under fire

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
"The Eighth Route Army gave preferential treatment to the prisoners. They handed over their guns and didn't kill them. They squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads. Oh, I'm talking about you. Don't order your mother to try!!" The cold voice roared in the wild.

Excited and strange screams were everywhere, together with some nervous begging and crying sounds, one after another in the grass under the hazy moonlight, and some who were about to become corpses twitched and howled like they came from hell.

The surviving security regiment soldiers began to tremble and raise their hands slightly, surrendering in fear. There is no need to fight to the death with the famous Eighth Route Army, which has a golden signboard of "hand down your gun and don't kill!"Most of the living ones were stripped naked on the spot and marched back in line.

A very small number were either lying on stretchers or carried as prisoners by their comrades in arms who never gave up.

There are far fewer prisoners in a certain direction of attack!But there are more corpses on the ground.

It is obviously very different from the results of the first counter-charge.

The cavalry were slowly closing in and joining up with Tian Sanqi and the Second Company. The forward soldiers hid in the bushes and guarded. A large number of people lit torches and searched excitedly in a large area.

The cavalry company commander understood the principle of not chasing the poor, and did not continue to pursue the fleeing security forces. It is very important that if there is no infantry to keep up with the coordination, the cavalry will definitely be trapped in the fleeing enemy team because the attack speed is too fast. middle.

At that time, the situation will become completely different. The blood of the horse will heat up rapidly due to running, and it will soon lose speed, and even fall into a situation surrounded by enemies.
Another group of figures gradually emerged from the darkness, and slowly poked their waists to appear behind the grass at the edge of the torch light. The formation of the group seemed chaotic, but it was not densely packed, and their guns were on alert.

At first, a person was so dark that he couldn't see his face clearly, but his mouth was not idle, and he was complaining at the top of his voice: "What the hell, Tian Sanqi, you guys are really brave, you ran three miles after you charged like hell?"

Tian Sanqi saw that the big dog was casually carrying Ma Sihuan on his shoulders, and he was also holding a shell gun in his hand. The light from the torch reflected a shadow of varying shades behind him.

Throwing a bundle of rifles onto the stretcher of the soldiers next to him, he walked steadily, the rifles with bright bayonets swaying rhythmically behind his back: "Just how many of you?"

A small body suddenly appeared from behind the big dog team, panting, her knees were weak, she turned a blind eye to the trembling people kneeling on the ground, followed by the scattered spy platoon. Standing straight: "Big Dog, I really didn't realize that you guys are running so slow."

Someone next to the big dog thought: If I can’t run fast, I can live to this day. Tuba Road is called iron feet, which seems to be not true

There were footsteps coming from the east, and the second company was on the east, and a security post was set up again, the person who came must be one of our own, everyone lay down in the firelight, pulled the bolt for cover and cursed: "Who!"

A tall figure appeared, holding a sharp bayonet, the wet blackness of the bayonet and the gun muzzle reflected the firelight: "Erlian!"

He put away the gun and threw it on his back, walked over and looked at Tian Sanqi: "We are ready to retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around, without any more nonsense, ran into the grass under the moonlight in the east and disappeared.

Only the faint sound of the engine from the east remained.

The engine roared twice, and the sound seemed to be retreating south.

A certain person who was itching with hatred finally took a breath, scanned the scene cautiously, pulled a fancy machine gun from someone behind him, and walked out from the dim light: "It's over so soon? Are there any officials among the people?"

"Hey... so many people have died, how can I know who is the official!" Tian Sanqi really didn't know, but the way of speaking was wrong, because the person opposite him was Xiao Hongying.

"Shut up for me! You eat things from the inside out!" The little girl waved her small hand, turned to look at the big dog and Wang Liujin who followed him: "Follow me!"

"Where are you going?" the two asked in unison.

Luo Fugui was carrying a grenade gun and stayed out of the range of the light. He didn't intend to join in the fun, but just sat on the ground and watched the movement in the fire light intently.

It wasn't until a certain team moved out suddenly that he was dumbfounded. Although he didn't know what happened here, he saw Tian Sanqi in the distance who seemed to be in a daze, and the cavalry beside him stopped moving.

Luo Fugui's heart tightened, he got up quickly, ran into the light, and directly grabbed Tian Sanqi's collar: "Where is your grandma's?"

"She said that we are all bastards, and if we don't believe in evil, we went north to find officials in the security forces." Tian Sanqi replied nonchalantly.

Luo Fugui was startled, and was scared out of his belly: "You mean she died?"

Suddenly he stepped back and kicked Tian Sanqi in the stomach, with great force.

Tian Sanqi stood up on the ground twice, immediately got up, and was about to rush towards Luo Fugui.

If you are not afraid of being beaten to death by Boss Hu, let your grandma come here now!

Tian Sanqi stopped, frowned, twitched half of the corner of his mouth a few times, and looked around at the helpers who were about to come up: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and follow!"

After speaking, he took the rifle off his back and rushed north into the darkness.

A group of subordinates panicked to find the squad leader, and ran after them.

The panic on Luo Fugui's face disappeared, and he said to himself: "There are almost 200 people, even if we meet the security forces, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Another group of people ran away, leaving only the cavalry company who was still cleaning the battlefield dumbfounded.

After a period of time, there was no more gunpowder smoke and no human voice in the wilderness under the moonlight.

There were only hurried footsteps and panting.

The team of defeated soldiers was assembled again, sitting outside the village panting for breath, people kept running into the village and returned to the team after identification.

Two more hurried figures ran back from the south.

"Reporting to the regiment leader, Donglian and the eighth road in the middle have already retreated, and there is no further pursuit. Only the west road in charge of our regiment, and eighth roads are chasing up. It seems that there are a lot of people!"

West?West with cavalry?The head of the group was shocked, and hurriedly turned around: "Report to the brigade commander, the eight roads are chasing us!"

Why panic, we were the ones who rushed in the first two times, were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army, and immediately organized defenses. I still don’t believe it.

Therefore, under the personal command of the brigade commander, the messenger immediately drew people from the other two teams that had already assembled to organize the defense.

After being trained as an officer, he finally understood the reason for his failure, which was all the result of underestimating the enemy.

How could he be able to swallow his humiliated face after being beaten three times.

Use his own way to treat his body!The brigade commander was not discouraged by the two defeats, and quickly organized a team of nearly a thousand people.

I got all excellent marks in my military study tactics and strategy exam, the reason for my defeat has been found out, the enemy situation is unknown, and I am advancing in the dark again, now the situation is reversed, hehe, do you think my well-trained security forces are all vegetarians?
I just use your native method, and you don't know that my troops have quickly assembled and deployed, do you think I won't lay an ambush?

Of course, it would be embarrassing to say that the battle against the Tuba Road had to rely on ambushes.

Anyway, the battle happened at night, if you don't say it yourself, who doesn't have a brain and dares to go out and talk nonsense?

In the dark night, the security forces of various ministries began to act, and opened/armed the west route horizontally. There was not enough time to dig trenches, but it seemed that it was unnecessary. Could our firepower be inferior to Tubalu who only knows how to fight bayonets?

Rifles, machine guns, and the rest of the grenades all point toward the hazy night to the south.
 It was kicked out, and it hasn't been changed yet.

(End of this chapter)

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