under fire

Chapter 460

Chapter 460

It is a fact that the Eighth Route Army has less ammunition. Even after two waves of fighting, it has seized a lot and still lacks ammunition, because the ammunition brought by the security forces is not much, which is far worse than that of the devils.

Even if the Eighth Route is charging, try to use bayonets to kill the target.

Except for the commandos in the front row, those who follow behind rarely shoot, and they can't aim and shoot again in the dark. For the soldiers, they are reluctant to waste even a single bullet.

A battalion commander of the public security army who was in charge of observing the west side felt that the situation was not good. The loud shouts and killings from the Eighth Route came from the east, and the west side he defended was defeated.

The key point is that Tuba Road actually got a chemical bomb, which is not something he has never smelled before, and he will never forget the smell for half a month.

Immediately yelled at the security forces lying next to him: "Hurry up and inform the regiment commander, the west side can no longer be defended!"

When the correspondent ran away, he immediately shouted at the wilderness: "Brothers, retreat to me!"

As for whether to accept the order, anyway, the head of the regiment didn't say that he would stick to it here. He just said that he would launch an ambush on the Eight Roads.

Think carefully about the orders issued by the regiment, and make sure you didn't say stick to it, so what are you waiting for?
What could be more important than saving your life?

In the dark night tens of meters away, a black shadow stood up suddenly, and fled northward quickly with its waist down.

For a while, footsteps hurried.

More than a dozen smoking grenades were thrown from the Eighth Army's position, and the wounded simply shouted loudly in tears: "Baye, we surrender, don't shoot."

A platoon leader loyal to the security forces raised his gun and was about to kill this coward, but he was still cursing: "I killed your spineless family."

Before he could finish his sentence, a bayonet tip appeared from his chest, and the bolt was pulled down but there was no strength to push it back.

"Damn it, if you want to die, don't pull us together, anyway, we surrender, and the Eighth Route Army will give us two oceans," a wounded soldier muttered viciously.

When the secret service platoon charged, the security forces took the initiative to eliminate the idiots who planned to shoot black guns, and there was no danger in the formation!
When Wang Liujin got into the gunpowder smoke, holding his bayonet, and was about to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of the battlefield comfortably, a trace of tear gas got into his nostrils.

The special agent platoon soldiers who were the first to rush into the gunpowder smoke didn't feel anything at first. The tear gas mixed in the gunpowder smoke was not completely blown away by the explosion of the grenade. , why tears come out?The snot also flowed out?

It was exactly the same as the reaction of the security forces who were attacked in the first place.

The special agent platoon also had one head and two legs, so it was not necessarily stronger than the security forces, so it quickly retreated back with strange screams.

captive?Anyway, it's there, I'll catch it later!

The commander of the West Road Battalion ran away, and the entire defense line of a regiment of the security forces immediately collapsed.

Except for those who were injured and couldn't run, all those who could move ran away, ran resolutely, and ran without hesitation.

Except for the remaining wounded soldiers who waited dumbfoundedly for the Eighth Route to capture the prisoners, the entire West Route soon became deserted.

But Balu didn't even pay attention.

First, he simply yelled a few times to the wounded soldiers, "Give up your guns and don't kill", "Stay where you are and don't move", "Whoever moves, kill whoever".
It wasn't until a while later that Tubalu bypassed the gunpowder smoke, inspected the prisoners who were particularly self-conscious, and after asking a few simple questions, they began to gather and gradually surrounded the village of the security forces.

The security forces with full guns and ammunition were left in disorder on the battlefield.

Until some people dressed in common people's clothing rushed forward, these poor militiamen didn't care how many, ten or eight would deal with one, first surrender their guns, then search their bodies, and finally strip their clothes
The security forces in the village are still spreading the order to stand firm everywhere, and there are staggered, one after another shooting sounds everywhere.

The bullets tore and pulled the air outside the village, roaring everywhere.

The arrangement outside the village was almost in disarray. Brigadier Tang hated his teeth and lost for no reason, like a pack of wolves surrounded by a pack of sheep that they never looked down upon.

In the small village, all the houses were trembling. Another grenade was thrown into the village, and it exploded instantly.

Even though he was outside the village, Hu Yi's ears were still dizzy from the shock. He was not stupid to cure Anjun.

Although the houses in the village were burnt to ruins and the earthen walls were not particularly strong, they had a great advantage. Machine guns couldn't penetrate them, and rifles couldn't penetrate them. Although some security forces ran northward, most of them got into the village.

There are quite a few smart people in the security forces, and they directly tore up some houses that were not completely burned, and threw them into the fire that was ignited by the explosion at the entrance of the village, and the light gradually became brighter.

When both sides could vaguely see people, the Eighth Route Army did not dare to approach, and the security forces hid in the village and did not come out, sniping from time to time.

Although the village was dilapidated, the ruined walls could serve as shelters, and it was the Eighth Route Army who suffered the most.

The division charged again and was beaten back, leaving the bodies of two sacrificed soldiers on the ground, and the wounded soldiers were carried back.

There is no way to fight this battle!The bullets of the machine guns of the security forces are scattered outwards without any money, and there is no need to rush to the ballistic trajectory to seek death.

Xiao Hongying, who was lying in the shallow ditch just dug out, carefully pulled her rifle with a broken telescope, and her pigtail stood up excitedly.

Your broken gun is not as accurate as Sanba Dagai. I really don't know if you are stupid or your head was caught by the door.

"I want you to take care of it!" He clenched his small fist and thumped Tang Dagou next to him: "I obviously knocked out that machine gun, but why didn't it stop!"

"Fuck, you don't know the virtue of the security forces. When they shoot machine guns, they lie on the ground and don't even look at them. It's weird that you can shoot them!"

"What do you mean by that?" the little girl turned around and asked.

"Hey, what the hell, they didn't expect to be able to shoot accurately. Maybe there was a bag behind the machine gun, and the person only stretched the back on the ground, and even changed the magazine. Carried the machine gun to the nest to change it. Push it up!"

"So shameless? Uh, I forgot, you used to be with them"

"So what if he's a gang. At this time, he didn't think about who he could really hit. Whoever takes the lead is careless. He has no guns to bully us. There is nothing he can do about him!"

Luo Fugui behind was yawning with excitement!
I don't know how many good things I collected again, and I took Xu Xiao and lay in the pit with a bag on his back.

The pit was not much worse than his body, and he was giving ideological education to his little follower at this time: "My little one, next time I blow the trumpet, I will hide in the pit and play, do you understand?"

"But, how imposing is it if you don't stand up?" Xu Xiao didn't understand: "I think they all ran to the conspicuous places to blow the charge horn in the district!"

"They are short-sighted, you can't do this, understand, you think, isn't it blowing in the pit?"

"But if you don't stand up and blow it up, it's useless!"

Luo Fugui patted it with his big neck: "Do you have to stand up and blow? You won't listen to what Boss Hu said? Where there are people, there is a position. If there are no people, that is a piece of land! It's not like you can't blow in the pit. "

"Well, the company commander said this, and it seems to make sense."

"So you have to practice more in the pit in the future, as long as you can play loudly, isn't it enough?"

"What if you don't have time to dig a hole?"

"Uh, then try it now. Can you lie down and blow?"

(End of this chapter)

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