under fire

Chapter 454 8 Outrageous Echelons

Chapter 454 Outrageous Eight Levels

Gunpowder smoke filled the hazy moonlight, and the remaining smoke curled up.

The sound of shouting and killing seemed to become far away.

Although the battle is not over yet, and it is not exactly as expected, the current situation has not disappointed Hu Yi. If the weather is superior, the terrain is advantageous, the trenches are arranged in advance for ambushes, and all firepower is concentrated on the opponent If you are caught off guard, you can't beat him, that's a joke!

Offense and defense also depend on the opponent's situation. Although Hu Yi does not know the opponent [-]%, but he has had a similar experience, and the instinct in his bones will not be much different. The outcome of the battle will be reversed.

For the division, this battle was extremely fierce, and it could even be said to be the fiercest battle fought since the establishment of the division, even far surpassing the battle against Qi County.

The battlefield is full of red-eyed and blood-boiling eight-way fighters, rushing through the fire and rushing into the moonlight to hunt down the unlucky ones who can't escape.

In Hu Yi's eyes, it was actually not that great. The successful ambush did not give Hu Yi a sense of accomplishment.

Those who have never experienced the devil's heavy artillery will not know what kind of horror it would be like to be on such a battlefield.

But now, an armored vehicle that doesn't even have a [-]mm cannon can rampage on the battlefield, as if entering a no-man's land. For the security forces that don't even have two heavy machine guns, they are obviously invincible.

For this victory, Hu Yi was not surprised. Seeing Ma Liang, who was staggering, walked to his side, he suddenly felt much happier.

The smoke on the battlefield slowly dissipated.

"Where's the girl?" Hu Yi asked subconsciously.

"Isn't it in the bunker?" Ma Liang remembered that she was holding that strange gun to trouble the security forces.

Ma Liang didn't forget about this, and added: "After the mule pulled the mine, it seems to have gone to the bunker! With his temper, it is impossible to come out again."

After he finished speaking, his face changed suddenly. The mule was indeed fine, but he never dared to forget the virtue of the girl.Immediately turned to look at Xu Xiao next to Hu Yi: "Go and have a look!"

Xu Xiao carried out the order resolutely, turned around and ran away.

The black lights are blind, the smoke is full, the bullets don't have eyes, the corpses on the ground are mixed with bits and pieces, and it's hard to walk away. The sound of shouting and killing keeps coming. The recruit's legs trembled behind him.

Whether the battle is good or not, sometimes it depends on luck, and poor equipment does not necessarily mean that you cannot win. If you have determination, you will naturally have courage. Sometimes it is just because of a small wish.

The girl's ideal is just to try to beat a public security officer with an unreliable gun!
Tian Sanqi had nearly a hundred subordinates, followed by the shameless second company and rushed to the front together, biting the tail of the security army, robbing the girl of the chance to show off, but still reduced to the second echelon!
The cavalry company commander learned from the experience and lessons of the last attack that he only gained a fraction of the second company. As soon as he entered the field, he made a half-circle dash, directly copied the retreating security forces, and attacked the security forces from the flanks. first echelon.

The spy platoon following Tian Sanqi's platoon, picked up the leak and became the mistress.

The big dog class stopped in front of the girl who was rounding her two slender legs vigorously at this time, and even had time to stop on the ground to pick up the spoils. This was four steps.

Luo Fugui No. [-] was lazy and ranked fifth.

Ma Liang, who was frightened and scolded that the mule was having a splitting headache, took five machine gun teams to the battle and competed for the sixth place.

Li Xiang's platoon, carrying a machine gun and carrying a grenadier, followed the cold black-faced company commander, counting as six plus or seventh.

The team didn't seem to end there. A large number of militiamen appeared out of nowhere, and men and women in rags grabbed the last place without hesitation.
Another meaning of the eight "roads" was explained vividly.

The Ninth Company, which has no unified command, is quite different from other troops. It actually made an attack into six or seven steps!
Although the general trend is set!

Without the commander of the division to command the battle, he ventured out of the headquarters by accident and led the guards along the trenches.

The old men all retreated because of face, but you don't want to be a blue face and continue to follow?
This time I will not give you two shuttles, I am a grandson!
Even if you are relying on Meng, you have to kill a few of you, and by the way, get rid of your lingering tail!

After escaping, a certain company commander was thinking about this: "Machine guns, set up positions on the spot, hit him with two shuttles, and widen the distance from the enemy!"

Hearing this, the bitter machine gunner had to keep his own thoughts. He was very clear about the temper of the company commander who had been to military academy, and he didn't even bother to explain and suggest.

The brigade commander and battalion commander have all run away, and now the company commander is the highest command, and no one dares to take the decision made by the company commander who is so outrageous.

Even if he has a personal hatred for the company commander, he will not be so stupid as to hit the gun at this juncture. At this time, it is not appropriate to carry personal dissatisfaction, and the key is to understand that hitting two shuttles before running.

I am not a layman in blocking combat, so I don't have to wait for the company commander to give me any orders. I wisely put down the machine gun on my shoulder, and swayed the machine gun on the tripod to stand on the edge of a weed on the saline-alkali ground. The swift movement of the gun made me stop The foot soldiers couldn't help watching, and couldn't help cursing in their hearts, can you fuck your mother faster...

The machine gunner's clothes were rubbed on the ground, he twisted a few times to adjust his posture, and the butt of the gun finally hit the shoulder socket.

Quickly pulled the trigger but no bullets were loaded, and someone next to him immediately suggested: "You may have no bullets in the magazine!"

The machine gunner kicked the deputy shooter who was laying on the side without a wink, and the idiot twisted his body and crawled away. He thought the machine gun shooter told him to get away.

Before he finished feeling that he followed the right person, looking back, the shooter had pulled out the magazine, and immediately understood what the machine gunner meant, and hurriedly pulled off the backpack and took out a full magazine and handed it over.

Suddenly I felt the ground trembling, and my heart was even more surprised, the voice came from the side, the voice was very familiar!He was obsessed with changing magazines, and the dog's mind was full of the painting style of being shot in eight ways, and his heart sank as he was expecting the result.


The Security Army also has horses, and those who can ride horses are also used to report and pass orders. If you don't have money, you can't afford cavalry!
Those who are poor must come from the eight routes. I didn't let go of the shuttle, and your cavalry came?

The infantry nearby have already swarmed and ran away, you want me to stay and deal with Ba Ye?This is too nonsense, right?

Looking back, I saw that the company commander also ran away, leaving the machine gunner completely speechless, hesitated for a moment, got up, raised the machine gun, turned around and ran away!
Flickering in the grass, the pursuers gradually realized that they could no longer catch up with the fugitives.

After all, in order to save their lives, the escapees tried their best and tried their best. What they pursued was only to capture them. Occasionally, they encountered people who desperately resisted, hindering the pace of pursuit.

Except for those who were born with short legs and felt that they couldn't run fast, they knelt on the ground and raised their hands to surrender, and were directly shot and searched by some people with spears and big knives, searched their pockets, and stripped their clothes.

Combat power?Is life saving more important?
Eight roads have an outstanding reputation, hand in your gun and don't kill!You can also mix two oceans, wouldn't it be a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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