and fell heavily, and the artillery position burst into flames.
After only one round of rapid fire, the entire artillery array was destroyed by his own mistake!

The head of the Security Corps not far behind was stunned, his mouth was wide open and he couldn't speak!

From the second company to the military division, there was a long line, the soldiers who threw all the grenades and almost all the bullets in the rifles, once again killed loudly, broke out of the trenches, and started another charge!
Da da da da da somewhere amidst the gunpowder, the firing of heavy machine guns sounded in the attacking team!It's not a regular three-burst shot, but a long burst with little regularity!
The sound of the machine gun didn't seem to stop. It took about [-] rounds of ammunition for a bomb guard to stop before it stopped for a while, and then it rang out again.

The engine of the Iron King Eight roared, and the headlights loomed in the smoke.

The security army lying on the front heard a familiar voice. Could it be that the imperial army reinforcements have arrived?

But can you have eyes for that bullet? We are our own people!
No one fired on the headlights of armored vehicles!
I can't believe that Balu owns this big guy!

Ma Liang was turned over by the deputy shooter next to him: "Platoon leader, how are you doing?"

Ma Liang shook his head, spat out the sand in his mouth, his head was still buzzing, his eyes were dull, and he couldn't speak.

"The platoon leader is injured, hurry up and lift it down!" He was still alive, he could move, but he couldn't die.

After the deputy shooter finished speaking, he grabbed a few bridge bullets again tremblingly, and pressed them into the crooked sub-machine gun magazine raised by the machine gunner next to him.

The machine gunner pressed the trigger, but the crooked handle didn't respond at all, and it didn't move. He pulled the trigger twice, but it couldn't be pulled in place!

The machine gunner turned livid with anger: "I fucked your mother! You are playing with me right now"

I want to kick the machine gun in front of my feet, but I can't bear it
"Hey, Big Dog, Chief Hu asked us to beat the corpse, but now we can't see anything, do you still want to beat him?"

"What the fuck, my brain is still buzzing now, throwing such a dense grenade, I guess none of the people in front will survive!"

"Hey, the platoon leader is not here, why don't we go up and see if we can get something?"

"Why don't you go if you're not afraid of death, hehe. Few of Ma Liang's machine gunners are veterans, so go if you dare." Tang Dagou laughed.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Just wait." The big dog was also helpless.

Luo Fugui was next to the two of them, listening to Tang Dagou's conversation with his subordinates with a worried expression on his face.

The girl who was running in front just ran past, when she heard the words, she suddenly turned around again, and immediately asked the big dog: "What's the matter with you, why don't you make a move?"

"What the hell, Ma Liang was blown up by the shells of the security forces, and those machine gunners are new melons. This nervousness can't even fire the machine guns!"

"Let me ask you, what are you doing with Ma Liang's machine gun?"

"Why the hell can you see a live security force now?"

"Don't you know how to go up and look for it?"

"Go up and look for it? Go up and look for death!" Tang Dagou's men next to him muttered while digging the sand in their ears.

"Hey, there was an explosion just now, let's go and have a look?" the little girl suggested.

"Your grandma, can't you just stay here and beat up the officials of the security forces? Do you have to go to the front to die?" Comrade Shang Yunluo Fugui quit just now.

Not far away, Wang Liujin looked up at the murmurers, holding the gun body tightly with his left hand, with his index finger outside the trigger hole, his knuckles turning white.

I despise these three seconds, not interested in talking, and facing the subordinates around me: "Let's go up and have a look, and kill those who are still screaming by the way!"

Perhaps it was in conjunction with the divisional charge, the special agent platoon quickly jumped out of the trench one by one: "Come on!"

Seeing someone disobeying orders, Jing Ye.Charged, Hu Yi was stunned, so he had to quickly order the machine guns to stop firing, and the grenade to stop firing!
The commander of the cavalry company who was waiting in battle next to him was overjoyed and blew his whistle.

"Brigade Commander, there are quite a few people on the Eighth Route, and our strength is not very strong. If they really want to charge, the brothers will never be able to handle it." The regiment commander muttered in front of the brigade commander's horse.

Can afford it, let it go, keep the green hills, don't be afraid of no firewood, why don't a man have a wife, no, he can bend and stretch, take a step back, the sea and the sky, brigade commander Tang listened to the reports from the messengers from the east, looking at the entire battlefield, every time The positions are almost the same, and I feel depressed. This time, it seems that I have been tricked by eight tricks again!

To be able to be a brigade commander is naturally not an ordinary person!Immediately and decisively ordered: "Withdraw!"

"The brigade commander is wise!" The head of the regiment complimented immediately.

The orderly turned around and ran eastward.

"Continuous blocking, the other troops immediately retreat and assemble!" The regiment staff commanded loudly, he didn't expect to delay the Eight Routes for a long time, but he could always block the Eight Routes for a while!Smooth retreat.

Since Balu is willing to rush, let them rush, but they have to pay a little price!
The company soldiers who have been lying on the ground are not happy when they hear the order. Why can other people run, and I stay to die?Did not send an extra ocean!Could it be that we were born by our mother?

Once I die, there will be nothing left!

Uh. This black light is messy and full of gunpowder smoke, who the hell knows how many times I belong?

It's a big deal that I dragged behind during the assembly, right?

If you don't slip away at this time, when will you wait?

(End of this chapter)

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