under fire

Chapter 491 Who Said You Can't Shoot Long Range?

Chapter 491 Who Said You Can't Shoot Long Range?

"Brother, I think it's better to just rush out. Except that the environment is a little bit disadvantageous, we can definitely fight directly with the number of people. I still don't believe that most of the farmers in his security team can compare with us!"

"What if they really want to take it hard? Among other things, how many brothers do we have to lose with that machine gun?"

"Well, Commander, if you say so, then we still have to copy it from the hillside?!"

"They're on the west side, so let's go around on the east side of the hill. It's farther away, and it doesn't take much effort!" life and death.

The valley was too long, and Park Buhuan had dozens of people under him, but there was no way to guard against them all, so he had to put them all near the mouth of the valley.

The security forces were also very lazy, and they didn't plan to retreat a few miles before climbing the mountain.

The sun was slightly westward, and the surrounding environment gradually became quieter.

The security forces were lowering their hands and feet and moving up the hillside, quickly crossing the mountainside under the cover of rocks.

Pu Buhuan put down the binoculars, and the opposite hillside was steeper, and two or three figures of Chen Chong's platoon men in uniforms of the security regiment appeared on the top of the hill two miles away.

Looking at the security forces on the opposite side who were climbing to the top of the hill, he was immediately overjoyed. He had never seen such a stupid security force!
If you really want to retreat into the ditch and go up the mountain, I really can't do anything about you!Unexpectedly, the security forces followed up in a long line. In this way, as long as they hit the first one, most of the latter would not dare to come up.

According to the climbing process of the security forces on the opposite hillside, he roughly estimated the possible location of the security forces under his nose.

A grenade back was unscrewed.

Under the eyelids, weeds were growing at an angle of almost 45 degrees, and the bushes must also be full of security forces. After estimating the distance from the gentle slope, Park Buhuan put down the grenade.

At this time, the telescope is useless, and only those dangling weeds and bushes can be seen in the field of vision.

He picked up a fist-sized stone beside him, measured it, then swung his arms round, the stone was released from his hand, and flew to the place where the shaking was the most violent among the swaying bushes.

There was a thumping sound, and there was a scream from the bushes under the hillside, followed by countless exclamations.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and find the stone, save the grenade first, hehe, these idiots are here to get beaten!" Park Buhuan immediately gave the order to do it.

Since you can't see the target, it's useless to shoot and throw grenades. It's better to save some ammunition first.

After speaking, he turned around and looked at the correspondent next to him: "Go and inform the people in the distance, first look at the target and throw the stone!"

A few seconds later, a rain of stones flew from the top of the hill to the middle of the hill.

When Brigadier Guo at the bottom of the ravine saw the rock, he was in a bad mood: "Artillery, hurry up and shoot me up the hillside!"

One of the regiment commanders under his command immediately shouted at the artillerymen who were watching: "Fire the artillery!"

The engineer shoveled the rocks on the ground, seated the board, erected the barrel, and immediately set up the two [-] mortars.

The artillery quickly adjusted the altitude, and the observers immediately calculated the targets on the hillside.

The security forces are also full of talents. The regimental commander and battalion commander even went to Tongzhou to participate in the training of the military school of the puppet government, so he didn't have much problem with hitting the mountain top target.

The observer who had calculated the landing point reported the parameters to the artillery, got repeated confirmation of the number, and immediately turned his head and howled at the head of the regiment: "The calculation is complete, please shoot!"

"Fire!" The captain waved his hand vigorously.

Already aiming at the favorite place for throwing stones just now, two shells slid into the mortar chamber.

With two thuds, two black shadows flew towards the western sky in Qianduo's eyes.

Quickly reaches the highest point, then falls.

Perhaps it was because there were many rocks on the ground, and the rigid seat plate gave enough strength, the shell hit far away, and flew directly over the top of the hillside.

Park Buhuan was taken aback, the security forces used their trump card as soon as they came up, so what are you waiting for?
"The rifle has a gauge of [-], and five rounds of free fire. They all aimed at the mortar position for me, and then threw a grenade, targeting the enemy halfway up the mountain. After throwing it, retreat immediately!"

