under fire

Chapter 477 More than just unloading 8 pieces

Chapter 477
The sun jumped out from the eastern horizon, and the sky was full of colorful clouds.

An armored train converted from a flatbed truck was parked on the railway. Sleepers were piled on both sides of the car to form a bunker, and machine guns and cannons were all available.

Outside the hillside to the west of the railway, a large number of devil security forces who came from the city before dawn were surrounding the hillside.

Wang Mazi, the squad leader of the Security Army, turned pale, and was called by the imperial army for questioning.

Looking at the scene on the hillside in front of him, the smell of blood is still in the air, and his heart is beating wildly!

I really didn't expect that Ba Lu would be so ruthless, as promised, the four imperial soldiers were almost chopped into meat paste!

"...in your gun tower... the work of the Imperial Association Army?" The devil's major squinted his eyes slightly, hiding his ferocity.

"Hello Taijun, hey, it's like this, in the middle of the night, the Eighth Route first destroyed the electric wires and telephone lines, and was spotted by the friendly army in the north.

Later, the Eighth Route Army wanted to sneak attack and destroy the railway line. It happened that the location of their destruction was near the gun tower we were defending.

Later, relying on the large number of people, the Eighth Route began to fill in the blockade. Under the command of Taijun Inoue, our department fought bravely and repelled the attack of the Eighth Route.

But there was another group of Eight Routes coming from the west. Mr. Inoue was afraid that the Eight Routes would damage the railway line, so he led the team out of the gun tower to "pursue" the Eight Routes, and ordered us to guard the blockade ditch.

Later, when the reinforcements from the nearby gun towers arrived, the Eight Route Army split into two groups, heading east and west. Although we repelled the attack of the Eight Route Army, we also lost three brothers in battle. "

Wang Mazi poured out the speech he had prepared earlier, and carefully observed the expression of the major. There was a grenade hidden in his backpack. If something was really discovered, he planned to die with the major, even if he died. Captured alive by these beasts.

I have made it clear to my brothers that if there is an explosion here, the brothers will immediately run to the east. Whether they can run away is up to fate.

The Shao Zuo listened to the translation of Wang Mazi's words into the bird's language by the translator next to him, but his face did not change much. After a long while, he squeezed out a few blunt words: "Your performance is not bad!"

Wang Mazi quickly expressed his opinion: "This is what I should do."

"Report, a giant bomb was found on the railway line!" A ghost messenger ran up to the Shao Zuo and interrupted Wang Mazi's statement.

Shao Zuo turned his head and glanced at the direction of the railway: "Here? Open the way!"

Wang Mazi watched the Shao Zuo leave with the guards and the messenger, and his heart that was about to jump out of his mouth fell slightly.

He hurriedly looked to the devil military doctor who was busy.

The military doctor next to him was talking about the birds: "Records, the time of death, around twelve o'clock, the deceased Inoue Kazuro had drank alcohol before his death. The cause of death may be related to the bullet holes on his body. But there were strangle marks on his neck. The body was cut into pieces. About 30 yuan. The missing part of the body may be a nearby wild dog.
The deceased died with a bayonet and also had strangle marks on his neck.
The deceased died with a bayonet and also had strangle marks on his neck.
The deceased died from a bayonet, and there were also strangle marks on his neck. Broken
The bullet holes on the bodies of the four deceased, including the sentinel warrior, may not be directly related to the death. The preliminary judgment may be that they were shot and strangled by the throat.”

"Uh, what is that prince in white talking about?" Wang Mazi jumped up and down, asking the translator next to him curiously in a low voice.

"Uh, he said that the main cause of Taijun Inoue's death was not a gunshot wound. He was shot and pinched by Eighth Road." The interpreter was in the same village as Wang Mazi, and briefly explained the autopsy report of the military doctor.

Wang Mazi's heart almost jumped out of his mouth again, how powerful is this military doctor?Bodhisattva bless, but don't let him see anything.

"It's not hot in the morning, why are you sweating so much?" the translator asked Wang Mazi in a low voice.

"This is such a terrible death, I don't know if I can tell who is whose bird." Wang Mazi suppressed the feeling of vomiting.

On the railway to the east, engineers have pulled out the earth mines.

