under fire

Chapter 474 The pre-war arrangement was messed up

Chapter 474 The pre-war arrangement was messed up

Guizi Juncao cursed and went up to the second floor of the turret. Without the elegance of the past, he picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured a big gulp into his mouth.

As an imperial elite guarding the gun towers, this is a very shameful thing. The warriors in the three gun towers on the edge of the blockade ditch on this section of the railway are all his subordinates.

Just now, I have received a message from the squad leader, that some resisters have cut off the telephone lines and electric wires!
The location where the wire was damaged has been identified, and the team leader is arranging engineers to repair it at the fifth gun tower on the north side of his defense area.

It seems that it's no big deal and has nothing to do with him. Those rebels should all be damned!
Juncao pulled the phone, although he didn't have any hope, he still shook the handle subconsciously, trying to see if the phone line was repaired or not, but what he didn't expect was that the phone was already connected, and he chatted with the operator For a long time, I didn't figure out the situation.

Busy lines everywhere, a call from a sergeant, nothing important, the operator ignored it!

The phones in the devil's blockhouse can't call each other, they must first call the county seat, and then transfer from the switchboard. No wonder there are so many phone lines on the telephone poles!
The cut telephone wires can be connected casually, but there are actually only two wires used for lighting, but the wires have to be re-pulled to the poles. So far, dozens of people are busy, and the electricity has not been rushed through. .

Devils are not that rich either, and the electric wires share the pole with the telephone lines. As for the interference, the DC telephone line has a fart interference.

Sergeant Cao glanced at the machine gunner next to him: "Be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the binoculars on the table and prepared to go to the top floor with a wide view to have a look.

Teng. Teng. Teng. The sound of going up the stairs kept ringing.

Sergeant Cao suddenly smelled a bloody smell in his nose, which made him tense immediately after being half drunk.

But he didn't expect that there was an accident on the top floor, and he was still thinking about whether something happened outside the blockhouse, so he immediately quickened his pace.

A few steps to the top of the gun tower, the smell of blood became stronger.

A black figure suddenly appeared behind him, with big hands and arms wrapped around his neck.

The sergeant struggled desperately, pulling, scratching, elbowing, piercing his eyes backwards, struggling with his hands and feet, and he, who was so good at bayonets, finally found that the arm around his neck was still motionless.


Extremely aggrieved!

"This is impossible!" He had no alcohol, and subconsciously thought, how dare Tubalu come to the blockhouse?
There must be troubles in the security forces, and those who are unreliable must be instigated by the Tuba Road. These Chinese people are just unreliable!
Those guarding the roof are the two Imperial Association troops!
Sergeant Cao was still thinking that if he had the chance, he would definitely kill all these Chinese.

He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound no matter what. The breath was swirling in his throat, and he couldn't get it out no matter what.

Due to brain ischemia, he gradually fell into a semi-conscious state with staring eyes.

Until now, Sergeant Cao has not found two more corpses on the ground.

No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of bayonets. Sergeant Cao vaguely feels that his throat is about to be twisted, and he can't perform all eighteen martial arts at all.

It wasn't until a bayonet stabbed in from his lower abdomen, and then drilled into his chest cavity, that the convulsions slowly stopped.

"You've got so much blood, they'll smell it sooner or later!" Big Yang looked at the monkey with dissatisfaction, and complained in a low voice, "You're getting my blood all over again!"

There were five devil soldiers in a blockhouse, all of whom lived on the second floor, and one of them was on duty at night on the opposite slope.

On the bottom floor was a squad of 11 members of the security forces. The sergeant went up to the roof but did not come down. No one noticed.

Some of the devil security forces who came out of the blockhouses wandered on the railway, and people kept drilling into the blockhouses. The last devil came back and went straight to the second floor, while the security forces behind him stayed on the ground floor.

Talking, yelling, disarming and throwing guns against the wall rang together.

With the main and deputy machine gunners in the gun tower, there are a total of three devils and eight security forces.

The devil who had just returned to the gun tower asked the sergeant where he was going. After thinking about it, he couldn't sleep anyway, so he decided to go to the top floor to chat with the sergeant, so he stepped up the stairs.

The strong smell of blood made the bloodthirsty devil suddenly feel a little excited. Could it be that the sergeant cut down the security army guarding above?
With doubts, he called out the military Cao's surname in bird language: "Mr. Inoue"

There was no response, and by this time he was halfway up the stairs.

The searchlight on the top floor suddenly turned on at this moment.

Although it was not directly illuminated, the bright searchlight still made him subconsciously half-close his eyes. He kept walking, touched the brick wall next to him, and continued to walk up the familiar stairs.

As soon as he poked his head out, a big hand wrapped around his neck and directly lifted his small body up.

The two devil machine gunners downstairs watching this scene froze for a moment. When did this guy become so sensitive?

Is this the rhythm of flying into the sky?
The two devils looked at each other and smiled at each other, but they didn't care.

Maybe this idiot deliberately used his hands to support the edge of the top floor to fly up to show that he has the strength to swing his arms.

"Oh, fox, something's wrong, the monkeys have been in for so long, why haven't they made any movement?" The girl next to her stared wide-eyed, watching the searchlights on the gun tower not far away suddenly turn on.

Hu Yi looked at the bright light and frowned. He couldn't figure out what was going on. If something happened to the monkey, the blockhouse shouldn't be so calm.

After a while, the searchlights on the top of several nearby blockhouses began to spin and sway.

The light on the top of the blockhouse ahead swayed to the position in front of Hu Yi, and suddenly stopped moving.

