under fire

Chapter 492 The Field of the Enemy 37

Chapter 492
Head Zhi hid behind the stone, watched the boulder roll on the hillside, screamed all this, and was terrified.

He even forgot the groaning of the eleven artillerymen next to him, the observers and the other six or seven who were shot in the crevices of the stones. Three of them fell into a pool of blood and twitched, and even the howling was omitted.

Park Buhuan ran away, running very resolutely. In the wave just now, the security forces couldn't recover for an hour and a half!

The scene of the headquarters being attacked by the enemy flashed in my mind, the goal was delayed, the enemy was powerful, and I had to go back to cover and retreat!

Last time the siege was all devils, this time only the security forces came, don't turn the boat over in the gutter!

The platoon leader under Chen Chong didn't move. He could see clearly that the artillerymen of the Security Army were basically lying on the ground, not lying on the ground!
There is a big difference between the two. Hiding in the crevice of the stone and facing the sky means that the artillery of the security forces is almost finished. Instructor Park said that in times of great crisis, most people always turn their backs to danger!

Judging from the current situation of the security forces, there is no artillery, so the only thing they can do is to be beaten!

So he saw this opportunity to beat the dog in the water: "press the bullet, and shoot freely at the enemy hiding in the gap between the rocks below!"

It's cool to have bullets, you can fight as you want!
There are still 25 bullets left in the [-] rounds received before departure, how can it be done without a good fight?
So another row of bullets was pressed into the trigger, loaded, and then pulled the trigger. The sixth bullet shot out from the muzzle of each rifle, and then flew towards the group of security forces who were facing away from them!
It's a pity that this wave of bullets only had half the firepower of the previous one. The bullets penetrated into the target's legs, scratched his arms, and penetrated into the backs of three or two unlucky ones.

With more than 100 rounds of bullets, the squad leader only killed one or two based on his feeling. It is a pity, but unfortunately, there is still a battle, so we can't just throw away the grenades now.

As for the number of security forces injured, you have to ask Brigadier Guo below, there must be quite a few!

The location chosen by Brigadier Guo was between two rocks, and a few bullets rained down without any injuries!

He should have been very lucky, but he didn't feel happy at all!

There was more anger in his heart, and he was full of anger. He never thought that the security team was immoral, and they didn't even say hello when they came up, and they shot when they said they would shoot!
When the two armies are at war, they have to talk twice, don't they?

It's despicable and shameless!
He only shot him twice, and he dared to kill or injure the security team!
With hatred in my heart, my teeth itching, I shouted with a broken voice: "Retreat, the whole team retreats, then separate, and go up the mountain separately! Don't pull strings"

It doesn't matter if a dozen or twenty die, I still have five or six hundred!
Today, if I don’t kill all the members of your security team, my surname will not be Guo!

This goal keeps taking root and sprouting in my heart
A ghost cat ran from the north to the ghost lieutenant in a ditch beside him, and the birds said: "Report to the lieutenant, there is a team in the north."

"North? What team?" The lieutenant frowned and turned to look at the sentinel in charge of security.

"Look at their military uniforms. It's a bit like a security force." The sentinel hurriedly reported: "We have left someone in charge of guarding, and now...may have been connected!"

The lieutenant was overjoyed. The security forces in the two nearby blockhouses only left two guarding the blockhouses, and he transferred all the others. Unexpectedly, another group of security forces came. God was an eye opener.

This newly built stronghold by the blockade ditch has not had time to install a phone, the lieutenant who was in a bad mood suddenly smiled: "Let them come up quickly!"

An uninhabited village entrance to the north of the blockade.

"I found a devil sentry ahead." The soldier ran back to the village entrance to report to Tian Sanqi.

Tian Sanqi was startled, pulled out the binoculars and looked south for a long time, finally saw a devil sentry lying vigilantly behind a tree.


Following Tian Sanqi's order, the security forces who had just rested suddenly tensed up, and groups of three scattered around raising their guns to find cover.

The distance seemed to be a bit far, Tian Sanqi took aim for a long time, but the target was not clear, so he couldn't shoot, he was not sure!
Who knows how many people are behind that devil sentinel?Although I am now wearing the uniform of the Security Force, the other party should be able to see it.

The devil sentinel had indeed seen clearly the team in the uniform of the security forces in the distance, and now he stood up and held his rifle for vigilance, but he was a little puzzled.

"Hey, platoon leader, why is that devil just standing there carelessly, isn't he afraid that we will shoot black guns?"

"You know what, didn't you see that we are now the Security Force?" A newcomer to the security regiment was quite courageous.

"What now?"

A group of two hundred and five all turned their heads to look at Tian Sanqi.

It's a pity that Tian Sanqi didn't answer this question. As a soldier of the second company, he couldn't turn around and run away.

The distance is almost 300 meters, even if it is so far away, it is not sure!
Tian Sanqi has stayed in Jiulian for a long time, so he knows that Ma Liang and Liu Jianqiang of Jiulian, under the leadership of Hu Yi, once pretended to be a puppet army and touched the devil sentinel and killed Daba.

Tian Sanqi's face turned black, and he had encountered such a situation, so he quickly recalled the details of Ma Liang's bragging.

He wanted to learn, but his heart was beating wildly, and his expression was extremely unnatural.

