under fire

Chapter 459 Recognition

Chapter 459 Recognition
Wang Liujin's young face suddenly became excited, and his two light machine guns and more than twenty rifles were shooting happily.

You can even feel the icy breath coming out of the hot muzzle.

While the bullets were flying towards the enemy, he seemed to see the fallen figure of the enemy.

The order of the security forces was in disarray. Occasionally, some people returned fire and were immediately covered by dense bullet rain. At least he felt that the assault mission was basically completed.

Tian Sanqi seized the opportunity and led the team to wait behind the spy platoon, only waiting for the charge horn to sound.

"Company commander, do you still have to wait?" Xu Xiao asked nervously holding the bronze trumpet.

"The time has not come yet, wait!" Hu Yi was not sure at the moment, he had already habitually pulled the trigger, and the Czech machine gun was on standby.

There are many Northeast fellows and former comrades-in-arms in the public security army on the opposite side. In any case, they took refuge in the devils, which is unforgivable. As for who those targets are, there is no time to worry about them now.

The night is always unsettling, too many unknown things happen, the cover of the silver pocket watch pops open with a click, and the time is barely seen by the special agent platoon machine gun shooting flash: 03:30 in the morning.

The chaos on the opposite side intensified, Hu Yi felt an impulse in his heart, and wanted to order a charge, but he still had to wait!

Because at this time there was no movement from the second company and the divisional special task force that outflanked from the right.

Hu Yi frowned, this shouldn't be!Because the speed of the second company starting at the same time shouldn't be so slow!With Gao Yidao's personality, he must be doing something with the sub-region special agent team!

In fact, the Second Company had already been in place, and it was the Secret Service Group who came up with the idea of ​​changing the plan, because the Secret Service Group touched down the secret post of the Security Force!He grabbed his tongue smoothly and roughly figured out the arrangement of the security forces.

A great opportunity was right in front of them. The newly defeated secret service group held their breath and left the flanks to the second company. With one company, they were going to copy the security army's back route.

audacious in the extreme!

But there are still backup players. Now the situation has been reported to the division. Brigadier Zhu is assembling the team, and the division teams have mobilized urgently. In order to confuse the enemy, the armored vehicles that rely on the most are hidden and have not come out.

Crazy idea, there are only more than 100 people in the secret service team, and they are going to copy more than 2000 security forces!

For the security forces, the current situation is very helpless. The biggest miscalculation is that they did not consider that the Eighth Route Army dared to fight against themselves. Is it not good for me to run after you?Isn't it just demolishing a few houses and setting them on fire?

Who doesn't want to fight with the wind, the fact that the division dares to fight hard with the security forces has a lot to do with the two companies with very different styles from the independent regiment.

Although the public security army is well-trained, the quality of its soldiers is only a little better than that of most of the rookies.

Hearing the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides in the west, the security forces were obviously a little confused. The soldiers of Gao Yidao and the second company were eager to try. If the head of the secret service hadn't drawn a big cake, the second company would have rushed up from the east.

He is well aware of Jiulian's habit, which is a freak at all. He never fights with the enemy, and fights on as many scales as there are bullets. He always talks about taking the initiative and never doing things that are at a disadvantage.

"Company Commander, Jiulian are just some prodigal sons, how can they play like this, you heard their machine guns fired several times and they didn't dare to charge, they are all cowards!"

"You're right! They're just dogs, so they can't stop eating shit, they just waste ammunition!" He praised his platoon leader for the first time.

"Why are the people in the division moving so slowly? Haven't come up yet!?" The platoon leader continued to complain.

While talking, a soldier ran up to Gao Yidao with his waist bent: "Report to the company commander, the enemy is coming to us?"

"Hey, since you took the initiative to deliver it to your door, don't blame us, get ready to fight!" Gao Yidao was overjoyed.

"There's someone here!" The vanguard of the Security Army didn't find a chance until he was crushed by two soldiers from the Second Company, and let out a howl.

Then the man who was about to capture the prisoner panicked and stabbed the bayonet into the idiot's stomach: "You can save your life if you don't yell, but you have to seek death."

The rifles and machine guns held by a large group of people next to them fired into the darkness without even aiming.

The security forces, who were about to sneak to the east, quickly lay down, fired a shot at the muzzle of the fired gun, and then pulled the bolt again in a panic on the ground.

He didn't even look at it, and fired again, only to find gunpowder smoke entering his nostrils: grenade!

He got up in the chaos and wanted to dodge, but the bullets flying in the air didn't let him go because of his panic. The bullets penetrated into his body, and several shadows suddenly fell down, as if they hadn't hit the vital point, and wept loudly. Yelling mother howling.

Boom, there was a loud noise, and several consciousnesses fell into darkness.

No one responded, they were too busy to take care of themselves, and continued to be busy firing back into the night. The security forces were not stupid.

The other party seemed to have three machine guns screaming at the top of their lungs in the dark, bullets rattling, and rifles firing sporadically, with occasional unlucky screams.

Bullets flew across, and both sides in the darkness were out of aim, and they shot carefully to change places, which was equivalent to blind shooting. If anyone stayed where they were after shooting, they would probably attract retaliatory bullets.

The distance between the two sides is constantly widening, and the security forces are lying on the ground fighting and retreating. The battle seems fierce, but the casualties of the security forces are not too large. There are not many people in the second company who were shot. carry away.

As for daring to continue shooting after being shot, and unable to move the position, it is likely to become the target of the other party. No one would be that stupid, just looking for death.

There were also a large number of security forces, subconsciously and instinctively shooting at places with muzzle flashes, pulling grenades and throwing them randomly towards the Eight Roads.

The deafening explosion of the grenade made the entire battlefield chaotic and noisy.

As a result, Brigadier Zhu brought people up, but was not discovered by the security forces.

The company commander of the public security army began to feel a little scared. The eight roads on the opposite side were definitely not the three guns and dirt roads he had seen before!
The reason is very simple. It depends on the shooting density of the machine gun. How does it look like a shortage of soldiers and ammunition?In other words, if the eight roads really didn't have many bullets, then with so many bullets coming from the opposite side, the number of people in the eight roads would not be enough to fill up Kuang Shu?
The Eighth Route Army not only has more bullets, but also has many people!

When the charge sounded again, at a distance of more than 50 meters in the dark night, Brigadier Zhu led his men to charge, and the second company had to stop shooting.

"Company commander, why don't we rush?" A platoon leader of the second company asked.

"If we also rush, how can we identify the enemy with the partition in the dark?" Gao Yidao replied lightly.

"Uh, so that's the case. Then when they go up to fight the enemy with bayonets, the formation is messed up, so they can't be recognized, right?"

"So, the little devil's stabbing technique is worth learning. They are all in groups of three. Anyway, as long as one of them goes forward, two protect the flanks, and three fight for one, it's easy to identify. Can he be better this time? Understand"

The division fighters who rushed to the front first, did exactly the same as the second company's charge, first pulled out a grenade and threw it at the enemy in front, then lay down on the ground and raised their guns to shoot in the darkness.

After the explosion sounded, immediately rushed forward while the gunpowder smoke was not exhausted.

The speed of the charge is not fast, and the most important thing is to maintain the formation in the dark. The method of identifying the enemy and the enemy is very simple. The one facing you must be the enemy, and the one facing you must be your comrade-in-arms.

The premise is that you have three people.

The three-person group following behind ran around in the gunpowder smoke, and the soldiers who had run away anxiously called out the number of their squad leader, hoping to find their teammate.

If they charged into the enemy group alone, they couldn't see each other clearly in the dark, who knew if they would be stabbed by their own people?

(End of this chapter)

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