under fire

Chapter 463

Chapter 463
The sun began to rise and the sky turned red.

The Eighth Route Army was like escorting the public security army home, and the enemy and ourselves formed a three-way column and headed northward at a leisurely pace.

The early morning in the wilderness was not quiet, the bullets had hardly stopped, the two sides fought fiercely, but the scale was not large, and the shooting density of the security forces was obviously much higher than that of the Eighth Route Army.

Due to the eight-way raids on both sides, the security forces maintained a very tight formation, and did not dare to let the stragglers move to the two sides.

Now everyone is maintaining a high level of tension, and the security forces on both sides are slacking off and shooting at Tuba Road.

A few bullets from Hua Lengzi startled Brigadier Tang so much that he quickly jumped off the horse. At this time, there was a wave of evil fire in his belly. When did Balu dare to challenge himself!Still haunted all the time.

Before they figured out the specific purpose of Balu, the security forces did not dare to attack, but kept fighting with Balu.

There were no casualties, the gunshots were no longer loud, and the blockade ditch was a dozen miles away, and a gun tower was stuck on the blockade ditch. He didn't believe that the Eighth Route Army would still be able to follow.

"Lu Zuo, Ba Lu seems to just want to drive us away." Staff Zhi analyzed his opinion to the brigade commander.

"The situation is unclear now, let's keep the formation first." Since the Eight Routes dare not attack, they hardly want to attack on both sides.

What worries Brigadier Tang the most is that the No. [-] armored vehicle does not know where it is!
"What kind of medicine did the eighth road take, and the ghost is still there?" The regiment leader followed behind the brigade commander, and was also unhappy. He was ambushed twice by the Tubalu, who had never been indifferent.

"Leave here first, let's talk about our two teams of 3000 people, forgive them for not daring to attack!" The brigade commander felt that there was no need to guess the movements of the Eighth Route Army. With so many people, even if you and the National Army are combined, you don't have the strength. Attack yourself in broad daylight.

On the stretcher next to him, an instructor of the Imperial Army who was shot was carried, and he was still in a coma.

Fortunately, the adviser of the imperial army also ran away with the army commander first, otherwise, who knows if they would give him the order to attack the Eighth Route.

Who does this unlucky instructor think he is?Still have to go to the front line, do you think that the bullets from the Eight Routes really dare not hit him?

A team of more than 30 people in the grass in the north went around in advance, about a row in size, sweating like rain and nervously digging holes.

"The enemy's vanguard is 500 meters away!" Ma Liang, who was in charge of observation, reported the position of the enemy advancing from the south.

"Has the direction of travel changed?" Hu Yi frowned.

"There hasn't been much change. It should pass about 100 to 150 meters east of us." Ma Liang estimated the enemy's possible advance direction.

After a while, several figures ran back from the east, and the platoon leader Wang winked and reported to Hu Yi: "Commander Hu, the mines have been buried! The pull lines are all hidden!"

Hu Yi immediately ordered: "Okay, prepare to disguise immediately, after the security forces come over, you are responsible for keeping an eye on that horse!"

Hu Yi thought for a while, then turned his head and ordered Tian Sanqi next to him: "Go 50 meters to the north, and I will give you 10 minutes to dig ten foxholes under the cover of the grass!"

"And then?" Tian Sanqi hurriedly asked.

"You find a way to hide there yourself. After the machine gun on our side is fired, you can use your rifle to fight. You must make the enemy think that our skirmish line is wide open from south to north." After Hu Yi finished speaking, he turned his head and looked around. Several platoon leaders: "Everyone has remembered that when the charge trumpet is blown, everyone is not allowed to charge and pass the order to the troops behind."

Blow the horn and not charge?Is it fun to play like this?

Some smart people finally understood that this is to tell Erlian on the opposite side to let Erlian's idiots charge?
The girl next to her was a little discouraged when she heard the news that the high official no longer rode a horse: "Fox, wait for that horse to come over later, can the spies beat you up?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, this girl changed her sex today?Don't grab the first shot and fire: "Ah? You said. You don't want to shoot anymore? Of course."