"No, they found us, fox, run away!" The little girl has seen the power of machine guns in the blockhouse, and now she is lying on the open ground less than 100 meters away from the blockhouse, and will soon become a target.

But Hu Yi pressed the girl's neck: "Don't move, the situation has changed!"

After a while, the circle of light emitted by the searchlight swayed away, circled half a circle, and then began to circle back again. The circle of light returned to the front of Hu Yi's hidden position and stopped again!
The little girl finally discovered this situation, and the searchlight went back and forth three times, stopping in front of their position.

The searchlight stopped in front of them again, and then moved away after a while.

"Hey, the monkeys took down the blockhouse." After the girl finished speaking, she patted Hu Yifang's hand on her neck, then kicked Xu Xiao, who was carrying the gun for her, immediately got up, spread her legs and ran to the front blockhouse .

Hu Yi was thinking all the time, the monkey didn't send Big Yang back, and he didn't understand what happened, but he saw the girl running away, so he quickly reached out to grab it, but he couldn't stop it.

My heart sank: No, something bad is going to happen!

He got up without hesitation, pulled on the Czech machine gun in front of him, followed the girl three steps and ran forward in two steps, anxious in his heart, but couldn't make a sound to make the girl stop.

Xu Xiao was right behind him, behind the three people running, a squad soldier from the spy platoon saw this, and immediately lifted a wooden stick as thick as an arm to follow.

The two guys who had been observing on the top of the gun tower were dumbfounded. Although the figure was not in the aperture, the gun tower was full of enemies. Why did Company Commander Hu and the others start charging over?

The door on the ground floor of the gun building opened to the south, and the security guard was smoking a cigarette, he didn't pay attention to the sudden footsteps, he thought it was a patrol team coming again.

He didn't even notice that the sound was coming from the wrong direction.

Isn't there an observation post on the top floor?If someone really came over, they would definitely notice it first. The sentinel continued to squint his eyes halfway, exhaling the smoke that was inhaled into his mouth, opening and closing his nose, sucking the smoke into his nasal cavity and then curling into his lungs.

So uncomfortable.

A black shadow line continued to drive towards the gun tower, with a distance of more than 20 meters, it rushed to the edge of the blockade ditch in less than [-] seconds.

The girl who was running at the front finally stopped. The blocking ditch in front of her was deep and wide, and it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

At this time, the distance from the western gun tower is no more than 15 meters. If the Devils machine guns come over with one shuttle, none of the people blocking the ditch will be able to escape!
Hu Yi crawled in front of the girl, nervous, if he fired the gun now, he would definitely pull the girl into the blockade ditch!

The wooden sticks carried by the soldiers of the secret service platoon penetrated into the bottom of the ditch, but at this moment, the little girl suddenly found the security forces smoking on the opposite side!
Obviously, that man was neither a monkey nor a big man, nor was he a member of Tang Dagou's gang in devil uniforms.

The terrain where it is now is open and open. If anyone in the blockhouse looks here, they should have seen all this long ago.

But until now, no guns have been fired and no movement has been made. The situation is a bit weird. The sentry at the gate of the gun tower is not one of our own. There is only one possibility. The monkey and the big man just occupied the top floor!
This unscientific!

The soldiers of the secret service platoon sneaked into the blockade ditch wretchedly, the little girl took the rifle from his follower Xu Xiao, and ordered Xu Xiao in a low voice: "Don't open your mouth!"

The rifle was finally aimed at the smoking vigilante.

Hu Yi also saw this scene, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat, the monkeys and the others occupied the fucking blockhouse!
Quickly shook the Czech style, but no matter how hard it was, it was too close to the entrance of the second-floor gun tower!He had no choice but to half-kneel up, pointing the machine gun at the gun tower's firing port which was so dark that he couldn't see clearly, ready to suppress fire at any time.

The soldiers of the eleventh special agent platoon, with guns on their backs, all went down the blockade ditch.

Even though he was careful, he still made a lot of noise.
Hu Yi didn't follow, he was panting nervously, his heart was beating wildly, as if his heart was about to jump out of his mouth.

He had never encountered such a tense situation before, and he was simply putting his head under the enemy's gun.

Even if he had been bombed by devils with heavy artillery, there had never been such a serious situation!
The special agent platoon was trained well and moved quickly. They had already begun to climb along the wooden pole to the opposite side of the blockade ditch, but nothing happened.

The soldiers went to the blockade ditch, a special agent platoon soldier without a gun on his back, ran a short distance, and then made a volley leap, jumping directly and gracefully over the barbed wire fence on which the tin cans were hung.

He landed on the ground with a groan, rolled forward without stopping, and immediately followed the people in the blockhouse to the entrance of the blockhouse.

Covering the mouth of the public security officer who just turned his head and looked at him, who was leaning against the entrance with his mouth open, he pinched his neck with his big hand and twisted it vigorously, then fell to the ground and dragged him aside.
Hu Yi watched the scene by the fire, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief. At this moment, he realized that his hands were trembling, his palms were full of sweat, and his whole body was shaking.

Similarly, the heart of the monkey sticking out his head was almost in his throat. Seeing that the general situation was settled, he quickly turned around and lay down in the darkness on the top floor, with his twenty-shot pistol open wide, pointing the muzzle at the two devils on the second floor. machine gunner.

The Devil's machine gun has been set up at the west shooting hole. Hearing the movement below, the Devil's deputy shooter sat up directly from the bed, frowning. stop.
End of this chapter

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(End of this chapter)

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