under fire

Chapter 476

Chapter 476
"Password! Which part?" On the railway, facing the patrol, the person on the top of the gun tower yelled.

In a patrol team that came over with a flashlight, someone immediately recognized the voice of the questioner, and raised his throat: "Changzhi is safe, I said Wang Mazi, why are you still awake?"

According to the previous practice, the second half of the night is the key time period for anti-sabotage, and half of the security forces will enter the guard post.

If the password could not be answered, the people on the turret would shoot after asking twice. The patrol quickly replied to the password, but never thought of asking the people on the top of the turret to reply.

The patrol team saw a team going far west, so they couldn't help but ask, "Hey Wang Mazi, what's the matter with those people?"

After passing the railway, the soldiers of the Second Company led the militiamen to carry a large group of people on stretchers, and hurried back.

On the turret, Gao Yidao and Hu Yi were lying on the edge of the wall, nervously staring at the patrol team coming from the south, next to Wang Mazi was a bayonet on his back.

"You tell them"

Squad leader Wang hurriedly yelled at the people below: "Hey, how the hell do I know what's going on, there are all imperial troops over there, you have the ability to ask yourself!"

After a while, the patrol team arrived at the edge of the gun tower, and looked at a squad of security forces in front of the gun tower fire, standing facing the patrol team.

The captain of the patrol team was a ghost. He raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said to the top of the gun tower, "Why did you come out so early? There is still an hour to change shift? Where is Captain Inoue?"

Squad leader Wang bit the bullet and said nonsense: "Taijun Inoue is too drunk, let us all come out to be on duty!"

Although this devil can't speak Chinese very well, but he has been with the security forces for a long time, but he can barely understand it. After thinking about it, he directly ordered the team: "Ours, continue, patrol north!"

After finishing speaking, he led the team, turned off the flashlight, walked along the railway, and walked directly to the north of the gun tower.

The patrol had to travel five turrets before turning around.

The searchlight on the top of the gun tower naturally provided illumination for the patrol.

Fortunately, the blockade ditch that was filled in thirty meters away was not discovered by the patrol team.

"Pay attention, after passing the railway line, go west about two miles and down the hillside, that's our meeting point." Kuaileg conveyed Gao Yidao's order to the second company and the militiamen who hadn't finished, and passed the order to the people behind one by one.

When the devil patrol was far away, the searchlights continued to flicker, intentionally or unintentionally ignoring a certain position across the railway.

Some of the militiamen carried stretchers safely through the blockade ditch and onto the railway, while the other part began to work on the railway. Before the mule cart could cross the railway, the roadbed on both sides of the track had to be raised first, otherwise the mule cart would not be able to pass. silhouettes in action.

Hearing the hoofs of donkeys and mules on the railway, Hu Yi frowned, and Ma Liang hurried back: "Brother, the special agent platoon reported to the west scouts, saying that someone was found about five miles to the west. Big slip!"

"Have the mules laid out their mines?" Hu Yi asked.

"The mine in the north has been withdrawn, leaving only the one in the south, uh. The mules are leading people to dig traffic trenches!"

"What is he digging traffic trenches for?"

"It is said that it will blow up the Devil's armored vehicle later so that it can escape."

"Do you know why Tang Dagou didn't kill the patrol?"

"They are now on the hillside to the west. He said that when they first got on the railway, there was a power outage. There were too many enemies running on the railway, and they couldn't attack. If they stayed for a long time, they would be exposed again, so he took people directly. By the way, the west helped the spies eliminate two secret sentries."

Hu Yi waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, let's ignore other things, go down and tell Tang Dagou and the others, let him and the spies go ahead to scout, and find a new way. Let's go north and bypass the team to the west in a stealthy way."

"Yes." Ma Liang turned his head and went down the gun tower.

Soon, Tian Sanqi ran to the top of the blockhouse again, and came to Hu Yi: "Report, most of the team has passed the blockade ditch, we should leave now!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Gao Yidao who was playing with the searchlight: "Company commander, you are also here."

Gao Yidao, who was standing next to him, looked at the former general, feeling quite uncomfortable, but remained silent and did not speak.

With a click, the hands of the pocket watch with body temperature moved forward second after second.

By the light of the searchlight that the monkey is playing, I can see the time: one o'clock in the morning.

Most of the figures on the side of the railway below disappeared, and even the soil on the railway was turned over again by the militiamen with gravel, and there was almost no trace of a large group of people passing by.

The second floor of the gun tower.

Although Lao Zhou had no sympathy for the death of the three security forces, he had other plans. When he came, the little girl was flirting with the security force squad leader.

