under fire

Chapter 487

Chapter 487
Sun Youshang walked into the headquarters with a beard all over his face, dusty and bloodshot eyes.

Su Qing, who was writing something on the paper, closed a new notebook, raised her head and asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

After speaking, he picked up the thermos bottle on the table that was not very insulated, turned over a new cup on the table, filled it with water and pushed it to Sun Youshang.

Sun Youshang had disappointment and helplessness in his eyes: "Sister Su, I went to the county government this time, but I didn't complete the task. The county magistrate Yang said that now that the KMT and the Communist Party are cooperating, our Eighth Route Army has publicly promised not to divide the land from the local tyrants. , and now a coalition government has been established, so he absolutely dare not open such an opening!"

"We are poor here, and we don't have any big landlords, so it's okay not to beat up local tyrants?" Su Qing asked with some surprise.

"The key is that he doesn't even let us do the work of reducing rent and interest!" Sun Youshang's tone was tinged with anger.

"Forget it, since this is the case, in order to respond to the call of the division, we have to lead the masses to reclaim as much wasteland as possible before winter comes, and then distribute the reclaimed wasteland to the masses to try to grow more wheat."

"However, Officer Su, you don't know that the anti-Japanese county government in the north is not like the National Army at all. I think County Mayor Yang doesn't seem to support us very much. Look, all this time has passed. For half a month, he didn't even send a working group over!"

"Although the situation here is very good now, there is a famine in the southern plains. I heard that many people died of starvation. We have to prepare in advance! Try to store as much food as possible! Be ready to accept refugees at any time! Winter is even more difficult..."

"Our side is really good. The situation in the village where the county government is located is worse. Because of the lack of water, they even set rules for water use!"

"Eh? What are the rules for using water?"

"Because of the lack of water in the plains, you can only wipe your face with a towel dipped in water, and then wipe your body with a rag, and try not to wash your feet if you can!"

With a puff, Su Qing, who was drinking from a cup, couldn't hold back a sip of water, and sprayed it out.

"Hey, let me tell you, according to County Magistrate Yang's rules, you have to receive ideological education for this behavior!"

"What's the name of County Magistrate Yang?" Su Qing didn't care about this kid's talkativeness. Sun Youshang was 27 and [-] years old, and he always called him Su Qing respectfully.

"It is said that Deshi Yang was sent from the teacher. I really don't know that this clown doesn't want to beat the devils, but makes such and such rules all day long. However, the theoretical level of the county magistrate Yang is really not low!" Sun Youshang said to the county magistrate. Not impressed.

Su Qing was stunned: Yang Deshi?

Seeing that Su Qing was in a daze, Sun Youshang waved his hand in front of Su Qing: "Sister Su, do you know him?"

"Aren't you white and clean, wearing glasses, and always speaking to show that you are very educated?"

"Do you really know him? I just can't bear him to put on a heroic face at any time. How can you know such a crap? In my opinion, he is far worse than Brother Hu!" Sun Youshang was in the enemy I stayed in the nest for a long time. Although I was tactful, I was still young. This time I was scolded when I went to the county government to ask for policies, and I was upset.

When evaluating someone behind his back like this, he suddenly felt that what he said seemed wrong. Even though he was quite familiar with Director Su, he hurriedly added: "Hey, I didn't say this, it was Zhang Yi, the chief of the public security bureau!"

"No, I have to go to the County Anti-Japanese Coalition Government." Su Qing didn't take his change of attitude to heart, so she put down her pen and made a sudden decision.

"I think it's better to wait for Company Commander Hu to come back. It's a bit weird to say that it's an order from the political commissar of the division to confirm the people's ownership of these lands in the name of the people's government. I really don't know why the county government didn't give us an order! "Sun Youshang was puzzled.

Su Qing frowned and said, "What our people want most is land. If we can't guarantee farmers' land ownership here, how can we get [-]% support from these villages?"

"Yes! The people in our defense area really support the People's Government of the Eighth Route Army. They can't be dogmatic because of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, right?"

Su Qing suddenly remembered something: "I have a question for you. The Shandi Village in the north sent someone to contact us. Do you know what's going on?"

Sun Youshang thought for a while: "Oh, those are the armed forces formed by the young and middle-aged farmers organized by the anti-Japanese government! The purpose is also to defend their homeland! The development over there is better than ours, and they have dug a lot of tunnels underground!"

Su Qing frowned: "Authentic?"

