under fire

Chapter 472 Complicated Arrangements

Chapter 472 Complicated Arrangements

"Isn't it just a few secret sentries? Find a few people and walk ten miles to the north, pretending to be ordinary people and directly cross the blockade ditch and run across the railway line. There are too many people chasing after, right?" The girl rolled her eyes, watching the generals lying in the ditch frightened.

"You wicked bastard, at what time are you still playing tricks! Continue to talk" Wang Liujin suddenly thought of a word when he heard this, roundabout!The idea of ​​the little girl's film is really good, and I am happy to cooperate with her.

"Then we went over and tried to find a way to go back to the west of the railway and kill the devil sentinels on the opposite side. Isn't that the end of the matter?"

"Great idea!" Wang Liujin expressed surprise: "I'll arrange for some skilled people to cross the blockade!"

"Why are you in such a hurry!~ How old is he, and still so frizzy!" Xiao Hongying curled her lips.

Wang Liujin, who was turning around, staggered and almost fell, but was scolded by a poor girl.

Xiao Hongying turned her head: "Monkey, didn't you brag all day long that you and the big guy just killed a blockhouse, now that you have no chance to brag, the blockhouse in front will be handed over to you, is there any problem?"

"That won't work, last time I relied on luck." Monkey refused righteously.

"Give you half a month's leave." The girl offered without hesitation.

"Deal!" Monkey immediately agreed: "However, you have to ask Director Su to write a letter of introduction."

The girl with great powers has already figured out that this guy who was born as a thief has been thinking of going back to Tianjin for revenge. As for his enemy, it is said that he is a big traitor.

Monkey is in a good mood, and if he can get the help of the eight-way underground organization to kill those traitors who have defected to the devils, of course it will be more sure.

"I have to wait until I get back. I'll go to Mr. Hu, Secretary Su, to help."

Wang Liujin has a black thread on his head, Jiulian is so fucking nonsense, isn't he just touching a blockhouse, and is he willing to negotiate conditions?

If I didn't know the details of Jiulian, I really wanted to go up and use my old fist to do ideological work with you.

Hu Yi didn't expect the girl to make such a thoughtful suggestion. In fact, he also thought of a detour, but the little girl reacted faster, planned more comprehensively, and worked both ways.

In fact, how can it be so easy to touch the gun tower?

The security forces guarding the turrets are as timid as a mouse, because they can't move their nests because they stay here all day long. They have eight ways to find family members to persuade them anyway, and the anti-rape team sends out leaflets to warn them, and they have to prevent those guerrillas who want to shoot and want to go crazy.
Barbed wire fences were drawn around the blockhouses, blockades were dug, patrols were dispatched, searchlights were used, fires were lit outside the blockhouses at night, and bright and dark sentries were connected to form a block.
Hu Yi was thinking hard and judging how to deal with the railway line with blockhouses and blockades. Following the girl's thinking, he tried to think about the plan more comprehensively.

half an hour.

Hu Yi finally raised his head: "Platoon Leader Wang, you lead people to find a way to cross the blockade ditch from about five miles to the north, cross the railway and eliminate the devil's secret whistle in the west, and then shake the flashlight at our side three times."

"Yes, Company Commander Hu, just watch it."

"Tian Sanqi, you take the second platoon and the spy platoon to go five miles north, and cut off the telephone line between the blockhouse and the station! Bring the telephone line back by the way."


"Also, take the technician from the division and connect the phone to the northern telephone line. As for the devils who call to ask, you can say that there is a small group of guerrillas crossing the railway line."

"It's that simple?"

"Listen to me! If the battle breaks out on our side, your platoon will be divided into two parts. One part will stop the enemies coming from the north for reinforcements, and the other part will be responsible for copying out the rear of the security forces for reinforcements. Regardless of success or failure, you will retreat westward before dawn. !"

"Ma Liang!"


"You lead the team to the south, in the opposite direction to Tian Sanqi, five miles away"

"Yes, but there is only one technician in the partition, and both sides have to connect the phone, can't it be done?"

"Aren't you going to learn by yourself? As for calling Wang Xiaosan to ask for it, there are several girls who let him go!"

Hu Yi turned his head to look at Luo Fugui who was beside him, who immediately trembled and spoke first: "I'm a wounded man!"

Hu Yi ignored it: "Mule, don't you like to bury mines? Later, I will lead people to bury one on the railway 200 meters north and south near the gun tower. This time, I will bury the mines in the roadbed to ensure that at least the rails will be deformed." !"

"Boss Hu, why don't you let Li Xiang do it? He knows a lot." The shivering Luo Fugui showed displeasure, his eyes rolled and his tone grew louder.

The girl next to her was angry, hating iron for being weak: "Can you grow up a little bit? You still have the face to push the task to the wounded? Then you carry Li Xiang to guide the landmine planting."