Little girl: ".Wang Mazi, we won't kill you, but you have figured it out. If you continue to stay here, you will most likely die!"

Wang Mazi gritted his teeth and smiled wryly: "Thank you for the noble hand of the female officer. The brothers' homes are all nearby. If we leave, the whole family will probably die!"

The girl rolled her eyes twice: "Hey, Wang Mazi, I didn't see that you are a very affectionate person, well, since you don't want to anyway, our Eighth Route Army will give it a chance, isn't it just that four devils died What? At that time, you will say that there are eight roads who want to pass through the blockade ditch, and you find out that the devil called what... will lead a team to pursue them. As for them chasing eight roads, won't it be enough if they are finally killed by eight roads?"

"The devil's name is Inoue, and he's a military officer." Wang Mazi hurriedly gave the girl the name of the devil.

"Yes, Sergeant Inoue, we will take him away later, find a place in the west and chop him up into pieces. If the devil asks you, just say that you don't know what happened afterwards. As for the traces of fighting in the gun tower Whether you can clean it depends on your ability." The girl has been running with old Zhou Suqing for so long, and she has learned how to mix sand with the enemy.

Wang Mazi shuddered when he heard this. What this little girl said in the film was weird, but she pointed out a way out for herself, and her eyes lit up: "I can't help it if I join the security army. This damn world, when I was in the national army I thought I could defeat the devils, but in less than a day after the devils came, the county town was beaten down by the devils, and the officer told me to surrender. How can we soldiers say no? I promise, from now on, I will be in Cao Ying and my heart will be in Han!"

Lao Zhou next to him didn't interrupt the conversation between the two of them. Has this little girl played house?
If doing the work of the enemy is so simple, what are the political workers doing?
I was thinking about how to make some big reasons to get the security forces to surrender, but I didn't expect that girl Deser didn't make sense at all, and directly talked about the relationship between power, so squad leader Wang took the initiative to vote.

This surrender seems unreliable!

The little girl continued to analyze the stakes: "Okay, we also killed three of your people, and you can't blame us for this matter. As for whether you can get by if you stay, that's up to you.

Wang Mazi's heart turned sharply, and he smiled wryly: "There's no way, it's their fate, and we can only resign ourselves to fate now, and live every day!"

"Are you a little spirited, okay? Huh? In this way, your subordinates, as to whether they will listen to you, you can decide for yourself. If you think they may betray you, you can tell my aunt, and my aunt will help you deal with it! "The little girl was full of pride.

"Then don't bother the officers. Our brothers have been born and died together. They dare not disobey what I say. I will tell them later that following the devil is also a lackey. Opportunity, I hope the officers will take pity on us brothers who have no way out and are dragging their families." Wang Mazi finally expressed his opinion.

Lao Zhou finally couldn't help interjecting: "As long as you don't do evil, our people will watch, and we will arrange people to contact you in the future."

"Uncle Zhou, when did you come?" The girl looked back at Old Zhou, made a gesture of shutting up, and turned around: "Wait for the patrol to come over later, I will arrange people to pretend to attack the blockhouse, and then I will There are three people in devil uniforms chasing them, as for the blocked ditch, you have to figure it out yourself!"

"Uh, we only have eight people now. It's a bit difficult to dig out the blockade ditch before dawn." Wang Mazi looked at the middle-aged man who came, and he should be in charge. I don't believe that this girl can count on her words!And it still has loopholes.

"Don't you just dig half of it? Let's say that Balu is going to fill up the blockade, and if you beat it back, it will be fine?" The little girl looked at this idiot, a little annoyed.

Wang Mazi finally knew that he had underestimated the person in front of him: "The heroine is really smart, but the little one is really stupid. I don't know what to call it?"

The little girl rolled her eyes and said, "Hey, just remember, my aunt is an independent group 'a plum'!"

Gao Yidao, who was walking down from the top floor, just heard the girl's words, and immediately fell down the ladder with a black thread. This wicked girl is like a bandit, no different from the gang he recruited newly.

However, although the old Zhou of Jiulian has not been in contact for a long time, it is not simple at first glance. Judging by his usual tone of speech, he feels similar to a political commissar, so Zhiqu became a qualified passer-by, and left the state of Malaysia in despair. Get up and go straight down.

He was even a little sluggish. Jiulian, who had always looked down upon him, now has a lot of talents. Apart from fighting more fiercely than Jiulian, Erlian seems to have less and less things to offer.

However, for him, the defense zone of Jiulian is not here. Jiulian arranges Wang Mazi as a nail. receive.

(End of this chapter)

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