under fire

Chapter 467

Chapter 467 A Lian Wants to Install a Phone
A team was marching in the wilderness to the west, under the moonlight, and in the autumn wind. The long team was three to four hundred meters.

At the head of the team, more than [-] soldiers on bicycles lined up in a line, until a black figure appeared on the side of the road, and the marching team finally stopped slowly.

After the team stopped, they sat directly on the side of the road, pulled out the kettle to sip water, and stuffed two handfuls of fried wheat grains into their mouths.

Something energetic began to murmur.

There was a crisp click, and the pocket watch case jumped up. Under the dim moonlight, I couldn't see clearly, but the warm rhythm was still clearly in the palm of my hand.

"Brother, we are only fifteen miles away from Qixian County. Why don't we speed up and pass the railway line overnight?"

After walking for most of the night, Luo Fugui, who had slept for a day during the day, was full of energy. When he heard Hu Yi's pocket watch ringing, he immediately took out his flashlight and turned it on. He pulled out a map of the plain and sent it to him.

Hu Yi checked the time: four o'clock in the morning!

He took the map handed over by Luo Fugui, unfolded it, looked at it for a while, took the pencil handed over by Ma Liang for marking, and looked up to Ma Liang after a while: "Go to Ma Chang Village, about ten miles away from the railway, to rest!"

"Do you want to tell Erlian to speed up and catch up?" Ma Liang didn't ask why he didn't cross the blockade overnight, but thought about it.

The top soldiers of the Second Company were not far behind the Ninth Company, and the brigade was about an hour away.

"Notify the leading soldiers of the second company and let them all rush to Machang Village before dawn."

"Yes!" Ma Liang turned his head and whispered to the soldier next to him, who turned his bicycle and ran back.

Luo Fugui turned off the flashlight to collect the map without saying a word, and the group set off again.

The recruits from the plains are more knowledgeable than the veterans from the mountains, but the squad leaders of the Ninth Company are all veterans from the mountains.

No attempt was made to stop the speaker.

The silent march known to the security forces was ignored.

In the year of catastrophe, the topic of food and population naturally became the focus of all topics, even surpassing the focus on weapons.

The "veteran" boasted about the great achievements of the Independence Regiment in the mountains, and the fact that Qingshan Village still had crops naturally became the focus of attention.

The Ninth Company plus the Second Company, there are too many people, and it is too late to pass through the railway line guarded by devils before dawn.

When Daqi County was divided into districts, the cavalry regiment blew up the railway bridge on the river. During this time, the Devils engineers recruited a large number of civilians from the north to repair the bridge, and dispatched the railroad track to repair it day and night. The railway line was once again damaged by the Eighth Route.

The Devil Command intends to use the railway and Qi County as bait, hoping to wipe out all the eight roads on the plain, but it has completely failed.

A cavalry major who was late apologized deeply, and finally calmed down the anger of the headquarters. At the same time, he gave a stern warning to the intelligence personnel of the special high class who provided the information, and ordered the cavalry brigade to disband on the spot and directly merged into the supply unit!
Only the squadron-level cavalry is left, assigned to each unit for maneuver, serving as a reserve and search team!

Devils playing siege once again became a typical stealing chicken.

Due to the cut-off of the canal, the speed of road transportation is too slow, and the transportation capacity is too low, this railway line has become an important transportation line for transporting troops and materials between the north and the south.

The war in Nanyang was tense, and this line of transportation was used to transport a large amount of coal back to the country. The troops were dispatched, the pressure on the railway line transportation increased greatly, and a large amount of materials were accumulated in the counties at both ends of the bridge.

Soldiers can cross the river on foot on the temporary pontoon bridge, while the luggage can only follow after the railway is repaired.

The Eight Routes on the eastern plains are still active.

However, according to news from the "inside line" of the Eighth Road: Tuba Road dared to attack Qixian County, occupy Huaxian County, and force the security brigade this time because a special force came.

This army is well-equipped and has strong combat effectiveness, but its military discipline is lax, and some soldiers even go to the city to find prostitutes.

The extra-high class used most of the means, but it didn't find out the number of the unit!We have to judge based on experience that most of the national army teams are mixed up with the Eight Route Army!
This kind of thing cannot be tolerated, and the cooperation between the two parties must be destroyed!

