under fire

Chapter 462 Unpredictable Prophet

Chapter 462 Unpredictable Prophet
It's already bright.

Monkey sat on the roof of the armored vehicle, watching the two figures busy, surrounded by a large circle of division fighters and a large group of militiamen.

For some unknown reason, the armored vehicle just couldn't start!

After the first beep, turn off the flame.

"what happened?"

"The water tank has been punctured, and the engine will have to be scrapped!" The soldier in charge of repairs looked at the political commissar of the division with a dejected look.

"I lost the chain at a critical moment, hey!" The political commissar raised his finger, turned and left.

Since the armored vehicle is temporarily useless, it is a headache for the division. As for the function of the water tank, he knows it from the maintenance soldier. Since it is useless, the armored vehicle has become a decoration again.

The monkey immediately jumped off the roof of the car, got into the armored car, and poked his head out after a while: "What are you still doing dawdling, hurry up and dismantle the heavy machine gun first."

The position at the entrance of the village has entered a pre-war alert state, and the security forces are now eager to evacuate.

In the past, the Eighth Route Army saw that the security forces were either guerrilla or relocating. Except in the mountains, or hiding among the common people with makeup like mice, they had no place to stand on the plains.

This time he dared to confront the Imperial Association Army, which made Brigadier Tang feel inexplicably uneasy. He had raided this land many times, but he never expected to hunt geese all day long, but this time he was pecked in the eye, and his heart was already furious. But there is nothing to do, keep the green hills, and I am not afraid of running out of firewood.

After waiting for the hottest period, he vowed to march only during the day!That way you don't have to be afraid of these Eight Routes who only dare to attack at night.

Lao Tzu will come back.

Stepping on the big maroon horse, waving the whip: "After the concentrated firepower of the second regiment and the first battalion is broken, the other troops will withdraw first with me!"

The security forces left the village quite methodically, they retreated alternately according to the order they had arranged, and did not give the Eight Route Army any chance.

The secret service platoon and the Ninth Company sandwiched the retreating troops of the security forces to the west, more than 300 meters away, and fired sniper shots at the retreating troops.

It is very unlikely to hit the unlucky ones who are scattered in formation at such a long distance.

After a few rows of guns, you can always catch a few unlucky ones. Although you can't die, getting you injured can also increase the depressive atmosphere of the fleeing team.

There are a lot of nine-company grenades, but there are no grenades left, and they can't hit them even if they want to.

Even if one magazine of the machine gun is finished, it may not be able to deceive the two security forces, so the machine gun is simply put away.

It stands to reason that the public security army should have grenade launchers. For some unknown reason, the public security army did not use that big killer. Maybe it was because they put heavy firepower on the frontal breakout troops and the rear troops. Used on both wings.

The Eighth Route Army seemed to be escorting the retreating security forces on both wings, occasionally firing a few shots.

Of course, the security forces also reciprocated courtesy. The two sides tacitly separated by 200 meters, neither pulling away nor approaching. It is not that the security forces did not intend to rush to both sides. However, it seems meaningless to do so. The direction of retreat is the north. , It is estimated that the eight roads will not be able to follow for a long time.

What worries Brigadier Tang is that the eighth road also has a big killer armored vehicle, but it has never appeared, which makes him feel like a stone is pressed in his heart.

Hu Yi didn't intend to fight desperately with the security forces. The most important thing is that it is meaningless. In the guerrilla warfare booklet given to him by the political commissar, the essence of guerrilla warfare is first of all to preserve the vitality. Since weapons are not what he needs most now, then whether to fight this battle or not It's not that important. As for the original plan of the partition, it will be on the plains, which will drag down the security forces that have transferred in and ensure that Hua County is not lost.

At present, the goal of the battle has been achieved, and the prestige has been fully demonstrated. At least the security forces will not be able to fight back in a short time, and in broad daylight, they can't take advantage of it, so it doesn't matter whether they fight or not.

However, it's impossible for the partition to let them go away unscathed like this, otherwise the partition is really a soft persimmon, you can pinch it as you want, come and go as you want!
No matter what, you have to show that you are not weak in front of the security forces.

Although the commander of the division didn't know it, the security army on the opposite side attributed the strong fighting power of the Eighth Route to the fact that the Eighth Route and the national army were mixed together again.

The situation on the plain was very complicated. Some people in the first war zone leaked the news intentionally or unintentionally, which caused the partition to attack Qi County and failed. However, on this vast plain, it is not that there is no national army unit that has been insisting on fighting devils.

