under fire

Chapter 481

Chapter 481
"Hey, I am a Wenqu star descending from the sky, and I am a machine gunner who sweeps a large area! Facing hundreds of security forces a few days ago, do you think I am afraid of his grandma?" Mule was bragging to a group of men. .

"I heard that Wenquxing who has read a lot of poetry and books can be the number one scholar in the examination. You don't even know a few words, so you can also be considered a Wenquxing?" The guy who was fished out of the prison asked curiously after studying for two years.

"I'm the No. [-] martial artist, can't I?"

"Shouldn't that be called 'Wu' Qu Xing?" he asked without looking.

"" The bear was speechless for a moment.

"Platoon leader, I didn't expect to learn so much about shooting a machine gun. Can you let me shoot later?" A big soldier from the security regiment next to him volunteered to Luo Fugui to break the embarrassing situation.

The bear looked at the newly recruited subordinate, and said to him meaningfully and satisfied: "You know who will be the most powerful when the battle starts?"

"Of course it's the machine gunner? Didn't you just say you'd sweep a large area?"

"Hey, let me tell you, you're right, but machine gunners also attract bullets the most, do you understand?" It's rare for Luo Fugui to care so much about his subordinates. I have a special liking, I am not afraid of death.

"Platoon leader! Look at what you said. If I become a machine gunner, I won't be afraid even if our goals are big! As long as I can beat devils, I will die if I get bullets. I'm afraid of shit. Even if I'm injured, brothers can lift it up." , I can’t lift it and leave a grenade for me, hey, I’m a good man again in 18 years!” This kid is so stubborn, so proud!

"Grandma, okay, good man, you will be my deputy shooter from now on!" The big and thick bear immediately stretched out his paw and patted the guy on the shoulder. This trick was learned from the head of the team. .

Only then did the heroic bear think of something: "What's your name?"

"Li Ronghua!" The subordinates couldn't restrain their excitement.

When the proud bear heard this, he sat down on the ground in shock, and murmured: "Ronghua? Oh, my dear grandma, you are really my brother! I didn't expect that we are still a family."

After all, a person's physical strength is limited. If there is no proper rest, the longer the marching time, the faster the physical strength will decline.

From the time of the rapid march at dawn until now, when he finally found the trail of the Eighth Route Army, Lieutenant Guizi almost looked up to the sky and laughed, and chased him closely for nearly an hour.

Chasing the ground across the ten-mile swamp until the hilly area where the car can no longer move forward.

The frantic lieutenant had no choice but to think of another way. There were not too many people ahead, so he immediately decided to let a small team follow, and he pulled a small team with a car, preparing to outflank the road.

Three partial three-wheeled vehicles took the lead, and the leader of the ghost team sat in the middle and tried to bump. Behind him, a troop of devils was running forward, chattering like dogs, and the team formed a long line.

Farther away, another team carried heavy machine gun mortar ammunition boxes. As for the security forces who went out together

Under the leadership of the lieutenant, the three cars turned around and ran back along the road, preparing to turn south to the east, detour from the east blockade road to the north, and then outflank.

The second lieutenant Guizi on the third wheel saw that the eight roads ahead ran past a dirt bag and disappeared, and the angry birds cheered.

In the binoculars, Tuba Road actually has a bicycle, the second lieutenant feels something is wrong!

However, I have been to this place to sweep several times, and I know that ten miles to the north is the blockade ditch. The squadron leader took a car and a small team of warriors to block the eight roads. At the current speed, the squadron leader can almost Arrive at the northern blockade ditch ahead of time.

As long as our team can hold on to Tubalu's tail, when the time comes to attack from north to south, none of them will even try to escape.

"Report, there is only one team of devils chasing up from behind! Three cars pulled the devils to turn south, and it is estimated that they will turn east and outflank the road!" The special agent platoon soldiers in charge of reconnaissance ran to Hu Yi and reported panting.

"How many devils have come?" Hu Jiu asked with a frown.

"Estimated a squadron!"

"Brother, according to the devil's habit, there should be security forces behind!" Ma Liang, who was next to him, analyzed.

"Hey, I don't know about this for the time being!" After the soldier of the special agent platoon finished speaking, he immediately turned around, jumped on the back seat and ran away crookedly with a guerrilla's bicycle.

