under fire

Chapter 496 Regular 8 Road

Chapter 496
Attacking a group of shadow cats to the north and chasing after them, they found that Tubalu hadn't caught fire and began to escape. The team followed the lead of the team and divided into three groups.
"What's going on?" The captain of the second lieutenant opened his mouth and asked the observer.

"Not long after we left, there was an exchange of fire in the blocking ditch to the south!"

"Have you come on the eighth road?"

"It should be a small group of Eighth Route troops. I didn't hear the sound of mortars, and I didn't even hear the sound of throwing barrels!"

"Then there shouldn't be any problem. We have to defeat these Tuba Road first, and don't let them interfere with our encirclement of the Tuba Road to the south." The second lieutenant moved his eyes to the telescope and looked back.

"Report, I feel that something is wrong. The Eighth Route fleeing south suddenly stopped. Could there be a conspiracy?" The sergeant next to him was a little puzzled.

"There's a fart conspiracy. They want to attack from both sides. The South Eight Road took the opportunity to escape. Under the command of the lieutenant, there is a blockade blocking the northward escape route of the Tuba Road. None of them can escape!" , The gunfire has stopped, and most of the security forces have stood up. Are they going to gather?

Unexpectedly, the crowd dispersed again after a while, and it must be the lieutenant who was lecturing.

The second lieutenant no longer hesitated: "Our goal is to quickly defeat this group of Tuba roads, without any complications. The reinforcements from the east and south are coming soon. We have to go back and strengthen the defense line as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Sergeant hurriedly recruited a team and assigned three groups of people from the left, middle and right.

There were 31 people in the two teams, and so far, there was not even a single injured person. The second lieutenant kicked the fallen corpses one by one, drew out his command knife with a grin, and ordered again: "Front attack, speed up the two wings and outflank! "

The crooked sub-machine gun on the front fired first!

A fan-shaped barrage interrupted the weeds in front of him, the stems and leaves flew across, roaring and arrogantly sweeping everything blocking the way.

The lieutenant didn't want to compete with these dirt roads, he had to suppress them first, and he didn't expect to kill many balls, I told you at least not to run away with confidence!

Listening to the sound of the devil's machine gun, the bullets screamed above his head.

Captain Mencius had to lie on the ground, and while occasionally firing cold shots to stop the devils from attacking, he waved his hands and ordered his soldiers to retreat to the north.

He didn't forget that Tian Sanqi sent someone to report the situation, didn't ask him how to cooperate, and didn't ask him whether to attack the devil, just let him play by ear!
So far he is blind and has no idea what to do!Tian Sanqi didn't say anything either!

He didn't even understand the suggestion he gave to Tian Sanqi's subordinate squad leader.

As for how to fight back against the attacking devils now, there is no regulation. Anyway, how do the veterans fight?

He felt a little bit bitter in his heart. When the devil's first target appeared, he felt that something was wrong, and he knew very well how much he had under his command.

Fortunately, Tian Sanqi left behind some veterans with [-] caps, who were using the grass to cover them, fired a bullet out of the barrel, and immediately turned over to change places.

While fighting and retreating, the rifle bullets passed through the grass and bushes, whistling everywhere.

Timidly, he covered his head and dared not open his eyes, and murmured to the Jade Emperor Guanyin Bodhisattva to bless him.

The guerrilla fighters who had been with the Ninth Company, in a group of three, calmly raised their guns to fight back, not afraid of the bullets roaring in the wild grass.

After being knocked down by a bullet, he just silently held his wound. Naturally, some panicked comrades bandaged him, rolled their eyes and kicked their legs after getting hit.
Behind an undulating hillside in the north, the sweaty militiamen are working hard on the back of the shuttle line with shovels to dig the soil, listening to the sound of gunfire, they are still nervous and still working hard.

The scattered team fought and retreated, leaving behind the soldiers who were shot, and slowly headed north.

Finally retreated to the edge of the hillside, retracted the gun and stopped firing back, and quickly ran behind the shuttle line.

Captain Meng adopted the veteran's suggestion and dug trenches on the hillside to attract devils to attack and relieve the pressure on Tian Sanqi to cooperate with the company commander to fight devils!
Hu Yi never really taught his subordinates the battlefield layout in detail, but the soldiers of the Ninth Company consciously copied a certain experience of the company commander in fighting devils, and even used it mechanically to learn and grow in battle.

The general direction was set, and the improvised squad, led by the squad leaders of various styles, dug out messy trenches.

The gentle hillside is nearly [-] meters above

There are even two soldiers who made two single soldier pits directly on the flat ground under the flanking hillside!
The leader of the devil squad has a black line.