Xiao Hongying pulled Hu Yi: "Fox, it's all your fault, I haven't even hit a single enemy!"

Hu Yi's heart tightened: "What do you want to do?"

"Hey, I want to try that grenade gun!" The girl blinked her big eyes, looking at Hu Yi expectantly.

Hu Yi is no stranger to grenades. They are purely tasteless weapons. The main reason is that they are not very lethal, and they have to prepare empty shells.

I just found one of these in the ghost warehouse in Huaxian County. For Xiao Hongying, who likes weird things, it is like a treasure. She hit a few [-]mm grenades. I don’t know how many of them are there. There are still a few left, and at this moment, the big gun is on Luo Fugui's back.

If she refuses again, the little girl will definitely blow her hair, but the range of that thing is at most two hundred meters, and now it is keeping a distance of two to three hundred meters from the security forces, and it is useless to fight.

Knowing her arrangement, the little girl is full of dissatisfaction, but once the girl Hu Yi blows up her hair, she will definitely not take it hard. Although it is useless to me to play tricks, it is very annoying. Maybe she will use herself and Su Qing again. It's bullshit.

Looking at that extremely aggrieved little face, the two big eyes are clear, transparent and watery, I can't agree immediately, I have to quote a price first, otherwise the girl will definitely die and run to a place less than 100 meters away from the security forces The location is so good.

Thinking of this, Hu Yi finally said: "The shooting range is not enough, I can't hit that far!"

Seeing that something was going on, the girl begged in a pitiful and childish voice: "Good fox, I haven't fired a single shot yet, so you can treat me as a soldier? I just need to fire two or three shots, and I promise not to enter the enemy within 50 yards." Is it in the meter range?"

The girl immediately sat on the ground and paid back the money, Hu Yi had black lines all over her head.

Knowing that this girl doesn't know what danger is, she said seriously: "100 meters, don't pull it down!"

"That's okay, 100 meters is 100 meters, but I want to bring three guns!" The girl's eyes were no longer clear, she became treacherous, and she began to think about it.

"You have three guns on your small body? Hey, I have no problem." Hu Yi was stunned. The three guns definitely did not include pistols. The distance of 100 meters, pistols are just decorations, so she should use grenades, and which one is loaded The broken rifle with the scope, I guess I need to bring a submachine gun, but the submachine gun seems to be useless, the range is not enough, about a hundred meters, maybe the head: "You want to use a submachine gun? That thing is useless, it is better to let the mule carry more A machine gun!"

"Hey, don't worry, fox, just let the big dog and the mule come with me later!"

Xiao Hongying and Hu Yi at Pengcao Bian finally reached an agreement.

It is not a good way to approach the security forces directly, so we have to go around and ambush along the retreat route of the security forces in advance. It is impossible for the girl to act independently, so Hu Yi directly called out: "Wang Liujin!"

"Here!" Wang Liujin ran over immediately, and it seemed that there was a good show.

"Take your subordinates to a squad, pick good marksmanship, and follow me later!"

"Yes!" Platoon Leader Wang didn't even think about what task he was about to perform, so he should do it immediately.

"Tian Qi picks a class that can throw a grenade over 50 meters"

"Ma Liang! Lead a squad and be in charge later"

"Mule, bring three groups of machine guns." Hu Yi asked him to lead three groups, intending to do it himself, and Mule asked him to follow the girl. If the security forces came, he could run with the little girl on his back.

"Big dog! You and the girl will be the girl's deputy shooter later." Hu Yi continued to order.

"Okay, Chief Hu, what is this for?" Big Dog felt that it was definitely not a good thing that the Nine Companies were all out now.

Hu Yi stared at a slutty guy riding a big horse four or five hundred meters away to the east, and said casually, "We'll kill that guy on the horse later!"

"Uh, what the hell, okay?" Dagou, who was born in a special agent company, turned his head and glanced at the entrance of the village to the north, and was startled, Chief Hu is amazing!

In other words, Chief Hu arranged the combat missions of the various ministries first, which shows that he already knew what would happen next! !

But how did he know that there would be a horse rider in the village?And still an official?

Is Zhuge Liang alive again?Can a prophet count if he pinches his fingers?
Another day I have to find an excuse to ask him if I have any fun with Osmanthus fragrans!

Just relying on Chief Hu's actions, I have no choice but to obey!Immediately admired so much that stars stared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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