under fire

Chapter 468

Chapter 468
Maybe it was because the devils swept up the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, or maybe it was because the Eighth Route Army was attacking Qi County in the plains, and the Meixian Devils' security forces had no plan to sweep up the defense area of ​​the Independent Regiment again. It seemed that they had forgotten that there was still a piece of crops in Qingshan Village.

Throughout the summer, Meixian only accomplished one major event. After the northern blockade was repaired, it continued southward until it reached Xinglong Town.

Second Lieutenant Maeda was promoted to Major, but only his military rank has changed, everything else remains the same, and his plan to transfer to the provincial capital has not come true.

In any case, his work was recognized by his superiors.

Because there were bigger plans above, his plan to take action against the Independence Corps was rejected, and he had to strengthen security work in the quasi-security area.

As for the headquarters' next plan, he doesn't know, but it will certainly not be small, and it is naturally impossible to be idle. During this period of time, nails are constantly being buried in the security area, the management of the investigation team is strengthened, and the next step is made in advance. get ready.

The sudden drought has made the task of grain collection in Mei County a top priority, and I plan to wait for the next spring to discuss other things.

Now, before the weather turns cold, we have to make every effort to dig the blockade ditch to the south.

Fortunately, digging blockades and repairing gun towers only needs to recruit enough civilians. At worst, there will be more food for maintenance in various places.

Because of the drought, a large number of victims who fled from the famine in the eastern plain happened to be the main force in digging the blockade ditch!

Due to the great impact of the drought, the empire also had to lose face, so under international pressure, the North China Command had to change its strategy: provide disaster relief to the occupied areas!

Some time ago, Shao Zuo Maeda made public appearances on purpose several times, hypocritically promoting common prosperity, and even served porridge to the victims several times afterwards.

Of course, those who could eat porridge were taken to the construction site in the south by the devils.

The devils deliberately opened a hole in the blockade, and let the people fleeing from famine in the occupied areas enter the border of Meixian County, detaining strong laborers as free coolies.

As for the remaining old and weak women and children, isn't your eighth road a team of ordinary people?Are you not a military and civilian family?
Then I don't engage in Sanguang this time, and give them directly to you, which is not bad for you, right?
Also, I won't come to burn your poor crops in the mountains this time, isn't it interesting?

I will also drive all these old, weak, sick and disabled people who have no food into the mountains for you, and you will not be able to accept them!Can you watch them starve to death? Of course, if that happens, I will also promote
The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled cannot become the source of soldiers for the Eighth Route Army. These actions can be said to serve multiple purposes and win the hearts of the people!Second, weaken the fighting power of the eight routes. You have no food and you still have the fighting power of a bird?It is also possible to separate some families, use relatives as hostages, and develop some insiders into the Eight Route Base Areas.

In this way, there is no need to be as laborious and laborious as the previous sweeps, and I will make this obvious conspiracy, you have to want it if you don't want it!
As for the supplies, the blockade ditch is blocked, and there are many gun towers. If the eight roads want to replenish from Meixian, there is no door!Unless you can transport from the west of the Taihang Mountains, it takes two or three days to walk the mountain road with bare hands, how much transportation capacity can you arrange?

After such an economic blockade, I guess I will spend another winter on you, and I will let you have no clothes to wear!
I still don't believe that you can go to the battlefield with bare buttocks in the jungle where there are shrubs everywhere in the mountains.

dang dang…

There was a sound of gongs in the village, and without thinking, Liu Yonggui, the maintenance chairman, was going to issue another announcement from the imperial army.

The male duck's voice was loud: "Listen to me, young and old, ladies, all gather under the big locust tree in the south of the village. The imperial army will give our fleeing folks a way out. This is great news."

After a while, under the locust tree, hundreds of ordinary people who had fled from the disaster, carrying wheelbarrows and shoulders on their backs, gathered together with dull expressions. When they suddenly heard that the devil was about to give way, although they didn't believe it at all, they still had a trace of fear. silk hope.

There is not a strong laborer in the crowd!All children, old and weak, and women.

For these women who have smeared themselves, the hair on their bodies is matted, the dirt on their faces that has not been washed for 800 years is thick, and their thin bodies have little flesh, so the devils have no interest in these women who have fled.

Most importantly, Shao Zuo Maeda issued a strict order that anyone who dares to attack women among the refugees will end in a very miserable end!

As for how miserable it is, I heard that at least the guy who released the water must be cut off!
Maeda was also ordered, and the reason was not mentioned above, but Maeda knew very well that the Special High School arranged for someone to mix in the refugees, and they must be women. It is impossible for the women of the empire to dress up like these fleeing women.

Then, those who are cleaner are probably the ones I want to contact in the future. In this way, their safety must be guaranteed.

To some extent, the devils have a big misunderstanding about the people in the occupied areas, thinking that these skinny women are like the women they see in the city, most of them have bound feet, and they generally think that the fleeing women cannot work at all.

In fact, most of the people who had to flee from famine were from poor families who rented land for a living. The girls raised by these poor families worked since childhood, and not many people had their feet bound, and their work was no worse than that of men!

"Fathers and elders, on behalf of the imperial army, I welcome you here very much. However, we don't have much food. If there are only three or five more people, we can deal with the matter of adding more water, but, There are too many of you here, and there is really nothing I can do about it, it is really difficult, in order to show the generosity of the imperial army, I decided to send you to the eighth road."

People on the plain, who has never heard of the name of the Eight Roads?There was an immediate commotion among the crowd.

The devils ransacked the homes of those who had cheated on others, what kind of tricks were they playing at this time?Will you send yourself to Eight Road?

So kind, does the sun come out from the west?

People who have never dealt with Eight Roads are even more uncertain. In their eyes, Eight Roads is just a word, a word that cannot be said yet. Why is it suddenly related to Eight Roads?
Some people are even thinking, if they enter the mountain, will they have to stay in the mountain for the rest of their lives and cannot come out?
Isn't going into the mountain the same as connecting the eight roads?

Immediately, someone didn't want to.
The way common people express their refusal is very simple: If you don’t let me stay here, then I’ll just leave.
Anyway, it is fleeing, where is it not fleeing?
The world is so big, I just want to have a bite to eat.

As for those who had relatives in a certain place, they found out that their relatives were also poor when they went there. Even so, it might be okay to stay for three or five days, but do you have the nerve to stay there all the time?
What's more, there will always be a person from the relative's family to object, expressing disapproval of these poor relatives who have fled
At most, the little girl will be left behind, maybe in the future when she grows up a bit, she can be a laborer. As for the daughter, it is purely a loser, how can it be adopted?

At most, give me some millet and leave as a gift.

In the year of the catastrophe, the landlord's family didn't have much food left!

(End of this chapter)

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