under fire

Chapter 486 Spring and Autumn Dream

Chapter 486 Spring and Autumn Dream
Luo Fugui led his three platoons of "elites" to deal with the frontal devils, a squad of thirty or so, his current strength is still one platoon, more than [-] infantry, and two light machine gun groups.

The other class asked Tian Sanqi to be taken away as a coolie, and he didn't even say hello when he left.

There is also a class that has never been a big bird. His squad, the big dog, the big dog even looked at the mung beans, and ran to the west side of the hillside to defend the devil's flank with the spy platoon Wang Liujin.

So far since the war has been fought, the Dagou side has made the most noise, far surpassing Hu Yi who really faced the devils.

Ma Liang also led a squad, a grenadier team, and a machine gun team, stopped the fire early, and led his infantry to habitually ran to the east of the hillside where Hu Yi was ambush, directly facing the devil infantry behind the devil motorcycle.

The width of the battlefield was less than 100 meters, and the battlefield under the sun finally stopped a lot, and the gunfire was no longer dense.

Two of the three sergeants in the devil's leading team died, and the last one finally couldn't bear the pressure of being a target, retreated from the wild grass in embarrassment, and finally joined the second echelon of reinforcements. The machine gun teams on the three motorcycles were all reimbursed.

A lot of corpses were left behind, and when the takeaway was retreating, it was also shot by someone with excellent frontal vision on the eighth road, and several corpses were left in the weeds.

Fifteen devils from a unit on the west side of the second echelon surrounded by devils, regardless of whether they were pretending to be dead or really dead, were counted and counted by the spies. A Czech light machine gun kept firing at the devils in the distance.

The most casualties were the second echelon devils outflanking the East Road. Of the fifteen devils, only one died and six were injured.

At this time, another devil got behind the crooked machine gun and shot at the eight roads on the hillside in the wild grass.

Hu Yi changed his position again, the machine gun was placed in a piece of wild grass, his eyes were slightly squinted by the whitening sun.

The Devil's machine gun fired a stream of bullets at the position where Hu Yi was shooting just now.

Carefully adjusted the rotating wheel on the left side of the machine gun, and aligned the front sight with the position of the Devil's machine gun group.

With a gunshot on the top of the hill amidst the sound of ordinary rifles, the machine gunner in the wild grass fell over again.

"Girl, seventeen hits have already been made!" Xu Xiao, who was exhausted beside him, reported the count again.

"You're counting farts, can't you shoot twice yourself?" The red-eyed Xiao Hongying felt a little uncomfortable in her shoulders, and pressed a row of bullets into the magazine again, and six of the bridge pieces in front of her were missing. This is the seventh row of bullets.

There is a bear half lying in the pit on the left, looking up lazily at the change of the cloud in the sky.

Next to him, Li Ronghua, who was holding his machine gun nervously, carefully learned how to aim with a Czech machine gun.

If your grandma wants to hit it, just hug the fire and aim at the fart. Are you playing with the wheel there?

Hehe, the spy platoon on the right is cleaning the battlefield, Company Commander Hu on the left is dealing with the outflanking devils, and the devils in the middle are all gone, who do you want me to fight?

"The gang of devils 200 meters away have been running around, try to give them two shuttles."

It’s so far away, it’s no wonder it can be hit. The squad leader has always emphasized to us that we need to save bullets, and it’s useless to shoot so far!
Go away, the mule looked tired looking at the cloud, it was really boring, seeing the girl next to her took a long time to shoot a shot, holding her Cao Changjing to look around, the task of guarding the girl that Boss Hu gave should be nothing, so she turned it over immediately Standing tall, with a helmet on, he went to the machine gun position again.

A series of Czech machine guns roared suddenly from the top of the hillside, more than a dozen bullet casings popped out, and a cloud of dust shook in the wild grass where the machine guns were mounted, which immediately attracted the three platoons of infantrymen and the platoon leader to embrace fire. , the target of a row of bullets is still arrogant in the mortar bit chasing the Devils.

