under fire

Chapter 471 Methods

Chapter 471 Methods
In the early autumn evening, it was still sultry.

Except for the bleak villages and dry weeds in the wild, there is almost no human habitation on the plain.

Village entrance.

The second company and the ninth company began to gather one after another to set up carriages.

Sentinels disguised as reconnaissance teams placed around the village in a large circle five miles away. The pioneers had already set off to find cover near the railway to observe the enemy's situation.

There were not many people on the plain, so for the sake of confidentiality, the few households left in the village were temporarily handed over to the militia to take care of them. The brigade made preparations. The departure time was set at ten o'clock after dark, and it was planned to take about two hours. , arrived near the railway line in the middle of the night, and took advantage of the moonlight in the middle of the night to cross the railway line in batches.

I have to say that besides being good at mass work, Lao Zhou is also a veteran at ideological work. He gave two female students a talk, and after only an hour, the two excited female comrades had entered the second company.

Erlian, who had been waiting, almost learned from Jiulian to carry the two new comrades away on a stretcher.

There are three-wheeled motorcycles in the Erlian resident, and the surname has now been changed to Jiu. As for the agreement Gao Yidao reached with Hu Yi, apart from the two parties involved, only the little girl probably knows.

There are quite a few recruits in the Erlianjiu team, and no one knows if there are spies of devils among them.

Hu Yi's idea is very simple, Jiulian is very far away from the security regiment station, as long as the soldiers under him are still in the team, even if there are spies, there is no way to pass the news out!

However, he still made arrangements for the entire company. The old guarded the new. All recruits were not allowed to put bullets in their guns. Naturally, it was impossible to encounter the enemy on the plain. It made no difference whether there were bullets in the guns or not.

The team looked around again on the way, and so far, no one has escaped.

Most of the Ninth Company wore the uniforms of the security forces, and the recruits knew that they were joining the Eighth Route Army, which could go to heaven and earth!I was excited, disappointed, and worried, but I have to admit the fact that I participated in the Eighth Route.

As for the present time, it is impossible to even think about sending two yuan of travel expenses back to my hometown.

This world is so chaotic, if you enter the enemy-occupied area alone, you will either be captured by the devils as a coolie, or captured by the traitors as a way to ask for credit, how can these recruits be willing to leave!

The special agent platoon wore the detective team's clothes borrowed from Jiulian, and set off ahead of Ma Liang in the afternoon.

The division's special agent platoon's mission was to attack the enemy's officials as revenge for the devil's raid on the headquarters, but it ended up going to the Ninth Company, which did not play cards according to common sense, to support the division by accident, and finally killed a security force brigade commander. Even if it's just cooperation, it can be considered as completing the task!It is inevitable to be rewarded for meritorious service.

It's just that for some reason, Wang Liujin has been relying on Jiulian not to leave, saying that he has to kill a few devils who advanced to the team to relieve his anger.

As a striker, the task of this trip is heavy. The special agent platoon has to take care of Jiulian and Erlian, and remove all possible dangers on the road. If there is any unsightly thing, Hu Yi's suggestion is to dig a hole and bury it. .

Large-scale troop transfers are very likely to be discovered by the enemy's eyeliners in various villages. Therefore, the three villages along the way were directly surrounded by the spy platoon and the vanguard led by Ma Liang. Even if there are traitors who want to report to the devils The letter has no chance.

The only thing to guard against is traitors shooting in the village. However, with a traitor's clothes on, most traitors who want to report to the police will throw themselves into the trap.

It finally got dark.

Hu Yi, who was sitting by the broken table, took out his pocket watch and felt the warm rhythm: eight o'clock.

Jiulian took the lead.

A team of hundreds of people took a platoon as a unit, and went out of the village to approach the railway line. The distance was about ten miles. Even if they were driving a cart, it would take about an hour at most to march in a hurry.

About 500 meters from the railway.

The two shadows kept observing the railway ahead.

"Have you remembered? In about half an hour, an armored vehicle will pass by the railway."

"You've been nagging all day, I can't remember?" Another black shadow replied: "Every 15 minutes, there is a group of devil patrols wandering along the railway, walking along the railway from one blockhouse to the next.

"Hey, I just think this thing is really accurate!" Another black shadow said with a cheap smile.

