under fire

Chapter 479

Chapter 479
The sun rises high.

Captain Meng went ahead with supplies and had been gone for a while.

Hu Yi led Ma Liang's platoon to lie down in the grass, and until now he has not found any traces of the enemy following behind.

Maybe it's because I'm too careful, and everything is like a soldier?
With a click, the cover of the pocket watch popped open, and it was ten o'clock!

I don't have the mind to feel the rhythm of the pocket watch again.

After all, they are still in the enemy's war zone. If the enemy finds Jiulian's whereabouts later, they will definitely send a message to the devil first. It has been nearly nine hours since the night!

The devils should have received the news this morning, theoretically they don't know the exact location of their party.It should be the ghosts who are anxious.

From gathering to leaving the county town to the east, and then searching north along his own itinerary, even if the devil marched in a hurry, it would be impossible to catch up with him before noon.

The only worry is that the devil judged his whereabouts, and instead of heading east, he went directly to the northeast.

If that's the case, the devil shouldn't be far from his current location.

With a snap, he closed the watch case and stuffed it into his pocket: "Ma Liang."

After a sound of footsteps, Ma Liang's figure came hurriedly from the grass in the south.

"Did the Secret Service find anything?"

Ma Liang thought about it: "Platoon leader Wang sent someone to notify the sentry to withdraw for half an hour, but nothing unusual was found!"

"Don't you think this place is too quiet? You didn't even see a single commoner fleeing famine?"

"Brother, I think that since you think the enemy will follow, why don't they just go to the gun tower and call to dispatch troops? It's faster to pass the news that way!"

"This area belongs to the boundary of Meixian County. At that time, they may not know our origin and whereabouts. Maybe they are not familiar with the artillery building, and the telephone number of the artillery building next to the railway may not be able to directly reach Meixian County."

A figure of a secret service platoon soldier riding a bicycle hurried over from the grass in the west against the sun, with the rifle on his back dangling from side to side on his shoulder.

"Company Commander Hu, there is dust in the west, there should be a large group of people coming!" After the soldier finished speaking, he carefully put his bicycle on and saluted.

"How many sentinels do you have left in the west?"


"Have you heard the orders of the platoon leader?"

"About 10 minutes ago, after receiving the order, I was in charge of cutting off the rear, and the three of them headed north first!"

"Have you reconnaissance clearly the incoming enemy's strength?"

"No, I'm the only one who can only observe from the front. The enemy came and made dust everywhere. Hearing the sound and cars, I can't see clearly at all!"

"Get ready, retreat to the north immediately." Hu Yi didn't hesitate anymore and stood up directly.

Ma Liang took the order and turned around, and immediately led the man with a cat waist to run quickly in the grass of the dry swamp.

Hu Yi let out a long breath, raised his sweaty hand and tightened the rifle strap. The enemy finally appeared, proving that his judgment was correct, and he couldn't be too careful when operating in enemy-occupied areas.

Now let's see who has better feet.

In the morning, facing the dust brought up by the soldiers running ahead, Hu Yi rode a bicycle and slowly followed the soldiers all the way to the north.

In the wilderness, the special agent platoon in charge of reconnaissance also marched in the wilderness with two people and one car.

In many places, bicycles cannot advance, and the soldiers have to take turns to carry the bicycles forward, and ride them for a while where there is a road.

If the judgment is correct, then the chasing team has been marching for nearly four hours from the morning to the present, and must be exhausted.

It is basically impossible to catch up with Hu Yi and his party who have rested for most of the morning.

It is impossible for all the devils to chase after them in cars. The infantry must account for the majority.
Devils are not fools, they dare not leave the team to pursue them with just three or two cars and a few motorcycles!
Now you only need to consider whether there is an outflanking team in front of you, and everything will be fine. Even the devil's car is behind, so the possibility of there being an outflanking team in front is very small.

In the area north of Meixian County, Li Youde's security forces basically don't need to be considered. Firstly, their marching ability is not very good. Even if Shen catches up, he can't really use his full strength.

Two soldiers supported the bicycle, and Hu Yi stood on the rear rack, holding up the binoculars to observe backwards: five miles away, a group of figures, carrying dust, had chased to the swamp where they had rested just now.

Hu Yi jumped off the bicycle, the equipment on his body jingled, and his face was calm and determined: "Notify the front team to slow down!"

