under fire

Chapter 461 Surrounding 3 Que 1

Chapter 461
The sky in the east began to turn white, and the gunshots in and out of the village never stopped.

No one knew what Balu was thinking. They had been surrounding the village until dawn, fighting coldly, neither attacking nor retreating. Just surrounded like this, the security forces in the village were really in a hurry this time.

Brigadier Tang finally found out that something was wrong, and he had been around for almost three hours. It seemed that Ba Lu was determined to eat him all this time?But when did Balu have such a big appetite?
I don't know what kind of tricks the daring Eight Routes are playing!
As for the reinforcements, don't even think about it. For the goal of regaining Hua County this time, the nearby troops have already been exhausted. Unless the other two security groups come to help, even the main force of our own is now surrounded by eight routes. The security group dares to come. It's weird.

The army commander ran away early, even if he could gather troops, it would be impossible within two or three days. It would be no problem to stick to it for two or three days, but what if the reinforcements didn't come?
The eight roads on the opposite side obviously came prepared this time, and the firepower is so fierce, uh, it must be mixed with the national army again, otherwise, when will the eight roads dare to attack the imperial association army with their slender arms and legs?What's more, I have never heard of such a big killer on Tuba Road as an armored vehicle!
Thinking of this, Brigadier Tang, who hadn't closed his eyes all night, didn't dare to wait any longer, and immediately ordered all the ministries to wait for an opportunity to break through to the north after dawn!
The densely packed security forces began to leave the village to the north. They were disorganized and uneven. Under the leadership of the company commanders, they tried their best to suppress the tension. Just hit the ground.

Carefully and courageously break through to the north.

There was no bluff, no bluff, and they directly attacked the village northward.

It had long been discovered that Eighth Road had dug trenches overnight outside the village. However, the security forces were not nervous about these sudden fortifications. With a large number of people, a few waves of grenades could solve the problem after rushing up.

A regiment of security forces charged!The remnants of the sub-regional special task force guarding the north are only a hundred or so. In addition to the reinforcements from the sub-region, the strength of the troops is still reduced by half.

Most of the division's troops are placed on the southeast and west sides, and it is not at all planned to eat up the security forces in one bite. The commander knows very well that even the best-equipped spy regiment in the division can compete with the security forces in positional warfare. It's a long way off!

Equipment like the second company and the ninth company can't be produced by the division!
Pulling away nearly 200 meters of troops, one foot deep and one shallow foot rushed into the burned grass in the wilderness at half a person's height. The hand holding the rifle trembled nervously, panting together, and took heavy steps.

The withered and yellow early autumn is annoying to the eyes. It looks like a wilderness, but there are constant gunshots, hiding endless murderous intentions.

Suddenly, two Czech machine guns roared, and the rifles also rang out in an instant. When the gunshot was heard, the bullets had already whizzed through the grass and across the wilderness, tearing everything in the way of the flight until the energy was exhausted. .

Arrogant Feijin was advancing in the withered yellow assault team. The originally neat team immediately fell to the ground in a mess, and the formation of the assault team stagnated.

He lay down in panic and fell heavily. After the rain of bullets, hissing sounded all over the floor.

The security forces immediately began to fight back. The first two companies began to pull machine guns and raise rifles to suppress the return fire. One company, the No. [-]th Assault Troop, kept moving forward during the shooting gap, and then lay down on the ground to shoot. Waiting for the other company to come forward, the three Alternate attacks with tacit understanding to move forward.

The fire suppression of the two companies was maintained at all times.

The troops acting as commandos began to accelerate towards the Eighth Route Army's position.

It is more than 200 meters away from the west of the village.

Holding the binoculars, Ma Liang lay on the machine gun position that was built with sandbags overnight and was nearly one meter above the ground. He looked at the distance to the north. , only the sound of gunshots could be heard.

Hu Yi crouched beside Ma Liang, quietly observing the battlefield in the northeast direction, without any reaction.

"Brother, the security forces look like they are about to run away?"

"They want to run, but the spy team can't stop them!" Hu Yi replied unhurriedly.

"But the security forces are all fools, they are shooting at a distance of 300 meters, and the bullets really don't cost money." Ma Liang murmured.

no answer.

"Fox, what's the situation?" Xiao Zhuang must have been awakened by the gunshots, and then climbed from the marching blanket behind to the machine gun position, his little hand was still beating his sleepy eyes and yawning.

"The security forces are breaking through to the north!" Hu Yi turned his head and glanced at the girl.

"Then let's just watch here? How about... let's follow up to pick up a bargain? It's a pity, why don't they come to our side? It's a pity that the cannonball buried in front of my aunt was wasted." The little girl looked wan. pity.

The machine gun position was built 200 meters away from the west of the village, and a crooked trench about ten meters in front ran through the north and south.

The position of the machine gun was very conspicuous, and it was nearly ten meters apart horizontally!Even if the front is filled with grass, it is easy to be seen by others, but it is Hu Yi who came up with this bad idea!
It's purely bullying the security forces, the mortars are not accurate!

In the front trenches, it was Wang Liujin's special agent platoon that stretched its neck to figure out the situation. Tian Sanqi went to the north and was almost connected with the divisional special agent group.

Almost together with the girl, Wang Liujin ran to Hu Yi's side: "Commander Hu, listen to the gunshots, the security forces are not breaking through the siege fast, and have not yet launched a decisive charge!"

"No one can stop the security forces from running away!" Hu Yi put down his binoculars and frowned.

"Indeed, the terrain is too open. No matter which direction the security forces break out from, they may only face part of our encirclement forces. In a small area, the security forces have formed a situation where more troops are attacking fewer." Wang Platoon He held up his binoculars and looked far to the north.

For a moment, the three pairs of binoculars were all looking to the north. I don't know, looking at this battle, I thought this was the division headquarters.

"Have you ever encountered such a situation before?" Hu Yi asked casually.

"I have fought the battle to encircle the enemy, but it was the first time I encountered the situation of encircling so many security forces. I didn't know what to do. Then, we are still small soldiers." Platoon Leader Wang didn't mind going over by himself: "Company Commander Hu, Now the security forces are going to run, how about we charge from behind them?"

"No need, law and order are not fools. After such a long period of preparation, there must be troops left in the village to stop the attack." Hu Yi had no intention of entering the village at all.

Jiulian is too far away from the village, and the front is full of open land, nearly 200 meters. Even if you can rush up, your physical strength will be greatly reduced after running 200 meters. Target in the wilderness.

So Hu Yi's plan is very simple, and he has also reported to the divisional commander. After the security forces can't bear the pressure and break through, they will bite the tail of the security forces, and they will not be able to beat the security forces in mobile warfare.

There is no need to charge into the village, wasting the lives of the soldiers on a meaningless charge.

The commander adopted Hu Yi's suggestion.

After daybreak, no matter which direction the security army flees, the troops facing the security army only need to use two shuttles to move along the traffic trench and get out of the way to both sides. The Security Force launched a raid and harassment operation.

The prerequisite is to disrupt the establishment of the Security Force.

If you have a large army chasing you, I will lay an ambush for you. If you don't come, I will linger behind you and bite you twice.

The security forces are unstable at this time, and it is impossible to organize a large-scale counterattack. It is a pity that there are too many people and it is not necessarily a good thing, even if it is troublesome, it is easy Let the team into chaos.

The divisional special agent group ran eastward from the traffic trench, and at this time the entire defense line of the eighth road in the north was completely empty.

Prepare to pick on the weakness of the escaped security forces!

(End of this chapter)

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