under fire

Chapter 473 Accident

Chapter 473 Accident
In the middle of the night, Platoon Leader Wang selected eleven people, including himself, and divided them into three groups. They planned to cross the blockade ditch from the three blockhouses, but they were not sure that each group would be able to pass the blockade.

A group of people hid in the dark about a mile away from the railway.

The patrol team on the railway walked slowly farther south with flashlights on.

Two soldiers quickly jumped up from the darkness carrying a thick wooden stick and rushed to the blockade ditch, opposite to the telephone pole.

He skillfully supported the wooden stick on the bottom of the ditch, slid down the ditch along the wooden stick, pulled the wooden pole to the opposite side of the blockade ditch, climbed up the blockade ditch, one soldier released the wind, and the other climbed up the burned wooden pole with hands and feet.

When I reached the top of the pole, I was dumbfounded. There are more than a dozen wires on the pole!

He couldn't tell which was the phone line!

I can't control that much, just break it all!

So, I boldly cut off one wire, and with a bang, the tight wire was pulled away by the distant electric pole, and immediately started on the next wire.
The control lights on the top of the turret suddenly went out.

Because the fighters couldn't figure out what was a telephone line and what was a telephone line, they not only cut off all the telephone lines on the telephone poles, but also cut off all the wires!

There was an immediate uproar in the blockhouse!
Power outages are not common for blockhouses in counties along the railway.

It is very simple to determine where the wire is broken. The last blockhouse with the light turned off is the location of the fault, and the devil reacted immediately.

There was no response to the phone calls in the out-of-power blockhouse, which was shaking to catch fire, and the two blockhouses closest to the cut wires immediately discovered the problem.

"Assemble!" Guizi Niaoyu was a little embarrassed.

In less than a minute, the two devils left the gun tower one after another.

The phone in the blockhouse with the lights still on was normal, so I immediately shook the phone and called north to the headquarters: "The area between No. 11 and No. [-] blockhouse was attacked by eight groups, and the telephone line was cut!"

The blockhouse in the dark was lit with gas lamps, and the blockhouse was re-lit, but the searchlights no longer flickered.

"Report, platoon leader Tian has cut off the telephone line of the gun tower." The soldiers of the spy platoon who stayed behind immediately reported to Wang Liujin.

"I'm not blind, why are you so loud?"

After speaking, he immediately ordered the soldiers to end their rest, leave the trench in the ground, and run to the blockade ditch with their legs open.

At the same time, the other two groups carried large wooden poles towards the blockade ditch almost at the same time.

Without searchlights, crossing the railway was much easier. A group of four passed through the blockade ditch smoothly, and got on the railway with a low waist.

The devil on the small soil bag opposite rubbed his eyes secretly, and finally realized that it was not vertigo. Under the hazy moonlight, he could see that someone had indeed got on the railway!
He didn't know whether it was his own or the Eighth Route, but his duty was to warn when he found something abnormal.

Ba, Baba's sudden three gunshots shocked the peaceful night.

Perhaps because of the distance, the bullets were not aimed at all. The black shadow ran diagonally across the railway line to the west, and disappeared after only a while.

The teams in the gun tower blew their whistles when they heard the gunshots.

A large number of devil security forces ran out of the gun tower, but they didn't even see the background in the dark night.

Apparently, the Eighth Route Army came to sabotage again, but it had already been discovered by secret sentries, and there were devils and security forces everywhere on the chaotic railway line.

"Everyone go back to the gun tower to be vigilant!" The devils kept kicking the security forces who were sitting on the rails and smoking.

At this time, it was already unclear whether it was the patrol team on the railway or the devil security forces coming out of the artillery building.

Tian Sanqi looked bitterly at a large group of enemies standing next to the cut telephone pole, how dare he take a technician to connect the phone to the telephone line!

Was this an accident, and quickly sent someone to report to the company commander: the mission I took failed!

Fortunately, the spy platoon passed through the blockade smoothly.

A group of imperial troops stood on the railway line in a daze.

