under fire

Chapter 483 Elite

Chapter 483 Elite
"Girl, there don't seem to be many devils?" Luo Fugui put down the binoculars.

In his opinion, there are really not many devil teams with dozens of people. This has something to do with everyone's experience. Other teams of the Eighth Route Army, even if a full company, encounter a small group of devils, they have no choice but to shift the edge temporarily .

Xiao Hongying didn't answer, she was so conceited, she leaned on the scope, adjusted the pointing of the muzzle, and aimed at the motorcycle jumping on the path: "After the battle starts later, if you dare to hold the trigger again Let it go, see if I don't kick you to death!"

"Do you need to worry about it? This time I will definitely shoot, but until now I don't know which devil is throwing soldiers?" Luo Fugui and the girl partnered as machine gunners to deal with the devils in front of them, but only three came Devil's vanguard, with so many people watching, this time he has to show off.

"Wang Liujin and Ma Liang will also fight grenadiers and machine guns. Just remember to hit the motorcycle first." The girl repeated Hu Yi's arrangement just now.

"Three devils in front of you, can you hit them accurately? I think you should just forget about it. Your broken gun is just for display!"

The girl didn't pay attention to it, and didn't talk to her again, her little hand finally pulled the slightly curved bolt, and with a bang, a bullet was loaded into the chamber.

The ghost soldiers were getting closer and closer to the top of the hill. Suddenly, a ghost found that there seemed to be a little pigtail shaking in the grass on the top of the hillside. hidden!"

Immediately, he threw himself forward and lay down, pulling the gun to aim.

Bang, there was a gunshot, and a bullet pierced through the devil's helmet, and arrogantly got into the paste under the helmet.

A Czech machine gun next to it started to fire, and the two devils who hadn't come to lie down in front of them were covered by dense bullet rain. There was still a pause in the middle of Luo Fugui's burst fire, but it was almost the same as continuous fire!
All the gun bolts were rattling, the rifles were firing one after another, and some soldiers in the secret service platoon were still in a daze. Why did the Ninth Company fight without even shouting the word "fight" to give the order to start the battle?

Then another Czech was fired from the east, and a burst of flames flashed from the muzzle of the machine gun. Hu Yi aimed at the motorcycle at a distance of less than 80 meters and stopped to check the situation when he heard the gunshot.

The hideous Grim Reaper immediately rushed towards the first tricycle of the devil who was kicking up the dust. The arrogant roar pierced through the body of the first target. The bullet tore through the military uniform, penetrated into the flesh and blood, and charged the driver on the first tricycle with scorching heat. The observer and the observer sitting behind penetrated at the same time.

The ballistic began to pull to the side, wantonly hitting the machine gunner who was pulling the trigger next to him in the truck body.

The bullets extended along the dusty path, moving around from near to far with a vicious breath of death, tearing apart all objects blocking the path, blood splashing, hitting the motorcycle and sparks splashing, in the dust on the path Weave forward.
The quick-responsive Devil infantry behind him immediately fell down, and the second lieutenant jumped off the motorcycle before the motorcycle stopped. He immediately breathed out, pulled out the iron rod and pointed forward: "Kill a dick!"

The devil lying on the ground immediately panted heavily and pulled the bolt of the rifle to prepare to fight back.

Through the raised dust, one can vaguely see flames spewing out from a crooked gun dozens of meters away. The gunfire was full of hostility, and the arrogant bullets began to sweep back and forth among the lying crowd.

Luo Fugui had already finished shooting a magazine, and the three devils in front were lying on the ground and twitching. Turning his face, he saw Ma Liang's figure beside him, holding a grenade and stuffing it into the grenadier, and turned his eyes to pick up a magazine next to him. , pressed the barrel of the gun, and pressed the trigger again against the dust in the distance.

With a muffled bang, a black guy flew into the air.

Bang, a bullet was fired again, and the little pigtail trembled a little. Through the scope, he found that the target he was aiming at just now was still firing back at the machine gun position halfway up the hillside.

But the guy next to the devil was tilted and yelling.

About 120 meters, almost one meter crooked!
The little girl pulled the bolt again, but this time he aimed at the Devil commander behind the second motorcycle.

The spirit is highly concentrated, the voice on the battlefield seems to be moving away, and the small mouth murmurs: Aim one meter away, I see you run away
Slowly tighten your fingers, and the trigger is halfway, and you can even hear the friction of the gun.

