under fire

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

A few sandbags were piled up in front of a shallow pit, and the little girl was hiding behind the sandbags, holding a telescope.

She kept telling herself in her heart that she must hold her breath, and that she wanted to beat the enemy to become an official. She remembered that she had been attacked by devils at the wine station, and only two devils made the wine station unsafe for a long time.

He was worried that he was too far away from the enemy, and he didn't know if Erlian could drive the enemy over.

Not surprisingly, if the security forces are under attack, they will probably swarm north!

Through the gaps in the grass, the enemy's specific situation can't be seen at all, because most of the security forces are half-hidden in the grass, and most of them are the heads of war horses, which are much higher than the grass, bouncing up and down. Put your head in the team and head north.

She judged by feeling that the enemy's official position should not be far from the maroon horse.

The problem is that there is not only one horse in the security force, how can they know where the target is?
The little girl lay on the specially heightened sandbag fortifications, held up the binoculars through the grass, and continued to carefully scan left and right for possible targets in the law and order.

But with so many horses, who knows which one it is?
You can only judge whether the horses are carrying weight by the way the horses nod among the security forces.

She suddenly thought of the cavalry company commander bragging to her about the long-distance march with two riders, one riding and the other transporting supplies. She carefully recalled the difference between the pack horse and the war horse marching in the cavalry company she had seen!

To be on the safe side, the little girl turned her head and greeted in a low voice: "Ma Liang, ask someone to invite the cavalry company commander over here!"

"All right!"

After a while, only a platoon leader came: "The company commander said that he cannot leave the army during the battle."

"How do you know which horse is ridden by an official?" The little girl didn't talk nonsense at all.

"Officials must choose the tallest horses to ride, and they won't carry heavy loads on the march! As long as you find out which horse has the tallest head and bumps the most, you can do it right, and you will probably not go wrong!" The platoon leader thought for a while.

To find out the situation, the enemy must first be in chaos, but not too chaotic, so just pull the landmines.

It's a pity that the grenade is out of grenades!

The grenade can't be thrown that far, only the grenade gun is suitable, although it may not be accurate.

Hu Yi was lying not far from the little girl, with a machine gun on the sandbag in front of him.

He looked through the binoculars and watched the security forces in the gaps in the grass raising their guns, and also lowered his head subconsciously.

But he heard the front spy platoon opened fire first, and there was a burst of gunfire for a while.

Hu Yi had no choice but to pull the trigger immediately, aiming the machine gun aiming roughly at the target, and turning his head to Xu Xiao who was guarding beside him, ordered: "Blow the horn!"

Xu Xiao was overjoyed, lay down on the ground and blew the charge horn, and the sound of the horn suddenly sounded amidst the sparse sound of gunfire!

Then there was a sudden burst of gunfire from the west.

The public security army was stunned, and the Eighth Route Army dared to attack in broad daylight?
Gao Yidao was also a little dazed, the script didn't say Jiulian would charge!

According to the regulations of the Eighth Route Army, if there is no special order when you hear the charge, even your comrades have to attack the enemy with guns and kitchen knives.

The sound of the charge came from the direction of the Nine Company outflanking from the west. Although he was very unhappy with the Nine Company, Gao Yidao still ordered the Second Company to charge.

Of course, the ninth company and the cavalry company that followed behind were the exceptions.

I had previously received orders from Hu Yi: When the horn of Jiulian's side sounded, everyone was forbidden to charge.

When the opposite division launches a charge and the enemy is under attack, the marching route will definitely deviate to the west!Then beat the dog in the water.

The commander of the cavalry company didn't feel aggrieved at all. Although his own cavalry was always the protagonist, at this moment Xin was willing to become an infantry soldier and play a supporting role for the Ninth Company.

Soldiers, what could be more comfortable than killing an enemy?

The security forces have a lot of guns. Although the Jiulian is not weak in firepower, if the security forces swarm to the west, the Jiulian will not be able to carry it.

When the charge trumpet is blown in the west, most security forces will first think that the Eighth Route Army will attack from the west, but in fact it is just the opposite!
Blowing the trumpet without charging, only Jiulian can do it!

The strange thing is that Jiulian blew the charge, and the old rival Erlian had to act, and Erlian didn't even have a bronze trumpet.

The grass covered the sight of both attackers and defenders, and the second company's charge was not smooth. Under normal circumstances, they usually charged about 100 to [-] meters away from the enemy. Otherwise, they would really rush to the enemy's position and run such a long distance. Physical strength must be greatly reduced, and charging into the enemy's line will become death!

