under fire

Chapter 489

Chapter 489
Only by staying away from the battlefield can we truly relax.

The reinforcements of the security forces finally arrived, but they saw the imperial army retreating in embarrassment, invincible in the past, like a bereaved dog!

In terms of escaping, all the security forces are talented, and they can run faster than anyone else!

Hu Yi, who was on the hillside, felt weak all over his body at this time, and his shoulders felt sore. Seeing that the spy platoon did not obey the order again, he even took the lead in charging the devils.

It has to be said that the secret service platoon is really good at grasping the timing of the battlefield, and Dagou's men only have one squad, so they dare to charge the devils.

The two hundred and five who don't want to die are really brave, and the devils don't seem to be as powerful as the legends say.

Hu Yi is very clear that temporary victory does not mean that it is safe now. The team's whereabouts exposure is the biggest hidden danger at present, and the next step is to consider how to disengage from the enemy.

The retreat of the devils was of course unexpected.

The mule's body is big and thick, and it is striding into the open ground. It is self-evident what this guy wants to do.

"His grandma's ghost has nothing on him." The mule who turned over several ghost corpses in a row was discouraged.

"Ah? Are you blind? Are belts, military shoes, bullet boxes, rifles, bayonets, lunch boxes, and backpacks enough?" Wang Liujin thought that Luo Fugui would snatch them from him, but he didn't expect this guy to turn over two corpses Then there was no movement.

"Hey mule, where are you going? If you want to run, you have to go north!"

Luo Fugui picked up the second lieutenant's command knife, walked south along the road for more than a hundred meters, and came to the deserted grassland of the Devil Artillery. gun?"

"Hey, it's an accident that the devils have mortars. Under normal circumstances, devils only have grenade launchers!" Wang Liujin is a member of the special agent platoon, and of course he knows the devils' equipment configuration better than Luo Fugui.

"According to what you said, there should be more devils behind, right?"

Wang Liujin thought for a while, his face changed drastically, and he immediately turned his head and shouted at the dozen or so people who followed him: "Clean up the battlefield immediately, take only guns and ammunition, and retreat immediately!"

Without hesitation, Luo Fugui moved the gun tower and turned around and ran away. Naturally, the guns had to be taken away by Ma Liang, who was bayoneting the corpse of the dead devil.

Needless to say, this time I have stabbed a hornet's nest again, so I have to tell Boss Hu, there must be a brigade of devils behind.

In a seemingly victorious battle, the three-wheeled motorcycle was smashed to pieces. There might be something good on it, and it was carried into the wilderness, dug and buried. As for whether it would be discovered by the devils, I didn't care.

Half an hour later, there were more than a dozen unnamed graves left on the hillside.

A team of more than [-] stretchers and more than a dozen bicycles continued to march northward.

"The devils don't seem to be as powerful as in the legend!" A soldier in the secret service platoon excitedly spoke to the monkey who was carrying the stretcher with him.

The vanguard in the distance had long since disappeared, and the two carried a stretcher, followed the vanguard and marched at the forefront of the team.

On the stretcher was Tang Dagou who had been shot and bandaged.

"You know what a fart. You see, we ambushed here first. The devil's vanguard only set off more than 100 meters because of carelessness. It is not normal at all, do you understand?"

"You mean if the devil is far away, we can't do it?"

"Of course!"

"You kid has the ambition of others, so let me ask you, why were the devils who came behind us still beaten away by us?"

"Huh?" The guy who spoke was speechless, and became angry with embarrassment: "How the hell do I know, why don't you ask that god of death?"

"Kill God? Who?"

"A plum!"

"Fuck, she's just a blind cat who met a dead mouse. At least half of the bullets that hit the devil are due to our special agent platoon!"

"Just blow it hard, do you know who has the best marksmanship in the All-Independence Regiment?"

"Of course Instructor Park!"

"Hey, you know how to fart, he can't even compare with Squad Leader Tang!"

"Big dog? He said you have good marksmanship, but I didn't see it. You didn't just shoot and change places. I think you are a ghost!" The special agent platoon asked Tang Dagou on the stretcher rudely.

Tang Dagou seemed to be asleep, without making a sound.

"You don't know that, Squad Leader Tang's marksmanship is so much worse than that of a little girl!" Monkey took up the topic.

