under fire

Chapter 478

Chapter 478
Captain Meng led a soldier and hurried into the wild grass: "Oh, I'm exhausted!"

"How many people are here?" Hu Yi sat up, frowned and yawned.

"As soon as I got the news in the early morning, I organized a manpower. More than 80 people came, including the militia." He sat down while talking, pulled the water bottle on his waist and poured it into his mouth, and added: "Except for the sentry in the south, everyone Some of them all came"

Hu Yi looked at Lao Meng with a tired face: "Go and tell them, find Wang Xiaosan to get some dry food to deal with, no fire here during the day!"

"Yes." Breathless, the soldiers who followed Lao Meng quickly got up and turned away before their buttocks warmed up.

"How did you get so many things this time?" Lao Meng was as excited as a child.

"Part of it was given to the regiment by the division." Hu Yi replied lightly.

"There is a situation that needs to be paid attention to. During this period of time, the devils have sent a lot of plainclothes teams to inquire about our news."

Hu Yi was startled when he heard this, and immediately got up, pulled out the binoculars and looked around.

After a while, he suddenly said, "We have to leave here immediately!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his leg and kicked Ma Liang next to him: "Get ready to evacuate immediately!"

"Brother, what's the matter?" Ma Liang rubbed his sleepy eyes, recognized the voice of the company commander, and immediately jumped up.

"Do you still remember the team that the spy platoon soldiers met before dawn? I always feel that this place is not safe." Hu Yi frowned.

"Ah? Didn't we turn to go north, he shouldn't know?"

"There are mules, horses and carts in the team. If you meet experienced people, the clues left by them are likely to be traced." Hu Yi knew that there were also many capable people among the devils.

"I understand."

After Ma Liang finished speaking, he began to slap the people who were still holding Hulu on the ground one by one.

Now, after all, he was in the enemy's war zone, and Hu Yi didn't want to fight devils or security forces in this place full of open fields.

Although the strength of the Ninth Company in the swamp has reached about [-], half of the soldiers under it are the security regiment soldiers who have just joined. When encountering a small group of enemies, it is probably not a big problem to fight with the wind. If you really want to fight against a large number of devils Or if the security forces fight positional warfare, they have no chance of winning at all.

What's more, many of the militiamen under Lao Meng have never even participated in battles. Apart from helping with logistics, they will die when they go to the battlefield, and they can barely serve as a reserve team.

"Is there something wrong?" Tian Sanqi who just woke up asked.

"Don't ask any more questions, the company commander asked to evacuate immediately, and hurry up to prepare!" Ma Liang yawned and replied angrily.

A group of people got up and left one after another, and each went to gather troops. Lao Meng continued the topic just now and asked: "Commander Hu, do you mean that we have been exposed?"

"It's possible, although we haven't found a tail behind us yet, but I can't take the risk!"

Lao Meng was a little hesitant, and after thinking about it, he suggested: "But, we march in broad daylight, isn't it more risky?"

Hu Yi still patiently explained to Lao Meng: "If we move, even if the traitors find us and report to the nearest blockhouse, they will not be able to keep up with us when the devils gather again. The team that had to be scouted earlier should not be easy!"

"Meet a team before dawn? Is it an enemy?"

"That's right. It stands to reason that devils and security forces seldom march at night unless they have combat targets!"

"I see. What you mean is that our team has been in motion, the enemy has not figured out our direction of action, and the team is not small, so we didn't do anything, right?"

"That's right. Our team of seven or eight carts crossed the railway line at night and then went through two blockade ditches. There were mules and horses in the team, so we had to fill in two blockade ditches. If those people were enemies, they would definitely have Spotted our tracks!"

"It's true, even in the middle of the night, with so many people operating in the enemy-occupied area, it is inevitable that someone with a heart will find out."

"As long as we move, we don't have to think about whether the devil can catch up." Hu Yi calmly ended the topic.

Turn around and walk towards the mule team.

Hu Yi was sure of this. For this march, the vanguard soldiers were placed four or five miles in front, back, left, and right. They were very careful when passing the blockade ditch on the road. They found that in the semi-hilly area to the west of the railway, the blockade network had not yet formed. Although there were blockade ditches, some There are no gun towers at all in the local area, but countless small bunkers are built.

This is actually related to the sparsely populated people in this wasteland. There are not even many people in the place. Building so many blockades is useless. Since there are no people, it is difficult to find traitors. After all, this is not an occupied area.

According to the devil, this should be regarded as a quasi-security area!
Therefore, in most places, a blockade trench was dug even four or five miles away.

"Company Commander Hu, I think you're a little too aggressive, aren't you? Let's fight guerrillas and send more people out for reconnaissance?"

"We don't have that many people"

"Hey, you don't know, during the time you've been away, the population of ordinary people in our base area has increased greatly, and every village has arranged eyeliners!"

Master Hu listened patiently, but his face suddenly changed: "I shouldn't blame you for your work, but have you ever thought about how those ordinary people came to our base area?"

"Don't worry about it. Up to now, after discussing with Lao Qin, I have drawn a circle around the resident and divided it into three floors. The common people have also set up mutual aid groups among themselves. They don't even know where our resident is."

"If they are all ordinary people, your method is really good, but you have to know that if there is really an eyeliner arranged by the devil, even if there is only one, after he reports the letter, random troops from Mei County and An County will come to sweep them. Do you think you can stop them?" Can you live?"

When Lao Meng heard this, his face changed drastically: "You mean the devils may have known where we are stationed?"

"Old Meng, I don't intend to criticize your work, but you still have to think about the overall situation. If all of our nine companies are here, the devils may really attack us. And for such a long time, no devils have mopped up the team to attack us. Station attack, do you think the devils would be so stupid?"

"Have we been exposed long ago? However, we have already made arrangements. As long as we find an enemy, we can transfer at any time."

"What if the devils are surrounded on all sides again?"

"" Lao Meng was speechless.

"Even if the militiamen around us can delay the devil's sweep, even if the devil enters the garrison, with our troops behind him, he can still threaten them. Therefore, the devil's plan must be to catch us all! It is impossible for us to be here. Staying too long, the most critical question is that even if it is only a squadron of devils, we may not be able to stop it, understand?"

At this time, the various ministries quickly arranged and assembled teams, ready to set off at any time, and the five big and rude bears strode over: "Boss Hu, why don't you wait until dark to leave?"

Hu Yi turned his head and ordered directly to the bear: "You are responsible for taking good care of the girl!"

Xiong immediately ran up to Hu Yi: "Well...you want me to go first again, right? I can't control that girl!"

It has to be said that Luo Fugui's understanding of Hu Yi even surpassed that of many people, and he knew what he was planning as soon as he heard what Hu Yi said.

Hu Yi frowned: "Let me ask you, is the girl still sleeping?"

After making sure that Hu Yi didn't want to let himself really look at that girl, the bear finally felt relieved, and quickly raised his ugly face: "As long as she doesn't wake up, I will take her away. If she wakes up, I will say that the enemy is coming, then I can't let her say anything!"

"Okay!" Hu Yi turned his head and looked at the other backbones who followed him: "Platoon Leader Wang, immediately inform the outer sentinels to go directly north and keep a visible distance of about two miles from the brigade!"

"Tian Sanqi, you immediately lead the team and take charge of sending the cart away with Lao Meng!"

"Ma Liang, cut off the queen with me!"

The people around were also stunned. Ma Liang scratched his head and asked, "The Queen? There are no enemies. What Queen is there?"

(End of this chapter)

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