He didn't have the guts to just lean in front of the devil sentinel like this!

That time in the county, if the little girl and Lao Zhou hadn't been there, he would have shown his flaws by himself.

A group of two hundred and five crawled at the entrance of the village, looking at the devil sentry behind a tree 300 meters away.

The devil sentinel didn't say a word, he narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the security forces not far away. It was obvious that these security forces were a little afraid of him.

The sentinel who felt superior to others quickly squeezed out a smile, feeling that he should be considered approachable, right?
As for whether the security forces in the distance could see it, he didn't know, but he moved himself first!

I treat you well, right?
In the past, when the Imperial Association Army saw the Imperial Army, they would either go forward to flatter them, or hide as long as they could, but this group of Imperial Association Army stayed there without moving. What does this mean?
It's normal for these timid security forces to be afraid of the imperial army, but can you lay an egg there?You have to come up for personal contact, right?By the way, it’s easy to ask, whose team are you under?
Until the ghost sentry who reported the letter to the lieutenant returned, ran to the previous sentry and stopped, saw this weird scene, couldn't help laughing, and yelled at Tian Sanqi in the distance: "Your, come here!" !"

After finishing speaking, he remained vigilant and waved to Tian Sanqi friendly.

When Tian Sanqi heard that lame speech, he trembled in his heart, and he almost wanted to raise his gun and shoot while squatting halfway.

A recruit next to him, probably because of nervousness and sweat in his hands, couldn't even hold his gun firmly and fell directly to the ground.

The [-] recruits behind and beside them were also nervous, lying on the ground and listening to their heartbeats without saying a word.

Several people looked directly at the idiot next to Tian Sanqi who was making noise and picking up guns.

The veterans who were hiding in the grass and pointed their guns at the devils also had black lines: Why didn't the platoon leader give the order to shoot?

"Hey, yours, come here!" Seeing that the security officer on the other side was scared off even with his gun, the two devils were immediately overjoyed and had to wave again.

"Platoon leader, they think we are the security forces, should we take this opportunity to fish in troubled waters?" Another bold recruit suggested.

"Your mother, what we are holding is the devil's [-] cover, are we going up to die?" A veteran cursed.

"Isn't it enough to replace the gun with these equipment? Anyway, we don't have many guns!"

"That's right, the distance is so far, and the devil doesn't have a telescope, so I don't believe he can see clearly what we're holding!"

"What you said seems to make sense, you will go with me later" Tian Sanqi's confused heart finally calmed down a little, and he immediately made up his mind, Ma Liang and Runny Nose can do it, can I not compare to them?
I also lived in the security army barracks and guarded the devil's city wall!
The team at the entrance of the village suddenly became chaotic.

But after a while, the security forces stopped again. Two security forces climbed up from the dusty ground at the entrance of the village, adjusted their uniforms, and carefully moved towards the devil sentinel.

Seeing that the security forces had finally moved, the devil sentinel who was eager to move up to expand the blockade also came out from behind the tree and walked towards the security forces.

This new recruit was really courageous, walking in front of Tian Sanqi, under the gaze of more than a hundred eyes, tremblingly, he finally merged with the devil.

The recruit hurriedly passed the cigarette: "Taijun has worked hard."

"Then which part are you?"

"Our Fallen Leaf Village. Security forces."

Quickly lit the match, the devil did not refuse, and only after lighting the cigarette did he ask in tone-modified Chinese: "Password!"

"Ah? What password? We have been out for several days."

Because this is a quasi-law and order area, although the security forces of Luoye Village also implemented the password recognition system, the two security forces have spoken out for several days, which seems to be understandable.

The devil sentinel was also helpless.

His Chinese is a bit broken, and he really doesn't know how to ask the password he used a few days ago.

Tian Sanqi at the back heard the trembling voice of the security regiment soldier and answered, holding the rifle slung across his hand, the muzzle of the gun with the bayonet hanging downward, he was now nine times sure to stab one to death first, and then deal with the other.

When the recruit saw Tian Sanqi coming forward, he knew what he wanted to do, so he hurriedly took a small step to the side, blocking between Tian Sanqi and the devil, signaling that he is fine for the time being!
"Luoye Village, Li Youdesang?" The ghost sentinel seemed to understand the surrounding situation very well, so he was relieved.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The recruit who was lighting another devil's cigarette hastily smiled obsequiously.

"You guys, follow me immediately and deploy defenses to the south!" The devil forced an ugly smile on his face, and raised his hand to point to the south.

Some of the veterans of the Ninth Company, who were pulling the [-] cover, hanging the devil's lunch box, and wearing unsuitable leather shoes, had to stay in the village. Most of the recruits followed the two devils and ran all the way to the blockade line in the south.
"Hey, why does that guy look like Tian Sanqi to me?" A spy platoon leader handed the binoculars to the side, his face full of doubts.

A leading soldier in Ma Liang's platoon next to him didn't even pick up the binoculars. He watched the bayonet-mounted rifle dangling from side to side on that burly shoulder. He should be standing on the blockade line looking southward in high spirits, and murmured: "Who else could it be if it's not Tian Sanqi?"

"But, not long after he left, when did Dog R join the enemy again?"

(End of this chapter)

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