Hu breathed a sigh of relief, and Luo Fugui's machine gun team on the hillside finally fired again, which directly attracted the attention of the devils on his side.

A row of devil's rifles fired again in the wild grass, and the bullets hit the ground near the machine gun position of Luo Fugui, who had shrunk his head earlier, and flew into the distance.

Luo Fugui, who shrank his head, directly pulled the machine gun and moved to the side of Xu Xiao who was observing: "Small, give the squad leader a target!"

Looking at the tall and majestic squad leader, Xu Xiao hurriedly pointed to the wild grass in the distance: "In the wild grass to the east, the place where flying dust is rising is the Devil's machine gun team!"

The bear didn't care that the girl next to him was also aiming at the tent because the dust was raised when the machine gun fired, and the rough hand pressed the trigger, released it and pressed it again, and so on.

Da da da. Da da da. All three bursts of quick bursts of short bursts, directly attracting bullets from the devils' rifles to retaliate, crooked light machine guns making strange noises, [-] big covers rang out, messy bullet rain from the east to the hillside Flying quickly, the bullets hit the sand near the shuttle line to create clouds of dust, and there was another strange howl above the head.

The girl next to her shrank her head and was lying on the ground with her rifle in her arms, cursing at her throat: "If you want to die, can you stay away from your aunt, you little bullet!"

"His grandma, are you still laying down here to move bullets?" Xiong shrank his head back and dragged Xu Xiao's feet: "Hurry up and move..."

The shooting position just now was still covered by the rain of bullets, and a cloud of smoke and dust kept rising.

"Hurry up and find a target for me!" Xiao Hongying poked her head out of a gap again, her braids were not obvious in the camouflaged weeds in front of her.

Xu Xiaotou, who crawled over next to him, quickly set up the binoculars to observe from another opening: "There is movement in the devil's mortar position!"

Xiao Hongying put down the binoculars, and without making a sound, she pulled her beloved rifle and pointed it into the distance, her big eyes immediately moved forward, and after a second or two, she hugged the fire, and then pulled the bolt to fire again until the gun was empty. Five bullets!
Second Lieutenant Guizi felt bitter. He had just dispatched reserve gunners to fight mortars at the NPC and CPPCC. One died and the other was injured!
I finally saw the position of the special shooter in the Eight Routes!Putting down the binoculars, pulling on his beloved rifle, and aiming at the five-shot rifle position just now, he swore that he would definitely kill that eight-way gun!
Nine Company's traits are basically similar to Hu Yi's. Up to now, it has an absolute advantage, and none of the Nine Company's soldiers seem to be ready to charge!
Obviously, there are nearly a hundred devils in the two teams on the opposite side, and no more than thirty can fight at most!

From Liu Qiangqiang under the instruction of the girl, forcing the establishment of the ninth squad to Luo Fugui joining the ninth squad with his ancestral machine gun, every battle in the ninth squad is related to the machine gun, and then returning to Hu Yi, the machine gunner, the machine gun combat has been in depth Nine rows of souls.

In all the battles of the Ninth Company, machine guns are given priority, and even battles without machine guns are basically failed battles!

At present, even the foreign spy platoons have followed suit, and the battlefield formation is determined by the position of the machine gun group.

With two machine guns, more than a dozen people dared to charge the devil infantry!
Don't think that you are the platoon leader and I will listen to you!The monkey's voice was aggrieved.

I was so confused by the lard that I heard Wang Liujin yell "Come on" and subconsciously followed this idiot and ran down the hillside to pick up rubbish in this open field, but now I was caught in a situation where I couldn't advance or retreat.

That idiot Wang Liujin even proposed to divide the troops into two groups and continue to touch the devils along the grass, saying that there are mortars over there!
Mortar?When I was in the national army, I saw a lot of mountain cannons, and even fought twice. You let me risk my life for two mortars?

Be your mother's spring and autumn dream!

(End of this chapter)

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