under fire

Chapter 488 You Can't Hit You Disgusting

Chapter 488 You Can't Hit You Disgusting
The light at noon is bright, and the mountains are full of withered yellow, which looks bright and dazzling.

Pu Buhuan just hit a shuttle, so that the management and resettlement in the ravine cannot be taken seriously!
It's not surprising that the people guarding the mountain pass have machine guns. The problem is that the machine gunners in the security regiment are too accurate!

At a distance of three hundred meters, the two burst bullets landed at the feet of the vanguard, which was obviously a warning shot.

Pu Buhuan's Dama Jindao was stuck among the rocks outside the exit of the ravine, and he was muttering to the people around him. Soldiers kept accepting orders to leave and go to the designated place.

Facing the black security forces in the ravine, seeing the instructor's calm expression, the soldiers quickly dried the sweat from their hands and gained confidence.

"Listen to me everyone outside, quickly put down your weapons and surrender, or I will kill you all without leaving any behind!" a broken voice yelled.

"If you have the guts, come here!" Park Buhuan howled back.

"Ladies, this is to save energy, or do you think you can stop us?"

"If you like to climb mountains, you can climb!" Park Buhuan had to admit that what the other party said made sense. There was a ditch between the two slopes. If the security forces really wanted to climb the mountain from both sides and fight over, he couldn't stop him at all.

"I'll say it again, your security team is our friendly army. The former Commander Gou and our Commander are still in command. Don't be shameless. Oops." Before he could say that far, he was kicked away by Commander Guo.

"You idiot! Didn't you mean to disgust me? Did you tell me that I was sworn brothers with them in killing that Gou? Why don't they think that I'm here to support Gou?" Commander Guo was annoyed.

"Everyone in the ravine listens to me. Wherever you go, if you dare to step forward, don't blame me for not recognizing people with guns!" Park Buhuan didn't take these idiots seriously at all, but there were too many people on the other side. , still a little nervous.

The ravine is in a mess, and it seems that they are thinking about it.

"What are you waiting for?" Chen Chong, who had just come up, was furious when he saw the security forces, and immediately began to make arrangements for the attack.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's fight with them for a while. The people in the village need time to move. If they really want to climb up the hill, can we stop them?"

Chen Chong was extremely reluctant to suppress his impulse: "These bastards are not human. Later we propose to let them go out of the ditch, and I will catch him by surprise, so that none of them can go back!"

Because Chen Chong's family was harmed by these puppet troops, he didn't intend to talk nonsense with them. What he said was to prepare for the security forces.

But it must be guaranteed to delay the time so that the people in the village can be transferred away. Who knows if these security forces will have a backup!

Park Buhuan put down the binoculars and was angry: "They can't come out of the ditch, because they are ready to turn around and climb the mountain."

Chen Chong didn't care where the security forces came from at all: "It will take at least half an hour to come from the hillside. Since they want to climb the mountain, we have to go and beat him son of a bitch!"

"Hey, it's the same as I think! You stay here, and I'll go and fight those idiots who climb mountains."

"That's okay, as long as there are people wandering up the mountain, they will be beaten no matter how far or near. If you take people there, remember to put on your helmet. It's not just Er Gouzi who will be beaten. They will definitely jump over the wall in a while. Be careful to kill Er Gouzi first. Mortars!" Chen Chong discovered through the binoculars that the security forces actually had mortars.

Commander Guo was wearing a big-brimmed hat askew, and was sitting on a rock in the mountain nest with a few of his men. He would definitely not do such a job as climbing a mountain. He planned to let his men outflank the mountain and take the exit of the ravine and go directly to the security team.

"Is this what you told me that they only have two or three hundred people?" Commander Guo's unhappiness was written on his face.

"They really only have so few people. This is their cottage, so it's not surprising that there are people guarding it!" Xu Erye was startled, the boss was about to get angry.

"Then tell me, what if the surname Sun runs away?"

"Run? If he can run like a monk, can he still run to the temple? Uh, Commander, what you said makes sense!" Xu Erye understood what the commander was thinking, and turned his head to tell the head of the regiment next to him: "Tell the brothers to climb faster for me, As long as we can catch that woman, we can wait until we take down the security team!"

Guo Qing was impatient to hear: "Is it over? The planned sneak attack was surrounded, and you messed it up. Do you still have the face to shout here?"

"People stumble, horses stumble, I didn't know that the surnamed Sun set the whistle so far!" Master Xu used an idiom.

"Someone made a mistake. Your mother hasn't studied for two days, so don't pretend to be polite here. You go up the mountain with them quickly, and I will sit down below." Commander Guo, who has studied for several years, corrected his subordinates and gave an order by the way.

"It's still the commander! I'll go up in person, I still don't believe that his surname Sun can fly with wings!" Second Master Xu hurriedly got up.

I don't know when a figure appeared on the opposite side of the hillside. Park Buhuan's sweaty and panting figure from climbing the mountain quickly appeared behind the binoculars. His face turned red and ugly because of his excitement, and he muttered: "Do you think this is the case?" Is it safe to be a mile away? I can't hit you, but I can disgust you to death."

After talking to himself, he put down the binoculars, picked up the rifle and put it on his shoulder, quickly aimed at the crowd, and pressed the trigger against the densest crowd at the bottom of the ravine at a distance of 600 meters.

Bang, a crisp gunshot echoed in the ravine.

The bullet rushed out of the black muzzle and ran away roaring in the mountain wind.

Knowing that aiming was nonsense, he pulled up the binoculars immediately after shooting, ready to observe the effect.

The bullet hit the stone not far from Commander Guo, splashing a pile of stone chips. Half a second later, the sound of gunfire reached the ears of the bandits who were drinking water and eating cakes.

Commander Guo was frightened to death, but this guy reacted very quickly, he immediately dodged and hid behind a boulder, pulled out the binoculars and started looking at the top of the mountain, looking for the shooter everywhere!
The group of people sitting on the rock were all startled. After a second of silence, they hurriedly followed Commander Guo to find cover. After jumping on the rock, they stretched their heads out to look around.

Xu Erye yelled from behind the stone: "Where the hell is the gun shooting?"

"Report to the deputy commander, it's the top of the mountain, there are people from the security team!" The security guard who was in charge of observing immediately raised his finger to report!
"Fight back immediately!" Xu Erye ordered.

"Hey, the shooter is about 500 meters away from here. Let's fight back here. Will it work?" the observer asked suspiciously.

"Then why did their bullets hit us?" Xu Erye was upset that this guy didn't obey orders: "If you tell me to fight back, fight back. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Immediately there was a rattling sound of the bolt being pulled at the scene. Before he could aim and shoot, an unlucky guard lying next to him yelled loudly: "Oh, I was shot."

At this time, there was another gunshot from the top of the mountain.


"Can this bullet go faster than the sound of a gun?"

"Could it be the legendary silent gun?"

"Who the hell knows this?"

"It's much easier for him to hit from above to below! But it's strange that he can hit from such a distance."

Dozens of security brigade commanders and guards who had been watching the brothers climb the mountain to outflank quickly raised their bolted rifles and looked around, but the opposite hillside was empty, only the lingering sound of gunshots still lingering.

Commander Guo has never given a good face to his subordinates for wasting bullets, and there is no target at the moment, so where is this going to fight back?
Hit the sky?

After staring stupidly for a while, everyone present had some bad premonitions in their hearts, and they all turned to look at Commander Guo who had been holding up the binoculars and saying nothing.

The inexplicable crowd was speechless and chaotic in the ravine...

(End of this chapter)

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