under fire

Chapter 490

Chapter 490
Seven or eight miles away, less than an hour on the marching road.

Hu Yi carefully looked at the entire terrain to the north, and squatted in the knee-deep grass, with the bicycle he rode upside down beside him.

Holding up the binoculars and looking north carefully, there is a road less than 500 meters away. I turned around and asked, "Why hasn't the vanguard sent a signal yet?"

Wang Liujin thought about his reconnaissance deployment carefully, and his heart sank because the vanguard hadn't come back. Could something have happened?
Immediately replied: "There may be problems ahead!"

"Huh? Is there a problem?" Hu Yi frowned and pondered, and said decisively: "Order, all retreat immediately and prepare to turn west!"

Just as he uttered the last word, there was a sudden gunshot in the distance.

Bang, the sudden sound of gunfire caused those who were squatting or sitting to lie down immediately.

"Kill a chicken" devil's attack order screamed suddenly on the side of the road.

"No, there's an ambush among us!" Wang Liujin was shocked, and immediately pulled his gun and was about to run forward.

"Stop, retreat immediately, and execute the order!" Hu Yi shouted sharply.

In the team of more than 100 people, the stretcher bearers and the wounded accounted for nearly half, and the Ninth Company suddenly became chaotic.

Hu Yi ordered again: "The recruits carry the wounded away, and all the veterans stay behind."

The big dog with a shoulder injury sat up from the stretcher, touched the wound, and took a breath: "Hey, he can move on his own, hurry up and grab the guy, don't waste your strength on the stretcher!"

"Wounded soldiers go first!" Seeing that the big dog roared, Hu Yi really calmed down the guys under him who were ready to run away at any time, and immediately ordered to urge.

"They're back." Ma Liang, who was next to him, took over the words at this moment, speaking so calmly.

The soldiers of the two secret service platoons in charge of reconnaissance swayed from side to side and ran back, with the sound of bullets screaming beside them.

The moves learned from Park Buhuan made the two fighters retreat unscathed.

"Report that there is a blockade ditch beside the road ahead, and there are devils ambushing in the ditch!"

No one knows better than Hu Yi how bad the situation is now. There are interceptions in front and pursuers behind!

But after a burst of violent shooting on the other side of the road, there was no devil team attacking for a long time, and no devils who turned around appeared.

A question mark popped up in Hu Yi's mind, why didn't the devil's routine of attacking from the front and outflanking the flanks appear?

With the devil's temper, it is impossible to throw the three axes. Hu Yi still insists on this view, so the devil must be holding back other tricks!
Obviously, the devils arrived not long ago, so Lao Meng and the others must have passed the blockade, so don't worry.

The devils also set up an ambush in a panic, and did not take the initiative to attack, which shows that the devils are short of troops!
In fact, Lieutenant Guizi was really helpless. The car he brought was packed with people, but after all, the transportation capacity was limited, and a small team hurriedly detoured, passing the gun tower without stopping.

It is also impossible for the headquarters to report the news of the Eight Routes to each artillery building by phone, so the lieutenant is still waiting for his two teams to pursue the Eight Routes ahead.

His idea is very simple, relying on the blocking ditch beside the road to block the eighth road here, and wait for the two teams behind to launch an attack!

It's a pity that the result is destined to disappoint the lieutenant, his two teams have already been disabled by the gang in front of him!

Two squads, plus a battalion of security forces, will be defeated by the group of Eight Routes in front of him, he will never believe it no matter what!

Seeing Balu carrying the stretcher through the binoculars, he became more firm in his opinion: Balu is running away!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Even the wounded did not leave, and neither side moved.

Occasional gunshots at the scene meant that there was a storm hidden here.

The soldiers lying in the grass no longer focused on listening to the occasional sound of crooked machine guns in the distance. They made more and more small movements, and began to pull the water bottle to drink water, grab dry food and stuff it into their mouths, and even deal with the strong soldiers in the grass. Ants.

Hu Yi didn't care about everything, and continued his doubts.


A team trotted south out of a village.

Tian Sanqi, who sent Laomeng through the blockade ditch and entered the base area, heard gunshots from the south when he was walking north. If you are bitten by a devil, even if you die from exhaustion, we have to rush to the battlefield!"

In the wild grass.

There are two small bodies lying on their stomachs.