Except for the district leaders, most of the people below don't know the number of Jiulian. Although the devils had installed spies in the Eighth Route team early on, the move from the inside of the Eighth Route failed inexplicably!
Because the enemy engineering department led by the political commissar of the division caught the spy who came in, but did not say anything to the outside world. The news spread through this spy was all fake news!

Even the special traffic officer, the division is just spying.

Obviously, it is impossible to get more news from the divisions. The divisions have done their job of anti-enemy agents impeccably.

The news of Hu Yi's departure from the military division has been kept secret until now. Even the people in the villages on the road don't know the origin and origin of this team.

Before leaving, Hu Yi had a sumptuous dinner with the district leaders: horse meat, sweet potato, pickled vegetables, and millet porridge.

During the communication, I knew that there was no difference between fighting against the enemy on the plains and in the mountains, but the team's secrecy was more important than anything else.

In particular, he was deeply inspired when he heard the examples briefly cited by the political commissar of the division to instigate rebellion and use enemy agents.

Although he is not good at underground work, he still subconsciously compared the work done by the division and Su Qing, and found that the independent regiment had many shortcomings. In terms of mobilizing the masses and arranging people to break into the security forces, the division did not do a good job.

Except for Lao Qin who barely developed a few unreliable insiders in the blockhouse near the range of activities, Jiulian has almost no systematic intelligence system.

In other words, although a lot of news reached the wine station, the scale was small and the communication was not timely.

If more people can be arranged to break into the enemy's interior, even if they can't know the enemy's situation well, at least they can know every move of the devils and puppet troops in advance.

Sending people into the enemy's interior cannot be achieved in the short term, so we can only start by passing on news. Before leaving, Hu Yi didn't ask the division for guns and ammunition, but put them on several carts behind, and put them all around Hua County. wires!

The commander, who was grinning from ear to ear, turned a blind eye to Jiulian's tricks of cleaning the battlefield, and generously gave Hu Yi a technician who knew how to use wired telephones.

The team is slowly flowing, and there are a few more corpses in a certain pit in the field!The blind detective team meets the spy platoon!
Ten miles ahead is the railway blockade line. If it is daytime, even if most of the Jiulian are wearing security uniforms, they will not dare to pass the blockade line with fanfare. number.

Therefore, we can only pass the railway line in the dark.

After all, the railway line is so long, it is impossible for all the devils to be stationed with troops.

The last time the Ninth Company was able to get even armored vehicles from the west of the railway line, it was because the divisional cavalry regiment happened to occupy a section of the railway line, but now the ministries wanted to go back to the west, but they could only pass the railway line secretly.

The devils' strongholds along the railway line in front were defending the information, and the soldiers who had gone to reconnaissance in advance returned in the dark and sent them back to Hu Yi one after another.

In the dark night, a tall, black-faced man led more than a hundred guns with live ammunition and bayonets, and carried a stretcher team into the village.

A long line of militiamen from the division behind helped carry the wounded. The second company suffered nearly half of the casualties in this battle. It was very uncomfortable to have a high knife, and they even looked down on the ninth company whose mud could not support the wall.

After such a big battle, you don't even have a single serious injury!A typical person who steals, rapes and plays tricks. I really don't know if the division commander is blind, and he even looks at Jiulian differently.

After thinking about it, it is estimated that the commander of the division took a fancy to that armored vehicle, so he gave Jiulian some color!

Otherwise, why didn't even grab two extra guns when Jiulian left?
Not to mention the seized ammunition, I heard that Jiulian didn't catch a single one, and thinking of this made me feel a lot more comfortable, I'm going to lose face and suffer!

As for what those broken wires are used for, he does know, but he doesn't believe that Jiulian can install a phone in the independent regiment at all!
It is said that there are only a few telephone lines in the entire army, and the calls between various ministries cannot be connected for three days and cannot be heard.

The communication mainly depends on the radio, but even the regiment-level troops basically don't have a radio.

You Jiulian are you going to heaven?

Of course, when there is a large-scale battle on the front line, there is a front-line command headquarters. Occasionally, high-tech telephones will be installed between the front-line troops, at least between the brigade level and the regiment level, and usually only three to 500 meters. .

Even if you can get through the phone, who can you call, can you call the political commissar and report how wicked you are at Jiulian?

How many bundles of telephone wires are there in your cart?How far can it be pulled?
 There is a phone number for the Eighth Route Headquarters, but I don’t know if there is one with the [-]th Division, probably not.

(End of this chapter)

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