under fire

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
Li Youcai hid in the darkness and never showed up, carefully watching the fire in the distance.

A middle-aged man was sitting by the fire, he was hesitating whether to step forward.

I haven't heard from Jiulian for a long time. Yesterday afternoon, the cigarette seller came to him and said that someone wanted to see him, and the place was an old place, and he would light a fire to make contact.

Without thinking, he knew that it was Hu Yi or Ma Liang who wanted to see him, but when he came here, he found that the person who came was obviously not from Jiulian!

So he had to confirm whether it was Jiulian's invitation or not. He had never been so nervous. Hu Yi didn't come, Su Qing didn't come, Ma Liang didn't come, not even anyone he knew from Jiulian was there.

He didn't know who it was. He had met Ma Liang a few days ago. After the large-scale raid by the imperial army, Jiulian hadn't returned to the wine stand, feeling a little flustered.

If Jiulian was given to Lianguo by the devils, should I go out to meet them?
If that's the case, you don't have to take the risk of stepping on a few boats, and you are happy to dawdle in the city.

As a gambler, I felt a little sad, and I lost another card. Looking back on the days before, Hu Yi helped him in many things. Although it was said that he used each other, but without Jiulian, I would definitely not be able to get to this point, maybe It has been shaded by people for a long time, and the graves may be covered with grass.

After waiting in the dark for a full hour, Li Youcai, who was annoyed by the mosquito bites, finally decided to meet the person who came. Even if Jiulian is gone, he can still get through this middle-aged man and know something for Hu Yi A place to burn incense on paper.

Li Youcai quietly mentioned the battering gun that had not been opened in 800 years, and slowly appeared behind the middle-aged man.

Li Youcai kept a distance from the middle-aged man, and suddenly said, "Who are you and why are you here?"

The middle-aged man was not surprised, and turned his head slowly, with a smile on his face: "Hehe, let me introduce, my surname is Ding, and I belong to the independent group. Are you Li Youcai?"

The political commissar was able to confirm that the person in front of him was Li Youcai, and he arranged for someone to go to the county town to paint him in advance. Although the inside drawing was not very good, he recognized it at a glance. He was able to dress the traitor so vigorously. Heterogeneous.

Li Youcai didn't intend to flirt with him, and went straight to the point: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? How do you know who I am?"

"Don't be nervous, I know everything about you and Jiulian, don't worry, not many people know about it." The middle-aged man replied calmly.

"Jiulian, how is Jiulian doing now?" Li Youcai was taken aback.

"Jiulian is fine. They have a mission. Because there is something urgent, they came here to ask you for help. Don't worry, we won't let you do it for nothing."

"Hu Yi is okay?" Li Youcai only cared about whether Hu Yi was alive or dead. Now that Jiulian was fine, he asked subconsciously. As for whether he did it for nothing, it didn't matter to him.

"It's all right, they're all fine, and they'll be back in a few days." The middle-aged man answered him with a smile.

"How do you know about this place?"

"Of course Hu Yi told me, otherwise, do you think I can know this place?"

Political Commissar Ding waited for a long time, but did not see Li Youcai answering, so he couldn't help asking again: "Do you have any questions?"

Li Youcai sorted out his thoughts: "You came to me just to tell me the news about Jiulian, right?"

Political Commissar Ding waved to Li Youcai: "Come and sit down and tell me, I need your help to inquire about something!"

Li Youcai put away the rifle and sat down next to the political commissar: "I haven't asked for advice yet. What's the name?"

"Political commissar of the independent regiment, Ding Deyi."

Li Youcai, who had just sat down, seemed to be on fire, and immediately jumped up: "Are you the political commissar?"

"Why, don't you believe me? Do you want me to tell you what you did to Secretary Su and Hu Yi?"

Li Youcai sat down slowly, a little discouraged: "They told you everything?"

"Our army is different from what you imagined. We have strict discipline. Don't worry, no one else knows about these things except the parties involved."

"Uh..." Li Youcai had mixed feelings in his heart, it's strange that I can believe it!What kind of virtue does Jiulian have, can I not know?
The political commissar didn't know what Li Youcai was thinking, so he continued: "A while ago, the Eighth Route Army fought in Qi County, you know?"

Li Youcai, whose butt was still hot, was shocked and jumped up again: "Are you going to hit Meixian?"

"Hey, young man, can you be more cautious?" Political commissar Ding was full of black lines. He heard from Su Qing that Li Youcai was very organized and calm in his work. Why is he so fraught?

"Oh, don't you look at what you said, which one is not a big deal? Are you really going to fight Meixian?" Li Youcai simply didn't sit down, so as not to dance again later.

The political commissar cleared his throat and asked, "Have you heard of Sun Dianying?"