No one knew that Xu Xiao, who had been keeping an eye on the Devil's artillery position an hour ago, was a very dedicated battlefield observer and kept reporting the situation near the Devil's mortar position to the girl.

Back then, gun defense was the number one priority.

When the secret service platoon charged, the second lieutenant, who was not afraid of death, ordered to retreat, preparing to join the security forces to make a comeback.

When he was leaving, he ordered two of his men to get close to the mortar to remove the slap gun, but Xu Xiao thought it was a ghost gunner who was going to operate the gun, and immediately reported it to the little girl. Killed with a random shot.

For Xiao Hongying, she fell in love with rifles with scopes, and almost no one knew the reason.

In terms of accuracy, this gun is not as good as directly aiming directly at the rear sight of a [-] rifle!

But this gun has a very big advantage, which can greatly increase the shooting speed!

For precise shooting at a target at a distance of about 200 meters, it takes about half a minute to one minute for Sanba Dagai to fire a shot, otherwise it is basically equal to emptying the gun.

And with the scope, as long as the bolt is pulled fast and with the time to aim, almost five bullets can be knocked out in half a minute!

The two devils died unjustly!

He was used as a test target by a wicked and fuming little Tubalu.

At this time, Xiao Hongying was lying on the grass with Xu Xiao, and the little girl was impatient: "I can't see anything here, so why fight?"

"Hey, I can't see it either. The class monitor won't let me stand up!" Xu Xiao pulled the binoculars, and every time he wanted to take a look, he was slapped on the neck by a big hand next to him and hit him on the ground. After eating the soil a few times , gave up observing, and now through the lens of the telescope, I am looking at the white cloud that has been running along in the sky.

"Hey, why don't we go to the front, look, there is a grave over there, can't we see the devil when we go to the grave?" The big hand clapped into the soil.

"Damn mule, if you do it again, my aunt is rude to people!" The little girl frowned.

no answer.

"Everyone is behind, how many of us go up? It's dangerous to be too close to the devil!" Xu Xiao persuaded.

"Why did you become so timid?"

"Don't pull Xu Xiao if you want to die!" Luo Fugui, who was lying on the grass next to him, heard the conversation between these two fearless people, and was terrified, and finally stopped him.

"Why don't you take your three rows with you?" The girl immediately changed her face, and stared at Comrade Luo Fugui sincerely.

"Hey, you have to ask Boss Hu about this. If he agrees, I will never say anything." Luo Fugui said angrily, if Boss Hu agrees, I will be your surname!
"Forget it, the fox's petty mind can only agree to see the ghost." The itchy girl couldn't help it: "Why did this damn devil change his sex, why didn't he come up?"

Luo Fugui next to him has black hair, I can't even hide, but this wicked thing is here like a newborn calf who is not afraid of big tigers and recruits devils, is it true that devils are vegetarians?
Not far away.

Ma Liang crawled to Hu Yi's side: "Brother, how about I just shoot them?"

Hu Yi never expected that the two squads of fighting devils would be able to capture two mortars. The little devils were simply here to deliver ammunition. Did not blow up the mortars before retreating.

 Many friends may not pay attention to the issue of gunshots.

  The speed of bullet ejection is generally about 800 meters per second, which is [-] times the speed of sound. When an object exceeds the speed of sound in the air, it will produce a phenomenon called sonic boom, and the bullet has already exceeded the speed of sound in the chamber, so the sonic boom should be appear at this time.But at this time, the bullets filled the barrel, and the air pressure difference between the front and back of the bullets was isolated, so the sonic boom could not be produced.And when the bullet is ejected, there is no barrel restraint, so there will be a sonic boom!
  So the gunshot is actually the sound of gunpowder gas and sonic boom successively.

  The 6.5 rifle bullet is [-]mm, and the gunpowder sound is relatively small when it comes out of the chamber, so it is more crisp, and the sonic boom is more obvious.

  On the other hand, when the gunpowder gas expands out of the chamber when the bullet of the [-] rifle is ejected from the chamber, the sound of the expansion of the gunpowder gas is louder, which almost covers the sound of the sonic boom. When the two sounds are combined, the sound becomes dull, and there will be a "bang".

  Soldiers on the battlefield can hear the difference in gunshots as long as they listen to it a few times.

  Similarly, the crooked machine gun makes a chug sound, the Czech type makes a rattling sound, and the grenadier will echo in the barrel, so it is a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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