"You think beautiful."

This is the girl's temperament, how could it be possible without shooting twice, Hu Yi didn't understand what the girl was thinking: "Then how do you say?"

"Hey, Fox, otherwise, anyway, the divisional cavalry united with us and kept firing at the enemy from behind. Let Wang Liujin, Ma Liang and Tang Dagou observe the post together and take charge of finding out the official. Hit him with that new gun!"

"And then?" Hu Yi felt that the girl's thinking was definitely not that simple.

"Hey, I'll kill him with that large grenadier again! It's really not good, can I blow him up with a landmine at the end?" After the little girl finished speaking, she tried her best to use her brains, how could she have a chance to find the official? come out.

Hu Yi felt that the more complicated the pre-war arrangement, the greater the deviation in the result, and the simpler the order, the easier it is to execute: "Grandma, have you ever thought about the fact that there are so many security forces, what if no one can find the target?"

"Then what do you want to do?" The girl didn't know what to do, who knew that the official was afraid of death, so he didn't even ride a horse.

"How about this: Let Xu Xiao blow the charge and act like an offensive charge, let the platoon leader Wang and Tian Sanqi shoot a row of rifles, Ma Liang immediately fires the mines, and the mule and I follow the machine guns to serve, you take advantage of the confusion of the enemy Find a way to find out the official, and shoot him twice and it will be over."

"No, what if the security forces on the opposite side are not chaotic? I still can't find it!" If she can't find an official, isn't she happy in vain, the little girl quit.

"You can't ask me to find the official and tie him to a horse for you to beat. If you can't find it yourself, what does it have to do with me?"

"How about we charge the security forces! Disrupt their formation?" Xiao Hongying's eyes lit up.

"Hey, let's rush forward to die?"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, it's better to let the class teacher go back to court."

"You, do you still know that the class teacher returns to court? Do you know what it means?" Unexpectedly, an idiom came out of the little girl's mouth, and Hu Yi was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't it just that the Po Jiu Company didn't complete the task and retreated in despair? Do you think I learned the cultural lessons taught by the fox spirit for nothing! Hehe, the fox spirit also told me the story of the general of the Yang family!"

"Your old man has learned a lot, and he is willing to bow down." Hu Yi hurriedly flattered his face.

"Hey, stop talking to the side, you don't want me to go to the front, just say it!"

"Grandma, aren't you very good at marksmanship, but you have to have a goal to succeed, can you blame me?"

"Tch, the ultimate goal of fighting is to win. Do you think I'm so stingy?"

Hu Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when his awareness became higher, yes, it is worthy of praise.

"Why don't you shoot a few shots indiscriminately?"

"Hypocrisy, who told me to make me an official? When did you become so timid? I think it's hard for you to be a high-ranking official!" Then Xiao Hongying shook her head imitating the political commissar.

Hu Yi has black lines all over his head.

"300 meters!"

"200 meters!"

"100 meters!"

Ma Liang kept reporting the location of the vanguard of the security forces.

The target finally appeared in the field of vision not far away. The vanguard of the public security army has never encountered the Eighth Route Army. It has gone a long way, and it is still vigilant.

While walking, he looked around, bent over and held his gun and continued to move.

Several binoculars in the west are facing the security forces.

The vanguard of the security forces suddenly noticed a flash of light in the west: "There is an ambush in the west!"

After the guy finished speaking, he fired a shot at the location of the flash.

The gunshot and his yelling did not cause the security forces to panic, and no one paid attention to it. There is an ambush in the west. Do you think the old people don't know about it?
There's more to the east!
The marksmanship of this vanguard of the Security Army is really good. Wang Liujin's military cap was blown away, and the bullets flew past his scalp, making him break out in a cold sweat!
Fortunately, he held up the binoculars, and when he saw that guy raised his gun to aim at him, he lowered his head, otherwise, he would be honored this time!

"If you dare to hit me, I won't kill you!" Wang Liujin didn't care about anything else, and immediately raised his gun and shot!

(End of this chapter)

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