under fire

Chapter 465 Articles of Association

465 The Return
A blocking battle under the curtain of night actually resulted in the loss of nearly 5000 of the security forces of nearly [-] people. The security forces were indeed frightened!

But how could the devils tolerate the occupation of a county in the occupied area by the Eighth Route, and immediately organized troops to lead the security forces to attack again.

The army branch who got the news, with small arms and legs, dared not fight the devils, had to withdraw from Hua County and continue to fight guerrilla warfare in the plains.

The county seat was almost emptied by the Eighth Route.

And because the two companies of the Independent Regiment fought hard against the security forces, the fighting enthusiasm in the division was high. It was no longer like before that the security forces could only take the people to transfer when they came, and the entire battlefield situation changed because of this.

Judging from the ratio of casualties between the enemy and the enemy, the scale of this night battle is not considered large, but the ratio of casualties between the division and the security forces reached [-]:[-] for the first time!
What made the Divisional Commander even more happy was that although the result of this battle was only about 800, and the total number of security forces and prisoners killed was more than [-], nearly [-] guns were captured!

There were only a dozen victims in the division!More than 200 injuries, an almost miraculous victory!
More importantly, since then, the security forces have never dared to go out on a small scale, and they dare not even go out at night.

The weather had gradually turned cold, and as for the casualties of the security forces, it was not a big deal in the eyes of the devils. The devils led the security forces to occupy the county again.

The division continued to operate on the plain south of the Wei River, and its strength was greatly increased as a result, and it became one piece with the west of Luxi in the east.

Originally, an independent group of poor relatives was invited, but they won two major battle victories by mistake.

In any case, I never thought that the two companies of the Independent Regiment would dare to fight so powerfully, beating a brigade of security forces so hard that they dared not go out.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, they withdrew from Huacheng, but the shadow of Balu was left in every aspect of the city.

For the first time, the devils did not massacre the county seat this time, because the city was almost empty. Except for some maintenance associations related to the security forces, most of the other ordinary people ran away.

Hu Yi looked at the desolate atmosphere in the plain, and stepped forward. The Ninth Company is now preparing to return to the station. The commander of the division personally came to see off a company-level unit in person, which is rare.

"Brother Hu, let's keep in touch more in the future, and we will communicate again when we have the opportunity." Head Zeng put his arm around Hu Yi's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"You are too polite." Hu Yi was not used to being enthusiastic, so he turned around and saluted the commander without any trace.

The head of the cavalry, Zeng, didn't think so, and pulled Hu Yi by the shoulder again.

The commander smiled and watched the two walk shoulder to shoulder under the setting sun, squinting his eyes slightly and waved to Jiulian who was walking away.

"It's getting late, you go back." Hu Yi couldn't refuse the enthusiasm of Commander Zeng, and he was really touched. At least in the national army before, no one would make such an affectionate move.

The team wearing the uniforms of the security forces slowly disappeared among the grass, all the way to the west.

The independent regiment sent a message, asking the second company and the ninth company to return to the regiment headquarters. As for why the regiment arranged correspondents in this way, it did not say.

There are many stretchers in Erlian, so in order not to attract attention, we have to wait until after dark to leave.

The journey back was quite long, and Hu Yi didn't intend to go back the same way. He planned to go directly west, detour from the north of Qixian County to the Erlian resident, and return to the mountain from the south of Meixian County.

It didn't take long for the sun to set on the side of the mountain.

Under the moon, Ma Liang walked slowly in the wilderness step by step with a rifle in his hand, his eyes scanning the front vigilantly all the time. As a vanguard, he set off one day in advance and arranged soldiers to guard along the way.

Although these villages are hardly populated, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Taking advantage of the dim moonlight, Ma Liang saw two figures coming on bicycles from the east, and immediately jumped out from the side of the road: "Hey, monkey, why are you here so late?"

"I've brought too many things, I can't help it." The monkey jumped off the bike. There was a big bag tied to the back of the bike. He didn't know what was in it. His face was full of dust: "Is the food ready?"

"Wang Xiao lit the fire as soon as it got dark in three days. He was ready, how far is the company commander?"

"It's not far away, it's estimated to be there in half an hour."

"You enter the village yourself, and I will pick you up."

But the monkey stopped him: "They are all our own people, why are you so polite? Save your energy and move things later."

You go to the village to rest first, and I will come back as soon as I sit down.

"Good intentions don't pay off, so let's go first." Monkey has almost adapted to Jiulian's special style, and doesn't respect Ma Liang very much.

After walking for three or four hours, the team rushed into the village in disorder. The village under the moonlight immediately became alive, and they lined up with lunch boxes.

He drank porridge with dry food and sat around the square at the entrance of the village. Ma Liang finished his porridge and handed the lunch box to a soldier.

Hu Yi stuffed the last piece of cornbread into his mouth: "What's the matter with the people in this village?"

Ma Liang's heart is heavy: "You mean Father Liu's family? They are the eyeliners arranged by the military division here. A total of three families have returned. Their ancestors are all here, and their homes have dug tunnels. How much water is poured to live!"

"Leave some food for them, continue marching after eating, and march fifty miles before dawn tomorrow." Hu Yi looked at the map full of markings.

The yard is busy, feeding the carts and livestock, and re-tying the supplies on the carts.

The recruits gradually adapted to the rhythm of the Ninth Company, and it seemed good to join the Eighth Route Army, but the only pity was that the Eighth Route Army did not pay the army.

One recruit whispered to the other: "I heard that no, the girl's shot directly killed the brigade commander surnamed Tang of the Security Force!"

The other dismissed it: "You can just talk about it, so many people shoot, who knows if she shot it? Maybe it was me, and I don't know for sure."

"The division has an internal response in the Security Force. It is said that he saw the unlucky guy shot with his own eyes and then checked the wound. It should be shot with a [-] rifle!"

"We even use the [-] rifles that so many people use, who knows if it is?"

"Except for her, who else can shoot so accurately?"

"Hey, she shot that grenade to death, you should know about it, right?"

"Don't get too far away, are grenades and rifles the same thing?"

"The grenade will explode when shot out, and the security guard is just an eye shot by the rifle, understand?"

"That girl has a gun with a scope, you know that?"

"If you want to say that she used [-] to cover it, I don't believe it. With that broken gun, I can hit Lao Tzu and your surname!"

"Aren't we both surnamed Liu, what's the use of having my surname?"

"It's not that you saw it with your own eyes. Do you believe what they say? That girl is so old, she can't even carry a gun, and she even beats up the security forces. Only ghosts will believe it."

"This is true, don't believe it, I heard from Ban that the girl's marksmanship is the best in the whole company!"

"The whole company is the best? How is it possible? Can he compare to Instructor Park? Can he compare to Tang Dagou's big flirt?"

"Hey, Tang Dagou's subordinates ran to find prostitutes. Have you heard?"

"Hey, it's spread all over the district, and I lost my face to my grandma's house, and I still have the face to run back!"

"It is said that the kid had studied detective science before, and the company commander asked him to come back on purpose."

"Detective? What's that?"

"You don't know that. Detectives are to solve crimes. Do you understand that there is a special department for the military police training of the North China Security Force."

"how do you know?"

"That's what my cousin does in the security forces, and he specializes in catching rebels."

"Isn't it a secret agent? That's so ridiculous!"

"You think being a spy is that simple."

"You two are still talking nonsense, hurry up and pack up your things and get ready to go!" A monitor next to them growled at the two of them.

"Report to the squad leader, we are all ready." The recruit hurriedly replied to the squad leader who was younger than him. "

Ding Ding Dang, several bicycles took the lead on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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