When Sun Youshang saw Su Qing asking about it, he really knew about it: "It is said that at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jin soldiers invaded the south, and the anti-gold hero Yue Fei and his teacher Zong Ze fought against the Jin soldiers in the Shandi Village. In order to protect themselves, Song General Zongze called on the villagers at the bottom of the mountain to dig nearly a hundred "anti-gold caves" underground in the village, which effectively defended against the invasion of the Jin soldiers at that time. Armed, use the tunnels to attack the invaders."

"What's the use of the tunnel? The devil will block the entrance and exit, so that everyone will starve to death inside?" Su Qing was surprised.

"I don't know the specifics."

"They sent a message through the supplementary group and asked the supplementary group to send someone to contact them. It seems that they don't know the actual situation of the security group." Send someone to contact the north.

"I think we can't tell them the actual situation on our side. We are now supplementing the regiment's defense area under the guise of the security regiment. The main task is to ensure the smooth flow of supplies from the division into the mountains. However, you can also contact them. , they can also go into the mountains over there, and the road is easier to walk, but the devils over there are more guarded!"

Su Qing took over the topic: "The situation is special now, and the situation on our side should be kept secret! In this way, there are two channels for materials to enter the mountain, which is safer. I will talk about this later. Also, there is a letter from Kajiu. A batch of food will be shipped back in a few days, let us arrange for people to pick it up!"

"I'll make arrangements now!" Sun Youshang stood up.

"Report!" A soldier ran into the compound in a panic, and raised his voice as soon as he entered the door.

The soldier ran into the house in two or three steps, and seeing Sun Youshang and Su Qing were there, he hurriedly reported out of breath: "A large number of unidentified teams appeared in the northern ravine, they have passed the back mountain pass of the cottage, and they are about to leave the ditch. A person from a platoon who was training passed first!"

When Sun Youshang heard this, he was stunned. He didn't expect that someone appeared within five miles from the station, and he got the news. He immediately got angry: "What are you doing? Why did people rush into the village to find out what happened?"

Su Qing, who has always been calm, was also surprised, subconsciously asked: "Where are the people in Chen Chong's row?"

"They are training outside the village. Instructor Park has sent someone to notify them to assemble. It is estimated that they will be assembled in ten minutes!" The soldier took a breath, and added the time instructor Park explained to him to the time required for his usual training and assembly. judge.

"Is there any news from other directions?" Sun Youshang asked immediately.

"I haven't received the news yet." The soldier was stunned for a moment: "There are more people arranged in other directions. As long as someone passes the blockade ditch in the east, we can get the news. If there is a team in the mountains, they will send someone to notify in advance, even if they come It must be one of your own, right?"

Su Qing immediately calmed down after asking, got up subconsciously, and walked to the map that Commander Gou had hung on the wall before.

Sun Bushang quickly followed, neither of them spoke, and the room fell silent for a moment.

Not long after, Chen Chong trotted into the headquarters: "Commander Sun, Officer Su, we have to transfer immediately!"

Sun Youshang turned his head and immediately asked, "Find out who is here?"

"I'm not sure. Pu Buhuan sent someone a message saying that the situation of the people coming is unknown. Judging from the military uniforms, they should all be security forces. It is estimated that there are six or seven hundred! They came from the ravine behind."

"Didn't Houshan arrange sentries? Why did you only get the news now?" Su Qing was a little angry.

"I don't know about it now." Chen Chong blushed, and he and Park Buhuan arranged the guards together.

"Commander Sun, you immediately organize the people to move to the mountains, Chen Chong, you immediately lead people to reinforce Park Buhuan to block the attack, and the enemy cannot be allowed out of the valley for at least an hour." Su Qing didn't intend to listen to these two people talking about trivial matters.

"Yes!" Chen Chong saluted, turned and ran away.

To be honest, Su Qing didn't quite understand the map that Hu Yi had marked, but it didn't prevent her from making a judgment on the current situation.

When the enemy comes, they will move. This has been done countless times in the independent regiment. Su Qing just gave the order subconsciously.

Commander Sun next to him has a black line, I am the commander, okay?However, he did not question Su Qing's order. To put it bluntly, he first followed his brother into the security regiment, and did propaganda and intelligence work. As for the real level of command and combat, he was self-aware.

After a while, Su Qing realized that he seemed a little reckless in issuing orders. After all, Sun Youshang was the real commander.

Just as he was about to speak again, Sun Youshang had already left the house, preparing to recruit manpower to arrange the transfer of ordinary people in and around the village.

(End of this chapter)

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