Listening to the charge from the west, most of the security forces in the middle were shooting defenses against the western front. The second company rushed to about 50 meters away from the security army's flank, and was immediately spotted by the security guard post!The troops on the edge immediately fired a row of bullets at the charging Balu, and Balu still rushed close to the 40-meter range!

The Eighth Route Army, which has ambushed the security forces twice in a row, is of course stronger than the security forces, even though both sides did not close their eyes almost overnight.

Seeing a wave of black grenades smoking and swirling down from the sky, the security forces who were pulling a long formation immediately realized that something was wrong!

Fight the bayonet with Balu?Only a fool can do it!In the eyes of the security forces, the Eighth Route Army must be attacked from both sides, and if one is not careful, it will become enemies from both sides.

Running north first is the business!The situation on the battlefield is clear. The security forces are now facing enemies from three sides, and there must be eight pursuers behind them. No one will stay behind to wait for death.

This running formation immediately became chaotic. No one noticed that the eighth road in the west did not charge up at all. With the sparse bullets, the running formation really slowly moved westward.

Balu's marksmanship is not very good at all, if he can be knocked down during sports, how unlucky would it be to run into it?
As for getting involved with the Eight Routes, it might be possible to survive.

In other words, if there are many people from the eighth pass, there will be no way to perform eighteen kinds of martial arts, right?No matter how good the security army equipment is, it is useless. After the charge, the security army team instinctively quickened their pace. The heavy-fire mortar grenades were all in front of and behind the team, and they had to stop when they used those things to fight back. Eight routes attacked from both wings. When I look at it, I can only stare blankly.

Hu Yi knew that Gao Yidao's head must be desperate when he heard the charge. This guy wanted to find someone to fight with the bayonet everywhere. He fought twice last night. In addition to this time, his three axes are just right!

Although the Ninth Company did not have much training in bayonet fighting, it was no match for the Second Company. Now that it has an advantage, how would they go to fight the enemy in hand-to-hand combat?

Of course, there was no cannon, and the gunfire was full of joy.

For the Ninth Company, which has no shortage of bullets, if it fights against the larger security forces, even if it wins in the end, how many people will be left?Then how do these prisoners and the logistics team of the security force pull back food?

All of a sudden, the battlefield once again screamed, the soldiers of the Second Company only wanted to charge and kill the enemy, but the security forces had no intention of fighting.

It quickly became a one-sided situation.

No rules!Only sneak attack, never dare to do it face to face!Brigadier Zhantang cursed secretly in his heart, the defeat reappeared, and he had to lead a group of guards to rush forward with the team.

Because, the eight roads behind also rushed up, and the boss was full of darkness!killing sound
His mount and war horse were not far behind him, and a large group of guards surrounded him. There must be no problem with his safety, but he was even more annoyed in his heart. Why is this battlefield different from what the imperial army instructor said?
Shouldn't the two sides open up and shoot at each other? He forgot that he himself ordered the retreat.

The little girl blinked and murmured: "Good guy, there are so many people gathered together. There must be officials in the middle!"

Holding up the binoculars, the distance is estimated from the upper scale.

The wicked grenade gun was placed on the sandbag by her.

A rifle grenade one size smaller than the grenade grenade was stuffed into the chamber, and then the trigger was pulled to push the bomb, and an empty cartridge was pushed into the chamber.

"Hey, be obedient, there will be sweets later!" The little girl raised her binoculars to observe again, carefully confirmed the position of one of the tallest war horses, put the binoculars on the sandbag, and then her wicked eyes were as big as bull's eyes.

The small body was pressed against the butt of the grenade gun, and the trigger was resolutely pulled.

The gun body shook slightly, the gunpowder in the blank bullet was fired, and the gunpowder gas rushed into the barrel. With a bang, the gunpowder gas violently pushed the grenade at the front of the muzzle out.

The strong recoil pushed her small body far away, and she fell to the ground. Regardless of the severe pain in her shoulder, she quickly pulled up her small body, regardless of where the grenade gun was, and lay down on the sandbag. Pull up the binoculars and carefully observe the grenade explosion point.

The explosion was over, but the security forces shouted and howled loudly, and she was stunned for a moment. Unfortunately, it was a pity that the grenade did not land where she expected.

The explosion point was not in her observation for a long time, and the horse's head moved up and down nearby, and landed seven or eight meters in front of the horse.

Luo Fugui, who was dozing off with his back against the sandbag, suddenly lost his sleepiness, and handed the rifle with a scope to the girl: "Hahaha, girl, I told you that this gun is not easy to use, but you don't believe me, shoot it once." Gun your little shoulder hurts for a long time!"

"I want you to take care of it!" The little girl felt that the shot didn't hit the intended position just now, and she was upset. She lay on her stomach and looked at the security forces. There was a mess somewhere, and her fleeing steps moved faster.

