under fire

Chapter 456

Chapter 456
Liu Ergou was lying on the ground, his heart was overwhelmed, and he was extremely anxious. Since he entered the public security army, he has never encountered such a severe situation.
But I wondered: How could the head of the division let the troops pursue it in the dark?With the ability of the military division, except for ambushes and harassment, it can't beat the security forces at all!Wouldn't it have been unexpected that the security forces would also lay an ambush?

Heidan blindly chasing so far?

The military division is indeed poor, but if you want to seize more, you shouldn't take such a risky action!Maybe some ambush team went in the wrong direction during the night?

Look up at the sky, there is a big moon hanging, this is impossible!

Cautiously turned his head and looked around, but did not see the brigade commander or regimental commander, they should be hiding in the village behind.

When he came back from reconnaissance, he brought two soldiers from the division to pretend to be scouts of the public security army. After reporting to the staff, he went back to the secret service company alone to report. Fearing that his acquaintances would find out, he led people into the third regiment nearby.

He didn't dare to bring anyone back to the secret service company, and developed two other soldiers from the security forces with divisional soldiers, ready to attack the brigade commander at any time.

This kind of thing was done before, and the four people who punished rape and punished evil were lying not far from themselves.

Liu Ergou's back was drenched with sweat, and he carefully took out a grenade and placed it in front of him. His face was sometimes ferocious, and sometimes worried. His body rubbed against the lumps of soil on the ground, and his whole body seemed to be convulsing and itching.

Smelling the slight gunpowder smoke spreading from a distance, it seemed to see the serious face of the reconnaissance company commander before departure.

Thinking about every word the political commissar had said to himself in the company before departure, he finally made up his mind.

There are also many capable people in the security forces. As long as you don't return to the construction for a long time, you will be exposed sooner or later, and it is impossible to stay in the security forces.

Thinking of enduring the humiliation and bearing a heavy burden to break into the security forces, and finally completing the task of luring the enemy, with a firm smile on his face, even the sacrifice is worth it!The only thing I can do now is to warn the troops before they arrive!

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, Liu Ergou raised his head, and a security force in charge of reconnaissance from the third regiment, at this moment, ran back to the commander of the battalion with his back bent, and lowered his voice: "Balu is here, there are probably several hundred ! When I came back, the distance was about 500 meters, and the speed was not fast”

Most of the people were pricking up their ears, listening to this guy who was not afraid of death and ran back from the hazy moonlight.

Except for the sound of breathing one after another, there was almost no other sound, and the conversation between the two was clearly heard.

Liu Ergou was stunned on the spot, and suddenly remembered that it would take some time for this guy to run back, and then carefully observed the people around him, all of them were looking at the scout, and the sound of pulling the bolt continued to rang out one after another.

Subconsciously, he also unscrewed the bomb cover, pierced the moisture-proof paper, and put the fire ring on his finger.

Without hesitation, he tore off the fire ring vigorously, and the sound of chi chi began to rang softly.

The person next to him suddenly smelled the smell of gunpowder, and subconsciously turned his head and asked, "Well... why are you pulling the grenade?"

Liu Ergou let out a cold laugh: "Hey, I accidentally pulled it just now!"

The security guard next to him blinked a few times in a daze, showing a bewildered look, and asked in confusion, "Can you play with your mother's thing? Damn, are you looking for death?"

This guy is also an old fritter, as soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, pulled the grenade away, and threw it out into the open space in front of him.

"Your mother's dead recruit, I was almost killed by you." After throwing away the grenade, the guy lay on the ground and raised his right foot, kicking towards him.

Liu Ergou, who was identified as a recruit, was kicked far away by this lying guy!

It caused a lot of scolding.

"Shut up, who the hell will talk to me again"

Before Captain Zhi could finish his sentence, a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of the position, followed by a loud bang, and the grenade exploded!A burst of smoke and gravel

The sudden explosion shocked Wang Liujin, who was leading the team: No way, did the enemy find it?
Taking advantage of the situation, he lay down on the ground and rolled to the side. With the flash of light just now, he could clearly see the black figure on the ground.

The marching team immediately collapsed into one, raised their guns and pulled the shackles, on guard and even prepared to run away.

Ya Tou was dragged by the squad leader of the spy platoon next to her and lay down on the ground on the spot, lying nervously in front of Ya Tou, trying to use her body to shield Ya Tou from possible bullets.

