under fire

Chapter 495

Chapter 495
"Ready to shoot!" A bird's cry sounded over the devil's team, and then, a stuttering Chinese gave an order to the Imperial Association Army.

"Do it!" A law and order soldier who was lying on his stomach howled.

Do it?The Devil Army Cao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and cursed inwardly, telling you to prepare for shooting. If you don't make preparations for shooting at the Eight Routes rushing towards the south at this time, you stand up instead. Are you ready to charge more fiercely than the imperial army?
Don't these idiots know that the five or six meter wide blockade in front is an obstacle?

The Devil Army Cao was stunned for a long time, then he drew out his command knife in a flash, and was about to stop the impulsive Imperial Association Army. With a puff, the bayonet of a strong man in front of him was inserted into the back of a warrior in the machine gun team on the ground.

The sergeant was stunned immediately. Seeing the howling of the warrior on the ground, he seemed to feel that his vest was also cold. Leaning forward was definitely an illusion!
There was red and white under the eyelids, and he couldn't help lowering his head, and a bloody bayonet suddenly appeared in his eyes.

unbelievable!Quickly blink your triangular eyes, the bayonet is really gone!There is only one blood flower blooming!

The strength in his whole body seemed to disappear suddenly, and he tried his best to turn his head back, and a Royal Association soldier was smiling at him with a terrified face.
Sergeant Cao seems to have suddenly understood
Lieutenant Guizi stood behind the team, some distance away from the front position. The moment the Imperial Association Army stood up in unison, he realized that something was wrong.

He, who has been on the battlefield, would rather not be chaotic, quickly drew out the Nanfang pistol, pulled the trigger skillfully, raised his hand slightly, and felt that he aimed at the Royal Association Army who was the most threatening, who was turning around and raised his gun to aim at him, and pulled the trigger.

Then he quickly turned his body and lay down on the side, dodged a bullet, turned over and lay on the ground, raised his gun and smashed a rushing Imperial Association army into a sieve.

The assistant held up the rifle and fired five rounds in a row without missing a single shot!Knock down five imperial association troops to the ground, and face another imperial association army with a rifle

The first ghost cry of the bayonet caused most of the devils to be alert. They are well-trained, and facing the glaring bayonet, most of the devils immediately rolled over on the spot, avoiding the bayonet, and grabbed the gun!Wrestling with the Royal Association Army who was extremely nervous and deformed early.

Almost two of the security forces dealt with one, but they were still at a disadvantage!

The devil who was still alive was wrestling with an imperial association army, and he had to guard against another imperial association army with a bayonet and rifle, and he was also complaining in his heart
For a moment, there was a scuffle on the ground, and the bayonets were held by the side, and they were afraid to make a move and became spectators.

If the bayonet goes down, who knows if it will be two?
Naturally, some experienced veterans immediately turned their guns and smashed the heads of those wearing steel helmets on the ground with the butt of their guns.The recruits imitated the example, and maybe they became very smart at this moment. They followed the example and turned the body of the gun, and the butt of the gun greeted the visible devils on the ground.

Even so, some of the security forces were removed from their guns with bayonets by experienced devils.

Those with weak willpower were killed by devils!The devil who took the gun stood up and pulled the bolt, shooting at the standing traitors, stabbing!
The unlucky audience was stunned at first, and then wanted to grab the bayonet stabbed into the body, but unfortunately the devil didn't give him a chance at all, looking for the next target
Tian Sanqi, whose face was completely black, smashed the head of one devil, took advantage of the situation to block the other devil with all his strength, raised his foot, and kicked the short devil somersaults.

The devil who fell struggled to get up again, trying to seize the opportunity, and sprinted with a gun.

Tian Sanqi held the gun with both hands, swept across, raised the gun to the top of his head, raised the butt of the gun, and smashed down, with a click, another pig's head was smashed to pieces on the spot!

Behind him, another devil who quickly formed a three-three formation, with a grinning grin, stabbed Tian Sanqi's broad back with a bloody bayonet!

He is sure that he can definitely pierce that humble body!

