under fire

Chapter 482 Bandits

Chapter 482 Bandits
The sky is clear, the lonely white clouds are wandering in the blue sky, and the insects and birds in the mountains are comfortable and peaceful.

It seems to be a peaceful day again, but there are murderous intentions hidden.

A few gray figures quietly appeared in the barren and desolate ravine. As the gray figures slowly moved southward in the bushes, a large group of people of various colors followed, emerging from the barren ditch.

Appointed by the devils as the brigade commander of the "Southern Hebei Independent Brigade to Suppress the Communist Party", Guo Qing led a large group of men, and marched wearily between the mountain roads behind the sharp soldiers not far in front.

Brigadier Guo has a swollen face, bull-like eyes, and a long beard. His tall and fat body looks like a fierce god in the sunlight. He is standing on the side of the road with his hands on his hips, taking off his hat and fanning the wind. .

He didn't care about the purpose of this trip at all. In his opinion, he personally went out to recruit a group of security guards, and he had nearly half more troops than the other party.
This guy learned to fight and gamble as a child.

Gambling is really untouchable, ordinary people are not enough to toss about, and the Guo family, as a big local family, is only a little better than others.The assets that Guo Qing's father left behind were quickly gambled away by Guo Qing.

Guo Qing, who has no money, still relies on the little nursing staff left by his father, and even pulls up a team in the troubled times. He led the team after several years of elementary school but has no business, and does not defend his home and country. Instead, he led people to kidnap and blackmail secretly!

In the era when the warlords were fighting, there was chaos everywhere, and no one cared about it at all.

Guo Qing, who has guns and money, developed slowly even though he was ignorant, and his subordinates soon reached number one hundred and ten.

Later, he made friends with bandits widely, and through various methods of buying and annexing, he gave outsiders the impression of being bold and righteous, and gradually became the largest group of bandits in the north of An County, with more than two thousand people.

After the devils came to fight, Guo Qing led his men to shout the slogan of fighting the devils. As a result, after fighting with the devils with his little bandit equipment, he found that the devils were powerful and well-equipped. The devil became a traitor.

Become the most powerful team in the Linzhang area, and together with the devils, crazily slaughtered the personnel of the Eighth Route Organization and the anti-Japanese masses.

The purpose of his trip was to prepare to attack Sun Youshang's security team who had recently walked away from nearly half a centaur.

Second Master Xu, the deputy commander who followed behind him, smiled and stepped forward to Guo Qing's side with a sinister smile: "Balu is now in the sunset and autumn mountains! I think they are stubborn. In the eyes of Second Master Xu, I really don't believe that his neck named Sun can compare to mine. The knife is still hard!"

"I'm talking about the second child, is your news reliable?" Commander Guo asked boredly.

He used to go to the security regiment to discuss matters with Gou, and he never forgot the woman next to Commander Gou, and this was the real purpose of his actions.

Xu Erye smiled arrogantly: "Brother, you don't know that, the deputy surnamed Gou has figured out all of them, if it wasn't for the rebellion surnamed Sun, we haven't had this chance yet, this time I him Damn, they even burned down their houses, making those poor fellows unable to live in their nests!"

"What do you mean by your home?"

"The one surnamed Sun has some entanglements with Captain Xu, but they dare to cut off our financial resources. My cousin said that as long as we have the ability to take down the security team, he doesn't care who we do business with. !"

"I heard that the person surnamed Sun is having an affair with Eight Roads. Don't end up shooting yourself in the foot!"

"Hey, how is that possible? Who the hell is Sun who wants to cut off our money? From now on, we will control this line, and even the eight roads in the mountains will have to look at us, right? It's useless for him to have a relationship with the eight roads! "

At this time, another female monster emerged from behind Xu Erye, her face was like a moldy pancake with long hairs, five big and three thick, with a big gold tooth inlaid, her buttocks twisted twice, this is to report to Xu Erye Thief husband and wife.

The woman broke her throat and immediately jumped out: "Commander Gou originally had 100 numbers, but for some reason, he went south for a part, and was called away by Captain Xu for more than [-] numbers. No more than three hundred, and we have internal support, so it won’t be a problem to win it! Also, they escorted a large amount of supplies back some time ago, and they must be very rich now!”

"It's done, and your benefits are indispensable. Hey, 300 people are of little use to us, and that place is a place with good Fengshui!" Commander Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that the woman was using him, but He doesn't care, and his eyesight is not short.

The people behind continued to emerge from the corner of the ravine. Under the sunlight, this group of bandits marched quite methodically.

Second Master Xu gritted his teeth and looked at the mountain ahead, and said with a sinister smile: "It is said that there are quite a few women in the security team, and the woman named Gou looks really juicy! Tsk tsk."

"Ha ha."

It drew wanton laughter from a group of people walking by.

"Shut up!" Commander Guo, who was walking in front, stopped again and scolded sharply: "Second Xu, although I have temporarily joined the imperial army, whoever dares to ruin our reputation in this area, I will let him Dilemma between life and death!"

"Brother, pretend I didn't say that!" Second Master Xu was startled, and quickly laughed.

"My siblings are really as beautiful as you say?" Commander Guo's face suddenly changed again!
"Ah? Well, there are ten miles and eight villages, no one can go around! Although Commander Gou has worshiped the elder brother, we have to take good care of his family now, don't we?" Xu Erye has already figured out that his elder brother is fickle A dog temper who turns his face and denies people at any time.

"This matter has to be done voluntarily, don't you think?" Commander Guo smiled half-smile.

"This matter is on the brother's shoulders. His younger brother committed the crime. We just got rid of him to avenge brother Gou. That woman can't thank the commander, can she?"

"It's hard to guard against family thieves. That bastard surnamed Sun, I must skin him and light him!" Commander Guo's eyes showed greed.

"Hey, from now on, the security team will have to change their surname to Guo, right?" Second Master Xu hurriedly flattered him.

"Bastard, did you say that? We are going to avenge Brother Gou, do you understand?" Commander Guo suddenly looked serious.

"It's all the same, hey, it's all the same!"

"There is a cottage in front, shall we go around the front mountain?" Commander Guo hadn't walked such a long distance on his feet for a long time, and he was very tired, and finally he was almost there.

"Commander Guo, I think it's necessary to remind you again that the security team may have something to do with the Eighth Route, so it's better to make a plan!" The woman broke her throat and rang again.

"Tubalu is so poor that he can't even wear pants, and even his old nest is gone. We are afraid of him! First surround their village and the cottage at the foot of the mountain, and then directly hit the door!" Commander Guo immediately became a full-fledged man again. He had a hideous look on his face.

On the opposite hillside, two sentries may have stayed in this uninhabited place for a long time, one of them dozed off, and the other was also a little distracted, looking at the white cloud in the sky in a daze, and didn't notice the team that suddenly appeared in the ravine .

The security team now has a big family and a big business, and they are strictly guarding the roads and roads of the station, and their troops are scattered. Unfortunately, the area west of the blockade ditch is really too big, and the bandits didn't take the road at all, until the team turned into another ravine again. None of the sentinels found anything outstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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