under fire

Chapter 469

Chapter 469

In a noodle restaurant across from the gate of An County Elementary School, two young people sat opposite each other.

"Brother, when did you come back?" Mei Huairen was overjoyed.

"You're all done, why are you still so frizzy?" The young man on the opposite side frowned and said in a low voice.

"Brother, you've lost weight." Mei Huairen quickly put away his smile.

"You will go out of the city later, find a way to pass the blockade before dark, and go to the enemy engineering department of the County Public Security Bureau stationed in Muming Village under the pretext of going back to your hometown Qingyu Village to visit relatives."

"But... I don't know them."

"You tell them my name and they will know."

The sun has just penetrated into the mountains in the west, and the sky in the west is still full of red clouds.

At this time, a thin, eighteen-year-old young man was walking on the desolate plain.

The elder brother arranged a task for him, which made him feel mixed, and even more excited.

The task was very important, and with mixed feelings, he walked vigilantly towards the village he had been to before.

From memory, I walked west familiarly, and looked at the blockade ditch in front of me from a distance. Dozens of ordinary people pushing carts and picking baskets were queuing up for inspection with their certificates of good citizenship.

A security force with a big gun on his back saw Mei Huairen walking slowly behind him with a burden on his back, his eyes lit up.

Pulling out the ragged civilians blocking the road, he walked directly from the crowd to Mei Huaizhi behind.

His mouth bared as if he had eaten shit: "You son of a bitch, where the hell are you going?"

While talking, he pulled off the rifle and poked the muzzle at the young man.

"Uh, sir, I'm going home. My home is in the village over there." Mei Huairen nervously raised his finger and pointed to the west.

"I think you look like a spy from the Eight Routes, put down your burden and let me check it!" After finishing speaking, the bastard pulled Mei Huaizhi's burden with one hand.

Mei Huairen seemed to be frightened, and let the security forces toss.

After searching for a long time in the ragged baggage, they found nothing but a few ragged clothes. Then they searched and found a piece of paper from Mei Huaizhi's pocket.

"Are you passing on information to the Eighth Route?" The security forces were a little dumbfounded, they didn't find anything, so they had to cheat.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is my certificate of good citizenship!" Mei Huairen followed his elder brother and had seen the world, although he was flustered, he didn't have anything on him, so he didn't worry about what this bastard would do to him.

The people who were inspected at the front turned their heads to look at the scene behind them strangely. One of them was a little dazed. After watching for a long time, he finally asked, "Ms. Mei's second brother? When did you come back?"

"Ah? Brother Wu, are you here too?" Mei Huairen was overjoyed, he recognized the man named Wu Nansheng in front of him, and he had visited his home before.

The security force knew this man named Brother Ang, and turned around and asked, "Wu Nansheng, do you know this poor boy?"

"His brother is a teacher in the county school, good man, hey, good man!" Wu Nansheng went into the mountain with someone to pick up the supplies arranged by Chojiu, but he didn't expect to meet the younger brother of his former comrade-in-arms.

"You don't have a single piece of ocean in your body, you poor man, get the hell out of here." This guy lost interest in Mei Huairen without making money.

For the batch of goods that Wu Nansheng received, traitor Xu had already greeted them, and the money that should have been given had already been paid.

The ghost instructor was drinking in Xujiazhuang at this time. Hearing that the security team wanted the goods, he felt uncomfortable. He didn't check the goods pulled on the cart at all. The group went through the blockhouse "inspected" and passed the blockade ditch smoothly.

After all, the two had only met a few times before, and gradually distanced themselves from other "common people" along the way. Wu Nansheng habitually maintained vigilance against Mei Huairen. His brother was caught and sentenced by the enemy and had been separated from the organization for almost two years. Meeting Mei Huairen by chance, he didn't express too much enthusiasm.

Mei Huaizhi didn't see any relationship between those ordinary people who delivered the goods and Zeng Nansheng.

The two followed the crowd through the checkpoint and blocked the ditch for about two miles. Suddenly, there were two more pedestrians on the road behind the crowd. Come out: "Hey, it's interesting, Lao Wu actually brought back a bar this time"

Wu Nansheng seemed to be ignorant of what happened behind him: "Brother Mei, I really didn't expect to meet you here. I heard that your brother was sentenced by the devil in the past two years. How is he doing now?"

"My brother came back yesterday. I just met him this morning." Mei Huairen knew that Wu Nansheng had a good relationship with his brother two years ago, so he didn't hide it.

