under fire

Chapter 485 Wan 1 is here

Chapter 485 What If This Is Here
Some people have forgotten that this is an area controlled by devils. Unknowingly, the battle did not start for a long time, but it was already noon.

Xiao Hongying, who changed her shooting position, did not hesitate. After more than 200 meters, she still did not use the [-] big cover, because although the [-] big cover was also accurate, she had to stare at the rear sight and the aiming star when aiming. The target, after firing a shot, you have to pull the bolt, and your eyes have to go back and forth to adjust the focal length of what the fox said!Trouble, the shooting speed can't keep up.

In the scope, the devil's artillery half hidden in the wild grass is not very clear.

Breezy, slightly backlit.

Trying to think about the proportion and deflection that the fox told himself, the crossed lines in the camera turned to the side, time stagnated, the gunshots around slowly faded away, and the focused little fingers felt the hot trigger temperature, calm down Press the trigger halfway, the scope is still, press your finger again, and the gun will fire!

The recoil was transmitted to the small body through the butt of the gun, and the braid on the top of the head shook suddenly.

Bang, a bullet was ejected from the chamber, and in about [-] seconds, the high-speed spinning bullet flew over a not-so-short distance between the two sides.

The Eighth Route Army's poor shooting skills are known to all devils, and the only thing to guard against is the Eighth Route stray bullets.

"In case" means that if the war is fought for a long time, there will always be one or two exceptions.

The bullet that was aiming sideways did not disappoint the girl. In the scope, the body of the devil holding the mortar support frame on the left immediately fell to the side.

And the real target was stuffing a cannonball into the muzzle.

Yijiu didn't attract someone's attention, and the next one immediately came up to fill his seat.

The angry little girl immediately hammered the small hand on the ground in front of her regretfully, the hard sand hurt her little hand.

Quickly pulled the bolt, took out a bridge from the bag in front of him, pressed five bullets into the receiver, pulled out the fixing piece, quickly pushed the bolt back with a bang, and loaded another bullet.

Ma Liang, who was next to him, stopped shooting the grenade, and was dazzled.

Xiao Zhui'er's big eyes moved quickly to the scope, and he turned the target a little to the side, held his breath again, and fired steadily!

No matter whether it hit the target or not, he pulled the trigger again and fired again, and another bullet was ejected from the chamber. Five bullets rushed towards the devil's hapless mortar one after another.

The elated second lieutenant of the devil was dumbfounded, and only the two mortars he carried were dumb. When he looked carefully, he found that four of the mortar soldiers of the five-member group had fallen, perhaps because they missed the vital point. With one exception, they all fell to the ground and moaned!

The remaining one was lying on the ground holding a cannonball in his hand, staring in disbelief. According to the regulations, no one is holding the mortar's double-leg support frame, and the cannonball cannot be stuffed into the muzzle!

Those who saw this scene were all terrified, there was no such thing as a three-shot gun on the opposite side, there was really a top-notch shooter there!

Everyone lowered their heads, and another group of mortars that had not received the ceasefire order was still firing rhythmically.

Ten seconds later, after a puffing sound, another one was tilted, and five seconds later, another one was tilted, followed by another one.
Only the two grenades in front were still firing grenades on the hillside.

After 1 minute, the grenadier also fell to the ground. There were trained reserve artillery among the devil infantry. The point is that no one dared to step forward to continue shooting at this time.

Of course, not all the devil artillery grenadiers were hit by the little girl.

The sound of machine guns sounded again on the hillside, and almost all the bullets from the machine guns were sent to the devil artillerymen and grenadiers!Covered by such a dense rain of bullets, most of the devils were only injured but not killed on the spot, which is not easy.

The big dog who put down the binoculars was a little dazed: "When did my grandma's marksmanship become so good?"

Perhaps because of excitement, he even changed his catchphrase to Xiong.

On the nearby hillside, two of my subordinates were killed and three were injured. Several recruits were being bandaged under the leadership of Liu Wenxia.