Tian Sanqi had already noticed that the devil had just pulled out the bayonet from one of his hands, and it was too late to turn around, so he turned around and continued to sweep the gun stock with brains, hoping to smash the devil's gun stock when the bayonet was inserted into his body

Wu, who was sitting on the ground with a wound on his thigh, finally picked up a rifle in grief and anger, aimed at the despicable assailant, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang Thank goodness to the ancestors, the rifle bullets on the ground are loaded!

The bullet penetrated into the devil's back, and his small body seemed to be hit by a speeding train. He was carrying a bayonet that had already pierced Tian Sanqi's military uniform, and the point of the knife plowed a horizontal gap in Tian Sanqi's back.

"Anyone who doesn't put down their guns will be shot to death." Tian Sanqi resisted the burning pain in his back, and inserted the bayonet into the back of a devil who was pinching his eyes and rolling his eyes!
The battle was coming to an end, and the remaining five devils gathered back to back, and the corpses fell to the ground around them.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Tian Sanqi's tone was piercingly cold when he walked five or six meters away from the ghost lieutenant.

Turning his head left and right, he looked at a gap, surrounded by more than [-] subordinates of the devil: "Who the hell is soft, stay here later to stop the enemy from counting the ball! Execute now!"

Platoon Leader Tian immediately set an example, regardless of these cowards who were looking at each other, took out a bullet and firmly pressed it into the empty chamber of the gun, and raised it sharply.

Bang, the gun rang, and the bullet hit a devil's thigh!
Lieutenant Guizi was furious and said "eight grids"

"Platoon leader, why don't you hit your chest?" A veteran squad leader who was lucky to be alive stared with blood red eyes.

Tian Sanqi waved his hand violently: "Your mother, that's your comrade in arms behind, what should I do if I punch through the devil's body?"

The squad leader under him laughed, blood rushed to his head, and immediately raised his gun, aiming directly at another devil's thigh, bang, the devil with the gun fell over again, and the devil next to him hurriedly supported him, his face full of grief and indignation.

Seeing that the squadron leader continued to sing, the lieutenant's assistant reached out and took out a magazine, trembling the puller, trying to press it into the gun case.

Looking for death in full view, the audience shouted and cursed on the spot, a soldier let out a suffocated breath, raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

Bang, down four!

The assistant knocked down two shot devils, the bullets were still lingering, and brushed the arms of the lively audience, the guy dropped the rifle, folded his arms and yelled: "Oh, pig, you mother, you stupid idiot without eyes!"

Seeing the sound of pulling the bolt, Tian Sanqi took a long breath, his scalp was numb, and he quickly squatted down and shouted: "Don't shoot and catch alive!"

There was immediate chaos at the scene, and people rushed forward to catch the prisoners in a mess, and there was a lot of curses and snatches.

The huddled crowd suddenly fell silent, and the recruit who went off fire had his neck swollen red: "Sorry, I forgot to unload the bomb"

The rest hurriedly checked their bodies, fortunately there were no extra holes

Tian Sanqi, with a black hair, got up and turned to pull the gun and walked towards the mortar position. The subordinate lying on the ground next to him hurriedly called out, "Oh, platoon leader, I'm going to die"

Tian Sanqi took a look: This guy seems to have been stabbed in the ass, he's full of anger, he's dead!
Continue to walk towards the mortar without making a sound, stand still, and look at the company commander on the opposite side of the blockade ditch. The silly pigtail next to him with big eyes and big mouth can't help grinning silly
Boom, his body fell forward, and after the battle started, he shot and killed two of them by himself, fighting against six devils!
I ran back and forth across the railway line all night, only slept for more than an hour in the morning, and ran back and forth all day, and started snoring

The people who were making a mess at the back saw this situation, and only then remembered that the platoon leader had fallen, and there were wounded and moaning brothers on the ground, and the devils heading north might return at any time
Cursing and swearing, quickly separated, and when I got up, I yelled a familiar name, hoping to hear the answer from my familiar brother

Four bodies were left on the ground.

The four devils can't die with peace in their eyes. They clearly understand that Chinese saying, don't they say they want to be caught alive?

The lieutenant, who was crushed by the devil's corpse, rolled his eyes and was still angry

 Happy holidays, what I'm thinking of is the May [-]st mopping up
(End of this chapter)

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