under fire

Chapter 493

Chapter 493
The successive gunshots were getting closer and closer, and the roar of bullets could even be heard.

Sun Youshang stood at the entrance of the village, watching the villagers staggering all the way west, until the last one also turned around a pass and disappeared.

Looking back, the village became extremely quiet because of the villagers' departure.

The villagers were not arranged to hide in the cottage on the back mountain, because the spring water on the mountain village had long since dried up due to the drought, and the water could not support so many people.

Panting heavily, Chen Chong's platoon soldiers ran in the sun in embarrassment, rushing into the quiet village.

Hearing the gunshots getting closer and closer, and Chen Chong's figure also appeared in the distance, Park Buhuan next to Sun Youshang couldn't help asking: "Do you think we have to go too?"

"But, go out and inform the brothers in the nearby villages that they haven't come back yet, so I have to wait!"

"Oh, you won't leave if they don't come back? Don't be mother-in-law, hurry up!"

"Why do you talk like that kid?"

"Who do you call boy? How old are you?"

"You are up and down, get out!"

"Hey, then. Take care!" Park Buhuan turned around and sneered at the two soldiers behind him.

The two soldiers immediately stepped forward, picked up Sun Youshang and left.

"Hey, what are you doing, let go quickly, hey hey, can't I go by myself?" Sun Youshang was helpless.

"There's a lot of nonsense, you can remember it clearly for me, you must be optimistic about Secretary Su, otherwise, hehe, Captain Hu is back. None of us have a good life." Park Buhuan suddenly became serious.

"As long as you talk too much, you also have to remember that there is no need to fight head-on with those bandit security forces. The person we sent to ask for help from the county government rode away an hour ago. He should have arrived at the county government by now. If there is no accident , the reinforcement team will arrive nearby before dark!"

"You still count on those guerrillas?"

"Pay attention to your attitude! Also, people have been arranged to contact Company Commander Hu at the Ninth Company's garrison. If there is no accident, they will probably receive the news tonight. The fastest time for the team to come is tomorrow night. The supplementary team will also send You have to pay attention to keep in touch with them!"

"Okay, hurry up and retreat!"

"Hey, I haven't finished yet. These security forces used to be all bandits. When they come back, they probably have nothing to do with devils. The most likely reason is to grab territory."

"That's good, as long as it's not a devil, hey, bandits? You think you can get cheap by relying on a large number of people, don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up." After finishing speaking, Park Buhuan told the soldiers next to him to protect him. Commander Sun Youshang's safety.

The security regiment has a chaotic organization. Up to now, Commander Sun is the supreme leader on the surface, but Commander Sun has a background in intelligence work and is not good at military command. He really can't do anything about such a big scene. This battalion taught and served as the local township head, but this battalion was not formal.

The five people left the village and headed west, their figures hastily disappeared into the bushes under the sun.

Pu Buhuan's expression became excited, and with a greeting, more than [-] soldiers came out from various places in the village, and led by Xiang Buhuan, they rushed to the place where gunshots were concentrated in the northeast of the village.

"Instructor Park, did Officer Su take the old people away?" Chen Chong fired a shot into the distance and asked Park Buhuan who was running over.

"Let's all go, hey, let's have a good time this time!" Park Buhuan looked at the security forces more than two hundred meters away, and shook his head: "Shoot from such a distance, you prodigal!"

"Don't worry about it, it's worth buying a little more time. Didn't you see that the security forces didn't dare to push too hard?"

"Let's lure them to the cottage, I won't kill these bastards!"

"If those security forces don't find anyone in our garrison, they will probably harm the villagers in the nearby villages." Chen Chong was a little worried.

"You have the ability, then you go and transfer all those ordinary people?"

"How many people do we have? But we can't protect the people with guns. I always feel uncomfortable!"

"Don't worry, Sun Youshang has already sent someone to notify the village team leaders. They probably have taken the villagers to find a place to hide now."

"These bastards don't dare to hit the devils, but they beat their own people in a flock of six or seven hundred. I must kill them!" Chen Chong gritted his teeth, he hated those puppet soldiers who attacked the common people.