There is no time to lament, no time to grieve, only to send the bullet of hatred out of the gun again.

"What the hell, can I miss you if you lie down there?" After all, it is really difficult to aim at a target [-] miles away. If you want to hit it accurately, you can't fire a shot in half a minute. Tang Dagou finally turned his target. The backs of the devils who shot and killed their brothers nearby.

He may have become addicted, watching the bullets stop one body after another, and finally forgot to shoot a shot to change the position. His rapid shooting mixed with the sparse gunshots caught the attention of the devil observers, and the dense bullets returned fire. .

Suddenly, Dagou felt a pain in his shoulder, and his body seemed to be hit by a high-speed carriage. His body trembled backwards, and he couldn't forget to tremble: "Fuck, I was shot!"

The pain came, and I wanted to move my body subconsciously, but felt that the body no longer belonged to me. The female soldier Liu Wenxia, ​​who saw this scene, rushed up immediately, grabbed the big dog by one leg and dragged it backwards, and then pulled it away. Bandages are applied.

"What the hell." Tang Dagou, who was about to yell at him, quickly stuffed the words back.

The team marched in the quasi-security area, so there was no need to deploy sharp soldiers. A battalion of security forces finally rushed along the road to the dry swamp.

The gunshots in front rang out for almost half an hour, and the marching team became slower instead.

From the front, the translator brought a ghost messenger on a bicycle to the battalion commander of the public security army with a dark face, cursing arrogantly.

The battalion commander blushed. Judging from the expression of the imperial army, what he said was not a good thing. He looked at the translator as if asking for help.

The translator was helpless: "The imperial army said, if we can't get to the battlefield in half an hour, Captain Murakami said he would kill you alive!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Everyone is there, run forward!" The battalion commander frowned and waved his hand.

The translator hurriedly spoke to the devil.

Satisfied, the devil turned his bike around and ran northward first. He had to go back and report the location of the security forces!
"What's the situation ahead?" Seeing that the devil had gone far away, the battalion commander cursed twice and slowed down to ask the translator.

"The lieutenant led people in a car to outflank the Eighth Route to the east. The imperial army has caught up with the Eighth Route Army and is exchanging fire. The imperial army suffered heavy casualties, and more than half of the first leader died!" The translator briefly explained the content of the conversation with the imperial army messenger.

"My God, more than half of the imperial army's casualties? What kind of Eight Routes is that?" The battalion commander spoke incoherently, opening his mouth wide. Isn't fighting the Eight Routes like chasing rabbits?

"Hey, haven't you thought about it? Some time ago, the independent regiment in the mountains fought very hard. It is said that more than 100 people surrounded and killed half of the Royal Army cavalry in the east of Xinglong Town. In addition, another group of unknown origin came from the north. They also surrounded and killed more than a hundred field troops in a squadron, and only a dozen people escaped. Look, where are we now? Ten miles away! Do you understand?"

"But they said they couldn't arrive in half an hour, and they wanted my brother to be killed. What should I do?"

"Hey, let's be careful! Since the imperial army can split up, can't you, battalion commander, not split up? Speaking of which, they fight so hard, let's send a platoon to carry a stretcher to deal with it, and then say that our brigade is desperately rushing. Isn’t this thing going to happen?” The translation is also a personal skill.

The battalion chief was overjoyed, and stepped forward to hug the interpreter: "You are my real brother. The house in your city is really too dilapidated. After this matter is over, I will find a better one for you."

"Which one of our brothers is with whom? Such a status?"

"You look down on brother?"

"Uh, how is it possible!"

"If you refuse again, I won't treat you as a brother."

"Then, brothers only. Is it better to obey orders than to be respectful?"

"This is my good brother." The cold sweat on the battalion commander's back became hot.

"Then I will thank my brother first!"

So, a platoon of more than 30 people, wearing their hats crookedly and slanting their guns, carried a stretcher to the gate of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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