There is no need to fight recklessly with the security forces. The Eighth Route Army's tactics are guerrilla warfare. Although they have an absolute advantage in terrain, the opponent has artillery, so there is no need to concentrate here and wait for the security forces to bomb!
Regardless of whether it is the Eighth Route Army or the Security Army, as long as they can shoot artillery, none of them will be fuel-efficient. Mobile warfare is the strength of the Eighth Route Army!
Bang bang bang. The first volley of guns rang out, and there was a sound of orderly cracking in the valley.

Then the second round of sound immediately became a mess.

After that, there are no rules at all.

Bullets poured down on the security forces in the ravine.

The center of aiming is the small area of ​​the artillery, the bolt is excitedly pulled, and the bullet is loaded.

I can't see where the bullets landed, and I just fine-tune the rifle based on feeling, imagining that a certain target is framed, and then pull the bolt to load the bullet, and then fire. As for whether it hits the target, it doesn't matter.

After throwing a grenade, Park Buhuan stood up immediately, bowed his waist, held a gun in his hand, swayed his body and leaned against the back of the hillside, preparing to retreat.

The soldiers in the next platoon on the opposite hill clearly saw the situation on the west hill, and after spending so long with Instructor Park, they didn't know what to do.

Immediately followed suit, throwing stones, adjusting the scale, shooting artillery randomly, and then throwing grenades, and was ready to scream after it was done.

As the dense bullets whizzed towards them, an inverted fan-shaped collection of ballistic trajectories was shaken out.

Finally, a certain bullet pierced the target's shoulder vertically and obliquely, hitting the guy who was loading the shell into the muzzle and shaking violently.

Someone supported the tripod, and the adjusted shells still rushed out of the muzzle with a bang after the observer reported the parameters.

Fly to the top of the hill.

Before the artillerymen could react, a mess of bullets came again, this time not only from the front, but also from behind.

It's no wonder that a bullet fired from a distance of 600 meters can be accurate.

However, on the hillsides on both sides, nearly [-] rounds of bullets all flew towards the artillery position of only about [-] square meters, and nearly ten rounds of bullets were concentrated per square meter!
Even Meng can catch a few unlucky ones, they can't kill you, and if you don't believe that the bullet penetrates the flesh, you can still fuck!
Except for a few artillerymen of the Security Army who reacted quickly and hid in the crevices of the rocks, almost everyone was shot. Although they may not hit the vital point, it is definitely wishful thinking to use the artillery again.

Boom, the shell exploded on the top of the hillside, and the two soldiers who had just finished throwing the grenade and were about to retreat were blown away!One rolled down the hillside and became silent after a wailing cry. The other was picked up by the following soldiers and ran away. As for the wound, it will be dealt with after leaving!
Boom, boom, explosions sounded one after another on the hillside. The shrapnel may not have hurt a few people, but it loosened some rocks that were not strong, and slowly shook their hands and began to roll down the hillside.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and the squad leader on the opposite hillside gasped. Dozens of stones the size of millstones gradually accelerated, and there was a louder rumbling sound in the valley. The superimposed sound was amazing.

Seeing a stone falling from the sky, the projection on the eyeballs is getting bigger and bigger, the security forces subconsciously want to avoid it, but unfortunately, there are people on the left and right on the mountainside, so they have to go backwards, but unfortunately there is no place to rely on behind, the body flies into the air, and the stone still grows It hit the head like an eye, and after the red and white things were glued together, it smashed again to the panic-stricken team of the climbing security forces on the downhill slope, leaving a tomato-like meat sauce wherever it passed.
The boulders that jumped into small pieces shot around happily, and the lucky ones had a blood bag visible to the naked eye. They all hugged their heads and clinged to the rocks, wishing they could get into the crevices of the rocks.

How can I care about the stones on the back and raging on the legs, the sharp stones scratched the military uniform, cut the skin, and tore the tendons and bones.
In fact, the explosion of the grenade had no killing effect at all. Instead, it was the bouncing stones that became the meat grinder. At least thirty or forty security forces would never be able to go to the battlefield again.

It is said that a person with a stone in the head has lost his head, so what kind of battlefield is he still going to?
(End of this chapter)

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