under fire

Chapter 484 Observers

Chapter 484 Observers

The ghost team following behind heard the gunfire and immediately quickened their pace. The second lieutenant who led the team was not worried at all, and was in a good mood.

He subconsciously thought that the battle ahead must be of small scale, because judging from the sound of gunfire, although the exchange of fire was intensive, it seemed that the warriors of the Empire didn't even use machine guns!
So he even just asked his men to carry heavy machine guns and mortars to speed up the march, and didn't even use the emergency march reinforcements after the battle started.

Those Tubalu who only knew how to block the way and shoot black guns were obviously trying to stop them. As for the vanguard who didn't use machine guns, they probably wanted to catch Balu alive.

Delaying time is Tubalu's usual tactic. Even though it sounds like Balu has two light machine guns, in broad daylight, it can't change the fate of the imminent annihilation of the entire army.

Sooner or later, they will be wiped out in one go. Balu must have thought that there was only a small team of pursuers behind them, so they had the courage to jump over the wall in a hurry. Can ants knock down elephants?That was just a joke!
So... what he has to do now is to go forward as soon as possible to surround the desolate hillside in front of him. The second lieutenant smiled grinningly, as if he saw the Chinese kneeling and trembling in front of him commanding the saber!

Sixty or seventy devils spread out scatteredly. The light infantry was in front, followed by heavy firepower. The distance was not too far. After running for two miles, the second lieutenant who led the devil finally found out the situation on the battlefield in front of him. Something seems wrong!
The second lieutenant subconsciously raised his binoculars to stop his footsteps, stood beside the marching team, and after a long while, immediately yelled: "Stop advancing!"

The team that had already run to the front stopped immediately after hearing the order, then panted and looked back, then turned to face the battlefield ahead, watching quietly.

The second lieutenant was a little startled, the situation seemed to be somewhat different from his previous judgment.

The battle ahead is so fierce, the open and open wilderness, with dead grass and no trees, looks desolate, what makes him jaw drop is that a small team of warriors attacking in front fights very awkwardly, most of them lie on the ground and follow The eight-way shooting on the hillside, without charging or outflanking, made him suddenly feel an inexplicable creepiness.

Soon he discovered that it was not the warriors of the imperial army pressing down on the earth to fight against the eight roads, but the warriors were pressed by the eight roads in the open field at the foot of the hillside and could not advance or retreat!

In the vast expanse of wilderness, scattered and unorganized gunshots sounded from a distance, and the muzzle flame was not obvious in the sunlight. The second lieutenant finally observed the situation clearly!

"Go forward with heavy firepower, set up a position within 200 meters below the hillside, and the infantry's two wings outflank!" The second lieutenant, who has been in battle for a long time, immediately issued a battle order based on his experience.
The little yellow spread out, entered the wilderness, and ran forward in a zigzag shape.

The two mortars were finally placed on the ground, and the second lieutenant with a hunched waist in the back visually measured the distance from the hillside system point to be more than 200 miles away.

Because of the long distance, his field of vision was wider than that of the people at the bottom of the hillside. He saw that on the opposite slope, the heads of the eight roads were densely packed, interspersed with patches of dry grass.

Hell, not only the friendly forces in front are full of bullets roaring everywhere, but the trajectory of the machine gun on the side of the hillside suddenly extends and hits the warriors who are firing.

The second lieutenant's pupils widened in horror, and the two machine guns of the Tuba Road shot like poisonous snakes, biting his team tightly. There was no place for cover, and he had to lie down in the grass. Many warriors still did not dodge those arrogant bullets. .

Several soldiers were shot and fell to the ground howling. Fortunately, the distance was far enough!
Even if they were caught off guard, the casualties were not too great, and those who could howl after being shot probably would not die.

Machine guns are the masters of the battlefield, they are flesh and blood grinding discs, and they are demons that kill people. They tear the bodies of the warriors like poisonous snakes.

Even well-trained devils are human beings, but their reaction speed may be faster, so two hundred meters away, the second echelon of the second lieutenant immediately drew their guns and connected with the eight roads on the hillside.

Regardless of the rain of bullets, a devil in front ran back from left to right, and finally fell down next to the second lieutenant!

Recognized as the messenger of the former team, the news finally came back that the devil was shot in the thigh and was not fatal. He suppressed his fainting and continued to speak intermittently: "Report, the second lieutenant of the former team was killed in battle, more than half of the casualties, two machine guns on the eighth route, and some At least one class top marksman!"

The second lieutenant who was lying on the ground pricked up his ears to listen, the special shooter?
I was startled, and suddenly thought of something reported by the battlefield: A few months ago, there seemed to be an army in the north, which was ambushed by a squadron organized by Tuba Road, and almost the entire army was wiped out, could it be?This time is the eight-way team?
How did the eight-way elite arrive in Meixian County!Why didn't the idiots in the extra high school get any news?
Based on the battlefield briefing received early in the morning, this news seems to be correct. This group of Eight Routes came from the security area in the east, so everything is clear.

