under fire

Chapter 494 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 494 The Opportunity Comes
"Xiao Sun, how far is it?" Zhang Yi walked in the wilderness with a team of nearly a hundred people.

It was almost dark, and he walked halfway. As the chief of the public security bureau, he was very anxious. Guo Qing, the bandit leader, led 700 people to attack the security team.

Immediately after receiving the news, Director Zhang assembled public security soldiers and militiamen, ready to go for reinforcements, but in the end he had a big fight with County Chief Yang who got the news.

County Mayor Yang disagreed with the risk of taking away the county government's security team, and the two even slapped the table for it. Director Zhang took out an order from the Enemy Engineering Division to get rid of County Mayor Yang.

He made up his mind to take people to the north, because Kesu, the enemy engineer officer of the armed task force, was in the security regiment, but he delayed the trip because of an argument with County Magistrate Yang.

Director Zhang couldn't tell because he couldn't report the specific situation of the security team to the county magistrate, even if the other party was the county magistrate.

The Enemy Engineering Division of the Public Security Bureau is not under the jurisdiction of the county magistrate at all, but is directly ordered by the division's enemy engineering department.

In the current anti-Japanese county government, there are also two county magistrates!The other is the county magistrate of the fugitive government of the national government.

There is no way to say this.

Xiao Sun looked at the exhausted team that had been walking for half a day: "Director Zhang, don't worry about this matter. Although we don't have many troops, we shouldn't have any problem dealing with the security forces!"

"You know what a fart. The security team has only dispatched two companies to leave. How could they beat the security forces? You don't need to comfort me."

"At the current speed, I guess I should be able to arrive in the first half of the night."

Zhang Yi waved his hand to the back: "Speed ​​up!"

When the sunset reflected the wilderness, along the south of the blockade ditch, a team rushed westward to block the north of the ditch, and a team of devils, two cars, and a group of security forces followed closely along the blockade ditch.

The two sides have been marching in a state of confrontation.

A bicycle creaked and quickly followed up.

Hu Yi turned his head, his bronzed face was flushed red, and he quietly turned his back to the setting sun.

"Report, there are devils chasing teams in the east and south at the same time"

Hu Yi raised his head, raised his binoculars, and looked at the team marching north of the blockade ditch. He knew that Tian Sanqi was following behind the devil.

Obviously, Tian Sanqi didn't find a chance to attack, although the current Ninth Company in the south, together with Tian Sanqi's strength, is almost three times the devil's strength!
If the Ninth Company attacked northward, coupled with Tian Sanqi's pincer attack, it would still be very difficult to take down the devils in that team.

Hu Yi is very aware of the devil's combat effectiveness, because the Jiulian seems to have a lot of people, but most of them are recruits, and they are hard to face, so they are not opponents of the devil at all.

Hu Yi knew better that the terrain of this place was too flat, and Jiulian had to cross the blockade ditch, and the terrain advantage was on the devil's side!
The most critical thing is the blockade ditch!

If you want to attack the devils, you have to go through the blockade ditch!
Rushing to the edge of the blockade will become a target for the enemy

Terrain advantage is too important!
Without terrain advantages, the Eighth Route Army's fighting power is not as good as that of the devils. Even if it has three times the strength, it will at most be able to fight the devils and hurt both sides!

There is no need to fight a three-for-one battle with the devils.

So, he was waiting, waiting for dark.

"Company Commander Hu, now there are devils chasing soldiers from behind. We have Tian Sanqi to cooperate with the devils. Look, how about attacking the devils in the north?" Wang Liujin sensed the seriousness of the situation.

No one expected that the devil's reinforcements would follow up so quickly!

Hu Yi really had no choice. Since he didn't want to fight the devils, he could only continue to run until it was dark. At that time, Tian Sanqi could attack the devils in the dark.

There was a sudden chaos in the army of devils in the north, and before Hu Yi could answer Wang Liujin's question, he jumped up and looked north with his binoculars.

A vague party appears in the northern wilds.

Carrying a shuttle-marked broadsword, some wore military uniforms, some village uniforms, some wore steel helmets, and most of them wore various costumes.

The team that appeared suddenly surprised the Devil lieutenant who was closer, and the team that was marching was a little chaotic.

South Eighth Road suddenly stopped.

Sergeant Cao immediately commanded the devils to change their formation.

"Report, there is an eight-way guerrilla in the north!" A devil alerted the sentry and ran to the lieutenant.

The lieutenant got the news that there were reinforcements from the imperial army coming from the east.

That's why he has been patient and didn't take the initiative to launch an attack on the eight roads in the south of the seal channel.