Indeed, he saw a squad,
Hu Yi looked at the map in front of him. There was an east-west blockade about eight miles to the north.

This is what Captain Meng told Hu Yi before he left. The blockade ditch was newly dug by the devils, but the devils did not guard it strictly.

The devils are very strict about the north-south blockade ditch to prevent the Eight Routes from entering the enemy-occupied area, and the east-west blockade ditch is basically useless.

In the binoculars, a devil's motorcycle kicked up a cloud of dust and swept over.

There is no need to put all your energy into chasing Tuba Road. If you chase too fast, it will be troublesome for the eight roads in front to pass the blockade before the outflanking team arrives.

Either catch up and get entangled with Balu, or simply slow down the pursuit speed, and Balu will not run desperately.

After all, the team behind hadn't caught up yet, let alone the security forces who went out of the city together, they had long since disappeared.

The point is that if you really want to chase, you may not be able to catch up. The pursued Balu is really running fast in order to escape. I never thought that there are bicycles in the Balu team!

Although the physical strength of Balu was obviously inferior to that of the warriors, the warriors ran for several hours!Tubalu waited for work with leisure, which of course took advantage of it.

Therefore, the second lieutenant slowed down the three-wheeled motorcycle on purpose, ran forward and slowed down, followed by the devils who continued to move their feet with their lead-filled legs, immediately discouraged, drank water and fanned the wind to wipe their sweat Full of fatigue.

The rapid march turned into a slow walk, and there was no need to run like a dog biting its tail to chase, which made it a lot easier.

Turn over the hillside ahead, and you should be able to see Tubalu's embarrassed figure again.

The second lieutenant felt that Tubalu should not run far. As for Tubalu waiting for him on the hillside, isn't that nonsense?
Before reaching the hillside, the three devils acted as pioneers and ran directly up the hillside. The matter of marching to occupy the high ground cannot be ignored.

The motorbike driver with goggles looked carefully at the ground. Who knows if Tuba Road will plant two land mines on this small road?
The devil's vanguard spread his legs and ran up the hillside, and the motorcycle continued to circle along the path down the hillside.

Luo Fugui, who was bragging, has been with Hu Yi for so long. Although he can't compare with the professional machine gunner of the devil, if it is said that whoever shoots more bullets, there are probably few people in the entire Eighth Route Army who can compare with him!
Of course, there must be many people in the Eighth Route Army who had more bullets than him, but most of them died!
Everyone knows that the machine gunner can shoot bullets accurately. This guy can survive countless battles. He and Hu Yi's team have never been told how long it must last, or even if they are all shot, they must be blocked. How long those orders of the devil are related.

This guy is open-minded. Once he starts shooting, if the machine gun is in one position, it is estimated that after one shuttle is fired, the devil will greet him, so if it is not confirmed that the devil does not have a bomb, he will never shoot two in one place. magazine!
The tactics of the Devil Squad were well understood by the veterans of the Ninth Company. Generally, when the terrain and strength were not dominant, they would feint from the front, and the two teams would copy the flanks!

The current hillside couldn't be more ordinary, and its terrain is more suitable for devils to outflank it!

The combat experience of the Nine Company was obtained from real fights with devils, and there was no such thing as just talking about it on paper. Whether it was a little girl or Ma Liang who came to command, the results were basically the same.

So this time, Captain Hu Dalian chose the side of the path, and handed it over to the unreliable Luo Fugui and the little girl.

On the west side where there is no road, Wang Liujin led a special agent team, and Huitong Tang Dagou lay on the back of the west slope early.

The sun shone warmly on their bodies, and even though they drove all night last night, no one dozed off.

The rifle was placed in front, its black muzzle half-turned into the sky.

There are grenades and magazines placed conveniently next to the rifle, and the bullets in the rifles in front of most people have not been loaded yet!
Only Jiulian has this requirement, and you have to listen to the password to pull the bolt and load the bullet!

One is to prevent some recruits from going off due to nervousness, and the other is to prevent real spies in the team.

Ma Liang was playing with Xu Xiao behind the hillside with the grenade.

While crossing the railway line, they got eight more grenades, and the shameless Erlian stalked them, not knowing what benefit Lianchang Hu had promised, and took away two alive.

This is the case in enemy-occupied territory, where the fighting hardly ever really stops.

(End of this chapter)

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