The second lieutenant was silent, raised his head again and raised his binoculars without blinking, watching the team surrounded by two wings advancing fast.

He suddenly hesitated, should they be allowed to suspend their attack?

Before he could finish his thinking, Ba Gouer, a burst of rifle shooting sounded again intensively on the hillside.

The outflanking team immediately fell down, but what reassured the second lieutenant was that the outflanking team quickly stood up again!
Unexpectedly, the mutation reappeared.

The sound of chug chug light machine gun suddenly sounded from the left side of the hillside again.

The second lieutenant's scalp was numb, and Tubalu actually hid his firepower. This is not an illusion!Even the standard weapons of the empire were used. All this aroused his fighting spirit, and he immediately shouted and ordered: "Mortars are ready!"

Haven't recovered yet, da da da. Another Czech light machine gun fired on the hillside on the right.

The insolent ballistics are clearly visible in the attacking warrior ranks!Because the wild grass was broken and turned by the intruding bullets, forming a flying yellow patch.

And the eight-way two-shuttle machine gun shot at his own side, injuring two of the mortar crews, and the remaining seven or eight second soldiers of the artillery crew got up again, and hurriedly assembled the mortars on the spot.

The second lieutenant turned his head to look around, and quickly jumped into a soldier pit dug next to him. He hadn't encountered such a strong opponent for a long time!
The perverted he didn't even think about casualties, and he forgot to support the front team. The adrenaline soared, which made him very excited.

I finally remembered that I should clarify the situation on the battlefield first, and turned to the messenger bird beside me: "Immediately send someone to notify the Imperial Alliance Army to come here. If I can't get here in half an hour, I will chop it up with my own hands." Take the heads of their company commanders!"

Watching the artillery observer next to him quickly calculate the trajectory in a small book, the machine gun position on the other side is already in place.

The infantrymen under him were sweating profusely, and the engineering shovels in their hands kept flying down to dig individual pits.

The second lieutenant didn't believe that his command ability was much worse than that of the lieutenant. He joined the army with the lieutenant. The lieutenant was just born noble. The two had been born and died for many years. For him, commanding such a battle was not difficult at all.

Therefore, he is now preparing to have a bloody contest with the eight roads on the opposite side.

As for the eight roads, do you dare to be elite?Those who dared to call the elite in front of the imperial warriors all turned into dead souls!

Another devil hurried to the second lieutenant, squatting and reporting to him the situation of the two wings. The attack on the west road was suppressed in an open field more than [-] meters wide.

Two light machine guns fired alternately on the opposite hillside. The vanguard group that opened the way, because they failed to predict the firepower of the eighth machine guns in advance, three were killed on the spot and eight were injured!

The outflanking Sergeant Cao is organizing a counterattack, the Eighth Route has the terrain advantage, and the casualties are temporarily unknown.

Quite high fighting enthusiasm, toothache because of these few words, he didn't notice his mistake in command at all!

How can a dignified soldier of the empire endure being suppressed by the Tuba Road?
After continuing to watch with the binoculars for a while, the artillery observer had finished his calculations and gestured to him.

The second lieutenant no longer hesitated, and immediately issued an order: "Get ready for mortar shooting! Don't worry about the accuracy, blow me up that hillside!"

When the order came, several mortar soldiers prepared immediately, with shells in hand, just waiting for the order to load and shoot.

The observer hurriedly reported the shooting parameters: "Height [-], zero charge, free direction!"

The gunner immediately shook the high and low wheels, the small flag swung downward, and the shell dropped from his hand and slid into the barrel.

The "Tom Tom" shell was discharged smoothly, and a cloud of dust rose from under the seat board. The target was the Eighth Route flank position where the machine guns were in full swing.

The spies who were playing happily lined up with a group of old fritters, and when they heard the scream of shells, they hurriedly slipped into the trench: "Didn't you say there is only one team? How the hell is there a team?"

The machine gunner was knocked down by the deputy shooter who had been watching
The one who was thrown down was furious: "Didn't that girl say that the marksmanship is good for hitting devil gunners? What's the matter with this mortar?"

The first bombing point was quite far away, and it was a false alarm.

The observer got up and smiled awkwardly: "How the hell do I know?"

With the sound of shells exploding sideways, the girl on the top of the hill quickly glanced sideways. Xu Xiao, who was observing with a binoculars next to her, looked at the two puffs of dust and excitedly reported: "In the weeds by the roadside, Mortars, two at a distance of two hundred and five"

(End of this chapter)

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