"Report to Major, this should be a land mine made by Tuba Road. It uses a grenade to detonate the explosives. It is very powerful. It must be because they were too nervous that the rope was torn off, so it didn't explode!"

"Great power? How big is it?" Major asked suspiciously.

"Perhaps Balu is not a professional. This large rafa mine is not buried deep, but if it explodes, it will definitely deform the rail above it. It is estimated that it will form a pit with a diameter of two to three meters and a depth of about one meter. .”

"It seems that the eighth road is waiting for our train to detonate here, um, not bad." The major nodded, not knowing who he was praising, or saying that the current result is good, he turned his head and gave an order to the messenger: "Notify immediately Ministries, strengthen the guards at the bridge!"

After the messenger left, the major looked at the crowd on the hillside to the west, and was not interested in looking at the dead body again: "Let's go, let's go back to the city!"

After speaking, he raised his leg and took a duck step towards the armored train parked on the railway.

To the northeast of Meixian County, Shili Dang.

In the wild grass on the edge of the long-dried swamp, the cracks on the ground can be squeezed into the palm of your hand.

A low-lying place that should have been a swamp, sitting or leaning, scattered more than a hundred figures.

More than a dozen mules, horses, and donkeys chewed the hay freely in the grass.

A part of Jiulian, who was separated from Erlian, was lying in the grass, tired and grunting loudly, waiting for the sun to dry the hook.

In the grass outside the ditch, not far away, Hu Yi, Ma Liang, Tian Sanqi, the girl and the wounded soldier Li Xiang were all lying on the ground and sleeping.

For the first time in history, the bear didn't sleep, and was talking nonsense with Ma Liang, who was half asleep.

"You're really good at talking, why didn't you hear the mine that the company commander asked you to plant?" Ma Liang muttered.

"You know what, if it really blows up, it will ruin Boss Hu's big business, you know? That's why I broke the rope on purpose, do you understand?" Luo Fugui pretended to be mysterious.

Not far away, Wang Liujin looked contemptuous. At the last moment, this guy said he was going to set off a landmine, but unexpectedly broke the rope, and the devil reinforcements came again, and there was no time to pick it up again. Rope, just ran away.

Wang Liujin didn't want to expose Xiong's lies, this Xiong in Jiulianzhong is also a different species, he is the same as that wicked girl!
Can not afford to offend.

It is also important to carefully maintain the crooked light machine gun in your hand.

The short-sighted Quetan Sanchi next to him immediately asked: "What important things do you think the company commander has?"

"Put your head over here, and I'll tell you." Luo Fugui had a smirk on his face.

"What's the big deal?" The idiot really stuck his head out.

But he was directly hit by a big neck: "It's said to be a big deal, can you, a poor soldier, know this?"

The half-asleep and half-awake people next to him immediately laughed together.

Wang Liujin rolled his eyes when he heard this, could this be considered a joke?
But the bear curled his lips again, and said: "Since you want to know, next time you will be responsible for contacting the security forces!"

"What? Contact the security forces?" Tian Sanqi was not angry after being slapped. He was angry with himself because he hadn't completed the task of destroying the telephone line. This slap even made him feel better: the task was completed. It's not just him!
"Hey, the security squad leader in the blockhouse is now his own, understand? In the future, if you think about the railway blockade, go there, understand?"

Ma Liang, who was next to him, kicked over: "Are you trying to make everyone know that the security forces in the devil's gun tower have voted for the Eight Routes? Can you not have a snack? If the news leaks out, the inside line that the company commander has worked so hard to develop will be wiped out by the devils." , can you bear this responsibility?"

The bear was extremely unhappy, and immediately turned red and rough: "Just us, which one looks like a person with a leak in his mouth?"

Luo Fugui looked left and right, and they were all the backbone of Jiulian, including Boss Hu who was lying next to him in the grass. Seeing that Boss Hu was covered with a hat, he might have fallen asleep. Ma Liang with feet.

"Go dig another well if you don't sleep!" Hu Yi's cold voice came from under the hat.

"Uh, Boss Hu, I thought you were asleep, so I came here to see if there are any mosquitoes." The bear rolled its toad eyes, rolled over from Ma Liang, and turned its head to look: "Look at your grandma? Go to bed quickly! Still watching "

"Report to the company commander, Captain Meng is here with the team!" A soldier came out of the weeds panting.

(End of this chapter)

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