Now there's no need to waste energy and rush to march. Compared with endurance, most of the soldiers recruited by the security regiment under his command are no match for the devils.

A soldier behind hurriedly ran up to Hu Yi on a bicycle: "Report, the enemy has entered the swamp, full of devils, and no security forces have been found yet!"

The team headed north along the ruts of the old Meng carriage.

Far away, the vanguard saw a small body standing in the sun on a dirt slope ahead.

Xiao Hongying yelled at the soldiers hurrying over with a dark face, "Where's the fox?"

A soldier shrank his neck and quickly turned his head to look behind him, raised his hand and pointed back: "It's right behind."

The soldier didn't stop after he finished speaking, and was about to continue heading north, squinting behind the hillside. The big and thick bear was cursing and directing his men to dig a hole, so he couldn't help but slow down again.

"If you are told to dig, you can dig, what are you talking about?" Xiao Hongying threw a lump of dirt, which hit the mumbling mule right on the forehead.

"You heartless, if you throw Lao Tzu again, I will be rude to you." Luo Fugui raised his hand and threw dirt lumps back.

The little girl folded her hands on her waist: "Hey, are you bold? Try throwing one, and dare to take me away while my aunt is sleeping! You haven't settled the debt yet, but you have learned to yell?"

Luo Fugui didn't pay any attention to this immoral thing, and pulled the bayonet against an ammunition box. There was a jingle, the ammunition box was pried open, and fifty grenades were split on the spot.

The soldiers on the march shook their heads, the bayonet let you use it as a crowbar like this, most of the time it would be bent, what a waste!But he stopped unconsciously, looking at the grenades with his eyes shining.

One of the monitors in the team immediately asked the girl: "Girl, are you... wanting to fight here?"

"What? Are you afraid?"

The squad leader curled his lips: "Don't underestimate people, when have we ever been afraid of little devils?"

Seeing a bicycle coming fast from behind, Xiao Hongying ran down the hillside shaking her braids: "Ma Liang, what's going on in the back?"

Ma Liang jumped off the bicycle in a hurry, instead of smiling at the girl as usual, he gritted his teeth and replied, "The little devil is really catching up!"

Looking up at the bear, he was reluctantly yelling and fiddling with the machine gun position. Two Czech machine guns were on the left and right sides of the hillside: "Grandma, why don't you just run away? You have to fight!"

"Hey, mule, I didn't expect you to grow up too, and you have learned to take the initiative to build a blocking position?" Ma Liang ran to Luo Fu and asked with a smile.

"Let's borrow their way at night. Can't the goddamned devils let us go in peace? Why do all these people who are not afraid of death have to provoke Boss Hu!"

Xu Xiao, who put down the shovel in his hand, wiped his nose and asked stupidly: "Squad leader, how do you think my digging is doing?"

Luo Fugui ignored Ma Liang, turned his head and picked up the shovel he had inserted in the soil to dig the soil towards Xu Xiao: "How about it? You have to make up the soil, and then dig your pit and mine. The ditch is connected together, understand?"

"Uh, okay!" Xu Xiao hurriedly grabbed the shovel and started working over to his monitor.

"Who is that, hurry up and prepare the magazine and spare barrel for me"

Hu Yi looked at the girl by the side of the path, and was about to speak with a slight smile.
The little girl took the conversation: "You still have the face to smile? Did you let the mule take me away?"

"I said, grandma, it's time for everything now, why are you still mentioning this? Hey, you asked mules to dig that trench on the hillside?"

"Hey, how's it going? He got out of the car quickly and went up with me to have a look. There is still half an hour at most, and the trenches will be formed. I reckon that if there are really short-sighted enemies chasing up, we have to beat him a few times. I really thought our Jiulian were all vegetarians!" The little girl smiled triumphantly.

Hu Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally successfully distracted the girl who was about to go crazy: "You did a good job, but the enemy is still far away, there is no need to fight!"

After speaking, I will ride my bicycle again and prepare to leave.

"Hey, come down quickly, if you leave, won't my trenches be dug in vain?" The little girl immediately rolled her eyes and stood in the middle of the narrow road.

"Grandma, the strength of the devils behind is unknown, we only have this few people, there is no need to take this risk." Hu Yi's hair was black.

"No, I've already dug the trenches, so I have to beat them anyway, otherwise these idiots won't have a long memory!"

(End of this chapter)

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