"Blow it, if you blow it, I won't believe it."

"Legend, the little girl can hit a running Japanese army dog ​​from 400 meters away!"

"Really so amazing? Why didn't you see her get a ranking in the martial arts competition at the National Normal University? Let me tell you, the best of our spy platoon marksmanship is only able to hit the target at 200 meters, and if there are ten rounds at 400 meters, if five rounds do not miss the target. Sharpshooter!"

"The sharpshooter, do you know how the sharpshooter came?"

"Of course it's a result of hard training."

"Fart, it was fed by bullets."

"The words are as good as the songs. Even if she shoots out of her mother's womb and starts shooting, she can't shoot a hundred bullets at most!"

"Well, what you said seems to make sense, how about we make a bet?" The monkey rolled his eyes.

"Our Eighth Route Army is not in the mood for betting."

"Oh, why are you pretending to be a good person at this time? You can't bet with your own people, but you can bet with other people, right?"

"Aren't you one of your own?"

"Me? Hey, I'm an independent regiment. Do you understand, an independent regiment! An independent regiment that doesn't listen to other people's orders and can make its own decisions, and you are a spy regiment. Since you are a spy regiment, of course you can do something special, right?"

"Uh, that's right, so what do you want to bet on?"

"Bet on those cans on you."

"You have a good idea. I have to bring it back to the division to improve the life of the division commander's political commissar."

"I fire fifty bullets!"

"Fifty rounds? Well, I bet! How do you bet?"

"I bet the girl can hit the target from 400 meters away."

"Don't say I'm bullying you, I have a total of four cans, um, plus these odds and ends, you can shoot thirty bullets!" The soldier didn't want to take advantage of the monkey.

"make a deal."

"But how do you know if she can hit?"

"Hey, look at the greedy girl, it's obvious that you haven't had enough bullets, and you must find a chance to die."

"It's a word."

"Four horses can't fly!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

"Okay, four horses are hard to chase."

The squinting big dog's expression was a bit painful: the spy platoon bastard is so cute and silly.

"Hey, what are you talking about? The team found in the east was the team that ambushed the imperial army in Xiaowangzhuang for several months?" The devil, the operator of the Mei County Gendarmerie Command, received a call from the defeated devil who ran to the gun tower.

Colonel Maeda, who soon got the news, immediately stood up from behind his desk: "Hey? What did you say?"

"They are equipped with grenades, six machine guns, powerful firepower, and bicycles, and their shooting skills are accurate!"

Maeda snatched the phone record book from the military policeman who came to report, quickly read it, turned around immediately, looked at the map behind him, slid his finger, and pointed to a location north of Shilidang

Last night, I received eight roads from the east forcibly passing through the railway blockade!
The Shao Zuo of the garrison sent a brigade to search for the traces of the Eight Routes in three groups, and finally found the traces of the Eight Routes.

I was startled suddenly: the Eighth Route elite suddenly came from the security forces to their own defense area, what does this mean?
Half a month ago, the Eighth Route attacked Qi County, an important railway town. The cavalry mixed brigades of the four brigades set up a trap, and still let the Eighth Route escape. The Eight Routes went through a frontal battle, causing the security forces to lose nearly a thousand people.
All of this seems to have something to do with this team!
The headquarters' plan to deliberately release refugees into the Eighth Route Defense Zone is also being implemented. The Eighth Route goes north, most likely to join the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment there.
Frowning into a ball, he calmed down, immediately turned around and sat down on the chair, picked up the phone on the table and shook it twice: "Hey, call me the provincial headquarters immediately!"

While answering the phone, he said to the military police: "Notify the garrison, the county security force, and the police station to strengthen the defense of the county, and notify the investigation team to immediately send people out of the city to scout all possible places within [-] miles of the county. The security forces in each village and the detective team should report immediately if they find strangers appearing!"

"Yes!" The devil gendarme repeated the order, and immediately turned and went out.

"Wait, call Li Sang and Li Youcai to my office!"

 According to the Eighth Route Army's 13600th record, the total number of battles was about 40. In [-], they went to Taihang and fought five games a day on average in more than [-] counties. The battles were mainly concentrated on the front line of contact with the Japanese army. There were almost ten frontline troops in each county. God will fight a war.

(End of this chapter)

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