Bang, the bullet is fired.

The muzzle flash temporarily blurred the sight of the scope.

Behind the motorcycle, the Second Lieutenant Devil, who was screaming at the top of his hand while holding a command iron rod, trembled twice in a row and disappeared behind the motorcycle.

The little girl was taken aback, although she could barely see the target being hit through the clearer scope, but the target's reaction was wrong?
Why did he shake twice?

Tang Dagou, who was nearly 200 meters away on the other side, also raised questions. After firing a shot, he immediately put away his rifle, rolled sideways twice, and changed his shooting position.

Knocked down a special agent platoon soldier next to him: "Your grandma, why don't you shoot and roll around?"

"What the hell, if you don't want to die, you better shoot and change places!" Tang Dagou scolded, found a new position and lay down, slowly poked out the muzzle of the gun, with the dog's head against the butt of the gun, ready to find another target.

Luo Fugui shot very steadily, and seemed to have forgotten the return fire from the devil's rifle below: "Hurry up and reload!"

After speaking, he threw the empty magazine to Li Ronghua who was busy next to him.

The Devil's machine gunner finally put on the crooked machine gun, pulled the trigger and was just about to press the trigger, when a bullet flew into his body from nowhere.

The muzzle of the gun was lifted up, and the subconsciously pressed trigger still caused the bullet to fly out of the muzzle, and flew towards the machine gun position that was firing on the eighth road.

Hu Yi was startled, the bullets whizzed past his head, he quickly pulled the machine gun and changed the position.

For Jiulian, gunfire is an order!
Da da da... Under the sun, the flames of another Czech machine gun gleamed, and the arrogant trajectory sprinkled chaotic bullet rain into the path and into the wilderness...

The second lieutenant Guizi was shot suddenly, which made the sergeant's heart sink suddenly. He didn't expect that there was an ambush on the eighth road!

Now the location is in an open field, no matter whether you turn east or west, you have to face a section of unobstructed machine gun shooting range. If you continue to lie on the ground to resist, you will only become a living target for the Eighth Route Army.

Although Balu's marksmanship is not very good, but after a long time, the casualties must increase greatly.

Even if they withdraw to the south, the back will still be sold to Tubalu. The only hope is to hold on for a while until the team behind catches up.

Before the machine gunner could shoot, he would be bitten by Tubalu. Without firepower to suppress him, he would be crushed and beaten by Balu, which was the first time in history.

Sergeant Cao made up his mind and roared loudly: "Fight back!"

Smart devils kept using their dead or twitching bodies as cover, pulling their guns and shooting up the hillside. The bullets flew to the position of the shuttle line on the hillside, and to the position of the eight-way machine gun.

Sergeant Cao didn't intend to turn around, and he didn't have the opportunity to turn around. He would rather let the warriors die on the battlefield than fall in the retreating wasteland.

This is not an ordinary ambush at all, it is no different from a frontal positional battle, the key is that Tubalu is still hiding behind the hillside and firing grenades.

Casualties gradually increased, and devils continued to lose their combat effectiveness at gunpoint.

It may not be terrible just for the high-speed rotating bullet to hit the body, but after the bullet enters the human body, a cavity effect will be formed behind the high-speed bullet, which will make the wound where the bullet passes greater, tearing blood and flesh.

As long as you are shot, you will basically be declared out of combat!
Sergeant lying on the back of the clinking motorcycle looked at the muzzle flames flashing continuously on the hillside in the distance. On the hillside, there seemed to be only the flames of two machine guns flashing on the eighth road!
Although the rifles fired intensively, they were far from enough to cover them. How could they cause such heavy casualties to the warriors.

This feeling is very bad. It is impossible for a rifle to be more powerful than a machine gun, right?
At a distance of about 80 meters, this is the distance at which the warriors can best display their shooting accuracy. How could they be defeated by Eighth Route?

Could it be that Tubalu's marksmanship has improved?This is impossible!

Marksmanship must be directly proportional to the bullets fired. In this land, the Eighth Route Army is short of guns and ammunition. I have never heard of an Earth Eighth Router with such a strong combat effectiveness. This is unscientific!
The situation is not right!Have you met the elite of the Eight Routes?

(End of this chapter)

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