Hu Yi's machine gun rang out suddenly, and the bullet, which had depressed its trajectory by feeling, rushed towards the fleeing crowd. He didn't dare to raise the muzzle of the gun because there was a second company on the opposite side.

As for the unlucky second company soldiers who were hit, the machine gun bullets flew more than 100 meters, and it is estimated that they could only hit below the thighs, and they could not kill anyone!

He didn't pay much attention to the mule who had just set up the machine gun, and he would never admit that he had hit Gao Yi.

When the little girl started to adjust the rifle with a scope, the mule's bullets had already flown out of the muzzle, faster than Hu Yi next to her!
A wave of rifle bullets followed and rushed towards the fleeing team.

Boom, a loud noise, a few seconds after the landmine wasted a grenade was fired, it finally exploded in the security forces approaching the Ninth Company.

Dust, gunpowder smoke, and withered grass rose to the sky, and flesh and blood flew across a range of nearly 20 meters.

The explosion raised a group of small Moru clouds, tumbling in the sky, not the same as common explosions, the cloud seemed to be mixed with blood, and it was still slightly reddish.

Just now, a grenade fired by Balu with a grenade landed not far in front of Brigadier Tang, which shocked everyone.

The Zhi staff carefully felt the battlefield situation with lingering fears. It seemed that the Eighth Route Army did not charge in full force, but the attacking position happened to be in the middle of the long north-south formation.

It was not far in front of the top commanders of the army. If it was a little more off, the headquarters might be reimbursed.

Immediately afterwards, the extra-large landmine on the ground was sounded again. At this moment, who knows how many such landmines were buried on the eighth road?

"Immediately let the grenadier launch smoke bombs to the two wings!" The political staff ignored the brigade commander for instructions, and directly shouted orders to the broken troops behind!
If you run too slowly, you might be stopped by Eight Roads!You have to rush out first.

"Brigade Commander, hurry up!" Brigadier Zhi Zhi, who was knocked to the ground by the shock wave, was dizzy, was helped up by two subordinates, and ran northward staggeringly.

There must be no problem with helping the chief, the key point is that the grass is half the height of a person. With this help, the dizzy brigade commander inadvertently exposed his head.

Through the gap between the grass, the little girl looked carefully: at the moment of fleeing for her life, most of the ordinary Zhijun's injuries were left unattended. These two people supported them, and there was a big circle around them. Isn't this the goal of waiting hard? ?

Not a high official, but at least a company commander!
Now I can't control so much, even if I am a company commander, I have to leave a deep memory for him!

So, he pulled the weird-looking gun and started aiming.

Luo Fugui, who was changing the magazine next to him, looked contemptuous: "Your marksmanship is so good, can't you just use three big caps to shoot it? It's strange that this crap can be accurate."

The little girl felt that the voices around her were getting too much, immersed in the feeling of the broken gun, and carefully aimed at the head that appeared and disappeared in the tufted grass. The telescope was [-] times better than the front sight and the door. It's still much more convenient, at least you can see far.

A black shadow descended from the sky and landed not far from the little girl, startling her, subconsciously pulled the trigger, and then suddenly retracted her pigtails under the sandbag.

After waiting for a long time, no grenade was heard, but a choking white mist rose in front of the sandbags.

"I'm so mad, what a fart!" The little girl raised her head in frustration, but couldn't see anything.

She didn't know, the bullet she subconsciously fired after being frightened by the grenade.

Through the smoke.

Tore up the grass that blocked the middle road.

Finally, howling and arrogant, he got into the neck that was holding that head for a long time, and got out from the other side.

The sad Brigadier Tang was shot through the neck by a grenade, his consciousness was still in his hands but he was pulled by them, he really wanted to block the two holes with his hands.
His feet went limp and he collapsed to the ground.

Not far behind the brigade commander, Liu Ergou, who had been looking for an opportunity, looked at the brigade commander's movement with his cat on his waist and a gun in his hand. Seeing this, he opened his throat and shouted: "The brigade commander has been shot!"

Hearing the sound, the two subordinates were stunned, and turned their heads to see that the brigade commander, who was crossed by the two of them, was staring wide-eyed, with a ferocious face twitching desperately.

The two bullet holes in his neck were bubbling with blood.

Terrified, his two subordinates quickly let go, Brigadier Ren fell to the ground and finally stretched out his hands to cover his neck with cramps. The surrounding police guards and a team of nearly a hundred people were immediately dispersed by the team following behind.

 Tang Haiting was finally killed by the girl. Then, in the fourth or third year, Hu Yi had to attend the sixth branch of the Anti-Japanese University, and then the rectification began.
(End of this chapter)

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