He also knew very well that the Eighth Route team on the south side of the blockade ditch must be the elite Eighth Route team that ate up a squadron of the Imperial Army with a hundred and ten troops!

In the afternoon, I had a few long-distance contacts with the gang from the south, and the marksmanship of those Tuba roads was no worse than his men!

The two sides tried several times, and each other suffered casualties!

Moreover, there are mortars in the Tuba Road team, although they are not accurate.

But it also illustrates the problem!
He knew very well that with his team alone, if he crossed the blockade ditch and attacked the Eighth Route in the south, without the terrain advantage of the blockade ditch, he might not be able to take advantage.

Therefore, he had to be patient and block the Eighth Road to the south of the blockade ditch by blocking the ditch!

He planned to wait for the reinforcements to come up, and then wipe out the eight-way elite in the south!
But after all the calculations, he didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army would come to the north for reinforcements first, even though it was just a guerrilla.

After hesitating for a moment, the lieutenant immediately ordered: "Squads [-] and [-], launch an attack on the Tuba Road guerrillas immediately, and leave one detachment for the security forces to follow, and strictly prevent the [-]th Road from taking the opportunity to cross the blockade ditch!"

His idea is very simple. For the Eighth Route Guerrilla, even if there are almost 200 people coming, he is confident that the two teams can defeat those peasants who are still holding spears!
Tian Sanqi let out a sigh of relief, and the correspondent he sent back to call for someone finally pulled Lao Meng back.

but that dress is too

The devil army Cao ran to Tian Sanqi and stammered: "Your imperial association army will follow up with the imperial army and set up defense immediately!"

When Tian Sanqi heard that his eyeballs fell to the ground, he was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized that he picked up the eyeballs and stuffed them into the eye sockets: "You mean, let's deploy defense together with the imperial army?"

"Quickly" the devil army Cao was a little disappointed seeing the performance of the Huangxie army, but Nanbabian Road was already approaching the blockade ditch, stammering a word ferociously.

Tian Sanqi hurriedly turned around trembling, and gave an order tremblingly: "Listen up, now defend the Eight Routes with the imperial army!"

The squad leader under his command stared wide-eyed, couldn't hold back the sound, and subconsciously opened his mouth wide: "The opportunity has come?"

Tian Sanqi glared at that guy without saying a word, raised his hand to silence with a dark face: "Assemble immediately, listen to the imperial army's command!"

Sergeant Cao is not good at speaking, but it doesn't prevent him from being able to understand Chinese, and he looks at the team standing up together with satisfaction.

Turn around and run back immediately.

The Devil Army Cao ran just a few steps away, but he didn't hear the expected movement behind him, so he had to stop and turn his head, looking anxiously and puzzled at the security forces who were still firing bayonets on the muzzles of their guns in a mess.

He hurriedly reminded with a red neck: "The current bayonet is not used"

In Sergeant Cao's impression, the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Association Army is not good enough. They are timid and only lie on the ground to fight, and they don't even dare to approach the Eight Route Army. Many times the Eight Route Army has no bullets in their rifles. The team of idiots was dispersed, and the Imperial Association Army still likes to run away. I heard that these Imperial Association Army were once chased by the Eighth Route Army, so they ran away

"Uh, it's okay, we'll fight quickly!" Tian Sanqi hurriedly explained.

Seeing the sharp bayonets, the orderly team finally moved forward slowly and tremblingly.

Sergeant Cao's face was not very good-looking, angry and funny. Seeing that the team was still neat, he immediately raised his thumbs up: "Li Youde, not bad!"

The car in front of you butts south.

There were more than [-] devil soldiers left behind, including heavy soldiers, engineers, and car drivers.

At a position about ten meters north of the blockade ditch, there was a long row, one heavy machine gun group, two light machine gun groups, and four grenadier groups, with almost no light firepower.

Tian Sanqi opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it, stars appeared in his eyes, what a great handwriting!Unfortunately, no mortars.
Sergeant Cao grabbed a trembling Imperial Association Army and pushed him down beside a devil, then pulled up two security forces and pushed him beside a devil.
 In real battles, devils generally don't join forces with security forces.

  Of course, there are exceptions. After [-], the devils opened up the Pacific battlefield. The devils were severely understrength and staged countless strange battles. When the Eight Routes wore the puppet army uniforms and attacked the devils and retreated, they discovered that there were a few devils in the team.
  In addition, reply about firearms: In 1863, the Qing army bought ten hand-cranked Gatling guns from the United States, also known as Gatling guns. In 1867, Jinling Manufacturing Bureau successfully imitated them.

(End of this chapter)

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