The leader of the Imperial Army's sub-captain spoke quite fluently in Chinese: "What the hell are you doing standing here?"

"Squad leader, they seem to ignore us, what should we do now."

The group of fake imperial soldiers who were about to approach the patrol did not expect an accident. When the patrol saw their own people coming to the railway line, they turned around and ran to the other end to guard.

It is estimated that the patrol found an accident, and the troops in the gun tower came out to reinforce. There are so many people, so it is the business to defend separately, okay?
What do you mean when they are all crowded together?

"Hey, big dog, why don't we go over and touch the secret whistle?" A fake imperial soldier asked.

"What the hell is the class monitor? Did you call the big dog? It's not big or small. Uh, you have a good idea. Let's go and have a look."

So, a group of patrolling imperial troops walked towards the opposite dark post.

The secret sentry lying on the soil bag found out the situation, and felt a little strange: why don't you run to me without patrolling?
Thinking about it, maybe they came to ask about their situation, so they quickly stood up.

This guy suddenly thought, I didn't shoot just now?It must have been the warriors from the north who shot.
The sentinel quickly climbed down again, and asked vigilantly, "What are you doing here?"

The person coming from the opposite side had already reached a distance of about 50 meters, and a crappy bird chirp came faintly: "Duo Si Danuo?"

The sentinel froze for a moment, I asked you, you come to ask me what happened?
It was vaguely seen that they were all warriors attire, and the birdsong they spoke was a bit far away, but the voice was very pleasant, and he didn't know where it was from a country bumpkin. He finally felt relieved and stood up.

When more than a dozen warriors approached, the idiot even shone a flashlight on his face, and the sentinel hurriedly sternly said, "Put down the flashlight! Have you forgotten the battlefield regulations?"

Suddenly he felt light in his hand, and someone wanted to snatch the rifle he was holding tightly. Subconsciously, he wanted to pull the [-] rifle that was loaded and pointed at the ground obliquely, but he didn't expect that it was an old hand who came and snatched the gun from him. At that moment, he swiftly inserted a finger into the narrow gap behind the trigger.

The trigger was not pulled!Then, the rifle was snatched away.

The sentinel subconsciously yelled out a bird's cry.

Then I felt a chill in my stomach, as if something had penetrated into my body.

The cold feeling continued to penetrate into the chest, and it took a while to feel a piercing pain. The covered mouth groaned a few times, and the body began to twitch and tremble.

The people next to the "grass" hurriedly dispersed, and blood spattered from the twitching devil's lower abdomen.

"What the hell did he just say?" Tang Dagou curiously asked the shivering little girl next to him.

"He said: Who are you?" The little girl replied tremblingly.

"Uh..." Seeing that the devil hadn't closed his eyes, Tang Dagou hurriedly took a step forward, and whispered into the ear of the devil who hadn't breathed yet: "Fucking, my name is Tang Dagou. When you go back to see your goddamn god, explain it clearly to me." gone."

The ghost with a face full of fear, saw that the person who came was speaking was not bird language, and finally understood something, but unfortunately it was too late, he couldn't even warn him now, and he didn't understand what the person in front of him said.

"Hey, big dog, the little devil can't understand, you'll be blind if you say it." The guy covering the devil's mouth was covered in blood, but sarcastically excitedly.

"What the hell is the class monitor! Are you looking for smokes? Didn't you see that he was frightened to death when he heard what I said?" Tang Dagou glared at him.

Sure enough, the ghost sentinel stopped moving.

The four soldiers of the secret service platoon did not send a secret call to the position where they crossed the railway line.

After moving away from the rail line in the moonlight, turn quickly south.

On the roof of a certain blockhouse, two figures, one big and one small, were dumbfounded. They took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the blockhouse, thinking they had picked up a big deal.

The machine gunners on the second floor were watching through the firing holes, and didn't even notice that someone went up to the roof.

But they were blocked on the top of the turret by the devil security forces who came back one after another. Beside the two of them, there were two corpses lying down.

(End of this chapter)

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