under fire

Chapter 475 Sneak Attack

Chapter 475 Sneak Attack
Hearing the sound from outside the gun tower, the devil who went downstairs took advantage of the firelight reflected from outside the gun tower to go out, and raised his hand to straighten the brim of his hat.

Just in time to see the two imperial association troops twisting together, their eyes lit up, and they immediately yelled: "Mynah!"

In the Imperial Association Army, they disliked each other, and they had nothing to do all day long, so it was not uncommon for them to fight each other.

But it is absolutely unforgivable not to be on duty in the middle of the night!
He rushed forward, raised his leg and kicked the Huangxie army who had gained the upper hand.

But by the light of the fire, he saw that the corner of the Huangxie army's mouth was oozing blood, and his tongue was sticking out, which was weird.

Before the security guard under him breathed his last, he was kicked on the back again, but his hand didn't loosen. Even if the guy's neck is broken, who knows if there will be any accidents?

It was also the first time for him to kill an enemy in this way. He didn't know that he twisted the enemy's neck, and the enemy could no longer make a sound.

Only dead enemies are qualified enemies!
Another kick on the back, I heard birdsong, and some messy footsteps, and then there was no movement, this guy's highly nervous heart eased a little, it should be his comrades followed.

The risk of doing this kind of work is very high, and if you are not careful, you will die. Fortunately, before you came here, you listened to Company Commander Hu's order and changed into the uniform of the Security Force.

Otherwise, the devil might kill him as soon as he comes up.

He is definitely the bravest person in the spy platoon's squad, because he runs the fastest, faster than the squad leader.

He had only one goal in mind, and he must kill the security guard. Otherwise, as long as the sentry gave a warning, it was almost impossible for the comrades behind him, including Company Commander Hu, to survive.

The half-asleep and half-awake squad leader of the security force in the turret also heard the commotion outside. At first he thought that the imperial army was about to go to the bathroom and didn't care. He heard that the imperial army was punishing his subordinates outside, and then fell silent again.

Feeling that something was wrong, he quickly raised his foot to wake up a soldier beside him: "You kid is laughing, get up quickly, and go out with me to have a look!"

The squad leader is just worried that his subordinates will be taught too much by the imperial army, they are those who kill people without batting an eyelid, and sometimes they will execute the law and order army on the spot because of a trivial matter. Of course, if there are many people, the imperial army may I can listen to the persuasion, at worst, I will go to the village to help him find a prostitute in two days, but the money has to be paid by the idiot on duty tonight.

His voice woke up everyone in the blockhouse who were still asleep. They watched the two get up as if they were watching a scene, and then quickly put on clothes on their bodies under the dim light.

Then the two walked out quickly.

The devil machine gunner was lying on the bed, saw that the sergeant and the other devil had not come down from the top floor, tossing around for most of the night, when he was half asleep and half awake, he suddenly heard a soft sound from the stairs on the top floor, opened his eyes slightly, and vaguely saw An imperial association army tiptoed down from above.

The machine gunner was very satisfied, and the Imperial Association Army still gave them a wink, not daring to run down carelessly, perhaps because they were afraid of waking up their sweet dreams.

But you almost turned your waist cat to ninety degrees, and you really walked down the stairs trembling every step of the way, isn't it over?

The devil machine gunner felt that this man was a bit like a mouse, and he was amused, so he opened his eyes suddenly, ready to scare him.

The thin figure who had just stepped off the ladder stopped suddenly. At this moment, he was staring at the machine gunner on the bed in horror, and the two looked at each other.

The machine gunner is a little confused, and he hasn't turned the corner yet. It seems that he has never seen this person before. Should he not know him?
No one would be happy if a stranger appeared in the bedroom, so he quickly sat up and asked in half-baked words: "Your, who are you?"

The monkey didn't make a sound, and the two of them looked at each other like mung beans.

Suddenly a head popped out from the stairs on the third floor, urging and shouting: "Hurry up, stop there and fuck!"

The urging finally brought the monkey back to his senses, and in two steps he rushed towards the Devil machine gunner who was half lying on the bed with his eyes wide open and yawning.

The devil suddenly reacted, subconsciously resisted, and the two immediately scuffled together.