"The 62nd Army of the National Army? The one who robbed the tomb? Aren't they in the south? If you ask me this question, you may be in vain. He is a big shot! You know more than I do if you just ask."

The political commissar asked again: "Don't worry, you have a man named Slacker under your command, you should know his background very well, right?"

"Slacker? What's wrong with him?" Li Youcai finally didn't hold back. Fortunately, he didn't sit down, otherwise he would really have to jump up again.

The slacker knows what kind of stuff he is just from his name, and he can still have a relationship with a high-ranking officer of the national army?

"To tell you the truth, we have already found out the spy you arranged to enter the mountain. His contact person is a slacker. Maybe you don't know about it?"

"I really don't know about this!" This slacker is actually eating inside and out?
"Also, after follow-up and investigation by our underground personnel, we found that the slacker is still in touch with the devil's provincial capital special high school. I guess you should also be kept in the dark, right?" The political commissar explained the simple matter.

Li Youcai was stunned again, he didn't expect that there would be many talented people under him, his mind went blank, and he was immediately stunned.

But soon he came back to his senses and began to think carefully about the cause and effect.

The political commissar didn't speak any more, and calmly looked at Li Youcai who was in a daze.

After a long while, Li Youcai said dejectedly: "Maeda asked me to arrange people to join your independent group, and I greeted Ma Liang in advance. I can't blame me for this matter and I will arrange it. At least you know the situation in advance and have a goal. Now, since you I have already found this ghost, so the next thing should have nothing to do with me, right?"

When the political commissar saw that Li Youcai had regained his emotions, it must have been carefully considered: "Don't be nervous, this matter really has nothing to do with you, but the process is very complicated. According to our inside information, a liaison officer sent by the Devil's Special High School had an accident , One night after entering Mei County, he was assassinated by an unknown person, after understanding, it was the national army anti-rape team who killed the liaison officer."

"It has nothing to do with me, does it?" Li Youcai asked cautiously, this matter involved too much.

"The devils were eager to get information from the mountains, so they sent new contact personnel, and now they have arrived in Meixian County, uh, you can't tell anyone about this!" The political commissar finally told Li Youcai the information obtained by the underground organization.

In fact, there are great risks for the political commissar to do so. If Li Youcai leaks this information, the gendarmerie can use this information to investigate backwards. There must not be many people who know the news that the special high school sent people to Meixian. Intelligence personnel inside the enemy may be exposed.

"You mean, use slackers to hang out the people who are in the super high class and kill them? Is it necessary? If there are new members of the gendarmerie, I can roughly figure it out, and then we can just do it?" Li Youcai finally got a general idea After clarifying the situation, he asked cautiously: "By the way, do lazy ghosts also have to be eliminated?"

"No, since the devil wants to get information from this line, then we just use this line, do you understand?" The political commissar finally told Li Youcai of his plan.

"What do you want?" Li Youcai knew very well that the more he knew about these things, the greater the risk.

"This matter must also be kept secret. We need you to arrange our people to go through all the new gendarmerie personnel and confirm the target. Uh, your current identity, it is a pity not to join the Eighth Route Army." This is a smart one!

"Well, I don't want to get involved in this matter. After we recognize someone, we'll make a clean break. I think you should know about my kennel. Tell your people to come to me tomorrow night!"

"Cheer up, when the time comes, the connector will tell you: the house in the east of the old village has collapsed."

"Don't, don't, just arrange for someone to come to me directly. No one will come to me in the middle of the night."

"If you are in a hurry, draw an inverted triangle on the door with a white pen."

"Oh, your people know my details in the county, can you not make it so complicated?"

"You are wrong, very few people know your identity! You should know that when you told us about the Sheep Head Project, our county situation organization was cracked by the enemy. No one will confess you? So, you have to trust us, Even if our intelligence personnel sacrifice themselves, they will not let you be exposed!"

"Then it's settled." Li Youcai didn't believe it at all. What he said was better than what he sang?Are there no traitors among you?When Hu Yi killed all directions in the hospital, who was the target?

The political commissar was not engaged in front-line intelligence work, and he never expected that Li Youcai knew far more about the Eighth Route's activities in the city than he did, while the dog traitor was thinking something else entirely.

Faced with such a situation, Li Youcai thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "As far as I know, there seems to be no strangers from the gendarmerie during this time!"

"..." This time it was the political commissar's turn to be speechless. After thinking about it carefully, it was true that he had overlooked it. If the people in the special high school did not join the gendarmerie, then there would be no way to investigate this matter.

After a while, the political commissar finally became frustrated: "What do you think?"

"Me? I don't think so!" Li Youcai didn't express his opinion on the spot. He wished he didn't have to do anything. After thinking about it, if he didn't know something, it would be hard to say if he was deceived by others. He immediately asked: "I want to know. What does it matter? And I'm just a small character."

(End of this chapter)

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