"Don't worry, the correspondents went to the county, the supplementary regiment, and the Jiulian respectively. I think they can call back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! Let these bastards be proud for two days!"

The sky had begun to darken, and the security team retreated to the cottage not far from the west of the village.

Hundreds of security forces carried dozens of stretchers and finally entered the village, kicking doors everywhere, entering houses and rummaging through boxes and cabinets. Unfortunately, the legendary rich security team is no different from those poor villages!
For a while, the village was full of chaotic sounds.

Xu Erye, who was urging the attack all the way, yelled hoarsely like a duck: "Commander, I think they must have taken things to the cottage!"

Commander Guo stood by the side of the road, looked at the cottage in the sun to the west and said nothing. He chased and killed several security regiment soldiers, but his own men suffered more than [-] casualties.

The long team under him was still rushing towards the village exhausted.

He didn't know if there was an ambush in the village, but he didn't dare to enter the village rashly.

"Report to the commander, there is no one in the village!" A security guard with a crooked hat ran out of the village to report.

"Commander, I think most of them have gone to the cottage!" Xu Erye said with a duck voice.

"Even if they ran to the cottage, why did these villagers disappear?"

"I don't know that!"

"Where's that thief woman?" Commander Guo asked suddenly.

"She said that her work was done. Before entering the village, she left the team and went east." Xu Erye put his cap on his cap with a pistol.

After a while, Commander Guo suddenly said, "I always think this woman is not simple!"

"What's not simple? She's ugly. If I didn't look at Liu's face, I would have killed her long ago. I can also find the imperial army for a few oceans." Xu Erye didn't care, felt hot, and pulled off the big-brimmed hat Fan the wind.

"Don't you think. Did she deliberately let us fight with the security team?"

"So what? We wanted this place anyway!"

"Did someone go to the back of the cottage to block it?" Commander Guo suddenly changed the subject.

"The third child has already sent someone to go, and the brothers are chasing after the cottage, should we go and have a look?"

"What's the third one? His name is Tuanzhang Ma. We are also a regular army now, understand?"

"Yes, Traveler!"

"There's a fart to see in that broken cottage. You went there last time. It's easy to defend but hard to attack. Do you think we can take it down?"

"Then what do we do now?"

"Siege the cottage first. I besieged him for ten days and half a month. I still don't believe that he can't be trapped to death with his surname Sun!"

"Then shall we take over the nearby villages first?" Xu Erye is good at this.

"In such a short time, I don't believe that they can take away all the people in such a large area, you take the brothers to immediately recruit the villagers to give a lecture, and say that this is the defense area of ​​our brigade, and I will pay food and taxes to me in the future! "

"Do you want to give Captain Xu and the others a breath?"

"No, your distant cousin occupies the area close to the county seat. Our territory is now connected from the railway to here. In the future, we will do business with those bumpkins in the mountains, so we don't have to look at that guy anymore."

"Then should we send someone to contact the Eight Routes in the mountains?"

"We occupy this place, are we afraid that they won't come to beg us? I heard that the chop nine has something to do with the eight roads!"

"Hehe, that's a small character. He never expected that he got a batch of food from my distant brother, and he had to borrow it from us in the end!" Second Master Xu winked and smiled wickedly.

"The people in the mountains have to enter the mountain from here for most of their supplies, but in the future, let's send the goods directly here, hehe, it shouldn't be too much to increase the price by [-]%, cut Jiu this little bastard, he will be a man in the future What a shitty business." Commander Guo narrowed his eyes.

"Unfortunately, there's not much oil and water in this poor place. Otherwise, in such a large area, you don't know how much you will charge just for security fees!" Second Master Xu looked regretful.

"After taking down the stronghold, I will kill everyone except that woman! If there is no one left, I will let Commander Ma guard this place in the future!" Commander Guo suddenly felt aroused.

The villagers in these places are all poor ghosts, even if they are kidnapped, they can't find a partner!He doesn't care about thirty or fifty oceans at all now.

(End of this chapter)

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