"Mei Huaizhi is back?" Old Wu was shocked.

"Yes, I just want to go back to my hometown to report to my father." Mei Huairen panicked, but his face was a bit uncomfortable.

"Hehe, it looks like I'm overthinking, do you really want to go back to your hometown?" Wu Nansheng looked at the young man with a half-smile.

Mei Huaizhi thought for a while, and finally said, "I'm going to Muming Village!"

Wu Nansheng narrowed his eyes slightly: "What are you doing in Muming Village, kid?"

"My brother said there was an acquaintance of his in the village."

Wu Nansheng and Mei Huaizhi used to be comrades-in-arms, but they haven't seen each other for two years. Muming Village is the resident of the County Public Security Bureau. This guy is not vigilant at all, and even brought a tail. However, he is not worried: " Hehe, I happen to be going to Muming Village too, why don't you go with me?"

"Ah? Are you going to Muming Village too?"

"Why, you don't believe me?"

"No, uh, do you know Lao Zhou from Muming Village?"

Wu Nansheng was shocked: "Old Zhou you are talking about? He has traveled far away, and you may not see him for a while."

After all, Mei Huairen was young, and he was shocked, what the other party said was a secret signal!

After calming down, "something happened at home, I need to buy some herbs for diarrhea!"

Wu Nansheng has a black thread. This is the connection code two years ago and has been discarded. However, on his own territory, Park Buhuan's pervert is behind him. Even if this kid has great skills, he can't make waves!

Wu Nansheng stopped suddenly: "It will take three days to get the medicine for diarrhea, so I don't know if you can afford it!"

Mei Huairen was overjoyed, and quickly said what Mei Huaizhi had confessed: "Even if you wait for half a month, it will be done!"

After speaking, he quickly pulled a piece of clothing out of the bag, and a small blade suddenly appeared in his hand. He carefully cut open the collar, took out a note written on cotton cloth, and handed it to Wu Nansheng: "This is my A letter of introduction from my brother!"

"Oh..." Wu Nansheng was a little surprised, took it in doubt, and looked carefully, and found that the note was actually written by Lao Zhou!
"If that's the case, then you can follow me first." Wu Nansheng was a little undecided, but he was even more suspicious. After all, Mei Huaizhi had been separated from the organization for two years, and the two people following him kept a distance.

A crescent moon hung in the sky, and a group of people were walking in the hilly area. Mei Huaizhi felt the familiar mountain wind blowing, and listened carefully to the sound of toads on the side of the road.

The two chatted about their daily routines as they walked, almost always Lao Wu was asking questions and Mei Huaizhi was answering, always following the team in front.

When it was getting dark, the group of men in black followed behind with their guns in hand. At this time, another team emerged from the withered grass by the roadside.

Mei Huairen was a little surprised by the sudden appearance, and looked at Wu Nansheng nervously: "Brother Wu, what's going on here?"

"It's okay, my own, don't worry." Wu Nansheng looked calm.

A tall figure behind smiled and walked forward, grabbed Wu Nansheng's shoulders, walked aside, and whispered, "Old Wu, is the mission going well this time?"

Wu Nansheng pushed away the enthusiastic Park Buhuan: "If there is any mistake, it's hard work for you to make a trip."

"Hey, we've been walking behind you all the time. You still have to carry so many things, so you work harder. Uh, this one is a bit unfamiliar. Who is he?" Pu Buhuan looked at Mei Huairen in the distance.

"Don't ask if you don't know." Wu Nansheng didn't answer his question.

"Hey, that's good, let's go to the front village to eat something first, and leave the rest of the work to me." Park Buhuan didn't think there was anything wrong, and the organizational regulations had to be followed.

"That won't work, I have to deliver the goods to Captain Sun myself." Wu Nansheng frowned: "What are the identities of the two people following behind, do they have anything to do with him?"

"Didn't you tell me not to ask? They said they were from the county government. I'm not familiar with these things. I think you should know?" Park Buhuan looked at Mei Huairen in the distance with a smile on his face , but there was a chill in his eyes.

"County government? What do you mean?" Wu Nansheng was stunned. Could it be that the two people behind him had nothing to do with Mei Huairen.

"You ask me, do you think I can know?" Park Buhuan quickly replied.

"Well, you mean they have nothing to do with this kid?"

"I guess it doesn't matter."

"Then let's go over and have a look." Wu Nansheng frowned.

 Don't be surprised, the Eighth Route Army already had a Public Security Bureau

(End of this chapter)

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