Luo Fugui ignored the little girl: "Boss Hu... But I'm really a wounded soldier, can I not go?"

"Okay, you can help Erlian carry the wounded in a while." Hu Yi didn't care about the wounded at all.

How could the mourning bear go to Erlian, so he quickly changed the subject: "Can we only bury one?"

"Okay, the Devil's armored vehicle patrol car on the other side will come in a while, and you will be responsible for blocking the armored vehicle."

"Forget it, I'll just go lay mines."

"Big dog."

"Hey, Chief Hu?"

"In a while, you pick fifteen people under your command, and change them all into devil uniforms. After the spy platoon is able to signal, lead people close to the enemy patrol team coming from the south, and find a way to kill them. Try not to use your guns."

"Fuck, okay."

"By the way, bring the female student who can speak bird language!"


"Monkey, later you take the big one to touch the tower."

"Hey, okay."

"Have you heard everything clearly?"

"Clearly understand" everyone answered in a low voice.

"What about me?" came a childish and dissatisfied voice.

"Come with me and cover the monkeys later!"

"no fun uh ok"

"Hey, you surnamed Hu, you are so generous, do you want to eat alone this time?" Gao Yidao followed into the ditch at some point.

It is estimated that seeing Jiulian stopped in the wilderness, his second company team had already caught up, but Jiulian hadn't settled the railway line yet, so he asked for the direction and came over.

"I'm sorry, the tasks have been arranged, and there is nothing wrong with you Erlian"

"I haven't finished listening to your plan, can you talk about it again?"

"Not interested, if you want to know, ask Tian Sanqi."

Tian Sanqi next to him was immediately stunned, and he was dragged into this incident. However, he was neither embarrassed nor ashamed, and hurried to Gao Yidao, and whispered the plan Hu Yi had just arranged.

"Hu, if you want to take it, take two gun towers. You hit this one, and I'll hit the one in the north!"

"Do you find it interesting?"

"Isn't it interesting?"

"In this way, you arrange for the militiamen in the division to help you carry the stretcher, bring tools, and then fill the blockade ditch."

"Damn you? Isn't there a suspension bridge on the blockhouse? If we really take down the blockhouse and put down the suspension bridge, it will be all right?"

"If the enemy reinforces quickly, we have to get rid of the enemy after crossing the railway line. There are so many large cars in the team, time is very important! Do you think it is faster to cross the suspension bridge or fill the ditch?"

Gao Yidao didn't expect the shameless Hu Yi to let his second company and the district militia work as coolies. He suddenly remembered that the last battle with the ninth company had not worked hard, so why did he bother to go into this muddy water?The right hand clenched the bayonet sharp rifle slowly released: "I agree."

"If you don't want to.", I thought that Gao Yidao would probably have to carry it, but as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I didn't expect this guy to agree directly.

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, and had to swallow the words he had planned. The atmosphere was quiet and no one spoke.

After regaining his senses, Hu Yi ordered: "Don't stand still, Platoon Leader Wang, your side needs the most time, set off immediately."

Wang Liujin turned around and left. It really took the longest time for him to complete the task. The special agent platoon had to switch defenses with Ma Liang to assemble. Tian Sanqi also followed. He had to find the technicians of the division army. Ma Liang immediately sent After receiving the defense, he quickly followed Ueda Sanchi, discussing whether the technicians should go south or north first!

Big Dog also had to go back and pick people up to pretend to be patrols. Liu Wenxia can speak Japanese!
It is not easy to deal with the fact that there are female soldiers in the army. There are no female soldiers in the devil's army, except for the health soldiers who follow the comfort camp.

Reluctant Xiong had to go to the back to carry the wounded soldier Li Xiang on the cart.

The girl Gao Yidao and Hu Yi were left at the scene.

After Gao Yidao made arrangements, he quickly went back to organize the divisional militiamen who carried the stretcher for the second company to bring guys to fill the blockade ditch!
Turning to look at Hu Yi: "You should know that the more complicated the plan, the greater the possibility of failure!"

"Do you have a better way? Why didn't you say it just now?" Hu Yi knew that the actual situation might deviate from the plan, but he only said it at this time, purely looking for trouble.

"Isn't it okay to call directly? I didn't say it just now, it was to save some face for you." Gao Yidao said righteously.

"Why do you say something like a dog spit it out? Hit it? That's a good idea! Do you want to be kicked out by the devil again?"

"To the west is Lao Tzu's base. Do you think there will be devil cavalry this time, and they will still have a chance to chase me for the second time like last time?"

"I've been fighting guerrillas in the plains all day long. Except for recruiting a group of bandits, I don't seem to have heard of your second company's tricks. When you fight in a sub-district, half of the casualties will be lost. The combat effectiveness of a certain unit has improved quite quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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