"Isn't it just a pocket watch? It's not yours. You're so proud."

"Why hasn't the platoon leader come yet?"

"It's probably coming soon, it will be dark for a while."

After half an hour.

Wang Liujin and his two men came to the side of the two black shadows, and asked in a low voice, "How is the situation?"

"There is a dark whistle on the dirt bag over the railway!" A black figure pointed at the dirt bag in the distance.

"You read that right?"

"It's definitely true. A few devils came down from the mountain bag before dark, and then a few more from the patrol team. It should be a changing of the guard, absolutely right!"

"How far are these dark whistles?"

"There is one about a mile or so, just between the two blockhouses."

"This matter is troublesome." Wang Liujin scratched his head.

After crossing the railway, enter the slightly undulating hilly area. If you pass directly through the railway between the two gun towers, you will definitely be spotted by the enemy's secret sentry.

Wang Liujin frowned and thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't come up with an idea, so he asked, "You guys stayed here all day, did you think of a way to cross the railway to kill those secret sentries?"

A soldier lying on his stomach shook his head: "If the sentinel doesn't doze off, he will be exposed as soon as he gets on the railway!"

"What if we disguise ourselves as patrols?" Wang Liujin didn't give up.

"Patrols come by about every 15 minutes, they only walk along the railway, how do we pretend?"

Wang Liujin was stunned for a moment: "How do you know it's 15 minutes?"

"Hey, platoon leader Ma Liang lent me a watch. He said he wanted us to remember the time every time the armored vehicles and patrols on the railway passed by!"

While talking, the lights of an armored car on the railway appeared from the north, and the sound of clanging came from afar.

"When did you learn to read a watch?"

"Hey, the girl taught me."

"You guys observe first." Wang Liujin was so preoccupied that he didn't have the mood to ask again.

Hu Yi sat on the ground, feeling the boundless silence of the wilderness.

Seeing Wang Liujin running to the front: "Commander Hu, the situation is not good. The enemy has dug blockades along the railway, built gun towers every mile or so, and set up secret sentries on the small highland opposite the railway!"

"Dark whistle?"

"Yes, we will be discovered as soon as we get on the railway! If we hadn't sent people to scout during the day and discovered the enemy's arrangements, something bad will happen this time!"

Hu Yi raised his head and looked to the west. Under the dark night under a crescent moon, the lights of armored vehicles on the distant railway kept swaying to both sides of the railway, and the earth looked extremely quiet.

"There is no problem in crossing the blockade, but it is a bit troublesome to cross the railway," Wang Liujin added.

Hu Yi turned his head and looked at the monkey in front of him: "Monkey, come with me to have a look."

The girl lying on the cart became interested and jumped down directly: "Fox, take me to see it too!"

Then, followed by a bear, followed by a big dog wearing a military cap askew.

The blockhouse next to the railway is different from the general blockade ditch. The blockhouse on the edge of the blockade ditch is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.

The suspension bridge on the ditch that had been dropped during the day had already been put away at this time, and the shooting of the gun tower also showed light. There was a noise in the gun tower, mixed with the laughter of the security forces and devils, and the searchlight on the top of the gun tower kept shaking along the railway line. .

Although the devils have developed a large number of security forces, it is still impossible to take care of all the railways.

Therefore, armored patrol vehicles were arranged as a deterrent, and the security forces and devils were sent to patrol in a mixed manner to make those who thought about the railway quit.

As for those who want to sabotage, you should first weigh how much flesh you have in your small body.

In fact, the secret sentry hiding on the soil bag has really become the Land Rover on the way of Jiulian's westward march.

Hu Yi watched for a long time, and another patrol car drove by, and everyone shrank their heads quickly.

With the light of the armored vehicle, Master Hu frowned and asked, "Monkey, are you sure you can touch it and not be spotted by the secret sentry on the opposite side?"

"The distance between the two blockhouses is too close, and there are wide fields on both sides of the railway, so it's difficult." Looking at the dark distance in the dim moonlight, the monkey didn't know what to do, so he could only shake his head.

"I said you are stupid?" The girl next to him spoke.

"Uh, don't you have a way!" Wang Liujin's eyes lit up.

"Grandma, of course there is a way." The girl shook her head triumphantly: "Which one do you want to listen to?"

(End of this chapter)

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