In the wilderness, a girl's scolding suddenly sounded: "Oh, what are you pulling me for? Don't I know how to hide myself?"

Immediately afterwards, Tang Dagou, who was following behind, rushed up from behind, and after drawing a distance from the girl horizontally, he fired a shot at the wild grass in the distance without hesitation, and then flew horizontally and dived.

With the flash of explosion just now, a gray figure was vaguely seen in the open space among the grass a hundred meters away!
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
Da da da.
The sound of returning fire suddenly sounded, and the machine guns and rifle bullets of the security forces rushed directly to the position where Tang Dagou shot, as if they were free of money.

The old fritter dog didn't stay in the shooting position at all, and rolled seven or eight meters away to the side.

Listening to the sound, there may be hundreds of guns firing at the same time!
The bullets whizzed through the grass, but some idiots were subconsciously firing at the place where the explosion happened just now.

Then another wave of grenades flew in the sky, throwing them near the location where the grenade exploded.

How fooled!

The big dog didn't dare to stop, and continued to roll sideways to the side of the machine gun's trajectory, but he was wondering in his heart, if the security forces used shady tricks to ambush, there shouldn't be the sound of grenades exploding.
I have to admit that the Eighth Route Army is stronger than the national army. As a former national army spy company, he knows that although the national army also has the practice of mixing sand with the enemy, it is impossible to find a random team and have internal support.

The Eighth Route Army doesn't even have military pay, and it seems that they have never seen anyone give advice!

Most of the people who participated in the Eighth Route Army were farmers. They joined the army to defend the land. Even those tenant farmers who had no land at first were allocated land from the landlord Lao Cai. What could be more important than farming?

Simple ideals, very low requirements, they can shed their blood for it.

Dagou didn't study, so he came to Jiulian to join the militia first, and finally found that the militia was not easy to do. After being in Jiulian, he finally learned a few words, and he listened to Lao Qin's education a lot, and understood some truths. At least, selfishness That changed a little bit.

Otherwise, with his personality, he would take the initiative to shoot to attract the firepower of the ambush, unless the sun came out at night.

Maybe he didn't realize it himself.

The explosion of the grenade in front finally sounded into pieces, and the flashes flashed randomly, dazzled countless frightened dog eyes.

The big dog couldn't help being dumbfounded. Wang Liujin was about ten meters ahead, and at least a hundred meters away from the security forces' position in the distance. Could it be that the spy platoon was really that powerful?Can you throw a grenade seven or eighty meters away?

Obviously impossible, but what about those exploding grenades?

Is the security force just throwing it away for fun?
Xiao Hongying shook the pigtail protruding from the military cap on her head, wiped her face, and spat out a mouthful of mud.

I wanted to curse a few more words, but was so frightened by the bullets whistling above my head that I buried my head in the soil again.

Behind the security forces on the opposite side.

Hurrying to the front line of the battlefield, the regimental leader Zhi, who was about to personally command, saw the explosions in front of him, and the gunshots rang out!
His back was drenched in cold sweat in an instant. These Tubalus ran really fast. Just now, his subordinates said that the distance was 500 meters. After a while, they rushed into the range of 50 meters!
Who are these eight groups?

His judgment was based on the position where the grenade exploded to meet the enemy. In his opinion, the vanguard of the Eighth Route Army had already come up and made contact with their subordinates!

Lying on the ground, he couldn't help but nodded. The brothers under him performed well, and their reaction speed was not slow.

Of course, firing without waiting for an order from the chief is not a big deal in the security forces!
Looking at the subordinates who were ambushing in the grass, the head of the group finally opened his voice and shouted: "I will beat you hard, and you must beat him so hard that even his mother doesn't know him!"

After speaking, he drew out his small pistol, and fired it into the darkness.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the Eighth Road was still a hundred meters away, and the pistol fired was purely to join in the fun and listen to the sound.

The enemy's situation is unknown, and the eight roads on the opposite side seem to have very little firepower, but he doesn't think they have the conditions to recoil!
I'll hit you for a while, and wait until it's almost safe.

After all, he had only been ambushed twice, and his men had lost nearly [-]% of their troops. If a charge was overshadowed by Eight Road, it would be over. Does anyone know if Eight Road is holding back some big moves?
Although the eight roads don't have many bullets, but the ability to fight bayonets, except for the imperial army, no one is willing to try those poor and poor soil eight roads.
(End of this chapter)

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