The monkey hugged the devil's right leg with his left hand, and the devil's waist with his right hand.

The devil was pressed under the monkey, and was hugging the monkey's head with all his might, hugging each other affectionately.

The ghost swayed from side to side, trying to push the monkey away, but he turned over smoothly and pressed the monkey under him.

"Hey" the monkey roared suddenly, put the devil's right leg on his shoulder, and turned over again, the two still couldn't do anything to each other!

Downstairs came the sound of footsteps of special agents rushing into the gun tower: "Pay your guns and don't kill!"

"Pay your gun and don't kill"

Except that Zuobalu likes to shout this persuading slogan, there is no semicolon!

after a little while.

A braid came out of the stairs, turned up the stairs two or three times, and gestured left and right with a small Browning, but was dumbfounded. The two people in front of them were wrestling together, rolling and screaming on the devil's bed.

The girl immediately opened her mouth and scolded the big man who was standing next to him holding a machine gun and watching the fun: "Can you be more careful? What time is it, are you still watching?"

After finishing speaking, he kicked over, the big man remained motionless, and grinned stupidly: "I'm guarding the stairs, what if the enemies below come up?"

The little girl retracted her feet only to realize that her feet were in severe pain: "Damn elm bumps! Hurry up and help!"

The big man still had the energy to complain at this moment: "I said girl, before you come up next time, you must first yell, if I didn't see your braid just now, I almost got caught in the fire!"

In Jiulian, the girl's words must never be contradicted openly. After the big man finished speaking, he was still extremely reluctant to put down his machine gun, so he took a moment to go up and grab the devil's neck.

The devil, who had just gained the upper hand and pinned the monkey under him, quickly freed his hand to grab the big man's throat.

The situation was immediately reversed, and the monkey knocked the devil down again.

The devil immediately grabbed the monkey's hand with both hands, rolled his eyes and kicked his legs wildly.

Xiao Hongying, who had already started rummaging around, didn't even turn her head: "You're the only one who has too many things to do, hurry up and kill that bastard so you can pack up your things!"

The south side of the gun tower blocked the east of the ditch, and the searchlight shone back and forth beyond the aperture. Li Xiang was lying on a stretcher silently, and Luo Fugui was holding a rope in his hand and was ready to pull a mine at any time.

"I said Li Xiang, just such a big thing, can it really blow up the rails?"

"You don't need to blow it up, even if you blow it up, the devil's train and armored vehicles will be derailed!"

Luo Fugui had nothing to do, so it was rare for him to humbly ask for advice: "Isn't it going to blow up the firepower?"

"You don't even know how heavy the train is. We don't have enough explosives." Li Xiang replied weakly.


While the two were talking, a black shadow ran over, and Xu Xiao, who was out of breath, rushed to Luo Fugui's side in a few steps: "Squad leader, the company commander told us to cross the railway line from the gun tower immediately!"

"Won't the railway be bombed?" Luo Fugui was taken aback for a moment.

"The company commander asked us to go to the west first, re-plant the mines, and wait for the devil train to come before blowing up!"

Luo Fugui sighed: "Hey, Boss Hu's arrangement is really superfluous. After finally crossing the blockade ditch and planting landmines indiscriminately, isn't this a waste of time?"

Li Xiang on the stretcher reminded with a dark face: "Should we...should go?"

Xiong suddenly changed his expression and stood up immediately: "Go, grandma, who would like to watch that big firecracker? Li Xiang, you arrange someone to take the rope away! I'll go to the north first."

After speaking, he grabbed Xu Xiao's arm and ran away. His subordinates still had a team in the north.
There was a sudden jump behind him, and dozens of soldiers rushed out of the night.

Hu Yi stood on the top of the blockhouse, looking at the lights flickering on the blockhouse to the south. Next to the blockhouse, Gao Yidao was leading people to fill the blockade.

The voice of the spy platoon leader suddenly came from the side: "Report to Company Commander Hu, the spy platoon uh. Tang Dagou and Tang Dagou have already solved the secret sentry in the west?"

"Tang Dagou went to the west?" Hu Yi was taken aback, and he was startled: "Where's the devil's patrol team?"

(End of this chapter)

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