Tubalu retreated faster than a rabbit!

Eight Routes actually blocked the attack tenaciously on the two wings and let go of the front!
The division of troops into three routes and two wings failed to make a detour, and the result of the attack was that the three routes went hand in hand!

The red sky slowly turned gray, and Balu ran to the distance and drove a hillside for a mile, and then he couldn't see anything.

The second lieutenant waved his hand to signal the frantically jumping machine gun to move forward again. He felt that after the chase reached the shuttle line, he would give up. He had already chased for almost five miles. .

Thinking this way in my heart, there is no need to waste bullets on those few figures who seem to be injured and run away slowly.

The Ninth Company soldiers who fled back to the hillside in a mess joined the militiamen, and the ordinary people digging trenches, led by some militiamen, ran north with hoes and shovels.

The devil's machine gun stopped just now, and two grenades flew towards the hillside immediately. The sound of the explosion kicked up a cloud of dust, which made it buzz, and the sky seemed to be raining mud.

The veterans began to touch the ridge line, the rifles were protruded first, the brims of the hats were turned back, and the muzzles half-towarded the sky were slowly leveled.

A wretched eye appeared first.

Bang, a bullet from a devil in the distance hit the soil in front of him with a thud, splashing sand and dust, and the soldier who was called out hurriedly shrank his head: "His grandma's!"

When you hear it, it's the soldiers of the rich and noble platoon!
After spitting out a mouth full of sand, this guy quickly took out a grenade, unscrewed the cover, straightened it out, put it behind the pile of dust just now, turned over to probe again, and then retracted immediately.

With a puff, another bullet hit the ground in front of him.

How is this played?
Devil's marksmanship is too good, right?
However, with just these two blinks, he could still see the formation of the devils clearly.

The stragglers were separated by a distance of nearly 150 meters. Some devils lay on the ground for cover. The machine gun position was [-] meters away in the middle. Twenty or so devils rushed towards the middle of the hillside.

The veteran yelled directly: "The devil is 50 meters away, after three seconds, throw a grenade!"

After speaking, without showing his head at all, he pulled the butt of the gun and pushed the bolt, then raised the butt of the gun, and pulled the trigger regardless.

With the sound of the gunshot, a guerrilla fighter who was not afraid of death suddenly stood up and pointed the machine gun at the devils attacking team on the open ground on the hillside.

Gritting his teeth, tensing his nerves, he pulled the trigger hard.

Da da da da da.
No sooner had the two short bursts been completed than the machine gunner was shot in the head and fell backwards.

The fingers subconsciously executed the order of the brain, and there were two more clicks, and two groups of flames flashed from the muzzle of the gun to the sky
Then nothing happened.

It was a completely suspenseless battle, almost one-sided. The guerrillas failed to suppress the devils with machine guns at a distance of about 100 meters, reaping the lives of the attacking devils, and allowing the devils to rush directly to a distance of 50 meters.

As long as the guerrillas take the lead, they will die!

On the same terrain, Hu Yi was able to fight well, but the guerrillas had the advantage but were beaten by the devils.

Not only because the guerrillas have no difference in machine gun firepower, but the most important thing is that the devils came prepared.

Moreover, when Hu Yi commanded, he seldom let the devils into the hundred. When he really wanted to let go, it was basically guaranteed that the firepower would be one-sided, and the devils would be almost completely suppressed.

The Devil's machine gun has become the primary target. It is a guerrilla machine gunner with the Devil's rifle.
In terms of the timing of the battle, it is not at the same level at all. Even a few seconds may determine the outcome of the battle!

As for the will to fight, Hu Yi also did not make any pre-war mobilization. He is a veteran and knows how to make the situation more favorable to him, so like Wang Liujin who is not afraid of charging, Hu Yi never said anything.

To grasp the favorable opportunity, for Eight Roads, it all depends on experience!
When the devil grenades hit and exploded, the guerrilla was on the verge of collapse. If the devil threw a few grenades up in a while, some recruits would pee their pants immediately!

Not to mention the dangling bayonet appearing in front of your eyes
The devil observers who were in charge of observing the situation on the battlefield had almost no work to do, and Tubalu didn't even have a decent counterattack.

They didn't even dare to put their heads out, and the devils who were devious on both wings didn't even have a target, because the Tuba Road guerrillas didn't even have resistance.

Although nervous, Mao picked up the gun with his waist bent, still intentionally or unintentionally looking into the middle with his peripheral vision.

This is the official Tuba Road!
two more shots

I'm waiting for you to charge
(End of this chapter)

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